Thursday, March 28, 2019

3-27-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

3-27-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our pleasure to be here, at this very high-vibe time on your Beloved Planet, with us coming together and feeling the Love, that we are, and the Light that we are, heart to heart. Because, yes, you are going through your challenges, and now things are coming to a head for many of you. And you are feeling much more support, than you have ever felt in dealing with this Density of Duality, that you are faced with continually every day in negotiating how you will be able to survive and create a reality, that feels good to you, and that honors your Spirit. 

So, it becomes a very fascinating journey, we would say, because all of the time with these high vibrations, coming in right now, you perhaps are feeling different thoughts come in, and things that possibly you hadn’t considered before, that work as a solution in the Now Moment for you to raise the level of your vibration, and for you to take steps to create the reality that allow you, to do it with Ease and Grace, in the way that you are envisioning and the way that you desire.

So, this can be a very tremendous Gift of bringing in these high vibrations, and, yes, to use your imagination in a very creative way, when encountering these new thoughts, and these feelings of Joy, that perhaps you haven’t encountered to this level and degree before. Because yes, the vibrations of these photon energies, that are visiting your planet right now, produce a lot of effects, that haven’t been available to you at this level of intensity, we would say, pretty much ever on the planet.
Because the level of the consciousness, through all that you have endured together, in this, what we would call, this last 13,000 years of testing this duality, in its density, we would call it a Duality Life Cycle, because all of these lifetimes have been joined together. And you’ve been on this Mission to learn Life Lessons to accelerate your spiritual evolution.

And it has been a wonderful phenomenon for all of us to witness upon the ships, and see you go through all of the different steps in the dances, to raise the level of your vibration. Because, we call it a dance, because there’s so many movements, and a lot of time you are very well served with just allowing yourself to breathe, to feel into the Heart Center, and let go. And then there is such a feeling of Ease and Grace, as the answers become apparent to you, and you are in the flow of your own Dynamic Energy, and just breathing into the Heart Center, and letting go to the intensity of these feelings. We know that they can be very, very liberating and give you special new insights into how your Ascension Process is accelerating.

So, we would say that you are all in the process of bringing it all on home, in completion of your Mission. And yes, we are on the same Mission. We feel these energies as you do, only we are not at that level of density, because we are in light body upon the ships.
Ah, yes, Beloveds, we ask you to take heart here, in knowing what a wonderful job you have all done, and how much we love you that we cannot possibly express in verbal words here.

We love you so very much. We thank you for your participation on this Beloved Call tonight.

Namaste and good night.

3-27-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

3-27-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Welcome to the call. Yes, we have been having quite a time of it together, and watching you go through a lot of the changes that are transpiring on your Beloved Planet, because the level of the vibrations have been rising so dramatically now. 

And you’re going through different cycles, where your Schumann Resonance is peaking. And it is the barometer that tells you, and tells us, that we are in the stages that we weren’t in before, where you’re in really high vibrations, and the potentialities of creating your reality, and spreading the transmission into the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of the vibration all throughout the consciousness of humanity is now intensifying and, we would say in a very beautiful manner. 

Because once you reach this certain point of saturation in the Collective Consciousness on your Beloved Planet; because really not separate, you’re not separate from Mother Gaia, and just opening up your hearts and letting go to this transmission from her, from the energies that are coming in from the Galactic Center afford you the opportunity to rise up higher and higher in vibration, and to have what we would call these ah-ha moments. Because the transmissions are the encodements that are coming in, during this process, and are quite a bit different than what you have been experiencing up to this point. And now is a very special time, because you are moving at a rapid pace toward this process of accelerating your Ascension.

So, it is wonderful for us to see the changes in the energy on your Beloved Planet. As we have commented before, we see a light show, showering all of the Beloved Beings and the Kingdoms on your planet. And this wasn’t happening some years ago. But now that you have intensified the vibrations, that are coming in to such a degree, after reaching the markers in 2012, that firmly put you in the flow of accelerating the Ascension Process and activating this Divine Decree to make it a reality for everyone on your Beloved Planet. So, this is what we see happening.

And now just breathing into the Heart Center and me bi-locating my paw to you and reaching out with your other hand to somebody on this call. Ah, yes, breathing into the Heart Center, sending the energy out through your left palm, around the circle and back into the palm of the right hand and up into the Heart Center. And with our breathing, allowing ourselves, with the Speed of Thought, to rise on up off of the surface, into the layers of the atmospheres. And now up into the layers of ships, and coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. 

And opening up the landing deck and we’re rising on up all connected to one another at the same time, hovering in the air lock and allowing the landing deck to close beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, and we’re walking on back to the elevators and we’re getting in this one altogether and pushing this button up, and it’s rocketing us up into the top level here at a very quick pace. 

And now we’re opening up the door, and we’re walking on through into my Crystal Healing Room with all the Beloveds that have assembled to join us on this meditation. And some of them may be your ancestors, or you from an incarnation or two that you have experienced previously. So, feeling their energies, and it is so really wonderful for us all to be here altogether here tonight to participate in our mission, raising the level of the vibration for your Beloved Planet. 

So, assembling around the Crystal Altar, me bi-locating my paw, and you reaching out to somebody else with your free hand there, and sending the energy around the altar, around your inner circle to the outer circles. And breathing into it, and now spiraling this energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, all up, down, and around and through accompanying the vibrations of the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings in this room, angels, and archangels, Ascended Masters, Commanders on the ships, your ancestors and feeling these high vibrations of the crystals. Because there is such a wide assortment of crystals from all over the cosmos, that have been assembled here with particular functions to aid in our mediations, to raise the level of our vibrations, and direct the energies in a most harmonious way on your Beloved Planet.

Ah, because it all has to do with integrating these high vibrations while still you, at the same time, having a continuity with the 3rd Dimension. And we realize that this isn’t often very easy to do, and especially with the way that the negative programming, and the matrix has been constructed around it to control you.

But, and we keep on saying this, and if you could see on what a broad level, an all-encompassing wave of Love and Light, that we mean this, when we say that Love is stronger, and the higher that you go up into these high dimensions of reality that exist in your solar system, that you can actively participate in, there’s where the real power is.

 That the machinations of the Artificial Intelligence, and their minions of the Cabal, the black magicians, the programmers of their very dark and nefarious religions, they don’t have power in the 5th Dimension and beyond. And this is where the Unity is. By just breathing into the Heart Center and focusing this LoveLight. And we’re asking you to feel your Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with this Beloved Meditation tonight, whether it be financial, spiritual, health related, having to do with the wellbeing of your children, or even artistic creations that you want to disseminate throughout the consciousness on your Beloved Planet, whatever it be, just breathing into your Heart Center and focusing your Intentional Requirements upon it. 

And now, our Requirements, in the totality of our Meditation and the Mission, that we’re all on together, require Peace on your Beloved Planet, and all of the fundamentals that have been addressed in this Beloved Blueprint, we would say, to raise the level of the vibration of your reality called Beloved NESARA. Because in order for you as a species to anchor in this 5th Dimension, there has to be the end of all war. There has to be the end of all the lower vibrations. And one of the ways that these vibrations have been allowed to thrive, and to support the cabal, the way that they have, has been because of their manipulation and their survival dynamics.
Well, doesn’t it make sense that each and every one of you have Birth Rights? Each and every one of you, because you’re part of the Godhead, automatically are entitled to Prosperity and Abundance, because that’s the nature of your being. Just take a look in the firmament some night at the stars. And that’s the type of abundance that we’re talking about, in relationship to you satisfying all of your survival needs, while you are incarnated on this Beloved Planet.

So now, shining the LoveLight of the Crystal, through the tip of the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and focusing in a spiral, shooting it down onto your Beloved Planet. And spiraling it from the atmosphere to the surface, beneath the surface, getting into every subatomic particle on your Beloved Planet, filling it with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, going up, down, and around and through.  And feeling the rhythm of these high vibrations of the LoveLight going into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings, into their Heart Centers and to waking up their connections in the right lobe of their brain.

And isn’t it wonderful for these Beloved Brothers and Sisters, on your Beloved Planet, to be waking up, and to feel that they are so loved, and that they are worthy of feeling Joy in this Now Moment? Ah yes, this is the transmission that we’re talking about. It is one of Unconditional/Universal Love of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And just breathing into it, expanding it, allowing it to expand exponentially in these waves of photon energy, that have been visiting your Beloved Planet.

And let us go to Antarctica right now, because there is so much waiting to be discovered; when the Truth is disseminated regarding Antarctica, and the artifacts, that are housed there that show quite clearly, and to back up the Truth that will be disseminated, when the time comes, when you’re ready for this high vibration, which we feel is very soon, for all of you Beloveds to believe in the Truth, that is going to be disseminated to you about other races being there for many millions of years, and of them having advanced technology over what you have right now.

And we know for a lot of you, this is really hard for you to wrap your minds around and to accept. But this is the nature of the degree of how you have been controlled on this Beloved Planet. And all of this is going to become wildly apparent, when the Truth is disseminated, the way we see it happening with our participation, of course, at the time of the unfolding of all of the conditions of NESARA.

So, rising on up in a spiral here, and spiraling it vertically from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface, that affects all of the remnants of these ancient cultures, that have been hidden away for so very, very long of a period of time. And up, down and around and through and permeating these layers of density, with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.
And feeling the level of the vibration rise up and bring in more and more of the LoveLight. Because, yes, nothing is stagnant in the Beloved Universe with the way, that this Law of Multiplication works. So, it’s up to us to use it in a very positive manner, by focusing on the high vibrations of Love and Light, which we all emanate from.
And now going a little bit North here, to North America, and getting down into the elevators in Mexico, our special little conduit, to get into these underground tunnels going far, far underneath the surface, and accessing this tunnel route here. And shining this LoveLight in a horizontal manner from the beginning, here in Mexico, all through the United States, up into Canada and back again, in through Mexico. Up, down and around and through to raise the level of the vibration on all of the secret armaments, the secret spas, the secret rituals that have been done throughout the ages, in these installations all connected by this network of tunnels. 

And breathing into it and feeling this LoveLight permeate all of the subatomic particles, the treasures, the honeycomb chambers, that are so very easy for them to hide untold wealth, precious treasures of art, advanced technologies, you name it. And we see that soon is the day, when all of these secrets will be unearthed, and that you will be able to access them, their mystery, their, umm, being able to utilize them for your own benefits, for the benefit of all of the Beloveds on your planet.  And just breathing into this realization, that the time of this Cabal’s domination is over and done.
And now, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloveds, who have been made captives of the Cabal and put into slavery to satisfy their needs, whatever they were, whatever their Soul Contract entails for them to do in this lifetime.

And we say to them, speaking heart to heart, that “We love you so very much. We honor you because yes, you have been a game changer. You have made it so that these secrets are becoming very transparent on your Beloved Planet, and that everyone who hears these stories, they feel it resonate within the four bodies of their being, and they feel, particularly in their hearts and minds, that there is an active connection there knowing that this is the Truth, no matter how badly they’ve been brainwashed by the mainstream media.

“But the Sound of Truth has its own cellular power, for you to identify with, and that’s what we see happening, people identifying with the Sound of Truth. But it wouldn’t be possible if you, Beloveds, hadn’t have done the work, by being enslaved down there underneath the surface of your planet. Because, yes, you found a way to raise the level of the vibration, and to go along with the ride.

“So, we love you so very much and we say to you that soon, all of this will have been worth it, for the amount and the degree of Liberation and Joy that you will feel, well, ascending into very high frequencies of this LoveLight, and connecting with all of the higher aspects of your being.”

And we say to you, all of you Beloved Beings on the call, we love you far beyond verbal expression, also for all of your commitments and your efforts to learn, to multiply this LoveLight exponentially at this most-pivotal time.

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

3-20-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

3-20-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so happy tonight to join all of you. And yes, we know some people will listen to the recording and read the transcription also. 

And, ah yes, this meditation really brought in a lot of energy and really defined what our Mission is in the Now Moment for accelerating all of your Beloved Ascension Processes, and that of your planet, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and all of the kingdoms too. Because yes, their energies are of a very high vibration, and they are rising up exponentially along with you, Beloveds, at this most integral, and promising, and wonderful time.
Because you have earned this place where you are of rising up into high vibration and to integrating the energies of the 5th Dimension in a way that have never been felt before. Because now you have under your belt, as they would say, the experiences, the spiritual knowledge, and the evolution, that you have gone through in all of these Beloved Lifetimes; testing this density of duality in such extreme ways, and always having to find that thread in your life, that would enable you to realize who you really are, when you go over to the other side.

Because this is the Truth of your being. And being in your inner Truth, recognizing it, and allowing it to expand into your heart, and to stay in your integrity with it, is truly one of the most marvelous and magnanimous things, that you could do as a Compassionate Observer of you, being the Creator of your Reality as you go through this process. 

And yes, we’ve said to you, now it has been six-and-a-half years since you passed the marker. And we don’t give any dates either. We just feel what is transpiring on your Beloved Planet at this time of your Vernal Equinox here in your calendar year of 2019.  And we know that it’s a surprise for very many Beloveds on your planet to be feeling these energies, because they never really have felt them this way before. And they’re going to start to have to make some different choices, because they will want to align themselves more and more with these high vibrations.
And that’s where we see your roles becoming so very significant at this time. And it may be nothing more than a smile or talking with somebody and letting them feel your energy. Because after they leave you, they will say, “Who was that person? Why was she feeling so good? Her vibration really wasn’t of this town or this city or even of this earth.”

And they perhaps will ponder that and look inside of themselves, to see that they are very capable of being in that energy also.  And that they attracted your energy into their lives for a reason. And this is all part of your Ascension Process on this Beloved Planet.

Because, Beloveds, nothing by way of the Universal Laws, and how they interact with you and the co-creation of your reality, they are not stagnant. There is this Universal Law of Multiplication and part of that is when the energies rise to a certain frequency, the transmission of those desires of all of our prayers and Intentional Requirements, the energy intensifies really in an exponential way.  And that is what is happening today on your Beloved Planet. 

You are reaching this Point of Separation with the 3rd Dimension.  And yes, it has taken thousands and thousands of years. Well, we are here. We are with you. We are at your call anytime. And we love you so thoroughly and so totally, far beyond any verbal expression that we could ever utter.

We love you so very much, Dear Beloveds. We thank you for your efforts, for the spirit at which you do your prayers, clearings, exercises and meditations.

Namaste and good night.

3/20/19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

3/20/2019 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, what a marvelous day it is!  It is a day when the energy floods your planet in waves. It is day of rebirth. It is a day of anchoring in these high vibrations that we have been calling for consciously for many years now with our meditations, with our prayers, with our affirmations, incantations, exercises and just thinking, envisioning what life in the 5th Dimension is going to be for us and what we desire to create in these high-vibrational energies.
And yes, we are on the cusp of making this happen. And yes, we’re going to give you the disclaimer saying that no dates. We don’t mention dates. We say everything is in Divine Timing. And perhaps you can feel the energies today ramping up, we would say, and being in a very nice place right now for us, to allow us to take advantage of these high vibrations and utilizing their power, the depth and scope and range of their LoveLight to carry us up in these higher dimensions, so that we enable our meditation to be very powerful tonight in calling forth the requirements of NESARA in our reality, which is a springboard into the 5th Dimension for us. (cough) Ah, yes, a drink here. 

And maybe it is a time of reflection for you in feeling all that you have been through in this life and the knowing, that you have come a long, long way. And we would say that the longer we come into, and the more that we integrate these high-vibe energies, the faster the acceleration happens into the 5th Dimensional reality; where we begin to really accelerate our Ascension Process and bring it in and make it totally real for ourselves and all of those, who are choosing Ascension in this Beloved Lifetime.
But we would say that dates like today make it even harder to sit on the fence or to be asleep. Because now we are being bombarded even more so than before, and we would say that today is like a Point of Separation into these higher-vibrational energies.

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to you, and you stretching out your other hand to somebody else on the call. And just breathing into the Heart Center and sending the energy around the circle from the left side out through the palm of the left hand and around the circle, bringing it back in through the palm of the right hand, breathing into the Heart Center and allowing ourselves to use the heart, and the Power and Speed of our Thoughts to jettison ourselves off of the surface of your Beloved Planet.
And rising up through the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships and coming upon my humongous ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck.  And now just allowing ourselves, all at the same time joined together to come through and hover in the air lock, while the landing deck closes beneath us.  And just breathing into it. And now, it’s safe to touch down.
And we’re walking on back to the elevator and all getting in again at the same time and closing the door. We’re pushing this button to take us way on up. And just breathing into our hearts in this Now Moment. And now, we come to the last stop, my Crystal Healing Room.

Opening up the door and walking on out and joined by all of the Beloved Beings with their smiling faces and welcoming eyes as we march through the Healing Room to our Beloved Alter in the middle of it. And yes, you may be feeling the nudge or hairs standing up on the back of your neck from an incarnation from your ancestors, perhaps an incarnation of yourself from a previous lifetime in testing out this density of duality here on your Beloved Planet.

And just breathing into it, the energies of the room as we assemble around the altar. And perched upon this altar is our Master Crystal. And now, ringing around, holding my paw still, and a hand of any of the Beloveds on this call. And sending this energy again from the left, around the circle, into the right, into the heart and into the outer circles of the Mentors, the Beloved Beings on the ships of the Ashtar Command, other Ascended Masters, and archangels, and angels, and of course, incarnations of ancestors who wouldn’t miss this for the world, especially on such a high-vibe day. And sending these energies from the floor, through the circles, to the walls, to the ceiling and spiraling it up, down, around and through vertically. And just breathing into your hearts, expanding the energies ever so gracefully with ease.
And focusing upon this Master Crystal with the Intentional Requirement of what you want to create for yourself with the energies of this Beloved Meditation, whether it be financial, personal, relationship oriented, or having to do with your health and wellbeing, or the ability to expand your gifts at this time of creativity. And just allowing yourself really to feel Joy and Bliss. And that’s always a worthwhile pursuit, we would say, just like dancing is or singing.
So focusing on the Master Crystal here from our hearts into the crystal, shining the LoveLight and feeling the Love and Light that we are and knowing there are no limits to this. We can have as much of this Unconditional, Universal Love as we desire and expand our consciousness without any limitations whatsoever, as long as we allow ourselves to be in harmony with the spirit and vibration of the Love and Light that we are.
And now, we require that this meditation bring up very prominent results for bringing the hearts of all the Beloved Beings and the Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet together in high vibration and to realize this feeling of Heart-Centered Oneness at all times from now on from this day forward. And it is in the spirit of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude that we put this forth and shine it into our Master Crystal. 

And now, shine it on up to the tip of the Master Crystal into the opening in my Beloved Crystal Healing room, and let it pour through the ceiling of my ship down onto your Beloved Earth with the Power and Speed of our Thoughts.  Spiraling it up, and down, and around and through your Beloved Planet from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface, affecting all of the subatomic particles, up, down, around and through. Just breathing into it, allowing yourself to be one with the rhythm with the harmony of all of these high-vibrational energies coming together with the one purpose of expanding the energies in the Oneness of the Love and Light that we all are.

And taking it into even a higher vibration at this time because, Beloveds, the higher we go up into the dimensions, the more of a Point of Separation that we feel from having to, umm, be manipulated and going for any of the lies of the ego. They become powerless over us, and this is what we would say, is a final phase to our work in the 3rd Dimension, to allow ourselves to rise on up and feel this Point of Separation now and go for the Light even more so, knowing just how much the Universe is supporting us at this Beloved Time, this magical time.
And our brother Merlin is here tonight, like he always is. And I can see him with his wand showering the sparks of the LoveLight on all of the Beloved Beings in our circle tonight and all over the Crystal Healing Room.

And now, focusing this LoveLight onto Beloved London where some changes need to be made. And rising on up in these high vibrations and opening the hearts of all of these minions of the cabal that have been so afraid knowing that the end was getting near to their illustrious European Union. And that now is the time where the will and the needs of the people have to be honored and met; so that the new plan, the new financial system can take root and grow in a wonderfully nurturing, exponential way on your Beloved Planet. And we say, today is the start. So, from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface, because yes, they have their network of underground, enclaves also there. 

And in Ireland and all through the UK, and various parts of this European Union, shining this LoveLight up, down, around and through in our Beloved Spiral, vertically here. And allowing ourselves to feel Peace, Joy, Harmony, this Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and deep appreciation for all of the Beloved Beings who have helped us on our journey to get to this place where we are in this Now Moment tonight. 

And we say we are so grateful to all of them from all over the cosmos as well as all of you, you Beloved Beings, Brothers and Sisters of Beloved Mother Gaia, and Mother Gaia herself. And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to feel Joy and Happiness of being here at this most-auspicious time, joining with one another on this meditation.
Ah, yes, we’re seeing the necessity to balance underneath the sea in the Ring of Fire right now. So we know that that is a really large, large area. So going over there to the West Coast of the United States, up into the Aleutian Peninsula and even further North than that, up into Nome and stretching in a horizontal way from Indonesia, all through the Pacific Ocean, up into Alaska, along the coast of California and Canada, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface into the tectonic plates. 

And we’re doing a reverse spin here. So we’re going counterclockwise to ease off the tensions that are building from these high vibrations coming in. Up, down and around and through, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, with the Intention of bringing more LoveLight onto your Beloved Planet in a way that inspires all of the Beloved Beings to raise the level of their consciousness and let go of their resistance.

The resistance is really a major piece of the puzzle that makes it so hard for these energies to come in. And yes, it is felt underneath the oceans and the tectonic plates. So the less resistance you Beloved Humans have and all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, that they can bottom out the stress from all of the pollutions and things that are unnatural to them that mankind has perpetrated upon them. Ah, we see good, good results happening from this.

And now, spinning in a clockwise direction with our Intentional Requirement for bringing in more and more Peace, Harmony, Understanding, Unconditional Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. And feeling it spiral up, down, around and through, all over the Ring of Fire and into Hawaii too, this very, very large expanse of real estate on your Beloved Planet.

And now, let us go over to Mexico into our Beloved Elevators down there that takes us into the underground complex, and feeling our spiral come alive with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And spiraling it horizontally all through the tunnels way underneath the surface here into the underground installations, the honeycomb chambers that secrete away all of the secrets, all of the untold wealth, the advanced technologies, the very dark rituals and places where these rituals are done that are really shrines to the dark entity of Lucifer, which is not the Truth of who you really are as Beloved Beings of the Godhead. 

So, just breathing into it, up, down and around and through from Mexico into the United States and up into Canada and back again, a really wide area from coast to coast going down underneath the surface, ferreting out all of these dark energies, shining the LoveLight on them to exponentially rise up in these high vibrations that are coming into your Beloved Planet tonight.
And now, shining our Beloved LoveLights on all of the beings who have been made into slaves by honoring their Soul Contracts and allowing themselves to be become ritual sacrifices, to become servants, to take on such very heavy karma. And they have done a marvelous job, because now everything that the Cabal does is becoming transparent. And there is such an awareness happening around the pedophilia rings, and why they have given this cabal so much power. Some would say that human trafficking has given the cabal more power than illicit drugs. 

So just breathing into these Beloveds hearts, and we say to them, “We love you and honor you so, so very much. You have our deepest compassion, empathy and respect for all that you have done, for all that your lives have encompassed in healing and carrying forth the Truth of what really goes on down there and how you have been made to suffer by letting go of your connection. 

“And we see that most of you had to let go of your familial connection at a really early age. And it didn’t allow you really to grow up and be nurtured the way that your genes intended for you to feel in this lifetime, in any lifetime. But your Soul Contract superseded the needs of your genetic requirements in this lifetime. And now it is your time of rising up and transitioning very, very soon for a lot of you to the other side. 

“And we see that there’s a few of you that have expired but are very afraid to take the next step to go across the Bridge of Flowers and to rise on up over onto the other side of the veil. But now, we’re calling in your guides, your I Am Presence, your angels. And we’re having them hold your hands and make the awareness known to you that you have done such a marvelous job in this lifetime. And now it is the time to free yourself from the horrors of that installation wherever you found yourself in the underground bases. 

“And now, we’re sending you so much Love and Light on your journey back home, because they really want to honor you and to feel your energy and your Love and Compassion once again.”
And so, Beloveds on this call, and those who listen or read the transcription of this meditation later on, we say to you, we honor you all so, so very much for your participation, for your awareness in knowing your Missions, and how the energy works that allows us to come together, and make the most of our time together to fulfill the requirements for our Ascension for your Beloved Beings and Kingdoms and Mother Gaia herself on your Beloved Planet. 

And we say to you Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

3-13-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

3-13-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am so very happy to be here with Mother Sekhmet tonight and to breathe into your hearts and to shower you with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. Because, yes, you can have as much of this Unconditional, Universal Love as you want. And you could be pulling it in and shining it out as a Beloved Beacon of the LoveLight that you are. It doesn’t go away, the ability to do this. And now it’s only intensifying on your Beloved Planet. 

Well, we have called forth this very high-vibrational energy and this dynamic of spreading the LoveLight all throughout your planet for a really long time, haven’t we? And now we would say that it is taking root. And it is holding water. And it is allowing your energies to flow in a very exponential way with Sananda.  And yes, we are having a most marvelous time right now, witnessing how the seeds we planted so very long ago all over your beloved Planet, how they are bursting forth into blossoms right now, and how we smell the fragrant perfumes of such heart-felt Love, heart to heart, amongst so many Beloved Beings on your planet.  And yes, this feels very, very good for us.

And we ask you to breathe into these energies and to let go of your mind telling you about survival, and how much you need to do, whereby it feels that you’re on this tight treadmill.  We say let go of the treadmill and allow yourself really to intermingle and mesh with these vibrations up into the highest of the dimensions that you can assimilate.
And, of course, we’re right here with you every step of the way, loving you, supporting you, giving you encouragement because, yes, we have come so far.  We love you so, so very much, more than any words would express it in the least for your dedication, for lifetime after lifetime, doing what you felt in your heart. And yes, for allowing yourselves in very many of your lifetimes to live full lives, so you would come upon the wisdom of having to play out so many situations over and over again, and making choices that allowed you to grow, and to learn your life lesson in a very dynamic way for that lifetime.

So, Beloveds, we say to you, call us whenever you want our Love and support, to feel us ever more strongly.

We love you.  Namaste and good night.

3-13-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

3-13-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very happy to join together with you once again heart to heart in our communion tonight. And yes, we have quite a bit of meditating, going to different places and clearing it out, to do. And well, of course, we’re going to have fun. We always do. And these energies with what is coming into your Beloved Planet, oh, they are so inspiring to all of us. 

Because, yes, we realized we had to get into these energies before things would be coming to this point of Truth. And that is what we see transpiring right now, Beloveds. And so, you know, now is the time to allow ourselves to really feel into these energies that are coming into your Beloved Planet and to let go to them so that we can expand them ever more, up through the dimensions, so that it becomes that much easier to anchor in the 5th Dimension in this Now Moment of your reality. 

Ah, so let us join together, me bi-locating my paw once again, and you reaching out your other hand to somebody on the call, and just breathing into the Heart Center. And with our breathing, slowing down and relaxing into the rhythm of our breathing into our hearts. And sending this energy from the left palm around the circle and back in through your right palm and breathing into it. And with the Power of our Thoughts, rising on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet at the Speed of Thought into the atmospheres, into the layers of the ships. And zooming right on up to my ship.
And we’re opening up the landing deck as we approach it. And now we’re going right in. We’re hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now we’re touching down and walking on back to the elevator and opening the door, all getting in at once. And we’re pressing this button that’s going to take us up a long, long way—it’s really high throughout my ship—in a short amount of time. And yes, we’re pulling in and opening up the door. And all of the Beloved Beings are already gathered here. They’re waiting on us.

And we are congregating around this altar. And yes, very many Beloved Beings here tonight, some of them your ancestors, possibly some of them incarnations of yourself from a lifetime or two. And assembling, holding the paw and the hand, around this Beloved Altar where the Master Crystal sets. And breathing into it. 

And the Beloved Mentors circling around us and all of the other beings forming circles around them. And our ancestors are in there too. And now sending this energy from our hearts, through the circle to the outer circles, from the floor, spiraling it up, spinning the walls to the ceiling, up, down and around and through to integrate all these high vibrations in the consciousness of the Beloved Beings here in the imprinted energy signatures of the crystals from all over the multiverse. And breathing into it, raising the level of our vibrations to be in harmony, to be in Oneness with all of these different dimensional levels of being. 

And yes, Beloved, this is very powerful, powerful dynamic that we’re working with.  And now it even becomes more so, because of the anchoring in of all this high-vibe energy on your Beloved Planet. And now, focusing with your Intentional Requirements on what you would like to create for yourself from the energies being harnessed in this Meditation, whether it be having to do with relationships, financial liquidity or health concerns or the concerns of your Beloved Family and particularly your children and grandchildren that this may not be overpowering to them, these energies that we are in right now. But believe you me, all of you are being supported and loved, and all you have to do is to breathe into your Heart Center, during the course of a day and focus on raising the level of the vibration and being at Peace in this Now Moment. And that’s very, very powerful too.

And just breathing into it. And yes, our Intentional Requirement for all of the Beloved Beings in the Ashtar Command, and all over Creation is the acceleration of your Ascension Process; and that when all of you who haven’t awoken yet on your Beloved Planet start to feel these high-vibe energies, that this will be a very welcome experience for you, something that deep down inside, you will know that you have waited for your entire lives. And yes, this applies to some of the Beloved Beings in your families who are on the call. 

So, just breathing into the Heart Center and with the hand that you write with, this is your directing hand, sending this energy through its palm and into this Master Crystal and raising the level of this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy through the tip of the crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And shooting it down at the Speed of Thought onto your Beloved Planet. And when it gets into the atmosphere, to slowly spiral it.
And now, jetting over the Beloved North Pole and spiraling it all up, down, and around and through. And you don’t have to go slow anymore. We’re speeding it up some to raise the level of the vibration into such a flow that people will more easily be able to discern that there’s some really high-vibe energies that are being focused on them in this Now Moment helping to raise them up out of the doldrums or any dense energies or any negative programming whatsoever.

And just breathing into it all up, down, and around and through, sending it out to the kingdoms, into all of the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on the planet, sending it down underneath the surface to all of the Beloveds. And yes, sending it up through the layers of the ships. And just breathing into this Oneness that the spiral of this energy, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, is drawing in right now and expanding it. And now focusing it once again on your Beloved Planet affecting all of the subatomic particles underneath the surface and in the atmosphere and on the surface.

Ah, yes, now we feel that we’re slowing down and focusing on Europe here because this is where there is a lot of stuck energy right now. And if you could imagine in a vision all of the capitals of these European countries who have in front of them on their agenda for business, the business of their countries is the ability to approve this requirement for Brexit. And so, just breathing into that with the Intention of taking away the energy from the Fed, taking away all of the autonomy and ejecting this cabal from its role as slave masters on your Beloved Planet, drying up all of their income, exposing them.

And this, well, we know that Mercy is something that you will feel so very happy with in the 5th Dimension. And so, if you really want the acceleration of your vibration into the 5th Dimension, we say shine this LoveLight with the Conscious Intention of Mercy for all of these beings who have played the dark side. Because now is their time to let go of this program that they’ve been on and to let go of their contracts with this dark deity that has been called Satan or the Devil. And to realize that they don’t need to please a deity, that they are part of the Godhead. And now is the time to let go to the Love and Light and let it dominant in their lives, so that they can become more of who they really are, not less, which is what the whole dynamic of worship of Satin was all about, because it was always about cheating, wasn’t it? And showing up the other person with lies, deceiving them, making them suffer. And this isn’t where we are going to. This is no longer needed to teach us these lessons any more. 

Ah, and so, Beloveds, going down into Mexico right now and breathing into it, going down into the elevators. And spiraling the energies all the way from Mexico to the United States up through Canada, up, down and around and through. And feeling this LoveLight expand and go down into all of these underground installations, rooting out all of the secrets, all of the lies, all of the secret stashes of drugs, of stolen treasure, of ancient artifacts that were said to have provided them with unusual occult powers. Shining this LoveLight into exposing these things and permeating it with this high vibration of the LoveLight. 

And now shining it into the Beloved Beings who have been taken down there against their will in these underground installations, made captives of this whole tunnel network.

And we say to them, “We love you so very much.  We honor you and right now everything on your Beloved Planet is becoming transparent about these dark beings who would treat you less than human for their own gratification, for their own control and the worship of their satanic deity.” 

Ah, and Dear Beloveds, we thank you so much tonight for being on the call with us and doing this meditation. We love you ever so much.

Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

3-6-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

3-6-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so happy to be with you once again tonight. We are feeling the LoveLight shine into all of our hearts right now. And it produces this Feeling of Oneness, of Magic, so very much in your Now Moment. And we see all kinds of possibilities for raising the level of the vibration and expanding it outward and transmitting it with every breath that you take, and not only when we are doing these meditations.
And maybe you’ve been having some experiences whereby you meet somebody, and it could be a shopkeeper or a clerk in the post office or someone trying to sell you something, and you feel this Oneness. And it is such a good feeling just to be in that Now Moment with this person.

Well, this is going to be the way that it will be after the Cosmic Blast, that you’ll never experience any of these low vibrations, this animosity and competition, these dynamics that the ego has fed you with separation and having to win at all costs, you know a Machiavelli--type stuff, because we’ll all be centered in the heart. And we will be in the 5th Dimension. 

But of course, pushing with our breathing and raising the level of the vibration and using the Heart Center as an elevator has been one of our main tools to bring it to this place where we are ready to transmit all over your Beloved Planet. And yes, your Ascension, like we keep on saying, will transmit these high vibrations and open up doors up into the higher dimensions for all of Creation, because you will have won this war of Love over this cabal.

And with the aid of the Artificial Intelligence, they have won many a war like this all throughout galaxies even. And the fact that a concerted effort was made all through this time of your testing this density of duality on your Beloved Planet; and that you have come and passed the markers, about six, now it’s almost about, yeah, it’s just over six years ago. And we see this window still opening and that, well, you could bring it into phase, we would say, whereby it will really take root and attract this Cosmic Blast.

So, reaching out to each and every one of you with my paw, bi-locating it. And then I’m asking you to reach out with your other hand to somebody on the call. And forming our circle, breathing into the Heart Center. And with our breathing sending it from the heart out through the left palm, around the circle into the hearts of all the Beloved Beings on this call and the ones that are sure to come reading the transcripts and listening to the recording. 
And then bringing it around the circle and back into the right palm and into the heart. And with the Power of Thought raising ourselves up off of the surface, jettisoning up through the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships, because we’re in high vibration and we see those ships. And we’re coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. 

And we’re opening up the landing deck here in the underbelly of the ship.  And we’re popping right on through it, hovering in the air lock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. So, we’re walking on back to the elevator. And we’re all piling in at the same time with the circle being unbroken. And now we’re in and we’re pushing the button to go up here. And now we’re at the top. The door is opening and we’re coming through.

And there’s so many Beloved Beings that are here tonight, once again, to do this meditation with us. And yes, all of the Mentors, various Officers and people of the Ashtar Command on the ship, that wouldn’t miss this for anything. Well, that’s what they tell me. And yes, you may feel something happening on the back of your neck, or a song popping into your head from one of your ancestors that may even be an incarnation or two of you in past lifetimes. 

So, going into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room here and assembling ourselves around this inner circle, with the Mentors assembling their circle around us. And all the Beloved Beings assembling around them in different circles. And just breathing into the Heart Center and again sending it through your left palm into the hearts of everyone in the circle here, and back around through your right palm, and into your heart. And sending it into the outer circles, and from the ceiling to the walls, and to the floor, spiraling it up, down, and around and through, feeling the magic of all of its transmissions from all of the Beloved Beings here, and all of the crystals. Because yes, our energies mesh, and they intermingle, and they become One. So the level of the vibration increases exponentially with all of these different transmissions from all over Creation coming through.
And now we’re asking you to place your own individual Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with this meditation tonight for yourselves. Yes, whether it be financial, having to do with your health and the health & wellbeing of your Beloved Family, your children, grandchildren; anything that would help to relieve stress like taking the stress out of finances for you. Just breathing into this Master Crystal in the middle of our altar here with these Intentions to create your reality in a most harmonious way to accommodate your desires.

And now, let us say that our Intentional Requirements for this Meditation are to produce this high-vibe feeling of Peace all over your Beloved Planet, because Peace is the foundation that will allow all of you Beloved Beings to bring in the Announcements of NESARA, and be very ready for this big change that will come with the Cosmic Blast, that will anchor you into the 5th Dimension, where you’ll never come back down out of it. And this will be so very fine for all of you. And it’s really what we’ve worked for these many millennia, ever since I was on your planet about 10,000 years ago.

So Beloveds, just breathing into the Heart Center, focusing our LoveLight on the Master Crystal here with this Intentional Requirement of Peace all over the Beloved Planet and for the acceleration of all of your individual Ascension Processes and, of course, for the acceleration and thorough completion of all of the Alliance Plans to bring about the Announcements, all of these conditions all over the Beloved Planet to bring it to a place of completion and this Feeling of Oneness with all of Creation that is totally in alignment with the Truth of the Love and Light that we all are.

And now shining this LoveLight, the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy out from the tip of the Beloved Master Crystal through the opening in the ceiling of this Crystal Healing Room and shooting it down at the Speed of Thought onto your Beloved Planet, and spiraling it from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface; raising the level of the vibration of all of the subatomic particles, going into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and all of the Beloved Kingdoms. Shining this LoveLight into all of the genetic codes. Shining it into their Heart Centers so all of the Beloved Beings may raise up the level of their vibration and open their hearts in this Now Moment to these very high-vibe Beloved Energies that are visiting them through this Meditation and us focusing on them our LoveLights.

And it’s from a space of the assurance and knowingness that we shine the LoveLight into the psyches, into the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And we ask them in this Now Moment what they want to create. And it is this feeling of Unconditional/Universal Love throughout the Beloved Planet, and the Feeling of Prosperity, and Abundance, and Equality on your Beloved Planet, where there are never any wars, where everyone has more than enough abundance to feed themselves, to be very engaged into creating their reality in a really totally high-vibe.

And let each and every one of them-- And yes, we’re planting seeds that will really transpire to each and every one of them in their dream states where these seeds of Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and Unconditional/ Universal Love will take root and produce the most beautiful flowering of Love and Light on your Beloved Planet. And now is the time, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Now is the time to expand the LoveLight into the hearts and souls of all of the Beloved Beings on this planet, helping them to prepare for the changes that are about to transpire.

So, breathing into the Heart Center and let us envision all different parts of the planet. Let us go to China first, all along the Great Wall and going down into the southern part, into Burma, into Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and coming into the west, into Europe and the Middle East and going down into Africa, and into Antarctica, and coming back up to South America and North America, and then Hawaii, Alaska, Canada. And shining this LoveLight, spiraling it all up, down and around and through from pole to pole here on your Beloved Planet. 

And let us shine this LoveLight into Washington, D.C., from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface into the underground bases and installations there, and in that whole surrounding area, which encompasses all of these alphabet agencies. 

Just breathing all up, down and around and through from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath in a vertical spiral here, again and again, drawing out all of the secrets, all of the ill-gotten gains, all of the deceptive, lying, egocentric, narcissistic energies, all of the lies of the ego, all of the rituals that produce no good and just heinous acts, all based on fear and separation. Well, we don’t need that on this planet anymore, now do we?

So, releasing all of these low vibrations, first exposing them with our LoveLight and just jettisoning them up from the tunnels, up to the surface.  And releasing them into the atmosphere to be transmuted by the LoveLight being shined on them by all of the Beloved Ships in the atmospheres.

And now, let us go to Mexico in the elevators. And going down into this tunnel network and shining now this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy in a horizontal spiral, going from Mexico to the United States and into Canada and up, down and around and through, again and again, purifying the Beloved Environment of these underground bases, these honeycomb chambers that have sequestered so many Beloved Beings and secrets, untold riches, ill-gotten of course, and drugs, advanced technologies, spas that have seen a number of ritual sacrifices unfold and, yes, very advanced technology, some of them having to do with warfare, some of them having to do with producing optimal health and longevity, such as a med bed.

And shining all up, down and around and through, spiraling this energy horizontally. And just breathing into it and feeling this Vortex Effect with more and more of this Beloved Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy accelerating the frequency of these high vibrations to lift us further and further up higher into the dimensions and raising the level of consciousness on your Beloved Planet by doing so.

And now focusing our LoveLight heart to heart on all of the beautiful, Beloved Beings, who have served by fulfilling and completing their Soul Contracts, by being captives in these underground bases. And yes, some of them have been very, very young. And then some of them have lived basically their whole lives here serving members of the cabal and taking care of these installations. And just breathing into their hearts. 

And we say to all of you Beloved Beings, “We honor you. We love you more than we could possibly express with verbal words, how much we are so very grateful for all that you have contributed from your hearts, by playing through your Soul Contracts in these very dire circumstances. And now you are the victors, because these members of the cabal who have been responsible for these heinous acts are being rounded up and being made accountable for their very devious, treasonous actions.

“And we say to any of you that haven’t crossed the Bridge of Flowers and gone to the other side yet, as we see there’s a few of you. We’re sending down your angels right now and your I AM Presence and sending you so very much Love on your journey over to the other side, because we know you’re going to have a very wonderful time. That you are so very loved and dearly missed, they’re going to throw a really big party for you. And yes, we say to you, job well done, and we love you so very much.”

And to all of you Beloved Beings on this call, and that will hear the recording, and read the transcripts, we say thank you so very much for all of your efforts to raise the level of the LoveLight on your Beloved Planet and accelerate your Ascension Process.
Namaste, Dear Beloveds and Good Night.

3-6-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

3-6-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

You know me. I’m Mary Magdalene, and I know you. And I say this because we have shared time on this Beloved Planet at the same time. And maybe you weren’t all disciples or apostles in that lifetime of 2,000 years ago, the last time that I was embodied on your Beloved Planet. 

But many of you have had previous lifetimes where I was on the planet also.  And we may have run into each other. And you are so very familiar to us, the Mentors. We are so very happy that from our perspectives, the level of the LoveLight on your Beloved Planet is multiplying, coming in in such high vibration and frequency that we feel. 

Ah, yes, just breathing into it and sending it around our circle, allowing ourselves to rise up, and to feel it, harmonize with our physical reality. Because yes, many of you are very stressed out. You are dealing with some of the same problems over and over again for much of this lifetime whereby it’s a matter of health or finances or relationships. Because we see that the negative programming has been so totally at odds with males and females on your Beloved Planet that these deep levels of Trust that need to be realized with one another for a very wonderful, long-term relationship don’t often manifest, because you are all on such a very high-tension, survival trip, or a mode of survival, if you want to say it a little bit of a different way.

And every day you have a lot of demands placed on you, both having to deal with linear time and duality. And this hasn’t been easy on any of you. So, please come to us. Call in the Mentors any time you want to feel loved and nurtured and understood for what is happening to you in the Now Moment. We love you all so very, very dearly.

And as time goes by, perhaps you can see where you started out in this Beloved Lifetime. And when you were young, when you were a child, what the frequency of the vibration felt like and how time was so much slower, but now it seems like all you really have to do is think of something, and then a few minutes or a day later, it happens.
Like how many times have you thought of a person that you haven’t interacted with for maybe a few months or even years; and then all of a sudden, that person gets in touch with you, or you happen to have a chance meeting with them in some store or some building.
And, ah, synchronicity is happening on your Beloved Planet. It really started this whole cycle of the Harmonic Convergence in the late ‘80s on your Beloved Planet. And now it has risen, such a wonderful high-vibe acceleration of energy that certain centers in the right lobe of your brain have opened up. And even strands of DNA have been activated that you didn’t have when you first came onto this Beloved Planet.

So, it’s all been because of the meditations of all the Beloved Beings who have woken up on your Beloved Planet. And some have been woken up for a really, really long time, rather at the beginning of this cycle that the Harmonic Convergence kicked off. And this is, well, it’s over 30 years now, isn’t it? And so much has transpired within that time frame. And we are so happy that all of you on this Beloved Call have woken up. And your energies are beacons or transmitters of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy all over your Beloved Planet. 

And you may not think that you are helping raise other people’s awareness and quality of life. But we see that happening so profoundly at this time. We are so happy about this. And we know that it has taken your Beloved Commitment, you allowing yourself to be centered in the heart. And as Mother Sekhmet says, “It takes courage.” And we see that you have been very brave and very selfless for many of the acts that you have done to help people, to help Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and not just the people in your families either. 

But you have listened to your Guidance. You have learned to listen. You have opened up centers in the right lobe of your brains. And with your hearts being connected in that template, you have access to unlimited energies. And you have become marvelous co-creators of your reality.

We are so very happy that we are with you tonight because, yes, there’s going to be this Equinox happening in a couple of weeks. We see very many high-vibe energies coming in and further accelerating this process that you have all committed to in your individual prayers and meditations and all of your creative endeavors to raise the level of LoveLight on your Beloved Planet.
We love you so very much, far beyond all verbal expression. And we are so very grateful for you and when you come to us to feel us, to feel the Oneness with us. We are all on the same Mission, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. 

Namaste and good night.