Saturday, November 28, 2020

11-25-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

11-25-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I greet you with the highest vibrations of Peace, Happiness, and Joy, feeling the Love and Light on your planet rise up into ever-high vibrating frequencies. 


Yes, the Truth is unfolding. You are being shown, step by step, all of the different layers of corruption, that have controlled your electoral processes, the making of your laws, your judicial systems. They are being revealed to you in the Love and Light that you are, Beloveds, because you are coming together in the Unity of knowing, what is truly important, at this time on your Beloved Planet. And that is letting go of the fear, and coming together in Compassion and Unconditional/Universal Love, to empower yourselves in the Truth of who you really are, and what you want your reality to be on this Beloved Planet. 


For so long, you have been controlled and manipulated, by these dark minions of the Artificial Intelligence, of these off-world factions of hybrid beings, who came to your planet to control with the secrets, that they brought with them of advanced technologies, of black magic, and the power of underworld beings, using them as their power sources to control your Beloved Planet. 


And now, the change, this great shift into the highest vibrations of Love and Light, into anchoring in the 5th Dimension, Beloveds, is well underway. And at this time, we stress to you how very important it is, for you to continue the completion of your Mission, of radiating the Love and Light, that is coming in from the Galactic Center, of feeling this Joy, of being Here Now with us, all through the dimensions with all of the Company of Heaven. 


We are all One in this Mission, Beloveds, to liberate your Beloved Planet, so that you, and the rest of Creation, can move on up in your spiritual evolution, and that you, Beloveds, will accelerate your Ascension Process, and feel this Joy, Harmony, and Bliss that is incumbent upon you. You have earned it. 


And you have earned it in such a way, that Ascension is transpiring in a way that it has never come about before. You are making it up with us, right as you go along, breath by breath, integrating more and more of this LoveLight, connected into Godhead. We feel this Divine Union.


And my Mary’s come into your circle, and are offering you the Kumara roses once again, to take into your heart. And yes, take as many as you like. Feel their Love, their Compassion, and their Wisdom and Mercy.


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. We are One with you every step of the way. And we are rejoicing, because we see that we are victorious in the Light. The Truth is being made known in a very wonderful, and all-encompassing way on your Beloved Planet. And the Beauty of the Truth, in high vibration, is resonating with Mother Gaia at her core, and all of the Beloved Beings and Kingdoms of your planet.


Namaste, Beloveds. Good night. We love you so very much.

11-25-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-25-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, I am so very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved Call, to feel your energies, as you are going through this most-intense process, of bringing in more and more of Love and Light, on your planet, as these decisions in government are being made. And the transparency of what has happened in your Beloved Election, in the United States, is being exposed. Not only this election through, all of the other elections, that have been tampered with, and have used illegal means of counting the ballots, and flipping ballots are being exposed also.


And it is becoming very apparent, what network is of energy, that is so very corrupt, and utilizing these energies of darkness, of evil, against the Beloved Beings, “We the People” of your Beloved Planet, as you say in your Constitution, in your Declaration of Independence.


The people are rising up, Beloveds, because a chord has been struck in their hearts about Truth, Freedom, and Justice. And them and all of you, Beloveds, having the Power, and we would say duty, to make choices, that are in alignment with these Beloved Documents, that are the foundation of your Beloved Country, and your Beloved Planet. These are very high-vibrational documents, which St. Germain had channeled to the leaders of your country, the statesmen, the patriots at that time.


And Beloveds, those who signed your Declaration of Independence, put their lives on the line. They knew how important it was to have Liberty, over these very dark forces. They had the Truth in their hearts and minds, about what they were up against. And they took on this Mission, as all of you, Beloveds, have taken upon yourselves the Mission of bringing in the Love and Light that you are, onto your Beloved Planet, and integrating with it with the Intentional Requirement of your Ascension.


We are so very happy, that you continue to work with us, and that more and more, you are feeling the knowingness of who you are, what you came here to do, the knowingness of your individual gifts and talents, and developing them in service to the whole, Beloveds. This is where you find True Bliss, and Happiness, and Satisfaction, and Fulfillment. 


You are no longer under the constraints of this 3D matrix, and the controls of the survival games, that have been played upon you. You are moving toward this dominance of the 5D-energy matrix, and anchoring in the 5th Dimension, in a most-Beloved, Harmonious, and Divine way.


We are with you, Beloveds, every step of the way. We are always here with you, always ready to do the meditations with you. We love you ever so much.


Namaste and good night.


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

11-25-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 11-25-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


Once again, we meet and commune heart to heart, and soul to soul with one another, at these most marvelous times, when so much in your Beloved Ascension Process is unfolding in the Now Moment. Ah yes, this place of Peace, of Understanding, of Clarity that we feel in the higher dimensions, and looking down upon what is going on your Beloved Planet. 


And yes, you may feel, that all of your planet is in a state of chaos. Well, Beloveds, what we see is the Power of the Love and Light coming through, and diffusing all of this turmoil, moment by moment, by raising you up in higher vibration and frequency, in your Collective Consciousness, in your Knowingness, that this moment you are experiencing is what you came in for, this change in the matrix of your reality.


And yes you have been in what we call a 3D negative-energy matrix. It has been controlled all throughout your physicality by these very corrupt beings.  And now you can see this corruption playing out, which is based on lies and deceptions. And Beloveds, what is unfolding is a blatant abuse of power. And they have been driven into this corner, where they felt that this was the only way to deal with all of the moves being made against them, to give up their power, by this Beloved Alliance, which you, Beloveds, are in league with as part of our Beloved Ground Crew. Yes, we are all One.


We all want Truth, Freedom, and Justice on your Beloved Planet. And this was why Beloved St. Germain was in that meeting hall, that night, to get the Fathers of your Country to agree to sign the Declaration of Independence, and later on the US Constitution in its original form. This is the backbone of your Beloved Country. And this Cabal has done everything possible to take away your sovereignty, that was espoused in those Divine Documents. And effectively what you have been going through is the rebirth of the United States of America. 


And in this Now Moment, you are being blessed throughout all of Creation. And yes, Beloveds, we keep on telling you that you are victorious in the Light. And this is so! And we ask you to continuously breathe into your hearts, feeling and being the Love and Light, that you are, and radiating it out with the Intentional Requirement of moving in to this 5th Dimension, and your 5th Dimensional timeline becoming your reality on your Beloved Mother Gaia.


Now, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around your other hand for someone else on the call tonight. And forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, and feeling the Divine Energies from the Galactic Center, coming in through your Crown, spinning all of your major chakras in a clockwise direction. 


Spinning now the Third Eye, the Throat, the Thymus Gland, which is your High Heart Center, in the middle of your chest a couple of inches below your breastbone. Spinning your Solar Plexus, your Sacral, your Root. Spinning your hips, and because they face one another, spinning in opposite directions both sides at the same time. Spinning your knees, your ankles, and the soles of your feet. 


And sending this energy down into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core, feeling the high-vibrational spin, this bluish-white light. This is her heart. This is where she holds all of the energies of your planet, and is connected with each and every one of you, and all of the Kingdoms all over your planet. There is nothing that happens on your planet, that she does not know about and feel, Beloveds. And she is in the 5th Dimension. 


She is your anchor, in helping all of your Beloved Beings, to rise up into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. Feel her Passion, her Wisdom, her Fortitude in moving forward with you, in this process of liberating your Beloved Planet, to bring it to higher levels of Love and Light. And we give great gratitude to Beloved Mother Gaia.


And we come back up to the surface, coming in through the bottoms of our feet and into our Heart Centers. And breathing into this feeling of Compassion, of Knowingness, of Ease and Grace. And sending these high-vibe energies out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand. 


Again, breathing into your Heart Centers, and rising up at the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, up through the layers of the atmospheres. And coming upon the many ships, and honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And now, we are rising on through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us.


And now, Beloveds, it is safe to float on over into this open elevator. We are all getting in with our circle intact, as I close the door, and push the button to take us on up. And now we come to a stop.


And opening up the door, and coming into our Beloved Crystalline Healing Room with so many Beloved Beings, representing all of the Cosmos, the Mentors, the Angels, and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, and Beloved Beings bi-locating their consciousness here on the ship, and your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. 


And the feeling is one of Joy and Celebration, as we move on over into the middle of this room, circling around our Beloved Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And sending the energy from the left to the right, as the Mentors circle around us, and all of the other circles form around them.  Breathing into our hearts, and spiraling the energy, sending it through the circles. 


Spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through. Feeling our field of energy expand, and our hearts bring in all of these dimensions of energy, from all over the Cosmos, represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings present tonight, and of course, in all of the Crystals, that comprise this Crystalline Healing Room. Feeling these energies. And bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and the Platinum Ray. And once again spiraling it up, down, and around and through, requiring that the Speed, Efficiency, and Accuracy of this Beloved Spiral increase one million-fold.


And now, Beloveds on this call, we ask you to make and formulate your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. Yes, it could have to do with finances, with health-related concerns, with bringing in more and more Love and Light through your daily routines, with your relationships, bringing in more Light, and the health and wellbeing of your friends and family. Whatever you intentionally require, Beloveds, shining it now into this Master Crystal. 


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, assembled all over Creation, we call for the Truth to be unveiled. We call for Beloved Beings, at their posts, to bring in the Love and Light, by making conscious choices, that support the structure of the systems, that are in place to decide what the Truth is, and support it. And add Love and Light to this decision, so that there be no violence, there be no harm, that this choice, the outcome of this election, be of the people, for the people, and by the people. And that all of the Beloveds, all over your planet, feel the Oneness of the Love and Light that they are in Unity. And dissolving all machinations of fear and separation, throughout the 3D-energy matrix for once and for all, Beloveds. 


Shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal now. And shooting it up through the tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And at the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface, and again into Mother Gaia‘s Crystalline Core, spiraling it up, down, and around and through. And going into the micro level, into the DNA-genetic encoding, and removing anything less than Love. Removing all ill intent, all lower-vibrational programs, that are designed to feed the ego, and to keep you chasing your own tail on the treadmill of duality, and the density of its energies.


We require, that they let go, are removed, or neutralized, canceled, as we transmute their energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and these other high-vibrating energies, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity and Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, Discernment, and Absolution. And let these energies vibrate in high frequency, with the Oneness of being of, and with our Godhead in this Now Moment. 


And radiating these energies through the Collective Consciousness, through all of the beings on your planet, into the sub and unconsciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, into all of the Kingdoms, and all of the physicality of Beloved Mother Gaia, its mountains, its streams, its forests, and all of the Beloved Places, the underground cities, the Deep Underground Military Base’s, all of these places, which you haven’t been told about in your media, in your schools. And they are there, Beloveds. And now, they too are being healed, underneath the surface of your planet.


And the Beloved Cities of high-vibrational beings, such as Telos, are now resonating with your vibration on the surface of your Beloved Planet. And we see that a reunion will ensue, just as there will be a reunion with us, when you have gone through this Ascension Process, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet have begun to integrate these high-vibrational energies. And the 5th Dimension becomes the foundation of your reality, of your societies, on this, what you would call, Heaven on Earth, Beloveds. What some people would call your New Earth. Just breathing it into your hearts, feeling this Oneness, that we feel with all of Creation. And now we are feeling it most succinctly with you, Beloveds.


You can come back into the Crystalline Healing Rooms any time that you desire. You can require to work with the healing teams on whatever ship that you resonate with, with Arcturians and Praying Mantis on the Phoenix, the New Jerusalem, and other ships, which you will know about in your sleep states.  The Beloveds work on you to help you integrate, in your conscious waking moments, these high-vibrating energies. And yes, Beloveds, we are making it up as we go along, and we are One with you in this process. It has been a part of our Mission to be in league with you, as you being our Ground Crew, to bring your Missions to completion with us, for the liberation of your Beloved Planet.


And shining the LoveLight into all of these states. They are called the battle-ground states, where lawsuits have been initiated, where the election is still up in the air, with the requirement, that all of the ballots cast be counted. And all of the illegal ballots be discarded. And all of the ballots that were flipped, from one candidate to another, be discounted. And that the rightful results, the Will of the People win out, and reflect what they have decided in this election, what direction your planet will go, for Freedom, for bringing in more of the Love and Light, that you are, for resonating in high vibration, and finding systems of government that are new, that address all of the polarities, all of the tensions and concerns of the people, for the people, and by the people, on your Beloved Planet. 


And yes, what is transpiring in the United States transmits to all of the earth in high vibration and frequency. This Torch of Lady Liberty shines all over your Beloved Planet. And it resonates with the hearts and the minds of all of your Beloveds, all of the children whose future is at stake here. And shining our LoveLights into the hearts of all of the judges, the legislatures, who will decide the outcome. Going into their sleep states, allowing them to see the future of what choices they will make.


And now shining our Love and our Light underneath the surface of the planet into the Deep Underground Military Base’s, spiraling these energies to aid the peacekeepers, rescuing the children, liberating the wealth and technologies, that have been hidden there, the secrets, the power sources of the Cabal and the AI, rescuing the children, and bringing the Truth to Light. And then destroying all of these bases, so that they will not be conducive to the Cabal ever getting a foothold, to taking over your reality ever again. 


Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, feeling the Love and Light permeate all of these dark places, the Reptilian and Insectoid energies, all of these underworld energies. Raising them up into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done.

And shining our Love and our Light into the Beloved Children. “We love you so very much.” Shining this LoveLight into their hearts ,and now we say to them that,


“You are being freed, and the healing process is beginning, and that you have the Love and Support of all of the Universe to reclaim your lives in high vibration, Beloveds.”


And shining our LoveLights into all of the Peacekeepers,


“Beloveds, you are so admired for your bravery and courage, in doing the right thing. We love you ever so much,” as we do to all of you Beloved Beings on this call. We honor you for all that you do in the Spirit of the Love and Light that you are, Beloveds. 


Namaste and good night. And now, Maria will come in.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

 11-18-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am very happy to be here tonight, to feel your hearts in Divine Communion with us. All of us Mentors on the ships, transmitting to you, into your hearts, this Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness Energy.


And now my Beloved Mary’s come into your circle, and offer you the Kumara Roses to take into your heart. Take as many as you like, in the different colors and vibrational spectrums of color available. Ah yes, to feel these high-vibrational energies, Beloveds, representing the flowering of your Ascension Process, within the four bodies of your being.


We ask you to let go of any doubts, reservations, of any of the negative programming, that has been perpetrated upon you in this Now Moment, by breathing into your hearts and sending the energies around your circle. And we are all coming in, joining with you in this expanded circle, spiraling these energies from the center above, to the center below, expanding this field of energy.


And our Intentional Requirements are for you to feel Peace, to trust in the plans of NESARA, of the Alliance, for the Liberation of your planet, and also the Liberation of your hearts and souls from this outside interference of the Artificial Intelligence of this Cabal, these off-worlder hybrids, who have sought for thousands of years to keep you small, disconnected, and wallowing in fear and separation.


And now, Beloveds, because so many of you Starseeds have been in Mission, with the many different aspects of the Company of Heaven. And the Federations of Light and Love have brought upon this shift into the 5th dimensional timeline. And the power of the energies coming in, through the Galactic Center, being monitored by the Nibiru and Mother Sekhmet, and so many Beloved Beings on the ships, the Federations, the Ashtar Command, all aligning with you, Beloveds, for reclaiming your Beloved Planet. Showering the activation of these LoveLights on your Beloved Planet, to introduce the Ascension Protocols, and accelerating your Ascension Process, in this Now Moment. Breathe into it, Beloveds.


Allow yourself to know this Peace that Passes All Understanding. This is the root of all of Creation, feeling into the heart of Creator Source, aligning yourself, as you have been in Mission with us, in these high vibrations of Love and Light. And letting go of being magnetized by the lower vibrations, by the negative programming, by wanting proof. The proof is in your hearts, in the way that this feels right now, Beloveds, in knowing this feeling of connection and transcendence is real. And feeling the Oneness with all of us, the Love and Light, that we are together.


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. We are always here with you, as you go through these phases of Ascension.


Namaste, Beloveds.  And good night.

11-18-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-18-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, I am so happy to be on this wonderful call with all of you Beloveds. Yes, and so much is transpiring on your planet.


But what we ask you to focus on, in the Here Now, are these high vibrations of energy, that are working in harmony with all of us, to uncover the Truth of your Beloved Planet, of all that has been perpetrated upon you, to deceive you, to keep you in low vibration with fear and separation. And these are the two main tools of this Cabal, and its AI, that have been used against you time and time again, to unfold these same patterns of domination, whereby this election has been tampered with. And it is not the Truth of what the Beloved Will of the People desired, in casting their ballots on that day. 


And the Truth is being revealed, because of all of the different components of the layering on of this scheme, that was used to switch the Balance of Power, with the tabulation of those votes. And when all of the stories, and all of the cases, and the affidavits are filed, and the proof of the computer records are known, you will see how much control this Cabal has had, and the level of corruption. You will be shown in an irrefutable way. 


And it will lighten the load of all of you Beloveds on your planet. Because in that Now Moment with those, who are being taken to task, for their criminality, for their treason, you will be freed of the constraints of this Cabal. And the energies will be so very loving, from one heart to the next.  The Unity will be so very strong, because you will have known in that Now Moment, of the Truth being disseminated into your hearts and minds, in high vibration with Love and Compassion for all of you Beloveds, that you are all One in the Love and the Light of the Creator.


You will feel that chord of awareness within your Akashic Records, Beloveds. And from there, the other components of your Ascension Process will unfold in a flawless, Divine Way.


And yes, it has taken a long time for these events to transpire, whereby the Truth will be known. And you will be able to feel the effects of NESARA being announced, and your Beloved United States going back to Constitutional Law, to the Spirit, the Will, and Intent of your original Constitution. And this will be transmitted to all of the countries and governments of your world.


We love you so very much, Beloveds. We are in Mission with you, raising the level of the Love and Light in your meditations, shining our high-vibrational energies into your hearts. We are One, Beloveds. 


Namaste and good night. 


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

11-18-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 11-18-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


Good evening. Once again, it is a Joy to be on this Beloved Call with all of you. Ah yes, things are moving forward. The pot is being stirred, and very many instances of the Truth unfolding in Divine Patterns of Recognition with all of the details, about what has been perpetrated upon you, as part of this election are unfolding. 


And we know, that many of you are on social media. And you experience some of your friends are being really righteous in how this election is unfolding. And we ask you to, yes, be in neutrality, and to know that everything plays out in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And for you to stay in these high vibrations of Love, Allowance, Acceptance, and Knowing the Truth, of who you really are as being of the Godhead, is really integral in accelerating this process, and bringing all of you into the Light, and the Power, and the Glory of anchoring in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.


So we ask you to stay out of the fray, to allow yourself not to get embroiled in trying to figure it out, but to feel. Because these Beloveds who are very judgmental, and overwrought with hate, are in low vibration. And the best that we can do for them is to raise the level of vibration more and more, and be in alignment with these high-vibrational energies and frequencies, that are coming in very heavily through your Galactic Center. And this is the wonder of where you are, in the enfolding of this Divine Ascension Process, Beloveds. Because as you know, it took many, many years.


And even in the years since the Harmonic Convergence, it has been a slow procession of upgrades, and passing the Markers for Ascension, that have enabled us to be at this point of transparency, of how the planet has been controlled by evil of various forms. Factions that have been initiated by this Artificial Intelligence, that has been hidden away from you, under the surface of your planet, for eons of time, while you have been testing this density of duality, and coming forth more and more into the high vibrations of the Love and Light, that you are. 


And that we are all together in Mission in focusing our Love and our Light on the healing of these polarities, these lies, and deceptions. And disassembling this 3D-energy matrix, that has been used to negatively program you, and have control over your survival instincts. And all of that, Beloveds, we are initiating, along with the many other Beloved Lightworkers and Starseeds, to disassemble the control of this Cabal on your planet with their power sources, and the AI, to bring it to this high vibration where the Truth will be announced in the form of NESARA as the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality. And yes, we are getting closer and closer.


So, let us form our circle, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around, with your other hand, for someone else on the call. It doesn’t matter who it is. And forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, feeling this Love and Light come in through our Crown. Spinning the Crown, the Third Eye, the Throat, the High Heart Center, you call it the Thymus Gland, and the Solar Plexus, the Sacral Chakra, the Root Chakra. And coming back up to the Thymus Gland, and across the shoulder blades, spinning the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, the palms of the hands. And then coming back up to the shoulder, across to the Heart Center and into the Solar Plexus, the Sacral, the Root, spinning the hips, the knees, the ankles, and the soles of the feet. 


And sending our energy down into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Breathing into her heart, into this bluish-white crystalline Light, feeling her high-vibrational energy hold so much Love and Compassion for all of us, for all of the Kingdoms of the planet. Allowing ourselves with our breathing to let go in this moment, to feel her transmission empower our own hearts and minds. And coming back up to the surface of the planet, through the soles of our feet, into our Heart Centers, sending this energy, Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and Metatron’s Platinum Ray, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand. And breathing into our Heart Centers.


And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we rise on up off of the surface of the planet, through the layers of the atmospheres, and coming upon the many ships. And honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship, and we rise on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. And floating, if you will, on over to this open elevator, all getting in with our circle unbroken. And now closing the door, and pressing the button to take us all the way up to the Crystalline Healing Room. 


And now we‘ve come to a stop. Opening up the door, and seeing all of these Beloveds, our Mentors, Angels, and Ascended Masters, the many Commanders from the ships, and our ancestors, and perhaps you, in a lifetime or two from the past. And walking on over feeling this intensity of Love, and laughter, and smiles coming from all of these Beloveds, as we walk on over to our Altar. Forming our circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And the Beloved Mentors circling around us and all of the others circling around, forming their individual circles.   


And now sending the energies again, from the left to the right, to the outer circles. Spiraling this energy from the floors, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through. Feeling all of the dimensions of reality represented in our combined consciousness, in the transmissions of all of the Beloved Crystals in this room, gathered from all over the Cosmos, to represent all of these higher dimensions also. Breathing in this Love and Light into our hearts. Spiraling again up, down, and around and through, expanding our field of energy.


Allowing ourselves to let go and to relax into this Now Moment, as we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight for yourselves, when this meditation has come to a close tonight. Whether it be financial, having to do with your personal relationships, with the health and wellbeing of yourselves, your family and friends, or have a stronger connection with those higher aspects of your being. Whatever it may be, Beloveds, in the Light of Love, shining it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call, our Intentional Requirement is one of bringing the Truth forward, the beauty of the Truth in the Now Moment, to raise the frequency of vibration in the Collective Consciousness, on your Beloved Planet, to accelerate your Ascension Process, and bring about the end of all low-vibrational dominance, through lies, and deceptions, and deceit, and coverups. To bring in this Love and Light, of who you Humans truly are, on your Beloved Planet, One with the Godhead, all of us.


And shining it into this Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface; up, down, and around and through into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling her connection, and shining in to this universal DNA coding, for all of the Beloved Beings of your species, on this planet.


Removing all negative coding, dissolving, disassembling the structures of the 3D matrix. Freeing up all of this energy, that has been used to hold it in place, to keep you small, to keep all of the circuits of the four bodies of your being disconnected, a large percentage of them anyways.


And re-encoding them, by transmuting these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, with these high attributes of Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, Discernment, and Absolution within the four bodies of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


Shining these high vibrations of Unconditional/Universal Love, the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Ray, to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, into the Kingdoms, the mountains, the rivers, the forests. And seeing the Beloved Children dance all over the planet, now that the 5th Dimension has been anchored in. And this 5th Dimensional timeline is growing and being nurtured. And there, now, is no more resistance from the Cabal, from the AI, Satanically programmed.


And the Power, and the Love and Light of the advanced vibrations and programs of the 5-Dimensional timeline. And its Artificial Intelligence carry the Spirit of the Love and Light, that you are to create in Divine Harmony with one another, with the Crystalline Grid activated. And being able to transmit all over your Beloved Planet, all through Creation, these high vibrations of Awareness, of Cooperation and Harmony with the All That Is, with Creator Source, all along this 5th Dimensional timeline, that we are making up, Beloveds, as we go along.


And shining our LoveLights into all of these states, in the United States, where these audits, and recounts, and court cases are transpiring. Because, Beloveds, the Truth will be made known about the level, degree, and inauthenticity of what has been perpetrated upon you, as being the Truth of this election for your President, and other elected offices, on that Election Day. 


And all of the culprits, including your mainstream media, will be held, taken to task for their lies and deceptions. And this will be such a wonderful moment, and free up so much energy on your Beloved Planet, that will enable your rise into the 5th Dimension, and the uncovering of advanced technologies, and pushing forth with all of the plans of NESARA, in a most-Divine and Harmonious Way.


And now shining our LoveLights, spiraling it underneath the surface of the planet, into all of the Deep Underground Military Base’s, to disable their power sources, their strong holds of Ritual Satanic Abuse, their secret stashes of wealth, and advanced technologies. And all of the Beloved Children and Adults enslaved down there, as the Peacekeepers are liberating them, rescuing them from these bases, and liberating resources, so these bases can be destroyed completely, never to aid the darkness ever again.


And returning all of these Beloved Beings to their Sovereignty, allowing them back into enabling their birthrights, in a most-Divine Way. We shine the LoveLight into all of their hearts, all of these Beloveds, the Peacekeepers, too. We honor them so very much, for the roles they have been playing, for their bravery, for their courage.


And all you Beloveds on this call, we love you ever so much. We are in Mission with you to bring about Ascension on your Beloved Planet.


Namaste and good night. 


And Maria is coming in.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

11-11-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

 11-11-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Once again, I am here with you opening my heart to you, shining our LoveLights from all of the Beloved Beings on the ships, all of us Mentors. As my Beloved Mary’s come into you circle, allowing you to take these Kumara roses, once again, into your heart, whatever colors, however many that you want, representing all of these high interdimensional energies, from all over Creation. To allow yourself to feel this connection with who you are connected to the Godhead, in this Now Moment. 


And breathing into your hearts, Beloveds, and once again sending the energy around your circle, spiraling this energy, from the center above, to the center below. Bringing it into your hearts, expanding our combined field of energy, allowing yourself to bring in this Light in high vibration. 


Allowing yourself to feel Peace in knowing, that all that you may desire in this Now Moment is given to you, and that your Power, and the Strength of the Unity, of us coming together, is available within. Connected up with all of your chakras, spinning in unison, with sending your Intentional Requirements into your DNA to re-encode, and bring in the highest frequency of Love and Light, to make yourself available for the Truth coming into your Akashic Records. Enlivening you with the splendor and the Power of the Love and Light, that you are. Sharing it heart to heart, and soul to soul. 


And Beloveds, you do not have to say it aloud. It is so strong, this feeling of Love on your planet, at this time. Just when you are out in public to feel your heart, with your silent Intentional Requirement, to shine the LoveLight on all of the Beloved Beings there, with the Intentional Requirement to raise them up in high vibration, so that they let go of all of the fear, that this narrative of the Cabal is projecting onto them with the same manipulations, and behavior patterns, of the dark forces, that they have been perpetrating upon Humanity for thousands of years, & are now no longer effective.


Because in everyone’s hearts and minds, in these high vibrations of the Love and Light, coming onto your Beloved Planet, you have the choice to raise the level of your vibration, and to feel this Love in your heart, and to make it your Truth in the Here Now, and every Now Moment. Yes, it takes Courage to be heart centered. But you, my Beloveds, have grown and nurtured yourself with the key ingredient of self-love, and waking up, accessing your dreams, and the harmonics of Unity, of Unity Consciousness, of instantaneous healing in the Now Moment.


And sending this LoveLight from your heart, radiating it out to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, over and over again, in the Here Now. Feeling the Power of it multiply, wave after wave. Using the Universal Law of Multiplication, whatever you focus on multiplies, becomes more powerful.


Because, Beloveds, nothing is static in Creation. It is always in a state of flux. So, allowing yourself to roll with these waves of high-interdimensional LoveLight, that are coming into your Beloved Planet, from the Galactic Center, bringing in the purity and the strength of these very harmonizing influences of the LoveLight, and permeating it into your Here-Now reality, over and over again.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. You have been doing the work with us for all of your incarnations on your Beloved Planet. We are always here with you, seeing and feeling everything that you do, shining the LoveLight into your hearts.


Namaste Beloveds, and good night.

11-11-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-11-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, there is a deeper meaning to what you are experiencing right now, on your Beloved Planet. This fear mongering about shortage of food and riots, and the outcome of this election in your United States, it is being perpetrated upon you, to drive you deeper into low levels of fear.  


But my Beloveds, we know that you know better. You know why you are here, and what time it is, and that the Light and Love on your Beloved Planet are growing, and have grown exponentially in this Beloved Clear-Sighted Year of 2020, where the Truth emanates magnanimity. It is being released, & is being revealed to all of the Beloveds on your planet.


You are seeing in the microcosm and macrocosm of manifestation, on your Beloved Planet, how the Truth of who you are, and how you have been controlled and manipulated, with very dark energies. And this Cabal’s pattern of deceptions, and lies, and coverups, and pushing a narrative upon you, to instill over and over again fear and separation, so that all of you Beloveds do not come together over the Truth, of the Power of the Love and Light, that you are. 


Well, this Truth, Beloveds, is being revealed right before all of your eyes. The lies are becoming transparent, the manipulation, the projection of blaming one side for the same thing, that those that are blaming the other side have been doing all along, are catching up with them. And they have been caught, you would say, red handed in an irrefutable way. 


And there is much, that we see to be grateful for, to be in celebration for, that this is playing out the way that it is. Because yes, those who have been perpetrating this dark narrative upon you, in the main stream media, going for the party line, you would say, and altering the reality of the Truth in many different ways, changing the story to correspond with the needs of this Cabal, this less-than one percent, to control your Beloved Planet with its very-dubious narratives, is disassembling, disincorporating. And their power is waning even though they get louder and louder in their protestations. And their minions become even more hateful and accusing. 


Do not judge, Beloveds. This is exactly what the dark forces would have you do, to go into that drama. But we are here with you in every step of the way, sending you our Love and Light, lifting you up into higher vibration, allowing you to feel the Oneness of all of Creation in your hearts, connected to Creator Source, being one with your Godhead. Beloveds, this is where your Power is. 


And soon, yes, you will be in this 5th Dimensional reality. But now all of the components of NESARA, in the plans that the Alliance have made, are coming together. And this initiation is tapping in, into your reality, in an interwoven Divine Way, to take over the foundation, and to become your reality in such a wonderful way to support the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet, so that everyone will feel this loving support of Creator Source. And that all of the dark energies, of separation and fear, will be rooted out, and taken off of their places of power, never to gain a foothold ever again.


So shining our LoveLights into all of the Beloved Beings, who have been minions of this Artificial Intelligence, the black magicians, the banking families, all of these Beloveds, who have been seduced by this narrative of separation, and Satanism, or Luciferianism. And knowing you are all one as their power is defeated, depleted, and never shall return to them again, because you will be in the 5th Dimension. And they will not be able to be there, and to control in any way, shape, or form. 


This is what we have been working for, Beloveds. And in this Now Moment, this scenario is taking shape, and rooting itself into your Here-Now Moment. We are all victorious in the Light, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and good night. 


And now Sananda is coming in.

11-11-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 11-11-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I come in tonight into our Beloved Circle, in the healing of our hearts and our minds, to raise the level of the vibration, once again, in our Communion of the Hearts, as we come together in this Beloved and Divine Now Moment, to share from the depths of our souls. Letting ourselves be more and more in the Here/How, by having to experience the intensities, that are rapidly unfolding on your Beloved Planet.


Because yes, do not allow yourselves to go for just the surface meaning of an election being cast, and the two sides being so at odds with one another.  Because yes, that is happening in a very wonderful, chaotic way. 


But so much is being learned by the mass populous, who has depended upon this mainstream media for their understanding of what is really happening. And now they are seeing that there are many different aspects, to what they believed was the Truth, since that night about a week ago. And it is unfolding in such a dramatic way, we would say.


Because yes, the people who are hating, and blaming, and not allowing themselves to see that there is a reason why two sides have been so far apart for these last four years. This is about shift on your planet. This is called the Great Awakening, and indeed it is! Because during this time, the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet has risen to such a level, whereby in the Now Moment, each and every one of you can conduct these high-vibe 5th Dimensional energies in such a meaningful, deep, and compassionate way to create your reality. 


But also it is your Mission in raising the level of the vibration, for the All That Is. And the Collective Consciousness has for sure been part of this on your Beloved Planet, to bring in more and more of this Love and Light. So these Beloveds, in this Here-Now Moment are opening up their eyes, and saying well, that’s never happened before.


And really, why do they say that, and now today it’s all changed? And what does that mean? And why are things occurring the way that they are? I thought this was a done deal, and now they’re saying that it’s not. And what does it really mean?  


So, it is a very wonderful time, even though there is much discord between the same groups of people. And those, that have been paid to incite riots are still on deck, you would say, to do what the Cabal feels needs to be done to preserve the last remnants of their power, to go out, as you would say, screaming and kicking with all of their might. But Beloveds, the Power of Love, more and more so each and every moment, is available to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 


And yes, these events are very possibly the beginnings of factions, and many different types of groups, letting go of their differences and coming together in a heart-to heart-fashion, in knowing that there has been so much that they have been tricked by, and used, and enslaved over just for the benefits of the few. 


And what the narrative of the mainstream has been telling them is not the Truth, and has not been in their highest and best interest. That all of us Beloveds, are so much more than we have been told. And our history is so-much more deeper, and all-encompassing, and that the same patterns of domination have been playing out for thousands and thousands of years. And now is that point of shift back into the 5th Dimension, where we will be free and living in harmony in a most-magnanimous, forgiving, meaningful, grateful, tender and compassionate way.


So let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you, and Beloveds, you reaching around for someone else’s hand on this Beloved Call. And breathing into our hearts. 


And opening up our Crown Chakra, spinning our chakras in a clockwise direction, the Crown to the Third Eye, the Throat, the Thymus Gland in the middle of our chest, just below the breast bone, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral and the Root. And going back on up into the Thymus Gland, and going out to both shoulders and spinning them, both elbows and wrists and the palms of the hands. Coming back up through the wrists, the elbows, spinning them all clockwise, the shoulders. Coming back into the middle, over across the collar bone, into the middle of your chest, into the Thymus, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral, and the Root Chakra. And spinning the hips, the knees, the ankles, and the soles of the feet.


And sending our Beloved Energies, our Love and our Light, down into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core, and feeling the high vibrations she is spinning at.  Feeling the depth and passion of her Love, her consciousness. And allowing ourselves to let go, and feel the Oneness of her remembrance of who we truly are, and why we’ve come together in this lifetime to help her, and ourselves ascend. And that we are One in this Now Moment being in Mission with her.


And now coming up through to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our Heart Centers, and sending the energy out from the heart, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into the Heart Center with this knowingness, that we are One in the Now Moment. 


And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, allowing ourselves to lift up off the surface of the planet, through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the many ships. And coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck, and we make our way up through the opening in the belly of the ship, hovering in the airlock here, as the landing deck closes beneath us. 


And now, walking on back to an open elevator here, still holding hands, and getting into this elevator with our circle still unbroken. And I’m pushing the button to close the door, and take us on up. And rising on up to the top floor here, feeling ourselves come to a stop, opening up the door, and experiencing all of the Beloveds here. Our eyes catching the eyes of the Mentors, all of the Beloved Commanders from the ships, the angels, archangels, and other Ascended Masters, and our ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past.


And now walking on over to the middle of this Crystal Healing Room, and forming our circle around our Beloved Altar where our Master Crystal sets. Acknowledging the Beloved Mentors, as they form their circle around us, and all of the other Beloveds, forming circles around us. 


Again breathing into our hearts, feeling the Love and Light that we are. And sending it around the circles, to the outer circles, and spiraling the energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Drinking in all of these high vibrations through the dimensions, which are represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, some of them bi-locating from their planets, or from their ships, that are ringing around us, and also from the consciousness of all of the crystals, that represent the high dimensions of all of Creation. Going up, down, and around and through, expanding our energies in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization, feeling and being the Love and Light, that we are ,in a very expanded way now. 


Breathing into our hearts, and we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements of what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. It may be having to do with finances, with your family, with personal relationships, with creating the best environment for your children possible, or just allowing yourself to be in high vibration all throughout your daily routine, day in, and day out, as these high vibrations come into your planet, over and over again, in raising the level of vibration in peak intervals. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shine your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this this Beloved Call, all throughout the multiverses, we require, that the Truth be known on your Beloved Planet, that the barriers between your hearts dissolve, and you feel the Oneness in Unity Consciousness, which is your birthright with one another, to feel it come on- line. And to know in the depths of your hearts and souls, when you are not being told the Truth. And not to let yourself be frightened, or to lower your vibration whatsoever, but to give the Intentional Requirement to breathe through it, and stay in high vibration. And know that Love is the strongest force in all of Creation. 


And your Love, brothers and sisters, is growing ever so strongly, moment by moment, on your Beloved Planet, giving your Intentional Requirements. And us on the ships, shining the LoveLights into your hearts, and your consciousness, in every Now Moment, Beloveds, so that the Collective Consciousness wakes up in all of its Glory and Power, to take back the 5th Dimension. And let Freedom ring on your Beloved Planet! And taking back all of your birthrights, and allowing this feeling of Love to grow, and to manifest in a very-Divinely Creative Way.


And now, shining our Intentional Requirements for Love to reign supreme, on your Beloved Planet, into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet in wave upon wave. Cleansing all of the negativity from your Beloved Planet, cleansing all of the fear, and limitations, that this 3D-energy matrix has programmed Humanity with.


Spiraling it from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface again, into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Allowing for this Oneness in mind, body, and spirit to permeate the Collective Consciousness, in a most-Divine Harmonious way. Spinning the DNA up, down, and around and through all of the Beloveds on your planet. Removing anything less than Love, that you have been programmed with. And bringing in these high frequencies, this knowingness, that we are all One, that we are all of the Godhead. Bringing it into this Here-Now Moment, and letting it grow in deeper meaning, in each and every Now Moment. 


Shining this knowingness of the Power of Love, that we are supported by Creator Source in all of our endeavors, that all of our survival needs are met with advanced technologies, with new governments of NESARA, on your Beloved Planet. And that Now is the time of the Announcement for NESARA’s foundational 5th Dimensional reality, to unfold for all of the Beloved Beings, in all of the countries, on your Beloved Planet, for all of the kingdoms in a cellular, subatomic DNA Akashic revitalization and reharmonization of all of the Beloved Energies on your planet.


Shining the LoveLights into all of the hearts of the children, all over your Beloved Planet. Helping them to let go of their fears, and to come together with the adults, and realizing that age is just an illusion. And allowing themselves to remember who they truly are, in this Now Moment. And that the Power of their choice, to stay in high vibration, allows them to create a higher-vibrational reality for themselves, and for everyone in their families, & throughout the whole planet. 


Shining this LoveLight into all of the Beloved Beings in all of the countries, no matter what language they speak, no matter what religions they believe in, or their races. Allowing them to feel this high vibration of Love, as the Truth is being told, and that all of these dark energies are being exposed. And the Truth of how they have enslaved your Beloved Planet is being told, by credible sources, and it is irrefutable of all of the injustices, their criminality, that they have perpetrated upon your Beloved Planet, on Humanity, for these thousands upon thousands of years.


And heart to heart, activating this Crystalline Grid connection, within the hearts and the minds of all of the Beloveds on your planet, having instant communication into each other’s hearts. Feeling the depth of the Love and Light, that you are into each other’s souls, and harmonizing in high vibration.


And sending your Intentional Requirements for healing, for feeling the support of Creator Source, of always being connected with all of the higher aspects of your being, and making choices that reflect this Oneness of who you truly are. 


And now, spiraling this energy beneath the surface of your planet, shining it into all of the soldiers, waging these battles to take over, and rescue the children in these deep underground military bases, liberating the children, taking back absconded wealth, liberating advanced technologies. And overcoming anyone presenting any resistance to coming with them. And destroying these bases after their contents have been liberated, so that they will no longer be used for any dark, nefarious purposes ever again. Allowing ourselves to feel Compassion, and Oneness, and Forgiveness, and Gratitude in this Now Moment, and shining it out as a balancing, harmonizing beacon of the Love and Light that we are.


All of you Beloveds, we honor you so very much. We are always here with you in this Here/Now Moment.


Namaste and good night.  And now Maria will come in.