Friday, June 25, 2021

6-23-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-23-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am so very happy to be with you once again at this time of change, of so much Love and Light, and high frequency, and vibration coming onto your Beloved Planet, through the Galactic Center. 


Beloveds, it is the Spirit and Intent of the Truth bringing you closer together. The seeds that I, and my Beloved Mary’s, and the people that I attracted as Disciples and Apostles in that lifetime, they laid the groundwork for the changes that are happening now. 


Because, Beloveds, it was always about breathing into the heart and activating those spaces in consciousness to help us remember, where we came from,, and that the Power of Love and Light that we are at the Core Essence of our Being, our Divinity, that these things make us eternal, and in infinite energy.


And it is the dissemination of this transmission of who we are, and coming together in mass meditation, to raise the level of the vibration, to expand the field of consciousness, and to make the Intentional Requirements for once again turning your Beloved Mother Gaia into the Garden of Eden, where there is no separation and pain, because you will once again be in the 5th Dimension.


All of the lifetimes, that you have been through, all of the tests and challenges, that you have met, and been victorious with, they are all coming together in this Now Moment, Beloveds. The expansion of your heart-centered energies is linking you with the hearts and minds of the Collective Consciousness, and with all of the energies on your Beloved Planet, of the Kingdoms, of the rivers, the mountains, the energy centers, the lei lines and, yes, all of the Master Crystals that are coming into full activation at these times.


Because you have been through so many portals, to enable this transmission of the photon energy, to come in to raise the level of your consciousness, whereby all of the Plans of the Earth Alliance take shape. And they change your reality in a very Divine and Loving Way.


Ridding your planet of the scourge of Satanism, of separation, of fear-of-survival dynamics, of genocide, all of these things, Beloveds, that have been perpetrated upon you as necessities. It was not the Truth, and it never has been. It has been part of each of our journeys, to choose what we give our energy to, to know that Love is the strongest force in all of Creation.


And to come up with a narrative of Truth that empowers us in all of our thoughts, words, and actions to be of the Light, and to attract higher levels of consciousness all throughout Mother Gaia, lifting us up into the 5th Dimension and beyond, and accelerating the Ascension Process on Beloved Mother Gaia. And yes, this level of Ascension of Consciousness transmits to all of Creation, raising their level of consciousness.


Beloveds, we are so blessed, all of us together, to be in Mission at this time, to do something on Beloved Mother Gaia, that has never been done in all of the Cosmos.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

6-23-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 6-23-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I Maria Magdalena. I come into your circle, into your conference call tonight, with so much Joy and Love for you all.


Yes, you are going through this pivotal moment in time, on your Beloved Planet, where the shift can be felt in a very real and tangible way. You feel the energy shift from day to day now. And the Truth is coming out ever-more so in many Beloved Ways, in many stories. Not from the mainstream media. They are doing their best to mask the Truth. 


But Beloveds, there are so many websites. There are so many people putting on events all over the planet, not just in the United States. But the Truth is making itself known, in the spirit and intent of the Will of the people, for Truth, for prosperity, and abundance.


Beloveds, the fiat banking system on your planet is all but done. And yes, there has been a new system ready to take over for a very long time. It has been backed by precious metals. And the new system using quantum energies can come into alignment, online, at any time.


It is just a matter of shifting the narrative into the Truth, and having hard disclosure, that puts all of these changes into perspective, for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, so that harmony in this phase of transition will be manifested in a very-Divine, Beautiful Way; so that each and every being on your planet, who are choosing to feel the Truth, to bring it into their heart, and to honor themselves with Love and Compassion, and shine it out. And transmit it to all of the Beloved Beings on the planet, as you go through these changes.


And yes, even shining your LoveLights on those, who will be incarcerated, and interred, and have to withstand military tribunals, for Crimes Against Humanity and Treason. Beloveds, no one who has been a minion of this Cabal will be let off the hook. They will have to come to terms with what they have done, to allow this dynamic on your planet to be completely rid of any and all of the darkness, the Satanic rituals, the lies and deceptions, the devices, that have been used against you for eons. All of that is being exposed.


And these movies having to do with hard disclosure, and what is being called the Days of Darkness are really, to our way of experiencing it outside of linear time, are the Days of Illumination of the Truth. And opening up the hearts and psyches of all of the Beloveds on your planet who are ready to take the jump into higher vibrations and frequencies, Beloveds. We are at a very joyous point in your story on Beloved Mother Gaia.


We love you ever-so much. We are with you in all of your meditations and prayers. 


Beloveds, Namaste and good night.


And now Sananda, my Twin Soul, will come in.

6-23-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 6-23-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I come in tonight feeling these energies of the Solstice and the two eclipses that have come before it.


And with so many changes that are happening on your Beloved Planet, having to do with the Plans of the Earth Alliance coming to a place, where it is fairly obvious that these Plans are coming into a phase, whereby they can reach fruition. And that the components of NESARA can come online, and change, and shape your physical reality in a very pleasing and unifying manner, whereby the Truth will be honored in each and every person’s heart.


And their contributions, when they are speaking their Truth from their hearts will be recognized. And this hasn’t been the case. Because your negative programming has taught so many of you to be afraid of opening up your hearts, because of the factor being judged, and being put down, and being called crazy.


But Beloveds, this is the time for opening your hearts, for speaking your Truth, for letting go of the pain and suffering, that duality has taken you through at its many junctures of tests and challenges. And yes, you have been learning to stay in neutrality, to let go of being magnetized in low vibration.


And allowing yourself to be Here Now, to be conscious of your feelings, your thoughts, words, and actions, as the Compassionate Observer whereby you can experiment, with what intuitively you are feeling is the direction, that you are being guided in.


So many of you are learning to develop your gifts and talents, at this time.  And yes, it can even be just in the dialogue with your family, your neighbors, and your friends. But Beloveds, it takes a certain talent to be inspired and to speak your Truth, while feeling this Love and Light, that unites all of Humanity, that brings about the changes on your Beloved Planet, in a most harmonious and beautiful way.


This, Beloveds, is what we have been working for in the unification of the hearts and minds of all of the sovereign beings, which all of you are on Beloved Mother Gaia, whereby you can let go of the fear-based programming and be feeling the Oneness, of being supported by the Universe, at this time of transition, whereby advanced technology will be released.


And hard disclosure is coming about, that will help everyone to understand their connections with their True Nature, and their journey through duality on this Beloved Planet leading up to that connection with the Higher Aspects of their Being, to understand what is truly in their Akashic Records, as all of the lifetimes they have had, all of the different journeys and Soul Contracts, that they have brought to completion in those lifetimes, that have allowed them to be Here Now, at this time of Ascension, in a very different way. In a way whereby you will have full consciousness in your physicality, Beloveds.


Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you.  And I ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else on the call. Forming our circle, sending the energy around from the left to the right. And spiraling it from the center above to the center below. Expanding our field of energy, feeling the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Metatron, and the Diamond Lights.  Bringing it into ourselves, and into our subatomic particles, and radiating it out.


And now breathing into the heart, and sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. This is her Beloved Heart. This is where she holds the energy for all living beings on your planet. Feel her Wisdom, her Fearlessness, her Compassion. Feel her Unconditional/Universal Love for all of her children, for all of the Kingdoms on her planet. And we send her our Love, and feel this place of Oneness with her being grounded into this heart energy.


And now rising up back to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, and into our hearts. And sending the energy around, from the left, to the right in our circle. And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we rise on up through the layers of the atmospheres, up into multitudes of ships, Beloveds. And coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.


I am opening up the landing deck. And we are honing in on the belly of the ship. And rising up through the landing deck, hovering in the air lock here, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. And we make our way over to an open elevator. And we all get in with our circle still joined together. And I’m pushing the button to close the door, and take us all the way up to the top floor here. And we are zooming right on up.  And now we come to a stop.


And opening the door and walking right out into this gigantic room, where all of these Beloveds, the Mentors, the Angels, and Ascended Masters, Commanders on the ships, Archangels, the orbs who represent consciousness of Beloved Beings from ships, and other planets, who are bilocating for this meditation with us. And your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We are walking on over into the middle of this room, circling around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And we are breathing into our hearts, and joining together to form our circle. Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, as the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds form  their circles.


And we are sending this energy around our circle, to the outer circles. And spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Observing the higher-dimensional consciousness of all of the dimensions represented throughout Creation, in the consciousness of all of the Beloveds assembled here tonight, and all the Crystals in this Crystal Healing Room.


Breathing into these high-vibrational energies and frequencies, allowing ourselves to feel Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Feeling these energies, and seeing the Golden White Light, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights. Bringing them into yourselves, and resonating with their frequencies.


And now, Beloveds, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create, with the energies of this meditation tonight, whether it has to do with your personal finances, the enabling of your Missions on this Beloved Mother Gaia, and the role that you are playing to take yourself and others into the 5th Dimension. And the reality that you will create for yourselves with this 5th Dimensional energy, whatever it is, Beloveds, shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call for Unity, for Non-Judgment, for having Patience, for opening up our hearts to one another, and being in the flow of these inter-dimensional energies. And focusing the Love and Light, that we all are, on all of the Beloveds in the Collective Consciousness, who still are sleeping. And they have not taken this energy to their own personal point of Truth, which will help them to wake up, and to form a plan in this transition period, that will be in alignment with their Soul Contracts. So we shine the LoveLight on all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


And we call for the dissemination of the Truth, for the realization of Peace, Unity Consciousness, and Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And shining it into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down from the atmospheres, down to the surface of the planet, and underneath the surface into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through all of Beloved Mother Gaia. 


Radiating it into the DNA of all living beings, removing anything less than Love, any negative programming based in fear and separation, any of the lies and distortions, that do not serve the whole and are not in alignment with this flow of the higher Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center, from the photon Belt.


We open our hearts in this Now Moment, and radiate this LoveLight out to all of the Beloved Beings, to their DNA, to remove any and all of the lower vibrations, all of the negative programs, all of the devices and delivery systems of negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, all of the polarities and traumas, that have been carried from one lifetime to the next. Dissolving them, de-magnetizing, fractalizing, making all of the negative programming inoperable.


And now spinning in a clockwise direction into your DNA, your energy body, your energy field, and radiating it out. Transmuting all of these energies we have just removed into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And shining it out to all of Humanity.


Being the beacon of Love and Light that you all are, being fearless and courageous in this Now Moment, to be your Truth, to have Self-Love and Compassion, for being embodied at this time, and going through the changes to becoming crystalline based. Thereby being a disseminator of the Truth, of the Love and Light that you are, in Divine Perfection of being connected into the Godhead.


Beloveds, this is the time where more and more, you have the opportunity to be Here Now in higher levels of consciousness, to create your reality in high vibration, and to share these transmissions, that are coming up with being connected with your I AM Presence, and the higher aspects of your being all throughout parallel and dimensional realities. And focusing this LoveLight in your Now Moment into the Collective Consciousness, to help the Beloved Beings wake up, and for them to continue their journey of accelerating their Ascension Process.


Beloveds, we are in this place of Oneness, where the Truth is coming out about how you have all been controlled, and how you have weathered the storm of amnesia, in each and every lifetime, and how you have had to grow in the transmission of the Divine Perfection of who you are in every lifetime. And this being the Ascension lifetime, to clear all of the polarities, and enable your Ascensions in the Now Moment.


Now let us shine our LoveLights on all of these bad actors, who are still resisting coming clean in the Light of Love. Admitting how they have controlled the energy and tilted the framework of the game, leveraged it against Humanity, for the needs of the less-than one percent, with all of their lies and deceptions, devices, and delivery systems. Beloveds, it is time to come clean.


All of these beings who have supported Satan, and Artificial Intelligence, and have thought that their reign upon Planet Earth was forever more, and would never end, because they thought that they had such a distinct advantage over everyone else. That they were smarter, they were elite. But Beloveds, we are all One. We all emanate from the same consciousness. This is the essence of the Law of One.


The Law of One teaches us that there is no separation, and that this is a hologram on the material plane, that we have been embodied in, and incarnated into. And the Truth of who we really are is as interdimensional beings, always connected to Creator Source. We, Beloveds, are making this our reality at this moment of transition, on your Beloved Planet. 


And let us shine the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the children, those who have a Beloved Family, who love them; those who have been trafficked, those who have been used and abused by their parents, and those who have been enslaved in underground bases. We shine the Love and Light into their hearts, and into the hearts of all of the Peacekeepers on the surface, and below the surface, who are freeing the children, who are exposing the traffickers, these minions of the Cabal, whose time it is for them to be held accountable, for the evil they have perpetrated.


We won’t feed their low vibration with Judgment, Beloveds. We just shine the LoveLight into their hearts, to bring about balance all over Beloved Mother Gaia. And raise it to the highest levels of Love and Light.


We honor all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, continuing their journeys, learning the Love and Light that they are, and bringing about their Soul Contracts to completion.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are with you every step of the way.


Namaste and good night.


And now Maria will come in.

Friday, June 18, 2021

6-16-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-16-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am so very happy to be on this call with you. 


We are coming in tonight feeling the momentum that has been shifting on your Beloved Planet, yet again, in the higher vibrations. And yes, you have gone through two eclipses, and now you are coming upon your solstice, and the in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the Summer Solstice. And in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the Winter Solstice. 


Beloveds, this is so Divine and magical for all of us, to be going through these portals, to be rising up in vibration yet again, as the Plans of the Earth Alliance come into fruition, and the Truth comes out, more and more. And the hearts and minds of brothers and sisters, all over your planet, are being unified over the pursuit of Truth, Freedom, and Justice, on this Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, now is the time for all of you to rise up together, on Beloved Mother Gaia, to be in pursuit of having your birthrights honored, of being in your sovereign nature, of using the flexibility, that you have as co-creator of your reality, to stay in high vibration, to call forth what you envision for your reality in the 5th Dimension, to let go of all perceived limitations. And allow yourself to feel, with your breathing into your hearts, this magnanimous spirit of your Divinity, informing you, that you have earned this moment, whereby the reality is shifting yet again, with the Truth being disseminated on your Beloved Planet, enabling the acceleration of your Ascension Process. 


With the Truth, Beloveds, so many will choose to wake up, and to trust the feelings, that are coming forth, and to feel this Oneness, this place of Unity Consciousness, transmitting heart to heart, and soul to soul. Because, Beloveds, there is no elitism. All of you are Divine emanations of the Godhead. All of you are equal. All of you are children of God, even the black magicians, the corrupt politicians, and movie stars. Beloveds, you all start out on the same footing. And all of you, who have strayed from the Light, can come back in with your Intentional Requirements.


Beloveds, Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude are the major elixirs, that have enabled you throughout the ages, to rise up in high vibration, and transmute the lies and deceptions and negative programming, that has weighed you down, whereby you have passed the Markers for Ascension. 


And every day, the level of Consciousness, and the Collective Unconsciousness, is rising. And so many are waking up. So many are perceiving the narrative of the Truth for themselves, enabling their own Inner Truths, and hooking up the dots for themselves. Beloveds, this is a wonderful process for us to behold. We are here with you, as Maria has said, shining the LoveLight into your hearts. 


And now, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. And they hand out these Beloved Kumara roses, which are symbols of the Divine Love, the Oneness of Spirit, of Truth of who we really are, shared together, in this Now Moment being in Mission with one another. Take them into your hearts, in the very-many spectrums of frequency and vibration and color.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.


6-16-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-16-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am with you once again to remind you, that all of your material possessions, all of the attachments that you have, the likes and dislikes, while you have been in physical embodiment on the material plane. Beloveds, the Truth of who you are, as co-creators of your reality with your I AM Presence, with the Higher Aspects of your being, is so much more powerful, than you can imagine at this time.


And as Sekhmet was talking about the changes, that are happening within your DNA, because of these transmissions of the photon energy coming in, from the Galactic Center, from all over Creation. Yes, you are loved and supported by the Company of Heaven, via very many galaxies, and the multiverses, and star races, shining the LoveLight on Beloved Mother Gaia, to help ease you through your Ascensions, Beloveds.


It is in this place of knowingness, deep within your hearts, in the recesses of your DNA encoding, that you will more and more resonate with the Truth of your origins, of how the dark forces have enslaved you on your Beloved Planet. And yes, some of the Truth will shock even those, who have done extensive research in the Truther Community. Beloveds, you have given permission to this great experiment, of creating the hologram, and enabling yourself to move forth, in this density of duality, on this timeline.


And now, this timeline is rising up back into the 5th Dimension, from a very long time ago, when the 5th Dimension enabled you to feel the last Golden Age, on Beloved Mother Gaia. Beloveds, you are coming into your Ascensions. All of you have earned the right to ascend, to have full consciousness in your physical bodies. We are so very happy for you because, yes, we the Mentors, have ascended, and so many of us have ascended on Beloved Mother Gaia. And we know what it takes. We know all of the steps, that you will go through, before you reach that level of consciousness, of Truth, of expanding your field of energy.


Beloveds, it is so very wonderful for us to be seeing this experiment, to come about in such a beautiful and Divine Way. We are with you every step of the way, shining the LoveLight into your hearts. Beloveds, we love you, we honor you.


Namaste and good night. 


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

6-16-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 6-16-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I come into your Beloved Conference Call once again feeling your hearts, and knowing that these days, whereby so much is happening on your Beloved Planet, whereby your mainstream media is putting forth stories about chaos and ruin.


And Beloveds, the positive things on your planet far outweigh the negative at this point, because the Truth is making itself known in the hearts and psyches of so many Beloved People, who have the courage to express from their hearts, to be the Love and Light that they are.


Beloveds, the State of Mastery has to do with loving yourself, and emanating those high vibrations of Love through space-time, and focusing on your 5th Dimensional timeline. Because this is enabling Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of the beings on your planet, to rise up into 5th Dimensional consciousness, where you are creating your reality there, using your imaginations, and being in Mission with us, radiating the Love and Light that you are. This is where your Power truly is. 


And yes, the mainstream media, the governments, all arms and tentacles of the institution, they want to keep you in fear and separation, and thus in low vibration. Beloveds, this is not why you are here. You are here to bust through those barriers, and allow yourself to be who you truly are, which is limitless, Unconditional/Universal Love.


Beloveds, we are with you every step of the way. And you are getting so much Love and Support, from all over the Cosmos, with these high vibrations of the photon energy coming in. And your Schumann Resonance has been off the charts!  And this is a progressive dance in preparing your nervous systems for going online in the crystalline energy grid, and incorporating all of the changes that are coming about in your psyches, with these energies continuously coming in.


Beloveds, this is this dynamic of the photon energy coming in, that is aiding all of the Plans of the Earth Alliance to implement NESARA. The Truth is a very-high vibration, and the Truth, as you know, will set you free. And on this Beloved Planet, the Truth will set you free into the 5th Dimension, Beloveds. 


Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you.  And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call.  Breathing into our hearts, and sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. And spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. Calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Metatron, and the Diamond Lights.


Spiraling this energy and sending it down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And yes, this is her heart, which is rapidly revolving. And she is holding all of the energies of this Beloved Planet. And she is in the 5th Dimension. And so she is radiating these high vibrations out to all of us on Beloved Mother Gaia’s Earth. Breathing into her heart, feeling her Love, and Compassion, and her Wisdom, and letting go to it. And sending her our Love.


And now, rising on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts, and spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through.  Letting ourselves let go even deeper into this Now Moment, being at Zero Point. Allowing more and more of the LoveLight to come in. 


And rising up off the surface of your planet with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, enabling us to rise on up through the layers of the atmospheres. And coming upon the ships, very many in number, as always. And honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, while this landing deck closes beneath us.


And breathing into our hearts now. And it’s safe to touch down. We are making our way to an open elevator, all of us getting in with our circle still joined together. And I’m pushing the button, to close the door, and take us on up to the top floor here. And we are rising rapidly though the many floors on the ship. And now we are coming to a stop, and we are opening the doors.


And there are so many Beloved Beings here to greet us, the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, Angels and Ascended Masters. And we see orbs, who represent the consciousness of Beloved Beings, who are bilocating from ships, from other star races and planets. And yes, your ancestors are here also, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. And we are walking on over into the middle of the room. And we are forming our circle around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.  


Breathing into our hearts once again, allowing ourselves to slow down in this Now Moment. And feel Gratitude for being together with these many spirits once again, as the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds form circles around us. Sending the energy around our circle, to the outer circles. And spiraling it, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling.


Feeling all of the higher dimensions of reality represented in the consciousness, of all of the Beloved Beings here, and in all of the crystals, who have absorbed the higher dimensions, from all over Creation. Allowing ourselves to rise up into these high vibrations. And feeling the Oneness of being joined together, heart to heart, and soul and soul.


We ask you now, Beloveds, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create in your reality, on Beloved Mother Gaia, with the energies of this meditation tonight. It can be having to do with personal relationships, with the health and wellbeing of Beloved Family Members, with sending Love and Light to those whom you will meet in the coming days, that perhaps you will have a connection with. Calling in more and more of your soul families to work with, as the vibrations rapidly rise on Beloved Mother Gaia. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shine forth your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on the call tonight, we call forth the dissemination of the Truth. We call forth the Beloved Beings on your planet, that are working so diligently, to bring about all of the components of NESARA, to rooting out and exposing the traitors, those who have done crimes against humanity, to bring them to justice, all by the book, so that there cannot be any criticism of the way that this is being done. 


Beloveds, it is not a coup. It is the Power of the Spirit of the People, and the Spirit of your United States original Constitution, which is a Divine Document, a sacred document, channeled forth by St. Germain, to enable your Beloved Planet to rise up in frequency and vibration, to be free once again in the 5th Dimension. And shining these Intentional Requirements for the implementation and announcements of NESARA, for the Truth being disseminated, and all of those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity being held accountable. 


Shining it into the Master Crystal and shooting these energies up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Spiraling this energy through the layers of atmospheres, onto your Beloved surface of the planet, underneath the surface, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And radiating this energy through every subatomic particle of Mother Gaia, through all of the underground cities, through Telos and Agartha, all of the military bases, and out to all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and all of Humanity, all of the Hybrids. Radiating these high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.


And now, let us go into the DNA. And once again spinning counterclockwise, to remove all devices and delivery systems, all ill intent, all negative programming, that has allowed the DNA to be mutated. We, Beloveds, are working on the activation of all of the strands of your DNA, by removing anything less than Love, all devices and delivery systems of this negative programming, that seek to keep you tied down, and enslaved in fear and separation. We are breathing into this encoding and releasing it.


And now we are transmuting these energies, with this photon energy coming in in very high vibration, with the Intentional Requirement of bringing in positive dendrites, such as ease, grace, joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, prosperity, abundance, creativity, clarity, satisfaction, fulfillment, bliss, tolerance, clear communication, discernment and absolution, through all of your hearts, your psyches, all over Beloved Mother Gaia, with the Intentional Requirement of raising the level of the vibration. Allowing all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to feel this place of Oneness, this place of Unconditional/Universal Love, and rising up in high vibration. 


And in your dream states, realizing the changes that are being made in your DNA, to allow you to bring in this crystalline energy, and implement it as you go through the acceleration of your Ascension Process. And yes, all of you Beloved Beings, who are working on themselves for so many years now, you are the teachers, leaders, and you will show the way to the Beloveds, who only start to wake up in the coming days. And some of them won’t wake up until the Solar Flash. But Beloveds, all it takes is in a Now Moment for them to be fully present, and to acknowledge why they are here, and that they want to change, and the changes will be made.


Shining this LoveLight into the hearts and minds of all of those Beloveds, who have been the minions of the Cabal for so many lifetimes, so many incarnations. And we say to them, that you are all children of God, even though you deny this. And you deny the Power of the Truth of the Love and Light, that you truly are. It is up to you, in this Now Moment, to make this reversal of fortune for yourselves, and to acknowledge the Truth, Beloveds.  And you are not judged by us. You are only judged by yourself and your Higher Aspects, when you leave this planet, or in the review for your Ascension Process, if you do come into the Light.


Beloveds, we are all One, and you have played your role so magnificently. But now it is time to release your fascination, and your perceived contracts with the darkness, and to bring in the Light. And we shine our LoveLights on all of the children, those who are rushing into this country in the United States, through the borders, and are being enslaved by the cartels. And some of them being taken down into underground bases. We require that all of them are freed.


And shining the LoveLights into all of their hearts, not just the ones who are being trafficked, but all of the children everywhere, for the grace that they show in being here, for being the example of Love and Light, at this time, in coming in with very many of their strands of DNA already connected. We shine the LoveLight into all of their hearts, and into the hearts of all of the Beloved Peacekeepers, who are putting their lives on the line liberating the Beloved Children, and all of the secrets and wealth of the underground bases, before they destroy these bases, so that no elements of darkness, of the Cabal, can ever entrench themselves underneath the surface, and do their nefarious practices ever again. We shine the LoveLight into all of their hearts.


Beloveds on this call, we love you ever-so much. We are in Mission with you.  We honor you. And we praise you for all you do, in being in Mission, and raising the level of vibration of Love and Light, on Beloved Mother Gaia.


Namaste and good night. And now our Beloved Maria will come in.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

6-9-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-9-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am with you Here Now. I join together with you in your circle with my Beloved Mary’s. And we come into this space of Oneness, of Universal Love, and Compassion, and Joy, and Harmony.


Beloveds, we come in to remind you tonight, that as all of the injustices, the heinous acts of the few are brought to the surface, brought into the Light and exposed. And the dynamics of how they have controlled the Beloved Beings on your planet, for all of these eons, come into the Light. And you grasp the true meaning of why things have happened in this manner.


Then Beloveds, you can let go of all fear, all separation, all of these negative programs, that you have been imprinted with, like jealousy, and violence, and anger. And allow yourself to feel the harmony of your true nature, of Mother Nature, and the Divine Spirits of the Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet. And rise up in frequency and vibration with us, blessing all that is taking place as it unfolds in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronicity to expose the darkness, so that the proponents of these mechanisms of control, of enslavement, of perpetual war, and sacrifice, and rituals against Humanity will be brought to justice.


And now more than ever, we ask you to stay in meditation, and to realize that with every breath, with every thought, word and action, Beloveds, you have the Power to raise the level of the vibration, and not be magnetized by the fear and separation, and the lies, that there was not enough for everyone, and that you had to be in competition with each other. Because it was not true. And more and more of you Beloveds are waking up to this space and spirit of the Power of Oneness, of the true intent and meaning of Universal Laws, that are preparing you for your 5th Dimensional lifestyles, as you moment by moment, accelerate your Ascension Processes.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts. Feel these high vibrations in the many different color-spectrums, that may be very new to you, representing all dimensions, all throughout the Cosmos.


Breathe into your hearts, Beloveds. Feel the Oneness with us, and all of the Mentors. And let us shine our LoveLights into the hearts of all of the children, dealing with enslavement, with all of these pressing issues, that have been placed upon them. Shining our LoveLights into their hearts with the Intentional Requirement of Freedom, Truth, and Justice, and the honoring of your Divine Birthrights, all of you Beloved Beings, from now on.


Namaste and good night, Beloveds. 

6-9-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 6-9-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. And yes, I have been on your planet before. And I brought about the transmission, when I lived with Beloved Sananda and his Mother Mary.


And I traveled after a while on my own, talking to many Beloved People, being a teacher, and a disseminator of the different Tantric arts, and raising the level of the vibration. And realizing my Mission at this time, which really is not any different from what it has been up on the ships with all of the Beloveds, the Mentors, the Commanders of the ships. We have all been in Mission with you, Beloveds, our Divine Starseeds, Lightworkers, Light Warriors, to bring about this great shift in consciousness on your Beloved Planet. 


And yes, we started to plant seeds in that lifetime of my Beloved Sananda, whom your Bible calls Jesus Christ. And his and our energy combined with all of the Beloveds, who joined together with us, to create those miracles, and that feeling of Oneness. When we ascended, we transmitted that energy all over your Beloved Planet.


And now, with the energies coming in from the Galactic Center, wave upon wave, of these very high-vibrational energies, yes, it is a part of your Ascension Process. Preparing you for letting go of that 3rd Dimensional timeline, and shifting your energy into this 5th Dimensional timeline where you will disincorporate all of the 3-D Matrix, that has been used to mind control you, and keep you at low vibration.


You are busting out of the cocoon, Beloveds, and spreading your wings. And learning your own Inner Truth, and your narratives, to help you be in this place of Oneness, in balance within the four bodies of your being.


It is our Mission to radiate this LoveLight continuously and not let ourselves be dragged down by the rationalizations, the misinformation, and the control mechanisms, that the Cabal and the AI have used to enslave your consciousness. And to have you play small, thinking that the 3rd Dimension was the true nature of your reality. Beloveds, nothing could be farther from the Truth. You are limitless in the higher dimensions, in the 5th Dimension and beyond.


We love you ever-so much. We are here with you at all times, Beloveds, in meditation, in each and every moment, shining our LoveLights with you.


Namaste and good night.


And now Sananda will come in.

6-9-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

6-9-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I come to you once again, as we commune with your hearts, at this very momentous time. 


It is only a few days away to another eclipse, or actually just one day on your earth calendar to this Beloved Event, which will be another portal into the higher vibrations and dimensions of reality. And Beloveds, this is another opportunity for all of us to focus on what we desire will be the outcomes of our meditations, of all that we shine forth, with our Love and Light, to create this 5th Dimensional reality; being in Mission with the All That Is, to bring these Soul Contracts and plans, that you have envisioned for the liberation of yourselves and Mother Gaia.


Beloveds, we are here as One in this Now Moment. And our Mission is always raising the level of the vibration, and going for the Light in every Now Moment, and letting go of anything less than Love. Because, Beloveds, all of you have been indoctrinated with this mind-control programming, to keep you in survival mode, whereby you didn’t think you had the power with increasing the level of your vibration, and bringing in these high frequencies of Love and Light, that allow you to be One with your I AM Presence, and the Higher Aspects of your being, so that you will empower yourselves to create the reality, that you truly desire.


And yes, we are here for empowering all of the Beloved Beings on your planet in their Ascension Process. And NESARA is a component of this. But, Beloveds, every breath you take is a part of your meditation, and is an opportunity to once again be in Mission, by raising the level of the vibration, so that all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, who are still operating in low vibrations of fear and separation, can wake up and realize the Power, that we all have together in taking back our Beloved Planet, and our freedoms, and rising up into this very blissful, loving, and compassionate lifestyle, that is ours in the 5th Dimension. Beloveds, it is always here.


So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand. on this call. to form our circle. And breathing into our hearts, sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Metatron, and the Diamond Lights. Allowing ourselves to slow down and relax in this Now Moment, and to feel the Oneness of all of Creation, shining within us, within every cell, and subatomic particle of our being, Beloveds.


And now sending the energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling the rotation of this gigantic crystalline ball, which is her heart, Beloveds. It is where she holds all of the energy of this Beloved Planet, for all of us. Her Compassion, her Wisdom, her Patience, all of the virtues that are enabling her Ascension, and our Ascension, along with her. Breathing into her heart, and giving her our Love and our Compassion.


And now, rising on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts. And sending the energy around in a clockwise direction. And it is with the Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization of this spiral, up, down, and around and through. Rising on up off the surface of the planet with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, we rise on up through the many levels and layers of atmospheres, and coming upon multitudes of ships.


And honing in on the Nibiru, as I open up the belly of the ship, which serves as the landing deck. And we are popping right on through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, Beloveds. 


And we make our way over into an elevator, that beckons to us. And we are all getting in with our circle still joined together. And I close the door, and push the button, to take us on up to the top floor. And we are rocketing right on up, feeling weightless, as we do so. And now we come to a stop and opening up the door.


And all of the Beloveds here to greet us, the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs who are representing Beloved Beings, who are bilocating their consciousness from many different planets and star ships. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


They are all here welcoming us, and opening their hearts to us, as we move into the middle of the room, circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the Beloveds are forming the outer circles. There are very many Beloved Beings with us here tonight.


And sending this energy, spiraling it around the circles, from the floor, to the wall, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through, expanding our combined field of energy. Resonating with all of the higher dimensions of reality, represented in the consciousness, of all of the Beloved Beings here, and Beloved Crystals that comprise this Healing Room. They have absorbed the energies of the higher dimensions from all over Creation.


Breathing into these high vibrations and frequencies, allowing ourselves to let go, and be here all joined heart to heart, and soul to soul with one another. Feeling the Peace that passes all understanding. Feeling the compassionate nature of all of Creation emanating from its Central Source.


Beloveds, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire, to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. It could be having to do with having greater capacity to express yourself from your hearts, to mend relationships, to be the Compassionate Observer of your loved ones, of your friends, and even those who oppose you. Beloveds, we are all One in this Now Moment, and whatever your Intentional Requirements are, Beloveds, shining it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call tonight, in doing this meditation, we call for Compassion, for Understanding all of the Beloved Beings of what they are going though in this Now Moment, so many waking up. So many having to change their thought patterns, and make different choices, because they feel this shift in consciousness in a very over-riding way.


And we send forth the Intentional Requirement of letting go of all fear, and having all of the Beloved Beings on your planet know they are loved and supported, by the Company of Heaven, by their I AM Presence and Guidance Teams. And that we are all in Mission together, to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia in high vibration, to a heart-centered lifestyle in the 5th Dimension, to accelerate our Ascension Processes.


And Beloveds, shining the LoveLight into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, through layers of atmospheres, onto the surface, underneath the surface, once again into Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And radiating it out all over the Beloved Planet to the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings, who are either conscious, subconscious, or in unconscious sleep state. Sending them our Love with the Intentional Requirement of raising the level of their vibration, more and more, to help them have this knowingness of who they really are, and the willingness and the courage to make choices that resonate with their true nature. And to change their behavior patterns, and live heart-centered lifestyles, to accommodate this process of awakening for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


And now, we are going into the DNA, Beloveds. And once again removing anything less than Love, any machinations by this Artificial Intelligence, by the black magicians, and their minions, supporting this dark agenda. Removing all devices and delivery systems, removing anything less than Love.


And now, feeling the Lightness, the Bliss of bringing in more and more of this LoveLight. Transmuting all of these energies, that we have just removed into high vibration. And going into the energy fields of all of the Beloveds, removing all negative dendrites, replacing them with positive dendrites of Truth, Freedom, and Justice, Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. 


Letting go of all fear and separation. And bringing in these high-vibrational feelings of Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment, & Absolution. 

Awaking all strands of the DNA. Transmitting them into each of the Beloveds’ energy fields, into the right lobes of their brain. Activating all centers of the brain, to receive these high frequencies of Love and Light, and come into connection with the higher aspects of their being. Preparing all of the Beloved Beings for this Solar Flash, and to the remembrance of who they truly are with the Intentional Requirement of them not going into fear. And realizing we are all One, experiencing this together. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, shining our LoveLights into all of those, whom are still holding onto the old ways, who do not want the Truth to come about, who want to hold onto their lifestyle of being rich, or famous, while others do not have the same material abundance and prosperity. Beloveds, we are One.


And to liberate your Beloved Planet with prosperity for all, for the granting of all of your birthrights, each and every one of you. This is what our Mission in liberating your Beloved Planet consists of, that the Universal Laws shall reign supreme on your Beloved Planet, assisted by all of us in Oneness, in the Truth of the Light of the Love that we all are.


And shining our LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of the children on your Beloved Planet, the ones who are free, living with their families, the ones who have been taken from their families, who have been trafficked, the ones who have been enslaved underneath the surface in military bases. And shining our LoveLights into the hearts of all of the Peacekeepers, who lay their lives on the line for the liberation of all of these brave young souls.


Shining our Love and our Light. Radiating it up, down, and around and through, from the surface, underneath the surface, into all of these bases all over your planet, with the Intentional Requirement of resuscitating and reviving all of the Beloved Children, of taking back the wealth, of unearthing all of the secrets of rituals, of absconded wealth, of artifacts that will support the Truth of how life has unfolded on your Beloved Planet, and who have settled your planet from other planets, who have been these controlling forces in league with the Artificial Intelligence.


Beloveds, removing all mind control, all fear and separation, coming into this place of Divine Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Beloveds, we love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night.


And now Maria will come in.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

6-2-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-2-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am very happy to be with you once again, to come in and commune with your hearts, while you are in your circle. 


Sending the energy around your circle, feeling this Oneness, this expansiveness of rising up into the 5th Dimension and beyond. Feeling the Peace, the Joy of being in this Now Moment together, in these high frequencies of Love and Light. Beloveds, you have worked over the course of many lifetimes to get to this place of consciousness, while being fully awakened in the Now Moment to allow yourself to let go to the deeper levels of Love and Light, to be in this place of nothingness of the Buddha, or we call it Zero Point, so that you can feel these high vibrations of Love and Light come into your energy field. 


And with your Intentional Requirement, spinning all of your major and minor chakras, you can feel the Unified Chakra. And this Unified Chakra is your way to experience Unity Consciousness, Beloveds. This is the direction, that all of you Beloveds who are choosing to ascend are heading. Because in the 5th Dimension, you will be able to know the Truth of each and every one of yourselves, to know your hearts, to know who you have been in past lifetimes, of what your Soul Contracts have been in this lifetime, and the roles you have played with one another from lifetime to lifetime, while being in the density of this duality, on Beloved Mother Gaia.


Beloved, you are coming to this place of completion, where the Truth will be made known, where all of the Plans of the Alliance are being implemented, under the framework, the initiation of NESARA, for 5th Dimensional government, and 5-D society, which you are all creating together, with your Intentional Requirements, with your envisioning of what you desire to feel, and to be in the 5th Dimension, as you complete your Ascension Processes, Beloveds. 


Yes, we are all on the same Mission. And this is why I went through my Passion Play to plant those seeds of enlightenment into your hearts, into the Collective Consciousness, so that when you would be at the end of your cycle in this 26,000-year period, you would start to remember how it felt then, and how it felt at those times of the Golden Ages of Lemuria, and Atlantis, and the roles that you have played. And feel this expansiveness of the Love and Light that you are, Beloveds. Being fearless to express it with one another, to raise the level of the vibration, and accelerate your Ascension Processes.  Beloveds, this is where we are at right now. 


We ask you to continue in your Mission of your mediations, of speaking from your hearts, of knowing and being the Love and Light that you are, of feeling the Joy of this liberation of these high frequencies, that are informing you, that Now is the time to anchor in the 5th Dimension.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much.  We are here with you in Mission.


Namaste and good night.