Thursday, April 23, 2020

4-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

4-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Yes, I am so very happy, so very enthusiastic about what is going on, on your Beloved Planet in this Now Moment. Ah yes, the plans of the Alliance have taken on even more shape, and starting to unfurl the deeper layers of the Intentions for Liberation, on your Beloved Planet. Because you, for thousands of years, have been manipulated and controlled, by layer upon layer of lies, half-truths, and deceptions, creating this matrix of low vibration upon your Beloved Planet, and into each and every one of your energy fields. 

And now, this level of control and separation is being penetrated by our LoveLights, all over the Cosmos, Beloveds. The energies of so many different star races, representing all of the higher dimensions of reality, are being shined through the Galactic Center, through the opening in your Solar Sun, and onto your Beloved Planet, and etherically into your Collective Consciousness, for the Mass Awakening. And that is what is happening right now. 

These plans are bringing up more and more of the transparency of the lies, that one side is foisting upon you as a matter of their addiction to power and greed, and to selling their true sovereign nature out to their Lord, their Lucifer, or Satan, because he promised them immortality with all of the lies that he perpetrated upon their consciousness. 

And yes, he was able to deliver fame, and glory, and riches, and sex and power. But, Beloveds, the price that these brothers and sisters have had to pay, have been very, very unfortunate for their spiritual evolution. And yes, many of them agreed to take on these low-vibrational, so that the duality would be so very meaningful for you all, to have to create your reality in dealing with these lower densities. But Beloveds, they truly did not respect the agreements, that they made in the original Contracts, that they had with Heaven. 

And so now, you have evolved to this place within the auspices of the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet, having reached the markers for Ascension.  And essentially Mother Gaia at her core is in the 5th Dimension. And the LoveLights are resonating on your Beloved Planet. 

The interaction through what is coming in through the Galactic Center, and your connection with Mother Gaia, and the higher aspects of your being are enabling these plans, which have been all a part of our Mission together, to reclaim the 5th Dimension, and liberate you, your souls, and your Beloved Planet, to be once again in the 5th Dimension, so that you can springboard into your Ascensions. 

And yes, you have this Divine Decree, that says you can reach full consciousness in your physically-embodied states. And Beloveds, this has never been done. And we are so in support of you doing this. Every step along the way, we continue to be with you, all of us, all of the Mentors, all of the beings, all over the Cosmos, that are so inspired, and that have a part to play in your Ascensions, Because, yes, all of their Ascensions will be upgraded by you finally winning in this very deep, ultimate test against the darkness, the forces of the Artificial Intelligence on your Beloved Planet. Ah yes, Beloveds, we love you so very much.

And now shining our LoveLights, all of us Mentors, you still joined together in your circle, sending this LoveLight into your hearts, around the circle, expanding your energy fields, asking you to fully mobilize this feeling of Self Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude for who you are in the Oneness of all of Creation with Creator Source, being a part of the Godhead, the eternal, infinite energy, that you are. The limitless connection of your energy, of your being, being an integral part of the Godhead.

Expanding this energy and spiraling it out onto the hearts, of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, once again, raising the level of their consciousness with this LoveLight, from the higher dimensions, showering these rainbow frequencies of Light within their third eyes, their Heart Centers, all through their chakra systems. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, and into all of the Kingdoms of your Beloved Planet, into the mountains, and all of the water ways, and underneath the surface of your oceans, under the surface of Mother Gaia, into the underground bases, into all of the sacred cities of all of the beings, who have ascended, and are in high vibration in Telos and Agartha and all over your Beloved Planet, these high-vibrational civilizations, which you will one day commune with when the timing is right.

And ah yes, we wait for the day of our reunion with you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Just call us in whenever you want to feel our Love and Support.

Namaste and good night.

4-22-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-22-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again. And as Mother says, there is so much happening. We see it, from our side, on the ships, all of the colors of the rainbow sparkling, going off like fireworks. And yes, we see all of the different aspects and components of the plans of the Alliance, being fully unveiled, being put in motion.

And the momentum, we feel and see it being speeded up. And yes, no dates.  And we know, that the way we perceive time on the other side is so much different from the way that you perceive it. Because, ah yes, I have been physically embodied on your Beloved Planet at various times in the past also.

And everything is, again we say, in Divine Timing. And we just ask you to feel the Love and Perfection of who you truly are, Beloveds. Because, yes, one of the biggest tests and challenges, that you have been presented with, on your Beloved Planet, in being physically embodied the way that you are, is to love yourself. Because, in essence, you are loving the nature of your association and your experiences with duality. And for you to fully realize that everything has been essential to your growth, and the expansion of your consciousness. And that before you came into this lifetime, Beloveds, you asked for this, in having your Soul Contracts made up, and all set to go for this lifetime. 

And yes, you knew that this would be the Ascension Lifetime, And here you are in the midst of this Great Awakening, this Great Shift from your 3rd Dimensional dualistic density, to the Bliss, and the Harmony, and the high vibrations and the feelings of Oneness and Joy of, being in the 5th Dimension.

And ah yes, Beloveds, you are continually asked to stay in high vibration, because this is the essence of your Mission in being the Ground Crew, and enabling that the Collective Consciousness will awaken to take on their process of helping themselves to evolve in these high vibrations, that will soon become the 5th Dimension.
Ah yes, Beloveds, we feel so much Joy in this Now Moment, at feeling your hearts, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, who are awakening, who are allowing themselves to use their Discernment, concerning what they are hearing on your Internet, in livestreams, in YouTube videos, in mass meditations. Because it is opening up their consciousness in a very real, harmonious way, and allowing them to truly know and remember, who they are, and why we are all here together, and what our Mission is, and how they are starting to feel so much lighter, so much better, empowered with the Love and Light that they are.

Beloveds, we love you ever so much. You are eternal, infinite energy, and we are One, Beloveds. Just call us in anytime you want to feel our Love and Support.

Namaste and good night. 

And Sananda is coming in now.

4-22-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Ah yes, everything’s a popping! We can feel the energies being in high vibration.

And yes, this ongoing momentum,, that has been stirred up on your Beloved Plane, by all of us being in Mission to reveal the Truth, to fully take the density of duality, and clean it all out, so all of the secrets, and the lies, and the deceptions, that have been used against you, and your True Sovereign Nature, can be shown in their completeness and their totality. But the Alliance is working on, with all of their plans, that are impregnating the institutions and the structure of this Cabal Deep State.

 So yes, progress is being made, and Beloveds, we ask you from the bottoms of our hearts to focus on your Joy, to focus on what you feel, when you are in meditation, in your own meditations and with us, and any other mass meditations that you care to join, most probably these days on the Internet. And there have been quite a few of those, that have been raising the level of the vibration. When you have thousands of people turning it into a live stream, yes, it becomes a very potent conduit to awakening the Collective Consciousness. 

But our calls cannot be discounted either, Beloveds, because of what we are asking the Universe for in the dissemination of the Truth, and all of the components of NESARA being implemented in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And yes, it has been an ongoing creation of ours together, has it not? Over the years, through all of the different layers of polarity, and slicing through those layers of negative programming, which have been perpetrated by the institutions of your Beloved Planet on you, to get you to be docile and to be afraid-- Well, you haven’t gone for it. And we are so very proud of you, because you have been using your Discernment.

And now, with the energies being what they are in coming onto your planet, and the momentum of the Great Awakening, the Great Shift in focus, coming about in the unfurling of these plans, and indictments getting served and unsealed, and the change over into a financial system, that will serve the needs of the people. And, of course, this is what our Beloved St. Germain had envisioned in the birth of your country hundreds of years ago. Well, now these things are coming to completion and fruition.

So, let us join together, Beloveds, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach for someone else’s hand on this call. And forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and to feel good, Beloveds; to feel this light drenching every cell, every subatomic particle within the four bodies of our being.  Breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to rise on up, and sending the energy out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of your right hand, breathing again into the Heart Center.

And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts that we lift ourselves up off of your Beloved Planet up into the layers of the atmospheres. And coming to the layers of ships, and coming upon by Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.  And we’re headed straight to the underbelly of the ship. And I’m opening the landing deck up. And we’re hovering in the airlock now, and the landing deck is closing beneath us, while we hover.

 And now, it’s safe to touch down and, of course, we’re walking on back to an open elevator here, and we’re all getting in. And I am pushing the buttons, closing the door, and selecting the penthouse here. And we’re going all the way up, allowing ourselves to feel weightless. And here it is. We have arrived! We’re opening up the door. 

And so many Beloveds are here tonight to greet us, the Mentors, smiling at us, and in a spirit of Joy, and welcoming, and happiness, Beloveds. And we are walking on back, seeing all of the other Beloveds there, Commanders, and other beings from the ships, other angels and Ascended Masters, your ancestors, and yes, perhaps you from a past lifetime or two. And we are coming to the middle of the room, where our Master Crystal sets on the Altar. And we are forming our circle around it. And as we do this, the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their outer circles.
And we are breathing into our Heart Centers and sending this energy around the circle to the outer circles. And spiraling this energy, expanding our energy fields, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Allowing ourselves to get down into the subatomic particles of all of the crystals, and the high vibrations of the higher dimensions of reality, which are represented in the crystals, and in the consciousness of so many Beloved Beings, joining us, and some from the ships that are bi-locating into our field of energy right now, which they are very capable of doing, and shining their LoveLights on us, breathing into all of these high vibrational energies and feeling this Divine Power, this connection with Creator Source at Zero Point in this Now Moment, Beloveds. 

And we ask you to state your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies, these high vibrations, that we are partaking in, in this meditation tonight. And yes, it could be anything that brings you Joy, such as the health and wellbeing of your family, allowing yourselves to have stronger, more intimate relationships with your Beloveds, with financial independence, and even being more artistic, and allowing yourself to feel more connection, more LoveLight in your meditations.

And shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. And we state for the Intentional Requirements of what we all want to create, for all of the Beloveds, all throughout the Cosmos tonight, for the dissemination of the Truth. And to have so many people realize all of the different layers of lies and deceptions, that have been perpetrated upon you, to keep you in lockdown in your minds, for these many thousands of years, so that you would be so afraid and so conditioned. And your responses, your choices would be so automatic, that it would not allow for you to reach your full Cosmic Potential as being a part of the Godhead.
Well, the times have changed! The Great Awakening or Great Shift, if you will, is afoot, Beloveds. And we are now in free flow with the plans of the Alliance, taking hold more and more, each and every breath that we take. And this is so very profound and beautiful for us, to experience with you all together, our hearts connected with the threads of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.
And now, shining our LoveLights with our Intentional Requirements, for this meditation, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down on your Beloved Planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, to underneath the surface. Affecting all the atoms, subatomic particles, the cellular composition of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms of your planet.  And spiraling it down into Mother Gaia’s crystalline core. Sending our LoveLight into her center. Resonating with the highest frequencies of Love and Light, and appreciation, and gratitude for her thousands and millions of years of service, of being the sentient being of your Beloved Planet. And all along, she has shared with you, and all of the natures and Kingdoms of your Beloved Planet. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, and transmitting this Golden White Light into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

We intentionally require for all of the beings on your planet to awaken, to how they are an integral part of the Godhead, to allow them to feel without any fear, to know, that they are loved and supported by Creator Source for all of their choices, for all of the Truths they will intuit within the four bodies of their being with these high vibrations continually coming in. And allowing them to see with clarity, who they really are, and enable the connections with their I Am Presence and other aspects of their being.

And yes, this is an ongoing process for them, as it has been for all of you Beloveds. Only that their process will be a bit more accelerated, because of the energies of the plans coming to fruition in this Now Moment, and it being much easier to see the transparency of the lies, the dynamics by which you have been conditioned, and controlled, and deceived by this Cabal, by the AI that is its underpinning. 

And now, we’re shining our LoveLights, in particular, on all of the Beloved Beings of the militaries who have been in siege, you would say, on the underground bases, to disable the strongholds of the Cabal, and to free all of the Beloveds, that have been held against their will, all of these children, who have been abused, whose energy has been drained. Well, now it is time for them to be rescued, and so many have been so far. But this is such a far-reaching exercise, we would say, such a far-reaching Mission for Liberation on your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, it takes faith of all of these Beloved soldiers, to go down there, and to be at war with what is not easily seen. But yes, they are growing also, by being a part of these Missions, and allowing themselves to have the Courage to bring these Missions to completion. And we honor them and we salute them as well, as all of the Beloved Beings, such as Julian Assange, and all of the WikiLeaks people who have made it their Mission to disseminate the Truth, and all of the Beloved Children, who have fulfilled their Soul Contracts, by being on your planet and have allowed themselves to be put at the mercy of this Cabal. And now, they have been bathed in the Light, and they are being rescued.

And we love all of you Beloved Beings so very much. We honor you for all the choices that you have made, because you are the epitome of Courage. You are the game changers.

All of you Beloveds in your meditations, in your acts of selflessness, in rooting out the Truth, and revealing all of the perpetrators, who would enslave you, to make themselves the kings and queens of your Beloved Planet, at the expense of others. 

Well, Beloveds, we are all one in the Love and Light that we are created in.  There is no separation. There is no one, that is better than another. And this is the Power and the Beauty of Creation, because no matter what level of evolution you are on, it is perfect for you. There are no mistakes.  Everything is in Divine Timing. 

Beloveds, there is no reason to be afraid. You are loved and supported. And we so appreciate each and every one of you, all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, all of the Beloved Beings on this call, and those who will hear the recording, and read the transcriptions. We love you so very much.

Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Maria Magnalena now.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

4-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

4-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you once again tonight. 

Beloveds, in the lifetime when I was Yeshua Ben Joseph, on your Beloved Planet with my mother, Mary, my father, Joseph, and my Beloved Twin Soul, Maria, and my uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, and all of the Beloved Disciples. And most of you, Beloveds, were in that lifetime in some way, shape or form. 

My message was basically one of Oneness, of sharing the feeling, the knowingness of the Power of Compassion. Because, Beloveds, yes, at the Core Essence of our Being, we are all Love and Light. We all emanate from Creator Source. We are all part of what you would call the Godhead.

But I was saying to all of the Beloveds, and I continue to espouse this message, that we are all One. And Compassion allows us to respect one another’s journey through this life, and to bypass any of the rationalizations, of the judgments of anyone else’s journey through this life. And for us to focus on being Here/Now, and being in Integrity with that feeling, of being an integral part of the Godhead. And knowing the Power of the Love, unites us in a very deep way, in our genetics, in the subatomic particles.

Everything in all of Creation emanates from the same Source. And to know this, to be aware, and to breathe into our hearts, of this bigger picture of who we are, and what Creation is, enables us to stay in high vibration, and enables us to create the reality, that lifts up the quality of our lives in a very beautiful way.

Because everything, that you ask for is given, Beloveds. All of the physical endearments beyond survival even, beyond just having food, or clothes, or warmth, or transportation is being made available to you. It’s just you allowing yourself to be aware of who you are, and staying in the high-vibrating consciousness of this Now Moment, staying home, in the home of your heart, in these high vibrations, to allow your Intentional Requirements to manifest in this Now Moment.

And once again, shining the LoveLight into your hearts, and you still joining together with your hands. And me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, being a part of your Beloved Circle. And shining into your hearts this high-vibrational Love and Light, into the highest of vibrations, forming a conduit into the consciousness of Creator Source. And allowing you to resonate at whatever level is appropriate for you.

And we shine our LoveLights into your hearts. And we’re talking about all of the Mentors now, all of the Beloved Beings from the ships, all over Creation.  Yes, you are the focal point. Your Ascension matters to all of the Beloved Beings, all over the Cosmos.

And we come together on these calls to make this Initiation with you, to send you more of this Love and Light. And we work with you, each and every night in your dream states to make you ready for the final stages of anchoring in the 5th Dimension in its totality on your Beloved Planet and for going through all of the steps that will allow you to ascend, Beloveds.

And right now we are in a very meaningful and pivotal phase of bringing in the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet, with the plans of this Alliance, in harmony with the Ashtar Command, in harmony with all of the Beloved Beings, all through the Cosmos, sending you their Love and Light, to raise the level of vibration, where you once again become fully empowered, knowing the bigger picture, remembering it in each and every Now Moment, and activating your hearts, becoming the Sacred Heart of Consciousness, and transmitting it to one another, and intensifying it, and expanding your energy fields to fully activate your Crystalline Grid.

Ah yes, once that becomes your reality, the 5th Dimension, and sharing heart to heart, and soul to soul in the 5th Dimension, will be such a Joy and a Blessing to all of you, Beloveds.

We love you so very much. We are so very happy, because we see it happening right now. And we see this Great Awakening growing, multiplying, manifesting with each breath that you take.

We love you so very much. Just call us in at any time, Beloveds, to commune with you heart to heart.
Namaste and good night.

4-15-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, I too am filled with the Spirit of Joy and Happiness, for the changes that are happening on your Beloved Planet. And they are changes within your hearts, and within your consciousness, because the bridges are being made through this Awakening Process, on the totality of your planet, that allow you to bring in these insights of how you are all joined together, through what seemed to be the limitations on your energies from this pandemic. 

But Beloveds, because you are making new choices, that are more heart centered, because you are walking up in the realization of what really matters to you, and that being with your families, and feeling good in the Now Moment and allowing yourself to let go of the worry. To let go of the mind control, the negative programming, that you see more and more is in the lower vibrations. And the consciousness is awakening to the mandate, that they don’t want to feel bad anymore. 

They want to feel, all of you want to feel, liberated. You want your Freedom. You want the Joy of being in nature. You want the Joy of holding one another again, of being intimate, of showering each other with your Truths, with your Love, with your Compassion for this human condition, that you are all going through together. And not having to hold back, not having to play the survival game anymore.
And this, Beloveds, as you know, is what NESARA is all about. It is giving you a foundation for living in Passion, and in Love and Free Creative Expression, in allowing free theater to manifest on your Beloved Planet. And this is a Joy. This is a Miracle for us to behold, my Brothers and Sisters. 

Yes, it has taken years and years to reverse this dynamic of mind control, of enslavement, by these powerful dark energies, that pervaded the consciousness and the physicality of your Beloved Planet, that created this Negative Energy Matrix to keep you in low vibration, to keep you so very controlled and enslaved in fear, in separation. And now we see it being rinsed away like a gigantic wave of Unconditional/Universal Love, that is putting into your hearts, this Universal Eternal Flame of Knowingness. And it is so very wonderful for us.

We love you so very much. And as we keep on saying, please call us in any time that you like. Feel our energy. Let us commune together, as much as possible to do our Missions, to bring them to completion in this Now Moment, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Beloved Sananda now.

4-15-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

4-15-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening! Ah yes, again we see so much positive, humm, encounters, plans that are taking shape in various ways. And announcements, not NESARA, but things that will aid in the development in the implementation of NESARA happening, such as the cutting off of funding to the World Health Organization, because of how they handled this, ah, crisis with this Covid-19.

So, this is another layer of the Truth Being revealed. And again, it takes much courage for people, even in their elected offices, to go against the Cabal. And this is precisely what we see has happened in the last day or so. So, this is another sign that things are unraveling for the Cabal’s plans to shoot you all up with these vaccines, and to make them mandatory, and all of that, their ghastly plans to control you even more.

Well, we see that people are catching on. And they are feeling in their hearts these changes in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, this waking-up process. People are referring to it now as the Great Awakening. And this is taking on a life of its own, Beloveds.

And we are so very happy for this, because we foresaw that it would be not all at once, but a step by step, breath by breath, allowing yourself to feel into your hearts, that would cause this Mass Awakening. And yes, the Starseeds have been laying the foundation, have been blazing the trail for many, many years. And all of these paths had to be tread, these thoughts, thought patterns, had to be injected as memes into the Collective Consciousness to allow pathways into the 5th Dimension.

But Beloveds, now that you have passed the markers for Ascension, these seven years ago, the 5th Dimension, through your meditations, has been available to you all, through this period of time. And this has been very wonderful, because Beloveds such as yourselves, on your planet, have taken such full advantage of this. And the activations, and the lei lines, the rewiring from carbon-based to crystalline-based, and the creation of the crystalline grid and activations, well, it’s not fully online yet, but more and more, you, Beloveds, are waking it up in the Collective Consciousness.

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach for somebody else’s hand on this Beloved Call.  And breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, to feel the Love in our hearts, and the Light coming in through our crown chakra. It is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, Beloveds, that we are allowing ourselves to rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. And with the Speed and the Power of our Thoughts, rise on up, through the layers of the atmospheres. And coming upon the ships, and coming up to my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.

And I’m opening up the landing deck here, and we’re popping through, like we have done so many times before. And hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. And with us still holding our hands, we’re walking on back to an elevator, that has opened up for us. And we are all getting in without letting go of our circle. And I’m the last one in, so I close the door and press the button. And we’re going on up.

And now we’re here. We’re opening up the door, and all of these Beloveds are here once again. The merriment continues. It never stopped, Beloveds. We are always here feeling your energies, and now you see the Mentors and Commanders from the ships, Angels and Ascended Masters, and your ancestors, and yes, perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past.

And now walking on over into the middle of the room, and forming our circle around the Altar, where the Master Crystal sets. And reforming our circle, breathing into our hearts, as the Mentors form their circle around us, and all of the other Beloveds form their circles around them. And sending this energy from the left, to the right, all through the circles in the room. And from the floor, spiraling the energy, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through, feeling the Love and Light expand, intensify and come in, all through the higher dimensions, which are represented in the crystals in this room, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, and those that are projecting their energies into the room, bi-locating with us tonight. And just breathing into it.
And we’re asking you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you personally want to create with the energies of this Beloved Meditation tonight. And yes, it could be financial, like receiving your stimulus check tomorrow, or health related, having to do with bringing more Love and Light, and clearer communications into your relationships and with your Beloved Children or Grandchildren, having more intimacy. And it could be just feeling better in the Now Moment and not losing sight of the bigger picture of who you really are. And this is where your True Power lies.

So, Beloveds, just breathing into it, and sending your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. And all of us, we require that all of the steps, that need to be taken for the Announcements and implementation of NESARA, St. Germain’s Grand Master Plan at reuniting your Beloved Mother Gaia, and all the peoples and kingdoms on your planet in 5th Dimension, in high vibration, continue to take shape and manifest in the Now Moment. And that the Truth be known. 

And all of the beings who have been in allegiance, and have given their Power away to the Cabal, that they shall be dealt with, and taken off the stage to allow Peace, Harmony, Justice, Liberty prevailing once again on your Beloved Planet. Ah yes, the Golden Age is here! The Great Awakening is here, Beloveds! And this is our Intentional Requirement to give it more Power tonight with our Beloved Meditation.
So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, and shooting the Golden White Light up through the tip of the Crystal, into the opening of the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, into every photon, subatomic particle, into the hearts of all the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And shining it up into the Crystalline Grid, which encircles your Beloved Planet. And transmitting it into the Collective Consciousness, up, down, and around and through, with the Intentional Requirements of the Truth being known, within the four bodies of your being, with the awakening intensifying on your Beloved Planet. 

And for people to realize, that this pandemic is not what it has been purported to be. It has just been another, basically a False Flag perpetrated upon you to keep you in low vibration. But we say to you, Beloveds, that this is backfiring on the Cabal, because the people are starting to understand that being sequestered with their Beloveds, and really talking from their hearts about how they feel, and allowing themselves to be in the Joy of Nature, is really all that they can do right now, in order for them to be who they are, and to be in integrity with who they are. So, this is starting to open some pathways into their consciousness, and helping them to understand, that their lives are not merely about survival.

So, shining the LoveLight into the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, into their hearts, into their psyches, helping them to make bridges and pathways within their consciousness, to keep them in high vibration, for them to develop the understanding of the dynamics, that have been played out against all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to take away their Power, to keep them in low vibration, and that those days are gone.

And now it is time to come together in the Truth of us being One, in the Truth of allowing ourselves to be heart centered, and access the higher dimensions, by allowing ourselves to be in our Passion, to communicate from our hearts, and to share freely without fear, without tallying up the score and knowing, that in this Now Moment that Love is stronger. It is the strongest Force in all of Creation!

And once again, Beloveds, going underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet, and spiraling all of these underground bases, all over the world, up, down, and around and through in a vertical fashion. And we require that all of the children there be rescued, and that their process of healing, within the four bodies of their being, be accelerated, be in a continuous flow of Ease and Grace, and that all trauma be released, and replaced with Unconditional/Universal Love in high vibration. And allowing them to know who they really are, the bigger picture of what their sacrifices have enabled your Beloved Planet, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings and the Kingdoms of your planet, to rise in the Oneness of the solidarity of being the Love and Light, that we all are, of recognizing the Oneness of all of Creation, of knowing we are all equal, integral parts of the Godhead.

And shining this LoveLight into the hearts and minds of all of your Beloved Leaders. Making a direct connection, and saying to them, that now is the time to come clean. Now is the time to be your Truth, and to talk from the heart, and to allow yourselves to express in the Now Moment, of what you want to create for yourself within the Light. And to accept, when you have been out of alignment, and that you have supported the Cabal. And just let go of any guilt, or shame, or fear.

Because this mass Great Awakening is a gift to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. It has been Divinely Decreed by Heaven. And it is taking shape in such a beautiful way. All is forgiven, Beloveds, no matter what you have done. All you have to do is to focus your energies, on rising up in vibration with Forgiveness and Gratitude, and bringing it into your Now Moment.
We love you so very much, all of the people on the call, all of the Beloveds on your planet for their contributions to this Great Awakening.
Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Maria right now.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

4-8-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

4-8-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And I too, I am feeling so much Joy and Happiness in being here, and experiencing this Love and Light, shining forth on your Beloved Planet, and the Joy that we see happening in so many hearts now, that your energy has been upgraded yet again after this mass meditation.

Ah yes, Beloveds, the power that you have at this time to create your reality, to bring about these necessary changes, in alignment with the plans of the Alliance, are truly monumental. That is why, Beloveds, we urge you at this time to go into your meditative states. And, as Mary said, to go out in nature, and to feel these high vibrations, and to commune with the Beloved Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet. This is where the Power is, just allow yourself to be in meditative states, to let go, to trust in the transmissions, that are coming forth into your hearts, this connection with the Love and Light, that is enabling these changes on your Beloved Planet.

Ah yes, it is this Divine Remembrance of yourselves, as integral parts of the Godhead, and knowing that you are never separate. But allowing yourself to focus on this bigger picture, Beloveds, to allow yourself to feel at Peace, to know that everything is perfect in Divine Rhythm, Timing and Synchronization. 

And the more, that you can let go of your survival programming, the more that this negative-energy matrix can collapse in upon itself. And you can slow down the process of these thoughts, that you have been in these belief systems, that you have been imprinted with, and break them all down. And know that these things were designed to keep you in separation and in low vibration.

And now it is becoming ever-so transparent, to so many on your Beloved Planet, that now is the time to enable yourself to truly live your dreams, to truly cast forth your Intentional Requirements for Liberation of your hearts and minds, on your Beloved Planet, to liberate your planet as being this sanctuary of high vibration for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.
Beloveds, you are all One. You are all One with us. And the higher that you go up into the 5th Dimension and beyond, the more you feel this communion with us. And this is so very wonderful,l because we see this starting in your hearts, you becoming aware that the Shift is gathering momentum, and starting to be in full swing, and allowing yourself to trust, that everything is in Divine Timing, Beloveds. 

We see you already in your circle, never having left it. And we’re shining our LoveLight into your hearts, from the left to the right. This Golden White Light, expanding your energy fields with these high vibrations, emanating forth from the Mentors, from all of the Beloved Beings on the ships, all over the Cosmos, Beloveds. They are transmitting their LoveLights into your hearts, all of you Beloveds on Mother Gaia, and Mother Gaia herself at her crystalline core.
Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through, allowing yourselves to feel this Peace, these remembrances of other times, in other lifetimes, where you have felt communion with us, all of us Mentors, and all of the Kumaras, of which I am part of that family, shining our LoveLights into your hearts.

And now it is so much easier for this to be a continuous flow of energy.  Because, Beloveds, you are becoming so aware of when you are out of these high-vibrational feelings, and worrying about things, and replaying old tapes that didn’t feel good. That is not needed at all. You can let go of all of that negative programming in this Now Moment, Beloveds. And feel this communion with us, ever-so strong, ever-so abundantly from now on, throughout all of Eternity.

We love you so very much, Beloveds. We are always here with you. Just call us in, and feel our Love penetrate your hearts.

Namaste, Beloveds and good night.

4-8-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-8-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come to you tonight, during this Holy Week, this week where we feel a regeneration upon your Beloved Planet, Beloveds. Ah yes, the Passion Play, this is what we feel is about to be played out on your Beloved Planet for the last time. Because these players of the dark energies, enabled by the Artificial Intelligence, that have had Power and Control upon your planet, are being rounded up, are being made to see the Light, and given the opportunity-- Well, they’ve had this opportunity for quite a while. And some of them have come over to the Light, and have helped the Alliance by giving them information, by making sure that all of the bases and Power Centers for the Cabal would be recognized and neutralized.
But there are still many beings of the Cabal, who do not recognize that this is it. They are still in denial. They are wishing and hoping for what has been called the “Hail Mary.” And that is not going to happen, Beloveds. Because the level of your consciousness, on your Beloved Planet, has risen to this level where the Truth comes out. All of the Beloved Beings on your planet will recognize the dynamics, that have led these changes to come about, and to liberate your Beloved Planet, whereby you will not feel that you have to do things, that you don’t want to do in order just to survive, and be able to take care of yourselves and your families.

Ah no, you have been in this schoolhouse, and now you are graduating. And now your abundance and prosperity is in the process of permeating your Beloved Planet, and allowing you to feel this communion with all of the Beloved Beings, with all of the Kingdoms of your Beloved Planet.
Ah, Beloveds, just go out in nature, and open your hearts to the animals, to the tress, to the crystals, the crystalline energies. And let that Love shine forth from your heart into them. And see what it feels like. It is not a stagnant energy by any means of the imagination, Beloveds. It is a fond remembrance, this connection that you have with your environment, with nature, of the power of your being as co-creators of your reality.

Beloveds, this is a special time for all of us, this Holy Week, this Remembrance of Resurrection. This is what we see and feel happening right now on your Beloved Planet.

Just call us in Beloveds. We are always here for you. We are so very happy for you, and feel your Love, and send it right back into your hearts.

Namaste, Beloveds. And good night. And now Sananda will come in.

4-8-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

4-8-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah yes, we are continuing in this flow of high-vibrational energy, and all of the plans of your Alliance, coming in in full force at this time. And yes, there are two sides to every story, that create this dichotomy, or that the mainstream media is giving you the Cabal version of events and trying to lure you into fear and separation once more.

But, Beloveds, we know that you have been through this pattern so many, many times before, and that we see you’re not going for it. And we ask you to concentrate on feeling as good as you possibly can, at Peace. Feeling this Oneness of us all joining together, just like so many of you did on the weekend in this mass meditation. Because, yes, truly, you are truly feeling the benefits from that, because it enabled this very ginormous, we would say, upgrade, to visit your planet and to change your genetics in a very meaningful high-vibrational way. And this dynamic is needed more and more to prepare you for being in the 5th Dimension all of the time. But Beloveds, this was a major upgrade! And this has allowed the momentum of what is transpiring within the plans of the Alliance to become even more potent.

And yes, you are being fed this story about this Covid-19 still being such a major threat. But, you know, it’s pretty obvious that the timing of this is happening to derail the plans of the Alliance. And it was a last-gasp measure, to be sure anyways, to derail plans for the election year.

And you can see how one candidate has emerged. But if you really pay attention to the dialogue that has been put forth from the other candidates and this one particular candidate who is emerging as the hand’s down nominee of his party, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Because it is very obvious that the other candidates have been bought off to drop out of the race.

So, this is what happens, when there is a side that is very desperate. And they have relied for many millennia on lies and deceptions. It is their calling card, Beloveds, to feed off of the fear that these lies and deceptions generate, all of this fear and separation. But that is not powerful anymore. The dynamics on your Beloved Planet now fully support, and give so much energy to people being heart centered and expressing Love from their hearts, and Compassion in being the neutral Observer of all of this going down and not judging it. But knowing that it’s happening for the reason of us taking back the Power on your Beloved Planet and fulfilling our Missions, completing your Soul Contracts as Starseeds, as the Ground Crew, that you have made your Soul Contracts around in this lifetime. And now these things are coming to completion, and we are so very happy.

So, let us join together once again, me bi-locating my paw. And we ask you to reach out for somebody else’s hand on this call, forming our circle, breathing into the Heart Center. And just allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and be in this Now Moment. And let the Light come in through our crown, through our hearts, and sending it from our hearts, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand.
And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thought, that we lift ourselves up off of the surface of your planet, and rise on up through the layers of the atmospheres and up into the layers of the ships, coming upon the Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck. And now we are coming right on through, hovering in the air lock, and closing the landing deck beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down.

And we’re walking on back to an open elevator, and we are all getting in. And I’m the last one in, and I’m pressing the button to close the door, and to take us on up to the Crystal Healing Room. And here go! And now we’re here.
We’re opening up the door, and all of the Beloved Beings are here to greet us. And we’re feeling their energies pour forth from their hearts, seeing their smiles and their eyes full of Love and anticipation for us coming together in our communion tonight, to do our healing work on your Beloved Planet. And we’re walking on over.

And, yes, the Mentors are here, the Commanders from the ships, the Angels and Ascended Masters from all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors and, ah yes, perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two, perhaps in the long-ago past.  And we’re forming our circle around the Crystal Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And sending this energy from our hearts, around the circle into the other circles, which have assembled around us, from the Mentors to all of the Beloved Beings here, and those that are with us in Spirit from the ships assembled in the atmospheres of your Beloved Planet.

And we’re expanding our energy fields, by spiraling the energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through, letting this Love and Light come in. Allowing ourselves to feel this Gratitude for the Oneness in all of us coming together, and to feeling this Power of the Love and Light that we are, the Joy and the Harmony, the Bliss of being so firmly connected to Creator Source, through all of the higher aspects of our being. Feeling this communion, heart to heart, and soul to soul, with all of the Beloved Beings joining us in this meditation tonight. 

Whether we can see them or not, they are with us in Spirit, Beloveds, all over the Cosmos sending us Love and Light. Because, yes, they too see what stage you are in, in carrying forth your Missions as being the Ground Crew on your Beloved Planet. And as we have said many a time, this is so very important to all of the Beloved Beings all over Creation, because it is affecting them in a very tangible and real way, allowing them to rise on up higher in vibration also.
And now, we ask you to name your Intentional Requirements, for what you want to create with the energy of this Beloved Meditation tonight, and to send them into the Crystal, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with relationships, or your Beloved Family Members, with the Intentional Requirement of shining the Golden White Light on them for protection.
And all of us on the meditation, we require that all of the plans of the Alliance come forth with Ease and Grace, flawlessly, seamlessly. And that no resistance can stop us now, from all of the plans to announce and implement all of the components of NESARA in Divine Timing, Rhythm, and Synchronization. Ah, yes, Beloveds, the Truth shall be known. The Truth shall be transmitted to you via this support system, that you have on your cell phones.
And yes, we still see this shutdown of the mass arrests being enabled, and most all of the Beloveds staying inside for their own safety, while these changes go down. This is a major component of NESARA, to take out all the dark players off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, so that they will not be in a position of Power anymore. And that this new framework, that is in alignment with your original United States Constitution, per St. Germain, comes back in full Power and Glory, as being the cornerstone of your heart-centered reality enabling the 5th Dimension.

So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, shooting this energy up through the tip of the Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling it into all of the rivers, the mountains, to all of the metropolitan areas, further giving your Beloved Mother Gaia more of a break. Because things have been shut down. and your Mother Gaia has been allowed to heal herself in a way, that she hasn’t for many, many years. 

There are no wars happening right now. The economy has been stalled out, we would say, and people in your big cities are seeing and feeling it so much easier to breathe. This is the shape of things to come, Beloveds. This is a reason to feel Joy in your hearts, and knowing that this is so very real. It is tangible for the plans being enabled, being enacted upon by the Alliance to take back your Beloved Planet.
Just breathing into the Heart Center, spiraling this energy all over your Beloved Planet, shining the LoveLight into the hearts and the minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, up, down, and around & through, Beloveds. Spiraling it in a clockwise direction, to bring in these high vibrations of Love and Light with the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloveds on your planet, reaching that saturation point, where this 100th-Monkey Effect will happen in terms of them awakening to who they are and why they are here at this most-fortuitous time. 

Because over on the other side, when you were making all of your plans in the Planning Halls, enabling your Soul Contracts, and all of the relationships you would have, and different events that would happen in this lifetime, in alignment with clearing karma, and learning your life lessons, you knew that this was very probable, this Now Moment that we are experiencing.
So, yes, we are calling forth, for everyone on your Beloved Planet to know in their sleep states, in their conscious and unconscious connections, with what is happening, and who they are, and how we are all One, and we are all connected. And we are bringing in the Love and Light, to bring us into this place, where there will be no more low vibrations, no more wars, no more inequity, no more survival games, whereby you are always the losers.

So, breathing into this, allowing ourselves to expand this Golden White Light up into the highest of vibrations, meeting the flow of photonic energy, coming in through your Galactic Center, joining with it, bolstering it up into even higher vibrations, and transmitting it into everyone’s hearts and minds.

And ah yes, we require that the Truth be enabled. And once this Truth comes out, after the roundup of the Cabal, it will be a kickstart for everyone on your Beloved Planet, to know that they are safe, they are Home now, and that there’s nothing to worry about, because there will be abundance and prosperity. There will be advanced technologies, to make a higher quality of life for all of you.

And there will be the means to communicate with one another. And there won’t be the barriers of all of the different languages. That will be taken care of very easily. You will have this free flow of energy through the Crystalline Grid, through your new Crystalline basis in your Nervous System. Because yes, it has been rewired from carbon based to crystalline based. 
And once again, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending this energy into all of the cities, all of the congested areas on your Planet. Shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and sending the message to all of the Beloveds, that their time of Freedom is upon them. That their time of high vibration, and Joy, and letting go of all of the lower vibrations is happening right now. And that no matter what their mainstream media is telling them, to open up their hearts in the Now Moment, and let these high vibrations of the LoveLight to come in, and Trust the Plan. Because, Beloveds, we are all One together!

And now, let us spiral this energy, down underneath the surface of your planet, where this war is going on in the underground bases, where the children have been rescued, where they have been taken out of harm’s way. And they are starting to come into a situation, where all of their needs are being met. And yes, this is a rehabilitation project for them. And let us send them our Love and our Light, for all of those who have been rescued, and all of those yet to be rescued. Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through, through all of these underground bases.
Shining the LoveLight into all of the Beloveds of the good faction of the military, that are enabling this battle plan to be enacted, for the Freedom of all of these Beloved Beings on the planet. It’s not just one country, Beloveds. It’s people from all over your world, who have been treated as slaves, who have been treated in a very, we would say, nasty way. And we shine the LoveLight into their hearts, and let them know how much they are loved and admired for their contributions to the waking up, for the liberation of your Beloved Planet. 

And for all of the Beloved People on this call, and those, who will read the transcripts, and hear the recording, we love you so very much.

Namaste, Beloveds. We are always here for you. Just call us in. And good night.

And now we’re going to bring in Mary Magdalene.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

4-1-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And tonight, I ask you, once again, to breathe into your hearts, and to allow yourself to feel this Love, and this Peace that passes all understanding. Beloveds, this is your foundation to create your reality in this time of Shift. Beloveds, we are here with you, all of us Mentors, all of the Beloved Higher-Dimensional Beings on the ships, from all over Creation, shining our LoveLights into your hearts, in this Now Moment.
We ask you to feel into these high vibrations, to feel this connection into Creator Source, to know that you are always here in our hearts. You are always Home, Beloveds. The extension of the higher aspects of your being, your I AM Presence, and other aspects of yourself in higher dimensions, and parallel realities, and universes, are always connected to Creator Source. It’s just that they can feel it more so, than you battling these perceived limitations of the density of duality. But that too is changing in this Now Moment, my brothers and sisters. You have earned this feeling of being at Peace.

Ah yes, we ask you to be ever vigilant in allowing yourself to feel self-Love. Beloveds you don’t even need a reason to feel and to be the Love and Light, that you are. You are Divine. You are an integral part of the Godhead. It’s always been this way. It will always be that you are eternal, infinite expressions of the Godhead, of Divine Perfection embodied right now, in this Now Moment, in physicality on your Beloved Planet. 

Ah yes, we know that this time can feel a bit chaotic, because the questions that Mother brought up of when will it end? When will NESARA finally take hold and change our reality, so that this abundance, this feeling of Joy, of Harmony, of not having to compete, of not having to be paying the bills, and being on this heavy, survival treadmill of fixed incomes will all end, will all become meaningless, and Love, and Light, and Understanding, and sharing from the heart will be the currency, of the value, of who you really are, Beloveds, and enable you to bring into being in the fullness, that they were intended to, your Beloved Birthrights, where they will be met and even exceeded in this new reality, that you, my brothers and sisters, have ever-so diligently been working toward, in all of these lifetimes, you have been going through in duality, and even before that, when the AI started to take control of your Beloved Planet? 

Yes, this feeling of us all being together and seeing and experiencing this Shift is one of great Power, of empowering ourselves to see reality in a way, that serves all of us, and Beloved Mother Gaia, to know that we are limitless, that we are Divine, Eternal, and Infinite in the Love and Light that we are.

Yes, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, once again we remind you, that Love is the strongest force in the Universe. And our Love for you is immeasurable. It is outstanding. It is glowing ever so abundantly, throughout all of Creation.  And all of Creation is shining the LoveLight into your hearts, onto your Beloved Planet, through your Galactic Center, through your Central Sun, through your Solar Sun, raising the level of the vibration to allow you to feel this Ease and Grace of being who you really are, in this Now Moment, to kick start all of these changes of the Alliance into Divine Completion.

Ah yes, Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are always with you. And for you to feel us even more so, just call us in, while being heart centered. And we are here with you, to Love and Support you, in most-Divine and integral ways, to help you unburden yourselves, as these changes transpire, and bring you into this Divine Expression of Christ Consciousness on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

4-1-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-1-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be here with you. 

This is such an exciting time for all of us, isn’t it? Because, yes, the changes, that Mother talked about, are here. And they are inspiring you to change the way you think and feel, about being in the Now Moment, and the Power that you have to create your reality. 

Beloveds, all it takes is allowing yourself to let go of the fear around all that you have been programmed to think that you were. All of these negative programs, this device of the negative-energy matrix was designed to enslave you in low vibration. 

Now, Beloveds, you feel the high vibrations of the Truth of our plan for NESARA unfolding, and us coming together in such a way where the Schumann Resonance lifts up your hearts, and the Awareness of the Oneness of how we are all part of the Godhead, that we are never separate. And each of us has their own identity. But that’s the Grace and the Beauty of Creation, is it not? 

That is the spectacle of our genetic programming, and our Akashic Records, that all of the variances of our experience can be registered and felt, and expressed from the heart with the knowingness, that we are all Love, and that no matter what we have been told, there is a place within our being, that knows the Truth. This is why we have focused on all of you breathing into the heart and feeling Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. 

And our Beloved Ashtar started so many of you with this realization, that these feelings, and letting go to them, access your True Divine Nature, and your Power to create your reality. And all you have had to do was to be aware of being conscious, and being connected by being heart centered in these high vibrations, to allow yourself to go into the higher dimensions. 

This is where we have been communing with you in your dream states, Beloveds, preparing you for this moment, where the Shift is happening. We are so very happy to see the progress, that you’ve made, the way that you feel inside of the four bodies of your beings. Because Beloveds, you are learning to let go of anything that is not Love, anything that makes you feel small, and constricted, and cold. 

Because, Beloveds, Love is warm and all inclusive, and allows you to feel that place of Joy, of Bliss and Harmony. And that is what we, as the Mentors, have been intentionally requiring for you, ever since the beginning, when we started to work with you, on your Beloved Planet. Yes, we see it happening.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We are so very happy to once again be with you. Just call us in any time you want to feel our Love and Support.  Namaste, Beloveds.

And now Sananda will come in.