Saturday, April 24, 2021

4-22-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

4-22-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Yes, it is my pleasure to be with you once again, communing with your hearts in your circle of Love and Light. And the purity of your Intentional Requirements, as you have been in Mission with us, ever since the beginning, Beloveds.


Yes, you Star Seeds, who have come to this Beloved Planet, knew all along what you were getting into. You knew how difficult it would be. And at times you would want to take your own lives, some of you. But you motored on, through the obstacles, through the divisions perpetrated upon you, by institutions, by these puppet masters. You have had to learn how to cut the strings, and to dance on your own, Beloveds.


And now, one of the most-dense periods on your Beloved Planet, with this Cabal pulling out the heavy artillery, what they still have left, in their bag of tricks. But they will not win. The Light is already victorious. Their supply line of evil gadgets, and toys, and control mechanisms, with being able to print money out of thin air, and manipulate stock markets, commodity markets, it is at an end.


And the Truth every day is coming out, more and more, by fearless Patriots, saying what needs to be done to oust the Cabal from their places of power. Because they are against Humanity. They are against the spirit of the people.  They are denying the people their birthrights. 


They who have sworn, many of your politicians, your religious leaders, leaders in various industries and institutions, in your countries, all over Beloved Mother Gaia, have not honored the integrity of the oaths that they have made in upholding the Will of the People. And with the politicians, and some of the military, they have not upheld their oath to honoring, and carrying out the precepts of the U. S. original Constitution, Beloveds. So, they, their actions will require that they be held accountable.


And this is what you call the changing of the guard, the Great Shift, the Great Awakening. Beloveds, all of your meditations, each and every day, you shining the Light, to navigate your way through tests and challenges, to perceived limitations and boundaries, you are shattering them with the Power of your Love and Light.


Beloveds, we are victorious in the Light! The Truth is coming out. And every time we join together, and you in your individual meditations, you with your Intentional Requirements, to free up more energy, and to bring in more Love and Light, within the four bodies of your being, and to radiate it into the Collective Consciousness, with the awareness, that in your material-physical reality, what you are experiencing is a hologram. And it is not the Truth of who you are, as an interdimensional being, a conduit of the Godhead, Beloveds.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

4-22-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-22-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come into your call once again tonight. It is such a beautiful moment again, for me to be here. It does not matter, that I was here last night, because I have more to say about what is happening with you, Beloveds, with the level of Love and Light, that you are experiencing on your Beloved Planet. 


And yes, the mastery of using your imagination could take you to places, that feel so very wonderful, that you have affinity for, whereby you can utilize your Divine Consciousness, your Knowingness. And project it up through the higher dimensions, to bring about this feeling of Unity, of being connected into Creator Source, and flying around all of the Cosmos, on the timeline, into the future, or the past, or staying in the present. It is up to you, Beloveds. 


But this is in preparation, this exercise of using your imagination to further prepare you, for when these energies of the Solar Flash, and the ongoing procession of higher Light Encodements coming in, from the Photon Belt, reach that place, that peak, whereby you will once again have full connection with your I AM Presence, being in the 5th Dimension. 


And no fear, or any of the lower vibrations, can magnetize themselves into your energy field, into your physicality. No spells and curses can penetrate your armor of Light Body beingness, and knowingness, and remembering who you truly are. 


This moment is one of the sanctity and purification, of Humanity in gaining the reward of having gone through all of the tests and challenges, of being in the density of duality, in the 3rd Dimension, for these eons. And going through these cycles of incarnations, whereby you had to realign everything all over again, whereby you had all of your memories wiped clean.


And you had to learn to trust in these feelings, that you were getting, these nudges from your I AM Presence, your Guidance Team, Angels, and Ascended Masters, to help guide you along on through your journey, in this lifetime.


And Beloveds, you Star Seeds on Mother Gaia have been so successful, because we, as a team, are at this point, whereby you are ready to move into this next phase of your Ascension Process. Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are here for you all of the time.


And it is upon you, to feel this Joy, this Splendor, this Glory, and radiate it into the Collective Consciousness, to enable the 5th Dimension to come in, in its fullness, through the implementation and activation of NESARA, and Divine Governance, that will be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality, Beloveds.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

4-22-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 4-22-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. Yes, a little glitch last night, but here we are again in the mood of Joyousness, for what we feel, and see transpiring on your Beloved Planet. So the question you may ask is, how do you integrate and assimilate these higher Light Encodements? Beloveds, you have very many gifts. And ultimately, it is not I, who can teach you how to remember truly who you are. 


But just imagine that moment, when the Solar Flash impacts the surface of your Beloved Planet. And you assimilate that higher-vibrational Encodement, that will enable you to remember, who you truly are in all of your past lifetimes, and enable you to connect fully with your I AM Presence, so that there will be no gap within your consciousness any longer, of remembering the Soul Contracts that you gave permission to, and to integrate with the 5th Dimension in a seamless, flawless manner. 


Because these Light Encodements will sanctify and empower you. And so in order to be at that moment, in order to bring in the essence of who you truly are, and the gifts of being at Peace in the 5th Dimension, we ask you in your meditations to use your imagination. 


This is a Divine Space that you allow yourself to be, up through the higher dimensions, where you create your environment of who you are calling in. And it could be a white sand beach in the tropics. It could be on the Matterhorn at the top-most peak. Wherever you desire, Beloveds, it could be in the seas of Mars, or on the moon. Wherever you want to be, Beloveds. It could be in your back yard with you accessing the Animal Kingdom, and transmitting with them and the Devas. 


But Beloveds, we ask you to allow for expansion at this time in your meditations, because these higher Light Encodements are allowing you to truly go to places in your consciousness, and bridge gaps within those circuits of the right lobe of your mind, which have long been dormant, because your DNA has been mutated. But now all of that is coming back online.


And we are so very enthusiastic about this, because what is playing out, on the surface of your planet, is aiding in this process. And you Beloveds, every time you are in high vibration, every time you are shining your Lights, you are doing it for the whole of all of Creation, and not even just on this Beloved Planet. Beloveds, you have worked so long, in so many lifetimes, to be at this moment. And now it is coming into full bloom, into fruition. And your imaginations, and utilizing Forgiveness and Gratitude, and developing that Compassionate narrative, as the Compassionate Observer, will greatly aid you into bringing your Mission into completion.


And now, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And you reaching around for someone else on this call. And sending the energy from the left to the right, expanding our field of energy, by spiraling from the center above, to the center below, of our combined field of energy. And raising the level of the vibration, bringing in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights, and sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Beloveds, this is her heart. It is rapidly revolving in the center of our Beloved Planet, holding all of the energies, all over all of the living beings, the Kingdoms, the mountains, the seas. 


Beloveds, we are so blessed to be here, as Mother Gaia is in the 5th Dimension already feeling her sense of purpose, and compassion, and wisdom, and strength. And shining our LoveLights into our hearts, breathing into it. And now, rising on up to the surface of the planet, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our Heart Center. And sending the energy around the circle, from the left, to the right, expanding our field of energy, and rising on up off of the surface of the planet.


And it is with the Power and the Strength of our Intentional Requirements, that we are rapidly rising through the layers of the atmospheres, and coming upon the multitudes of ships. Honing in our my Beloved Nibiru, as I open up the belly of the ship, which is the landing deck. And we hover in the airlock, as this landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. 


And we are floating on over into an open elevator, and all getting in at the same time, as the elevator accommodates our connected circle. And I’m pushing the button to close the door, and take us on up, way up to the top floor here. And now we are coming to a stop. And I open the elevator, and we are walking out into this Beloved Room.


And all of the Mentors are there to greet us, Angels, and Ascended Masters, the Commanders from the ships. We see orbs of Beloved Beings, who have bilocated their consciousness to be in our meditation tonight, from all over the Cosmos, some of them from other ships in our atmospheres. And your Beloved Ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two, they are all here with us right now, as we walk into the middle of the room, circling around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.


And forming our circle, as the Mentors circle around us. And all of the outer circles are formed. Sending the energy, from our hearts, around the circle into the outer circles. And spiraling the energy, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Feeling these higher-dimensional energies from the crystals, and all of the Beloved Beings, feeling their consciousness, as they are integrated into all of the higher dimensions of reality.


Breathing it into our hearts, spiraling it up, down, and around, and through to integrate and assimilate with these higher Light Encodements of all of the higher dimensions. And all of the different spectrums of colors represented in those higher dimensions, bringing them into our hearts.


And we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for how you want to use these high vibrations, of this meditation tonight, to create your reality on Beloved Mother Gaia. Yes, it could be having to do with increasing your Prosperity and Abundance, with having more clarity in your communications, and a higher level of Trust and Compassion in your relationships, and your dealings with your bloodline families, and your soul families. And shining the LoveLight of these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, whatever you like. 


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, it is a matter of raising the level of vibration, to empower all of the Beloved Beings, working hand and hand with the Earth Alliance, to bring about all of the provisions of NESARA. To bring into clarity, that the election was stolen. That it is not a conspiracy theory. That the children have been stolen, and used for nefarious purposes for eons and eons, and that this Cabal is of the darkness, and it is now being rooted out. 


And yes, the people on your Beloved Planet have to see. And we intentionally require, that they see the irrefutable proof, that this darkness has to be irradicated, and all of those bad actors have to be held accountable, as painful as this may be to see it unfold and play out.

It is blessed by the Company of Heaven, for the benefit of all of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, and all over Creation, to be able to rise up into higher levels of Ascension consciousness. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And shining these Intentional Requirements for the Truth being told, and for this process to unfold into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, cascading it down onto the surface of your Beloved Planet, through the many layers of atmospheres, to underneath the surface into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And radiating it thereupon into all of the DNA, into the Akashic Records of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And spiraling counterclockwise to remove anything less than Love, any negative programming, any low-vibrational thought patterns, any devices and delivery systems, that perpetrate ill intent upon Humanity, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia. We require that everything less than Love be removed, neutralized, made inoperable.


And now spiraling all of these strands of the DNA. Activating them with the highest frequencies of Love and Light, the Golden White Light, the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights, spiraling up, down, and around ant through. Re-encoding the DNA of the Akashic Records, for this Beloved Planet, and all of Humanity, and all of its Kingdoms on Mother Gaia, to take on this LoveLight.  Assimilate it, and integrate it with activating all circuits of the Human brain in the right lobe, with fractalizing all of the dendrites, all of the trauma held in the back lattice of Humanity’s energy fields, by spiraling this LoveLight all through your energy field, and energy body, in a clockwise direction. Bringing in these higher levels of Clarity, Knowingness, Joy, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, Understanding, Prosperity, and Abundance, Beloveds. It is here now. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And in this place of high-vibrational frequency, radiating this transmission to all of the leaders on your Beloved Planet. To all of the bad actors, informing them, that we know who they are. They have no more secrets anymore, because of the Quantum computer, tracking all of their movements, all of their so-called secret meetings, and contracts, and strategies and manipulations. They are soon to be revealed.


Shining the LoveLight on all of these dark manipulations and strategies, freeing up the energy, by bringing in the highest frequencies of Love and Light. And removing these bad actors from the stage, forgiving them, allowing them to move on, in whatever way they choose, and suits them on their journeys. We are free, Beloveds, in this Now Moment! 


And remember in your meditations, to create this narrative, that you desire with being in the 5th Dimension, to create your environment. Attracting your Soul Family to you to be in Mission with whatever projects, that you have affinity for. This is the moment, Beloveds, you have been waiting for to help others, to reach these levels of consciousness, whereby they can bring into balance their karma. All of the polarities, that they have carried forth into this lifetime can be brought into balance, allowing them to feel the Joy of being Here/Now, in Unity Consciousness with Mother Gaia and all of Humanity. 


And now shining our LoveLights on all of the Peacekeepers, and all of the children, who have been enslaved, that the Peacekeepers have been rescuing and resuscitating. To enable them to once again live on the surface, to be free to carry out their Missions in life. Now that they have fulfilled this Soul Contract, they can really expand their consciousness. And they will be greatly aided by advanced technologies to do so. 


And they will always have this bond with the Peacekeepers, and one another, in knowing the role that they have played, to bring Conscious Awareness to this situation. And they will be loved by all, as they are by us, so very dearly for their courageousness, their compassion in carrying out their Soul Contracts.


Beloveds, we love you all. We are always here with you. And we are in a great State of Joy, feeling the energies coming into your Beloved Planet. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Namaste and good night.


And now Beloved Maria will come in.

Friday, April 16, 2021

4-14-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-14-21 Sananda by Eli Galla   


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come into your Beloved Conference Call once again tonight, to share with you the feelings of the Mentors, of the Love bursting forth from our hearts, shining the LoveLight into yours, for all that you are going through.


How you are carrying the energies of Compassion, Understanding, Forgiveness, and Gratitude to further magnetize these higher vibrations of these Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center, into your hearts, within the four bodies of your being, your energy body, and your energy field. And yes, into your DNA, to wake up and activate all of those dormant spaces, that correspond to the right lobe of your brain. To activate those strands of the DNA, that have been mutated, to be turned off, to lay dormant.


And now, Beloveds, they are all coming back online. Each and every day, you have the opportunity to understand more and more, how you can be more effective with these energies. And a lot of it has to do with your recognizing others, who are of the same vibration. And radiating your LoveLights with them, to create an even-stronger bond, in focus for the Love and Light, and your Intentions for Ascension. And ridding your Beloved Planet of all darkness, of all evil, of all secrets, and control mechanisms. Because these are not the vibrational patterns, and dynamics, of the 5th Dimension.


And you, Beloveds, by raising the level of your vibration, and working with one another, and in your own meditations, to bring in these high frequencies are raising the level of vibration into the 5th Dimensional timeline. And every time you do this, that 3rd Dimensional timeline of duality gets smaller and less powerful.


The Power is in your Love, in your hearts! And you expressing it, within the context of the Law of One. Not in an image, romantic reality, Beloveds, but in an interdimensional, universal, unconditional Love dynamic, which is the saving grace of Humans on your Beloved Planet. The more that you come into resonance with these higher Light Encodements, allowing your Crystalline Grid, and your new rewiring of Crystalline Energy, within the four bodies of your being, the more potent your Intentional Requirements become.


And each and every day, we are with you. We are sending the LoveLight into your hearts, spiraling your energy fields. Shining our Intentional Requirements, along with yours, for the liberation of your species, and Beloved Mother Gaia, who is already in the 5th Dimension.


Beloveds, there are no dates we give you. We tell you, you have already won.  You are victorious in the Light. And everything, that is transpiring, on your planet is in perfect Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. It is up to you to keep the energies of Love very strong, with your Intentional Requirements, with your meditations, with your songs, and prayers, and dances, and journal entries, with the books you write, with the books you read. Opening up your hearts, being in this place of Joy, where you remember, that you are all conduits of the Godhead, and We are One.


Beloveds, my two Mary’s come into your circle. And they are offering you the Kumara roses in high vibrational, interdimensional frequencies of colors.  And you take as many as you like into your hearts. These represent the higher dimensions all over Creation.


We love you so very much. We are all One, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

4-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again tonight.  So much Love and Light are cascading onto your Beloved Planet.


And yes, if you watch the mainstream media, their narratives, the dogmas of their control systems play out, ever-so boldly, while their ratings plummet.  And more and more people are waking up to the probability patterns, of the same cycles playing out in government, whereby they see the war drums being beaten, and these skirmishes happening, and some very strange things that they have not seen before in their leader, the President.


And it is playing out in such a way, that the expectations of those, who have voted in this President realize, that it is the same manipulation. It is the same promises being not kept, and business as usual. And the rationalizations, that it’s all right, and that the previous President is the one to blame. And we didn’t have anything to do with that. 


And so, again and again, it is up to all of the Beloveds on your planet, to feel into their hearts and minds, to accept or reject the narratives, that are being perpetrated upon them as the Truth. And realize that all of the systems of government, all of the institutions, have been in league with one another. 


And the length that they went through, to win back the Presidency, clearly showed that they cheated. And that they went to any lengths to take back this Presidency. But now it is not working out the way that they had planned upon.  Because not everyone is going along with the pantomime or the charade.


And so, Beloveds, we ask each and every one of you not to be dismayed, or allow yourself to be in low vibration whatsoever. Because we are doing it together. Shining the Light of Truth on what has transpired, on your Beloved Planet, to wake up the rest of the Beloveds, who are still sleeping in their condition of being brainwashed.


And now, the LoveLight is coming in so much, in high vibration, so forcefully, that it does not feel good to not wake up. It requires a great deal of resistance, to keep on going for those same patterns of survival, whereby the Truth is so very transparent. And all a person has to do is to open up their hearts, and make conscious choices for finding out what is true for them. And what they are willing to do to change their reality, in a way that they desire, to be in alignment with who they truly feel, that they are.


When they awaken, they start to realize, that they are part of the Godhead.  That there is no separation. That the dynamics of lies and deceptions have all been to control them, and to keep them in a survival-based reality. And that is not the Truth of Who they are. And the Power with all of you Beloved Beings has been when you come together and unify.


And this is what myself, Sananda, and Mother Mary were able to do to such a degree, when we were on the planet, some two thousand years ago. We were able to unify the hearts and minds of Beloveds, so that we could do miracles, and have sermons on the mount, in these magical, high vibrations, that transmitted all over the planet, and enabled us to eventually ascend, myself, Sananda, and Mother Mary.


Beloveds, that lifetime was about planting seeds. And these seeds are blooming. The promise of taking back the 5th Dimension and your Ascensions is blooming forth in the Springtime season, Beloveds.


We love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night. 


And my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

4-14-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

4-14-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am  with you once again tonight, feeling your hearts in communion, with you all throughout the dimensions of your reality. Life is in constant flux, Beloveds, Mother Gaia is spinning in these very high vibrational energies, as more and more of this LoveLight comes in, and bathes you, and the entire planet, in these high frequencies and vibrations. And it is such a beautiful sight, and feeling, for all of us to behold. 


And yes, you are going through various stages of transparency unfolding, a dual Presidency, and the machinations of what is a stolen election. And its front person, who is proving to be a very much the focal point of bringing into perspective just what is happening, in your United States of America, with this person that is not recognized by his own military, as the Commander in Chief. 


And this is not the way it’s supposed to be. And the people, the Beloveds, who have taken the initiative to wake up, and to look and feel into the energies, that are coming forth, and to discern the Truth, by all of these events playing out, and within the citizen journalists, whom you may call the Truther Community, are realizing that this is happening in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.


Because each and every day, more and more, people are realizing that things are happening in their lifetime, in the government with this President, that have never happened before. And this is the reason why, because he is not being fully recognized as the President of the United States. And so, there are so many, who would support basically anybody who the Democrats put up to be the nominee. And those are the diehards. 


But Beloveds, all along the Alliance aimed at not having a civil war, not having any armed conflict, but awakening all of the Beloveds on Planet Earth to the very dynamics, that have enslaved them for eons, generation after generation. And the issues that are coming up, from their ancestral bloodlines, in this Beloved Lifetime, that all of you are having to play out.


Well, it is the same for everyone, even though they may have not awakened yet, or just recently awakened. And they are becoming aware of the dynamics of the narratives, that are playing out, which are based in lies and deceptions, and fear and separation, to keep control of the masses on your Beloved Planet. Because everything, Beloveds, that happens in your United States of America translates to the rest of the countries, all over Mother Gaia.


And this is the way, that it has been for quite some time now, whereas you, with your Declaration of Independence, and your U. S. original Constitution, have set the standards for meeting the birthrights of all of the Beloved Beings on Planet Earth. And there is a recognition, that everyone on your Beloved Planet deserves to have the provisions of the Constitution, pertaining to their own individual Rights upheld. And so, this is playing out, whereby it is enabling NESARA to be announced and implemented, on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else on this call, to hold hands with, forming our circle. Sending the energy around, from the left to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Expanding our combined field of energy, bringing in more and more of this Golden White Light, the Platinum Ray and the Diamond Lights. And sending it around.

And now, sending it down underneath the surface of the planet, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. This is her heart, Beloveds! This is where she holds all of the energies of the planet. And vibrating very rapidly, breathing into her heart, sending her our Love and Light. And feeling her Wisdom, her Clarity of Vision and Purpose. And how she is holding the energies for all of Beloved Mother Gaia, in an all-encompassing, beautiful, transcendent, 5th Dimensional, and higher vibrational way.


And now, rising up to the surface of the planet, through the bottoms of our feet, into our Heart Center. And again sending the energy around from the left, to the right. Spiraling our combined field of energy up, down, and around and through. Feeling this Love and Light expand, and bring in more and more of this Golden White Light.


And it with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising up off the surface of the planet, through the portal of all of these atmospheres, the layers upon layers, that take us up to the multitudes of ships. And honing in our my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck. in the belly of the ship. And we raise our circle right on up through, hovering in the air lock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe to touch down.


And we are floating on over into this open elevator, that takes all of us in, without having to break up our circle. And closing the door, as we rise on up, by pushing the button, through the many floors, that take us up to the top floor, to my Beloved Crystal Healing Room. Now we come to a stop and opening the doors.


And once again all these Beloveds, the Mentors, Commanders on the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs that represent the consciousness of other Beloved Beings, from all over the Cosmos, from different planets, and other ships, that are part of our meditation tonight, bilocating through these orbs. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you in a previous lifetime or two, are here tonight. 


And as we walk on over to the Alter, in the middle of the room, and we form our circle, around this Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And the Mentors form a circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds, forming their circles.


And breathing into our hearts once again, and sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, to the outer circles. And spiraling it, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Bringing in more and more of this LoveLight, expanding it, radiating it out. Feeling ourselves joined together in the delight of Oneness, of Clarity, Focus, and Understanding. Removing all barriers, all resistance, all obstruction within the four bodies of our being, our energy body, and energy fields. And cleansing our DNA with this vibrant LoveLight. 


And we ask you Beloveds, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. Whether it has to do with bringing more financial abundance, and rectifying circumstances within your families, and having stronger heart-to-heart connections with your friends and families. And bringing in more health and wellbeing into yourselves, and your families, and friends. Or just connecting on higher levels of consciousness with your I AM Presence. Whatever it is, Beloveds, sending your Intentional Requirements, from your heart, into the Master Crystal. 


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth the Power of Unconditional/Universal Love, to wake up all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, with the delivery system and this high-vibrational LoveLight focused in their hearts. Focused and spiraling through all of the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of vibration of your consciousness, so that all of the Beloveds can become self-aware in this Now Moment, to ready themselves for hearing the Truth, for knowing exactly why they are here in Mission at this time, to bring in Heaven upon Earth, on your Beloved Planet.


And that knowing deep within their hearts and souls, that the dissemination of the Truth is a cleansing elixir, to bring in transparency of how you have all been controlled and manipulated, by devices and delivery systems of this dark, Satanic Cabal, all of its minions, powered by the AI. 


We require liberation, with the Announcements and implementation of NESARA, with the waking up of all of the masses, with the Truth Transmissions from your Internet, and liberated TV, on the Starlight Link System. Emanating forth our Intentional Requirements for Peace, Harmony, Understanding, for the activation of the Crystalline Grid on your Beloved Planet. 


And shining it into our Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia, through the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface, underneath the surface, in and through Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And radiating it out, to all of the Beloveds on the planet, into their hearts, into all of their DNA. 


Spinning counterclockwise to remove anything less than Love, any low vibrations, negative programs, fear-induced dendrites, memories that enable a fear-based story of the past, to remove all trauma, all blockages in the back lattice of everyone’s energy fields. Removing all filters and bringing in these high-vibrational LoveLights, that enable you to be in the 5th Dimension and beyond. 


Now is the time for completely removing all barriers, anything less than Love from your DNA, to become more and more ready, in the Now Moment, to receive the blessings of the higher Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center.


Spiraling all of the strands of your DNA, now in a clockwise direction, up, down, and around and through, to bring in these brilliant shining White Golden Lights of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights. With the Intentional Requirement of Peace, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Understanding, Harmony, Wisdom, all of these high-vibrational energies.


And allowing each and every one of you to stand unafraid, at Zero Point in your consciousness, to bring in this LoveLight, knowing you are loved and supported by all of Creation. All of your concerns for survival are being taken care of. 


It is time for you to expand your creative energies, to open up your hearts more and more, and talk in the language of Love and Light. Expressing from your Heart Centers with one another, when you feel magnetized to another vibration of another person, who you match with. Knowing that this is all you need to open up your hearts, and expand the energy fields. And by doing so, you are doing it for the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of vibration, and acceleration of this Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet.


And Now, let us focus on all of the Beloved Beings in the United States of America, who are migrants, who are migrating from their original countries into the United States. And many of them have been sold off into slavery. And shining the LoveLight on all of those, who have been trafficked across the borders. 


And shining the LoveLight into their hearts and minds, of their controllers whom you may call “coyotes”, for them to wake up, and realize the game has been lost. They are now revealed in the Truth of their transgressions against Humanity, against the genetics of the Human Species. And they have nothing to gain from continuing to play out their same probability patterns.


And that in the Now Moment, they are forgiven. They are recognized as children of God also. But now it is time to come into the Light and accept the consequences for what they have done. And we do not judge any of the Beloveds all over Creation, my Brothers and Sisters. We are all One, all emanations of the Divinity of the Godhead, all playing our parts in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.


And we ask you to open up your hearts, Beloveds, even wider, and shine your LoveLights on all of the Satanic Cabal, all of these bad actors, who have played their parts for many years, convincing themselves they were invincible. And now, they are knowing that they are not. And the factions of this Cabal have splintered even further, and are at war with one another, fighting over the last vestiges of their perceived power. 


It is all fading fast on them, Beloveds, because all of the Ground Crew, all of the Beloved Beings, who have awoken, are sending their energies up into this 5th Dimensional timeline, with the Intentional Requirement of liberating all of the Beloveds on your planet, and Mother Gaia herself, to be in Divine Harmony with one another. 


And all systems of your societies to operate in a high-vibrational awareness, and consciousness, in Divine Governance. And dissemination of the Truth and only the Truth. And working as One to expand the creative energy potentials of the human species, evolving into the higher dimensions of reality.


And let us shine our LoveLights into the hearts and souls of all of the Peacekeepers, fighting the battles of taking back all of the Beloved Children who have been enslaved in the deep underground military bases. Rescuing them, and resuscitating them, to allow them to operate on the surface of the planet once more.


Taking back all of the wealth. Taking out, extracting all of the secrets of the control mechanisms of this Cabal, and diffusing any of the perceived power of this Cabal, by destroying all of the military bases after the cleanup procedures have been completed.


Beloveds, we shine our LoveLights into your hearts, all of the Peacekeepers, all of the children, all of Humanity. And you Beloveds on this call and those who will hear the recording and see the transcripts, we love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night.


And now our sister, Beloved Maria will come in.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

4-7-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-7-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am so very pleased to be with you once again, just a few days after my Feast Day. 


And to feel the hearts of so many Beloved Beings, on your planet, open up ever wider to these high vibrations, and the transmissions of these higher Light Encodements, coming into your Beloved Collective Consciousness. Opening up your hearts, more and more, as the waves continue to come in, in these tighter intervals of Peace & Love, like the waves of an ocean. You are at high tide, Beloveds.


This energy is cascading forward, to take you up higher, than you have ever been, on this planet before. And all of the plans of the Earth Alliance, they are step by step coming into fruition. We won’t give you dates. We just say to you Beloveds, that keep on keeping on with your Mission.


You have brought in these higher-frequency Light Encodements with your Unconditional/Universal Love, in your meditations, in the Love and Light, that you emanate forth, in the expression of your Love, in your personal relationships, all over Beloved Mother Gaia. And you do not ever have to meet the people, that you share these high-vibrational feelings of Love and Light with, because you can get onto the Internet on social media platforms, and tell your Truths to one another, to raise the level of the vibration. And this is what you will be able to do, with the Crystalline Grid being activated, in the not-to-distant future. The 5th Dimension, Beloveds, is gaining in Power and Strength.


The transmission that I brought forth, in that lifetime, where I ascended, along with my Beloved Mother Mary, and my Twin Soul Maria. We were a group, who were able to raise the level of vibration, on your Beloved Planet, to start this reaction happening in the Akashic Records, that now has blossomed forth into the manifestation of higher Light Encodements, into waking up the Collective Consciousness, through the activation of the DNA Akashic Records, that have been dormant, into areas of the right lobe of the brain, that have been dormant. 


But now with these higher Light Encodements coming in, and waking up so many Beloveds, the activations are in full throttle. And it is with your Intentional Requirements, and staying in these high vibrations, that your meditations have gained the Power, and the Strength of this Unity, all over your Beloved Planet, with taking back this planet from the dark forces, and creating a Beloved Heaven on Earth, higher in vibration than has ever been felt.


Beloveds, you have earned this. We are with you every step of the way, as my Beloved Maria has just said. You are loved ever-so dearly. Each of you having your own role to play, each of you a unique ray and emanation of the Godhead. 


Beloveds, my Marias come in the middle of your circle. And they give you, as many of these Beloved Kumara roses, that you would take from them. Feel their love. Feel our Compassion in the vibration of these Beloved Roses, how they shine in spectrums you have not yet experienced on your planet. They represent all of the higher levels of consciousness all through the dimensions. Take them into your hearts, Beloveds. 


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

4-7-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-7-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, we have just had the Feast of the Transmission of my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, on your Beloved Planet. And now more so than ever, these energies all over your planet, have been felt of Unity, of the Empowerment of Beloved Humanity, to be One with that Transmission of Compassion, of being the Love and Light that you are, by connecting with your I AM Presence, and Guidance Teams, and with us Ascended Masters, and Archangels, and Angels. And allow yourself to go up to those higher dimensions.


Beloveds, it is so very doable now, that these higher Light Encodements have been bombarding your Beloved Planet, for many years. And each day, more and more of this energy comes in in more concentrated forms, waking up more and more of the sleeping Beloved Beings, on your planet, who have not had that “ah-ha” moment of remembering, who they truly are, and why they came into this lifetime, and the power that they have, to be the Co-Creator with their thoughts, words and actions. 


And that none of you have to go for the separation and fear that you have all been imprinted, with and that your DNA was mutated over, by being in these low states of consciousness, where fear ran rampant. And you did not want to be responsible, because that level of fear and trauma overtook the transmission of your DNA, at that time.


And it has taken all of us, who have incarnated on your Beloved Planet, including, of course, you, to come to this place of Empowerment, where your 5th Dimensional timeline is now stronger, than the 3rd Dimensional. Whereby the Truth is becoming transparent over the way, that you have been manipulated, deceived, and lied to. And that the people, calling the shots, were basically not of the same species as you. They had ulterior motives. 


They pretended to be the same, but they did not treat you as equals. They had all of these secrets, and forms of advanced technology, to control you with in their data bases, whereby the same patterns kept on unfolding. And the playing field had been up to this point tilted in their favor. 


But Beloveds, it is with the Strength of Will of the Alliance, who have come together to enact this Master Plan, and all of its facets, on your Beloved Planet, to play out this way. To take back the money supply, to take over the airways, to go to the heart of the matter, about what matters most on your Beloved Planet. And that is the children.


That is the transmission of your DNA genetic codes, that is the Truth of the Love and Light, that you are. And this transmission is coming in ever-so much more strongly now, than it has ever been before, now that the energies have been tilted in your favor, to take back the 5th Dimension, and to ascend on this Beloved Planet.


We are here with you. We are part of this Earth Alliance in Mission with you, our Ground Crew. Beloveds, you are doing a marvelous job! You will not give up, and neither will we. We see that, and feel that Finish Line right there.  We are with it. We love you ever-so much. We are with you continuously. 

Namaste and good night, Beloveds.


And now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.


4-7-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 4-7-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am here once again feeling the energies coming into your Beloved Planet. 


And yes, the Power of Unity, the Power of the Truth, and the Law of One, how all these things, Beloveds, how they work together. Because the narratives, that the mainstream media propagandize you with, do not understand Universal Laws at all. They are in a 3rd Dimensional time warp of empowering themselves to be the experts about what needs to be done, and how the Earth should be run as per the instructions of their masters. And yes, they are, the mainstream media are the minions of these masters. 


But Beloveds, each of you are sovereign beings. Each of you Beloveds have the ability to connect with your own point of Truth, and to see your evolution through this lifetime of your own individual timelines, the way that they are played out, with the events of your lifetime, with those “ah-ha” moments, that helped you to go further down the rabbit hole. And at the same time, find balance with the Truths, that were being told to you, within the four bodies of your being, so that you could find the place of neutrality, whereby your narrative would gain its Power.


And whereby you would be able to detach, and not be magnetized by the drama that the mainstream media, the governments, the institutions, that are all enabled by this Artificial Intelligence, that had all of the pieces of the puzzle slanted in their favor, because they knew how their systems would work. And they knew the dynamics, that needed be put in place in order for these Satanic factions, these cults, to control Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of her resources. And to be able to feed off of the Beloveds, whom they only have viewed as a food source, as slaves.


And this is us, Beloveds. This is We the People. We have endeavored and continue to take back the Power, because each and every one of us are conduits of the Godhead. The Law of One teaches us this in a very beautiful way. Where We go One, We go All. When harm happens to One, it happens to All. Beloveds, this is the Power of knowing our Truth in our hearts, and expressing from our hearts that Truth. Because no one can do it alone.


And when we come together in these meditations, or much larger meditations, that have been put together on the Internet, the Power of Unity, of the Group Mind, of the hearts coming together, and unifying over the Truth is truly what this Cabal is afraid of. They have done everything to keep us stunted in low vibration, to keep us dumbed down. And yet, we are still going strong. And the Balance of Power is returning to We the People.


And I consider myself to be One with you, who has been on your Beloved Planet as a warrior, as a teacher, as a healer. A very long time ago, but none the less, it was my Mission in that lifetime, in Egypt, to be planting seeds just as it was Sananda’s, and Maria’s, and Mother Mary’s Mission in their last lifetime on Earth, to be planting seeds, to be sending out the transmission to all of the Earth with the message that all of you are a part of the Godhead.


There is no separation and all you have to do is allow yourself to rise up into the higher dimensions by using what Mother Mary, and Sananda, and Maria call the Sacred Heart. This is the way for us to rise on up, to unify the Power and the Strength of the transmission. And truly to feel this place of Oneness and no separation. And when we do that, Beloveds, we are invincible.  We are fulfilling our Mission to the max, and truly being proficient in waking up the sleeping giants of Humanity.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw to each and every one of you. And you reaching around for someone else to hold the hand of on this call. Forming our circle now. And sending the energy around from the left, to the right. Spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below, up, down, and around and through.


And sending our energy through the bottoms of our feet into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling her heart, this bluish-white crystal, revolving ever-so rapidly, holding the energy of all of Humanity, all of the living beings, all of the Kingdoms of your Beloved Planet, of all of the Genetic Coding. Feeling her Wisdom, her Clarity of Purpose, and how she has weathered all of the storms to bring us, along with her, into this Now Moment. Beloveds, we are One.


And now let us rise back up after sending her our Love and Light into her heart. And rising up onto the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet.  And sending the energy around, heart to heart, through the palm of the left hand, into the palm of the right hand. Expanding our field of energy.  Spiraling from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise spiral.


Lifting up off the surface of your Beloved Planet ever-so much higher, up through the layers of the atmospheres. Coming upon the many ships hovering very high above Mother Gaia. And I’m honing in our my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. As I open up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship, and we rise right on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us.


And now, Beloveds, it’s safe to touch down. And we are making our way over to an open elevator, all getting in at the same time. And I am closing the door, and pushing the button to take us on up. And we rise ever-so rapidly through all of the layers of floors, on my Beloved Ship. And now coming to a stop, opening the door, and all of us getting out with our circle intact.


And now, we are being greeted by the Mentors and all of the Beloved Commanders, other Angels, and Ascended Masters, orbs, who have bilocated from ships, and from the other planets, all over the Cosmos. And yes, you are seeing some of your ancestors, perhaps from very many lifetimes ago, and also perhaps yourself from other incarnations. 


And moving on over into the middle of this hall, and circling around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And now, the Beloved Mentors forming their circle around us, and all of the other Beloveds forming their circles. And breathing into our hearts, sending this energy around from the left, to the right, to the Mentors’ circle, and the outer circles. 


And spiraling the energy from the floor, to the walls to the ceiling. Feeling the higher vibrations of all of the dimensions of consciousness, throughout all of the Cosmos, in the consciousness of the Beloveds assembled here with us tonight. And of course, within the transmissions of Light Encodements, of all of the crystals, that comprise this Crystal Healing Room. 


Expanding our field of energy, spiraling from the center above to the center below. Seeing and feeling the vibrational frequencies of all of the colors in spectrums, that we do not experience on your Beloved Planet. Filling our hearts with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights.


And now, we ask you Beloveds, in our inner circle, to intentionally require what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, for yourselves, on Beloved Mother Gaia. Whether it be health related, having to do with relationships, finances, having more connection with the higher aspects of your being. Or whether it has to do with being more creative, learning how to play an instrument, what have you. Shine these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, Beloveds.


And for all of us in mission performing this meditation tonight, we call for the Truth to be even more transparent, for the high vibrations of Unconditional/Universal Love to awaken each and every heart, on your Beloved Planet, with the knowingness that this Truth is real. 


It cannot be denied, about who this Satanic Cabal, that has ruled Mother Gaia for so very long, what their true colors and their true intentions have been all along. And what they have tried to do, in these last few years, to completely control the planet in a way, that we would never be able to come back and assert our sovereignty.


But Beloveds, we have already won! And now is the time for the Truth to be known. Now is the time for NESARA to be implemented and announced. And now is the time for all of us, on your Beloved Planet, to come together heart to heart, and soul to soul, to create this Heaven on Earth. 


Sending these energies, these Intentional Requirements, into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and cascading it down. Spiraling from the layers of the atmospheres onto the surface, underneath the surface, into Mother Gaia’s Beloved Crystalline Core. And we are radiating these high-vibrational energies all through the consciousness of Humanity, through all of the Kingdoms, through all living beings on your planet.


And going into the DNA of all of these species and Kingdoms, and removing anything less than Love. Removing all pollution, and toxicity, all resistance to being the Love and Light that we all are, in Unison with one another. And acknowledging the Power of the Truth, of who we really are as emanations of the Godhead, and that there is no separation.


And that we are Here/Now to bring in these high vibrations of revival, on Beloved Mother Gaia, to set the stage for anchoring in the 5th Dimension, and assuring the Ascension Protocols to come in, to enable ascension of Gaia, and all of its Beloved Beings. And to transmit these high vibrations, throughout all of the Cosmos, to help others also ascend into higher dimensions. 


We are One, Beloveds! And the Power, and the Strength of our Unity, is in our hearts, in the sound of our Truth recognizing the Point of Truth, within the four bodies of our being, and propagating it. Being courageous of heart, and emanating it, radiating it throughout all of Creation.  


We are all at this moment of time, where the Master Plans of this Cabal are falling apart, where the Truth, as we have researched it, is becoming very transparent. And communities have arisen on the Internet to pick apart, piece by piece, every facet of how we have been controlled on this planet for eons.  And to be able to see the dynamics of how the Universal Laws have been used against all of you Beloved Beings, on this planet. 


And that now, it is the time to rise on up, because the Plans of NESARA are there, ready to be activated, ready to take all of Humanity off of the survival treadmill. And enabling all of Beloved Mother Gaia to be once again, in the 5th Dimension, where the Satanic influences, secret cults and heinous practices will be eradicated, from Beloved Mother Gaia, for once and all.


Beloveds, let us shine our Love Lights, all throughout the hearts and minds, of all of the Beloved Beings, on your planet: animal, plant, Human, hybrid. Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through. 


And now, down underneath the surface of the planet, shining it into the hearts of all of the peacekeepers, all over your world, who have rescued children, resuscitated, and revived them, to give them back their lives; who have taken back all of the buried treasure, who have unearthed all of their thousands of years of secrets, deceptions, and lies, that they have archived in those underground bases.


All of that has been removed to further show all of Humanity the Truth, of who they are, and what they have done in their time on Beloved Mother Gaia. And when all has been rescued, and taken back to the surface, these underground bases have been destroyed, so that no one of ill intent can live down there, and separate the consciousness off ever again, Beloveds. 


We are One in the Love and Light that we are. Our Intentional Requirement at this time is to come together, each of us empowering our own Point of Truth, our own narratives for the benefit of the All. Being courageous in every Now Moment, to share from our hearts, to shine the LoveLights on one another, to be kind and compassionate, and to take deeper levels of responsibility, at this time, where the last vestiges of this Satanic control is playing out.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.


And now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.