Thursday, October 31, 2019

10-30-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-30-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Once again, I too, am so very happy to be with you tonight. Ah yes, coming together and feeling these energies, once again. And as we’ve been saying, the veil is very thin the day before this holiday, that celebrates all souls and the spirits over on the other side, your ancestors, the ones that have transitioned, the ones that will be, or are transitioning right now. And the whole cycle of Creation, whereby it is all connected, it is all One. And there is no separation. There is just this Now Moment of shining our LoveLight in unison, in harmony with one another.

Ah yes, and coming together in our circle, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And you reaching for somebody else’s hand to form our circle. And shining the LoveLight into our hearts, allowing us to receive it, by way of all of the Mentors. Sending it out through the palm of left hand, having it circle round, and come back into the palm of the right hand.
And now with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, allowing ourselves to rise up off of your Beloved Planet once more. And yes, we are going up through the layers of the atmospheres, up through the layers of the ships, into Ashtar’s Beloved Ship, the New Jerusalem. Because, yes, Beloveds, there’s a party going on there. And we’ve been invited.
And ah yes, going up through his landing deck in the belly of the New Jerusalem, hovering in the airlock, having it slide in place, closing beneath us. And now we are walking on back to an elevator that’s open for us. And we are all getting in at the same time, and the door closes, and we rise up. And now we’re opening the door, and walking out into the hallway here. And we’re still in our circle. We’re going through this opening, our first right here.
And this is the meeting room, where Ashtar, Athena, and all of the Beloveds are awaiting us, along with your ancestors, along with a lot of the people who you knew in this lifetime, who have transitioned. And yes, we feel their energy by coming into Beloved Ashtar’s inner circle, where they are. 

And we are forming our circle, and you may go over to those Beloveds, whose hand you want to hold. And yes, shining, sending the LoveLight from our hearts through the palm of the left hand, all through this circle, to the outer circles of all the Beloved Beings, all of the Mentors, the Angels and Ascended Masters, the Commanders from the ships. 

And our Intentional Requirement for tonight, Beloveds, is remembering, is shining the LoveLight from us into your hearts, sending it around, feeling no obstructions, no barriers into opening your hearts to your maximum level of raising the level of Love and Light into your consciousness, activating all of the strands of your DNA, harmonizing all of the energy templates, the limbic system, the respiratory system, digestion-elimination systems.
And spiraling the energy of our combined Union, of our combined Love and Light, of our energy field up, down, and around and through, expanding it, multiplying its energy, allowing yourself to feel this Ease and Grace, to feel, that you are blessed in the Love and Light of all of us, in Harmony, and Acceptance, and Allowance of your own individual energies, of your own journeys, and the completion of your Mission in this space and time, in this Now Moment, in the Grace and Harmony of your Beloved Soul. And connecting up with your I AM Presence, and the consciousness of all of us, United Together with Creator Source, for bringing our Missions to completion.
Ah Yes, Beloveds, we thank you so much for joining with us tonight. This has been a special opportunity to shine forth our Love ad Light, to enable completion of our Missions, on your Beloved Planet, and all throughout the Cosmos.

We love you so very much. We are always here for you. All you have to do is call us in, and we are there to share in our LoveLight with you, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night.

10-30-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-30-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, the energy is marvelous! It is splendid for us to be with you here tonight, to be a part of this celebration of this hallowed day of remembrance, of all of your ancestors, and what it has taken, each and every one of you, in all of your incarnations, to come into this Beloved Now Moment. And raising the level of the Love and Light that you are, not just on your Beloved Planet, but throughout all of Creation. And yes, this Progression of Consciousness, of Creation, has been going on in your earth time for millions upon millions of years. 

And right now, we see you manifesting this major upgrade in the energies, whereby on your planet, you will be taking back the 5th Dimension once again, and enabling mass Ascensions to happen, in a way that have not happened ever before, with you being conscious in your physical bodies, and doing it en masse with one another.

Ah yes, and the preparation of this is in alignment with what we call the Solar Flash. Because yes, you are at the end of this cycle and things are coming to completion.

And we have been working with you to heal all of the polarities, that need to be healed, to come to completion, so that you will ready yourselves for Ascension, and allow all of Creation to rise on up into their Beloved Upgrades, too.

So, permeating all of Creation with this conscious Love and Light, that we all are collectively, and making the lower vibrations obsolete, not needed anymore, because you have risen through the ranks, on your Beloved Planet, of knowingness, of using your discernment to know and be who you really are. 

And so many of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters will come into their own “ah ha” moments, and realizations of who they are, and why this moment on your Beloved Planet is so special, and filled with Rewards and Grace.

We love you so very much.  We ask you to call us in any time you would like to feel our energy, and to feel communion with our hearts.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers, and good night.

And now we’re going to bring in Sananda.

10-30-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening! Ah yes, the veil, ah, it is almost transparent from our side.  And we are feeling so much passion, so much light cascading all around, in and throughout your Beloved Planet tonight. 

Ah yes, this is a miraculous time for us, because so many things are coming to a head, you would say. So much or so many of the plans, that the Alliance has put forth are taking on an extra-added measure of, umm, time sensitivity, we would say. Because, yes, things are transpiring in your environment, behind the scenes, that you are not really being made aware of. 

In other words, all of the preparations that need to have been made for this moment of bringing these plans to completion, we see that they are there.  And with ourselves, being our Love and Light, raising the level of our vibration once more, in our meditation, we expedite, and we give more movement, more energy to bring these Beloved Plans to completion.
Ah, yes, it is marvelous for us to see all that each and every one of you have been doing, in the name of the Light and the Love, that you are. Because, yes, who you call Creator Source, or that part of you, that is your I AM Presence, that part of you that helps you to understand, who you really are, wants you to feel this Passion, this Love, the Happiness, this Joy in every Now Moment, and not to have to hold back anymore, to navigate your survival journeys in this lifetime. Because yes, that is something that you have all been learning from, how to survive under some dire circumstances, very unfair, we might add, circumstances that this Cabal has perpetrated upon all of you Beloved Beings, upon the environment, upon all of the kingdoms of your Beloved Planet. 

And now there is this Universal Harmony visiting your planet, with the cohesion of these plans coming into being, to enable these higher vibrations for you, to access the True Nature of your being, which is Love and Light.  And yes, Love Is All There Is! 

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you, and you reaching out for somebody else on this call, to form our circle.  Breathing into your hearts, allowing yourself to feel this Unity, with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, with these high vibrations of Unconditional/Universal Love. And sending it from your heart, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand.

And allowing yourselves to rise on up to feel this Joy, this Bliss of accessing this Love and Light. And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, now up through the layers of the atmospheres, and up into the layers of ships. And coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru.
I’m opening up the landing deck here, and getting us started to coming onboard, by hovering in the airlock, as we close the landing deck beneath us. And now we are traversing our way back to this elevator, that has opened up for us. And we all get in at the same time without breaking up our circle. It is a very accommodating elevator, one with symbiotic consciousness, if you will. And we all get in, and we’re closing the door and pushing the button. And we’re rising on up.
And now we open the door and come into the Crystal Healing Room, with all of these Beloved Beings awaiting our presence. And ah yes, it’s nice to be welcomed back home once again. And ah yes, all of the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, other Ascended Masters and angels, they are all here. And perhaps you see yourself from a lifetime or two as one of your ancestors.

And now going into the middle of the room, and we’re going to form our circle around our Altar. And while the Mentors form their circle around us, and everyone in the outer circles gets set too. And again, breathing into the Heart Center, sending it around out through the palm of the left hand, into the palm of the right hand, and into the other circles. And from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling our combined energies up, down, and around and through, from the center above, to the center below, allowing our hearts to open up to this Miracle of Unity, of the Oneness of who we really are, joined together, heart to heart, and soul to soul. Allowing ourselves to bathe in this LoveLight and to feel Joy and Bliss in knowing, that everything is in Divine Perfection, in Divine Rhythm, Timing and Synchronization. 

And now we ask you to send your Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with doing this meditation tonight, for yourselves to use this energy for your highest and best intention, enabling yourself to be more in your energy flow, in your daily routine, whether it has to do with finances, relationships, being more connected in your meditations, prayers and exercises, or just having more fun, walking out in nature, or listening to music or singing. Whatever is your heart’s fancy in this Now Moment, we ask you to focus it and send it on into this Master Crystal, that sets on the Altar here, in the middle of our Crystal Healing Room.

And tonight, our meditation focuses on the Intentional Requirement of feeling in this Oneness, throughout all of the dimensions of reality. In other words, bringing it in, in this Now Moment, when the veils are very thin, because tomorrow’s Halloween. And with, of course, the Intentional Requirement for positive results, for the Light to wake people up, and for them to have their “ah-ha” moments, where they will be able to put in focus, why they are here in this lifetime. Of course, it’s for Ascension. Of course, it’s for not only their own personal Ascension and spiritual evolution, but for that of all of Creation. Because after all, Beloveds, we are all One. There is no separation. And this is a very Simple Truth, but it is so very Potent, and Compassionate, and Understanding of our True Divine Nature.

So, Beloveds, shining our Intentional Requirements, for this meditation for all of us, and your Beloved Planet, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it out through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. And from the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling it up, down, and around and through, allowing ourselves to let go to this Miracle of Love, coming into the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And waking them up, enlarging their consciousness, to take in this Intentional Requirement of Peace, of Harmony, of interacting with one another from a place of Trust and Union and Oneness. And that it is so very possible, it is almost your reality of going onto this new Financial System. 

Our Intentional Requirement is to plant the Seeds of Acceptance, that there is a better way for you all, on your Beloved Planet, to live your lives; that the advanced technology, the new financial system, new governments focusing on heart-centered solutions, on what so many on your planet call a Meritocracy. Well, we’re in alignment with that, because we want to focus on the positive, on bringing in as much of the LoveLight as we can, to create new ways of manifesting your reality, in harmony with all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet.

So, spiraling it up, down, and around and through, from the atmospheres to the surface, underneath the surface, right into Gaia’s Crystalline Core, out the other side, feeling this gyroscope effect, spinning from the middle, from the center, out to the environment of this Beloved Planet up, down, and around and through, multiplying the Love and Light that we are collectively, totally, of everyone and every Beloved Being on your planet.
And now let us go over to this place in England, which you also call the UK, to this jailhouse, where our Beloved Brother Julian still is. And yes, he’s going through this process of getting extradited. But as with all, that transpires on your Beloved Planet, having to do with governments and institution, the Truth is not coming out. 

And he is not being treated with the respect, that we feel he is due as a Lightworker. And much, much more than that, over the many lifetimes, and all of the different roles, that he has played, that has allowed him to bring his Life Lesson to this space of transmitting all that he has been working onm in these many, many lifetimes, to bring about the Truth, to bring about the plans in Harmony and in Unison with Beloved Saint Germain.

So, shining the LoveLight into his heart, all of us circling around him. And bringing in Mother Mary, and Saint Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch. And spinning this energy all throughout his energy field in a clockwise direction, two feet around his body, from the center above, to the center below, with the Intentional Requirement of energizing him with the Light. And allowing him to know the Strength, and the Power of his Love, of his dedication, of his Union with the Higher Aspects of his Being. Because even though he has been treated poorly, and that the dark energies have been feeding off of him, this is the time to energize Beloved Julian with the realization that Love is more powerful. And he is more powerful, giving his energy to the Love and Light that he is eternally, within and without space and time.

Sending our Love once again into his heart, into all of his chakras, spinning them from the crown, the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart center, the solar plexus, the sacral chakra, and the root chakra, spinning them all at once, for him to power himself up in this Unified Chakra, and to allow himself to feel the connection with us, all of the Beloved Beings of Heaven, in this Now Moment, to manifest his Intentional Requirements of Peace, Harmony, Goodwill, and Conscious Government. And for the Truth to come out, and to energize everybody, in all of the Beloved Kingdoms, on your planet in this Truth. 

And we say, “Namaste to Beloved Julian. And we love you so very much.” 

And now let us take our little trip, over, across the big pond there, down into the elevators in Mexico. Because, yes, once again, we see that there’s some Missions going on to liberate the Beloved Beings who have been kept slaves, because of human trafficking being perpetrated upon them.

And going down into the elevators, spinning our LoveLight in a horizontal spiral, all the way from Mexico, through the United States, up into Canada and around and back, up and through, down and over, again and again. Spinning it deep into all of these hiding places, where some really dark energies make their homes, and use the energies of the underworld to their benefit. 

Well, we’re here to raise the level of the vibration, in all of those hiding places, so they will not be able to draw any dark power anymore, where everything now becomes transparent, in the Love and Light, that they are. And yes, just as easily as we can, send Love and Light, and multiply and expand it, well, they’ve been known to do this when the veils are thin and multiply their darkness. But that’s the trump card. Now, isn’t it? Love is always stronger!

And Love is transparent, has nothing to hide, and it celebrates its high vibration, and the ability to be self-aware, and lift itself up in Joy and Celebration, in Harmony with all of Creation. Because yes, it enables the realization that we are all One, and we are all derived from the same Source.  And that, yes, there is no space and time. It’s all happening in this Now Moment. 

Ah, we thank you so very much for being with us and we send our Love and Light to the children, who are being liberated, and to those that are still in places of imprisonment, being kept against their Wills, fulfilling their Soul Contracts. 

And we say, “Namaste to all of you Beloved Beings. We love you so very much.” 

And to all of you beings on the call, we love you far beyond anything that words can express. And we thank you for your participation, not only in our meditation here tonight, but in all that you do, to bring your Missions to a place of realization and manifestation.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

10-23-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-23-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight with the message once again of Love, of Light, of remembering who you truly are, and assembling together to send our Love around the circle, to one another, and expand it. And joining together, me bi-locating my hand out to every one of you. And you reaching out again to somebody else on this call, and connecting with your breathing into your Heart Center, sending it around the circle, from the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, into your hearts, allowing yourself to slow down and relax once more. 

Allowing this Love and Light to come in, and to raise you up in vibration, and frequency, and combining our energies together, sending it around, and around the circle, up, down, and around and through. And feeling this energy of the gyroscope, going through its motions, raising the level of the vibration, within to without, of the four bodies of your being, around the circle, raising it up, spiraling this energy, sharing in this moment of this Golden White Light. 

And remember, Beloveds, you are the Divine Co-Creators. And we have been in Mission with one another to create the conditions on your Beloved Planet, where all of the beings, who came here, and that means just about everyone. Even the force of the darkness, came in knowing, that they could ascend in this lifetime. 

See the thing is that they had to become aware of this connection with who they really are. Instead of going for the same mechanisms of control, of lies and deceptions that have given them a false sense of Power. Because, Beloveds, the real Power is in your heart, is the Love and Light that you are, that you connect with up into the other side of the veil, which is your I AM Presence, and the higher aspects of your being, and all of your guides, angels and Ascended Masters, like us, the Mentors, whom you have been working with in these meditations.

Ah yes, breathing into the Heart Center, with this Divine Intentional Requirement that we all remember who we really are as being Eternal, Divine Vessels of Love and Light. And enlarging our vision to encompass your whole planet. And from there going through the portal of the Central Sun, by way of your Solar Sun, and into the Galactic Center. And sending the LoveLight all through the cosmos, permeating all of Creation with this Intentional Requirement of Ascension, of rising up, of unification with all of the higher dimensions, with all of the genetic bloodlines, all of the races, all of the species, all of the manifestations of Creation.

Bringing this into your hearts, Beloveds, allowing yourself to know, that we are all One. There is no separation. There is only Divine Harmony, and Understanding, and Bliss of bringing in this realization, that you are eternal beings of the Love and Light. This is the conduit into Christ Consciousness.

And ah yes, Beloveds, anytime that you want to feel this once again, you can listen to this meditation. You can just call us into your hearts. And we are so there with you.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

10-23-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-23-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come to you tonight once again, so very happy to be here. Ah yes, this feeling of Oneness, of feeling into your hearts and radiating the Love and Light that you are. It is wonderful! It is joyous!

And yes, we come together in these meditations, and we feel this by letting go to all of these energies, that come in with us forming our circles, and feeling the energies all over the multiverses, in all of the higher dimensions, allowing this Golden White Light Christ Consciousness Energy to come in and to guide us, to raise us up, and to feel into our hearts, and to know that everything that we need, we have within. And letting go to it.

And we recommend that you remember these feelings each and every moment of the day, and how magnificent this feels. And that your external realities are slowly fading in to disintegration, we would say. Because the 3rd Dimension, we feel, we see, we experience from our vantage point on the ships, is de-materializing. 

The Power that the Cabal has had over you, with its negative programming, and its illusions of survival, of owing and being in guilt, and being shamed by having a body and having desires and needs, all of that is coming undone, Beloveds, in these high vibrations, that are visiting your plant and interceding into your consciousness, by way of the photons, into the subatomic particles, into the DNA, & Akashic Records. 

And more and more this feeling, this knowingness, is becoming who you are, and you are able to adapt to these realizations, and bring yourself up into these higher levels of vibration. And we say to you, it is very wondrous for us to be a part of this, in our Missions with you.

Yes, we love you so very much. We ask you to call upon us any time, that you want to feel our Love, and our Support, and our Guidance. And you may ask us questions and do your pendulums, or muscle testing, or just feel into your hearts to know the answers that are coming forth into your consciousness.

We love you so very much, Beloveds, and good night.

And now Sananda will come in.

10-23-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

10-23-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am so very happy to be with you once again in our Mission of bringing in more Love and Light to this Beloved Planet, so that a major portion of the consciousness of this planet can raise the level of its vibration. And that so many of these Beloved Beings who are still just consumed with your daily goings on of survival can wake up to a much larger picture of why we are all here on this Beloved Planet at this time, with so much changing all around us. 

And we witness it, from the ships, of what you are all going through. We have access to those goings on, and all the different levels of consciousness, that are coming into play, as you are witness to, all in the mainstream media that is being perpetrated upon you, and to all of the programing that is being levied upon you, by your institutions, and various mechanisms of your society. 

And we say to you that everything that you need, you have inside of the four bodies of your own being. And the way, again we say it, the way that you access this is breathing into your Heart Center, and allowing yourselves to slow down and relax, and allow yourself to lift up into the higher dimensions. And this is what we do on the meditation, and the meditation for you can be all of the time. And that is what your reality will be when you’re in the 5th Dimension. And this is a marvelous Frame of Mind, of Spirit, to be in, because then the Truth becomes revealed Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul. 

And there are no more mysteries. The feelings become so grand and manifested within the four bodies of your being. And you can read them within the energy field of the Beloveds, that you are interacting with. And so, this creates much more of a Dynamic of Freedom on your Beloved Planet. And yes, this is one of the real big benefits, that you will enjoy when the 5th Dimension is firmly anchored in to Beloved Mother Gaia. So, this is one of the main focuses of us doing our Mission together, and bringing in more of this Love and Light, so you, as a species, as a planet, as a Divine Consciousness awakening, can plug into that level of Freedom and Liberation, my Beloveds. 

Let us join together in our circle, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And you reaching out to someone else on this Beloved Call, forming our circle and breathing into the Heart Center. And sending it down your left arm, through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, back up into the heart.

And it’s with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up into the layers of the atmospheres, up into the layers of the ships. And we come upon on my ship, the Nibiru.  And we’re opening up the landing deck. And we’re popping on through all at the same time with our circle still held together. And we’re hovering in the airlock with the landing deck closing beneath us.

And now it’s safe to touch. And we’re walking on back to an elevator that’s opened for us. And we’re all getting in without breaking up the circle. The inside of this elevator expands for us, welcoming us in. And we close the door and push the button. And we rise on up.

And we’re here once again opening up the door, and popping out with all of the Beloved Beings already assembled here awaiting us. And we see and feel all of the Mentors, the Commanders, your ancestors, perhaps you, in a lifetime or two, from the past. And walking on over to the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, assembling our circle around our Altar, where this Master Crystal sets in all of its Majesty and Grace.

And joining together now as the Beloved Mentors assemble their circle around us, and the other Beloved Beings in the outer circles. And breathing into our hearts, sending it around, out into the other circles, up through our energy field. All of our energies combined together, sending it, from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it up, down, and around and through to multiply, to reach and to bridge the gap into all of the levels of dimensionality and consciousness. And all levels of dimensions and consciousness are represented here in this Crystal Healing Room. So just breathing into it, feeling this gyroscope effect activate all of these higher dimensions within our Akashic Records. 

And this is where we ask you to make your own Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create out of this meditation tonight for yourselves, whether it be financial, having to do with health concerns, having to do with feeling more Bliss, and Ease, and Grace in your life, in every waking moment. And having a higher level of Clear Communication, in your lifetime, with all of the Beloved Beings you interact with. And just breathing into it, and sending it into these Beloved Lights of the Master Crystal. 

And we require that we bring in Peace, Harmony, Grace, Wisdom and much Abundance, and Self-Confidence, because this is one thing that the Cabal continuously challenges you Beloveds on planet earth with, with keeping you in this Perpetual State of Fear and Separation. And the confidence we’re talking about is knowing, that what you’re experiencing is all a hologram. And that the Power is really within, and not without, as all of your institutions and your mainstream media, and all these other negative-programming devices and methods, subliminally or straight out consciously, perpetrate upon you with all of their dogmas, whether it be religion, or sports, or whatever institution, that you are delving into. Each one of them has its own spin on what the Truth is.

And we say to you that you know the Truth deep down within your heart and for you to develop that. And that empowers you and lets you have this self-confidence to create the reality within the vision that you feel you most resonate with. 

So, shining our LoveLights in unison into the Master Crystal, for the Mass Consciousness to awaken into the 5th Dimension, with the realization of who they really are on your Beloved Planet. And shooting this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, up through the opening in the Nibiru, in its ceiling, and shooting it down, in a spiral, onto your Beloved Mother Gaia. And going up, down, and around and through feeling the rhythm, timing and synchronicity of reaching into the hearts, uplifting the imagination of all of the Beloved Beings, planting seeds in their unconsciousness, with the Intentional Requirement of them accessing these Seeds of illumination, of Truth, of Harmony, of Joy, of Bliss, of Understanding who they really are, in their sleep states, in their heavy-dreaming states, with the Intentional Requirement that they may choose to activate these Seeds of Knowingness, of Discernment, within the four bodies of their being. And feeling this Light, which perpetrates the message of Oneness into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, into all of the kingdoms on your planet.

And we intentionally require, that we go down into the elevators in Mexico, and into this tunnel network. Going deep down and shining this Christ Consciousness Golden White Light Energy, all the way from Mexico, through the United States and into Canada, back, up, down, around and through penetrating all of the underground bases, these honeycomb chambers, all of the hidey holes, that the power sources of this Reptilian energy hang out in. And that they will be unearthed, by sending our LoveLights deep down where they reside.

Spiraling this energy vertically now further, into the inner part of the earth, with the Intentional Requirement of raising them up, into this State of Transparency, where they will no longer be able to use their conditions of manipulating the secret power sources, down there, in the underworld any longer. With the Intentional Requirement of making the Truth manifest over your Beloved Planet.

And with the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet letting go of fear, knowing that they are loved and supported, by the structures, that the Alliance has put in place, to give them a new financial system, new institutions; well, we wouldn’t even call them institutions. We would call them ways of being, and interacting with Mother Gaia, and each and every one of yourselves, heart to heart, and soul to soul without fear, without any separation, or any low vibrations whatsoever.

And yes, Beloveds, this is Bliss, this is Harmony in motion and coming together heart to heart, within the four bodies of our being. And we shine the LoveLight into all of the Beloved Beings, who now are being taken out of these underground chambers, being liberated by forces of the military, who are part of this Mission now, to free these Beloveds, so that the Cabal cannot use their power any more in their ritual sacrifices.

“And blessed be, all of you Beloved Beings, we honor you, we cherish you so very much, for what you have given in playing out your Soul Contracts, and exhibiting Courage deep within your hearts, and never giving up the ability to stay connected with one another and to stay connected with the core of your being, no matter what you were going through. We love you so very much.”

And all of you Beloved Beings on this call, we thank you, we honor you, we love you for all of what you’re doing, to bring forth your Missions, and manifesting this Oneness on Beloved Mother Gaia. 

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

10-16-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-16-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I am coming into this circle of our hearts, joined together with you again tonight on this Beloved Call. And ah yes, the Love and Light that we see and perceive and feel in our circle tonight is wonderous.

So much continues to transpire behind the scenes, as you would say, on your Beloved Planet, in the manifestation of all of these plans, that have been laid in place and perpetrated in the economies, in the politics, in the institutions, of your Beloved Planet. And yes, you have not been privy to those behind-the-scenes negotiations, but we can tell you, that they have been transpiring. 

And they have been inspired by the Light, by the realization of the higher consciousness of these Beloved Leaders on your planet. And this has not always been the Presidents or the ones in top political power, but the ones in those countries that have been putting forth the dynamic of Truth, of Harmony, of Justice, and finding the Courage within themselves to be vessels of dissemination, of transparency, and of making that transparency widespread on the Internet with their Beloved Videos and webcasts, and sometimes just audio transmissions.

And we say to you that this is all wonderous.  This has allowed so many people to start awakening.  And the more and more that we could raise the level of the vibration, the more harmony, the more empowerment that happens and the higher the level of your Conscious Awareness in the Collective becomes. And this is so very necessary for you on your Beloved Planet to take back the 5th Dimension. This is when and where your Ascension Process will take hold and manifest in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. 

Ah yes, assembling into our circle once again, holding hands, me bi-locating a hand with you, and you reaching out for someone else on this call, forming our circle, breathing into our hearts. And again, us Mentors are shining our LoveLights into your heart, and feeling you send it around the circle and enlarge your combined energies into this energy field. 

And spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through from the center above to the center below. Feeling Harmony, Bliss, Understanding, Joy, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Tolerance, Clear Communication, Discernment.

Breathing into these feelings, breathing into the Truth of who you really are as a part of the Godhead, and that your I AM Presence is always connected to Creator Source. And all you have to do is to raise the level of your vibration to take hold of this connection with your I AM Presence just as you do with us Ascended Masters, the Mentors and the other Ascended Masters and Archangels also.

We all are in Mission with you to raise the level of the vibration, to bring your Missions to completion in a most-Divine, Sanctified Way, feeling this LoveLight spiral, up and over again, all throughout our combined energy field. Seeing and experiencing the colors of our Union, this Rainbow Harmony with the Golden White Light, this version of the Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness throughout all of your chakras, throughout all of the higher dimensions.

Ah yes, Beloveds, feel the Freedom of knowing, that your reality is centered in this Now Moment. And this is all we have, our Union with each and every one of ourselves, and that there is no separation. Ah yes, the Oneness of all of Creation is accessible, to each and every one of you, in every Now Moment.  Just allowing yourselves to have the Courage, to breathe into your heart and to feel and to let go to your own Inner Truth. And not to be afraid in any way to express, heart to heart, when you find someone that you have a connection with. Because at this time, you will find more and more Beloved Beings on your planet, who you can express your Love and your Light with. And this will make you feel better and them so very much better. 

We thank you so much for letting us be with you, and feeling the energy with you, and sending it through your circle, and your energy field. We are here for you, Dear Beloveds, any time that you call us in. 

Namaste and good night.

10-16-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-16-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am here with you tonight just soaking up all of the rays of the sunshine, that your meditations have put forth throughout the Cosmos, and particularly on your Beloved Planet. Ah yes, we feel the Radiance, the Joy, the Absolute Bliss, that you have aligned yourself with in the Intentional Requirements, that you have shined forth for the Liberation of your Beloved Planet.

Ah yes, as Mother talked about, we are coming upon the last few months of your earth year when some very important gateways open up. And the energies have been rising at such a clip, we would say, that we are poised for some changes. And ah, what we would really like you to understand is that the reality has to be made in the higher dimensions first, before it can come into your 3rd Dimension. And this is what we have been doing with our Missions in the totality of the transmissions, of Light and Love, that we have been shining forth in coming together. 

And we know that it’s not just on this call, but in other forums that you come together with other Beloved Lightworkers, and you do your work. And a lot of you have your own daily regimen, where you bring in the Love and Light, and you focus your Intentional Requirements. 

And we love you so very much for loving yourselves and all of Creation the way that you do. Because this level of Truth and Understanding generates more and more LoveLight, this Golden White Light, Christ Consciousness Energy, on your Beloved Planet.

And yes, the things that we have been planning in our meditations, we see them as done in the higher dimensions. And now we seen them filtering in to your 3rd Dimensional physical/material plane reality. And we are so very happy, because when we come together with you, like tonight, we see and feel and experience, how you have grown. And the Power of the meditations, that you have been shining forth, how they are transmitting into the hearts of all the Beloved Beings on your planet.

Ah yes, Beloveds, any time that you want us to be with you, to feel us heart to heart, please call us in. We love you so very much. Namaste and good night.

And now Sananda will come in.

10-16-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

10-16-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah yes, it is such a pleasure to be here once again tonight on this Beloved Conference Call. We feel so much is happening right now. But then again, we have been feeling this progressively, since the beginning of this Beloved Earth Year of yours. Because there has been an ongoing procession of high-vibe energies coming into your planet through this opening, this portal through your Sun, coming from the Central Sun and beyond that, from the Galactic Center. And it has been bringing in these high vibrations of the photon energy. 

And yes, we are working our way up to another major portal, in the scheme of this earth-years’ proceedings called the 11-11 Gateway. And, of course, after that will be the 12-12, and directly behind will be your Winter Solstice. So, we would say that this year is lining up to go out with a bang, and not with a whimper.

And, ah yes, there has been a lot that has been happening on your Beloved Planet, we would say, in the last week. And well, we won’t make any predictions, no dates. That’s not our style at all. We are here to raise the level of the vibration as per usual. Because we know that the higher the level of consciousness in your collective psyches, the easier it is for these things to manifest, to come into being, the way that they were designed in Divine Timing, and Rhythm, and Synchronicity. And that is what we foresee, when the vibration gets high enough in the transmission.
Well, you all know that story of the Hundredth-Monkey Effect. And this in the same vein of energy dynamics, that that progression takes on to achieve a spontaneous knowing within the hearts and the minds of the Beloved Beings on your Mother Gaia. And this is where we are all headed.

And, of course, the plans that have been put in place, the way that all of these different components of the plan have been aligned, and that is what will achieve a synchronicity. And that is what the allies of the Alliance have been working to create in Divine Rhythm, Timing and Synchronicity.

And no, we never wanted armed revolt, combat, any of that bloodshed, because that creates karma. And going into the 5th Dimension, we don’t want to take any karma with us. So, we’re doing it this way. And yes, look at how much each and every one of you has grown, by being aware of NESARA, and doing these meditations to bring the provisions of NESARA about.

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And you reaching out with your other hand to some Beloved Brother or Sister on this call. And let us form our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center and sending our Love and our Light out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, and back into the Heart Center. Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, and to be in our own inner flow, and to feel the Joy of the Love and Light, that we are in this Now Moment.

And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that now we rise on up off of the surface of your planet, and rise on up through the atmospheres, the layers of the atmospheres, and through the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship once again, the Nibiru. And of course, I’m opening up the landing deck. And now we are rising on up, hovering in the air lock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down.

And we’re walking on back to an elevator, that has opened up for us. And we all get in at the same time and now closing the door, pushing the button up to the top floor here, rising on up, and now opening the door. And ah yes, the celebration has begun. And there are all these Beloved Beings, the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, your ancestors and, of course, perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past.

And walking on over into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, where the Master Crystal sets on our Altar. And forming our circle around the Altar, holding hands, breathing into our hearts, while the outer circles assemble around us. And sending this LoveLight from our hearts, around the circles, up, down, and around and through from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling of our combined energy field. Spiraling this energy, feeling this gyroscopic effect come online, and raise us on up in vibration, so we experience all of the higher dimensions throughout all of the Cosmos, that are represented here through the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings gathered here and all of the Beloved Crystals assembled throughout all of the Cosmos.

Ah yes, breathing into our Heart Centers, feeling the Love and Light that we are. And we ask you to send your Intentional Requirements for what you want to create from this Beloved Meditation tonight, whether it be personal, for more connection with your higher aspects of your being, or whether it has to do with your finances, or relationships within your family, allowing yourself to feel the Love and Light, that you are, and shine it into the Master Crystal.

And we intentionally require the manifestation of all of these different components of NESARA to manifest, within your 3rd Dimension, in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronicity. We require that Peace be felt, and that the Awaking Process of all of the Beloved Beings start to transmit from one heart and one soul to the next in Unison all over your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, that this feeling of courage takes hold, in the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Because now, more so than ever before, they are starting to see the dynamics, that have been used against them by this Cabal, and realize that some very heinous and corrupt actions have been perpetrated against them for a very, very long time. And now things are even getting more out of hand. And now is time for each and every Beloved Being, on your planet, to empower themselves, to shine that LoveLight deep within their hearts out to the environment, so that the level of the vibration can rise on up, and cause this transmission of high vibrations, to raise the level of the collective vibration on your Beloved Planet. 

Ah, and shining our Intentional Requirements, through the tip of the Master Crystal. And now shooting it forth, up through the hole, the opening the Nibiru ceiling, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. And feeling it in the atmosphere, down onto the surface, and beneath the surface of the planet, spiraling it up, down, and around and through penetrating Mother Gaia’s crystalline core. And coming out through the other side and creating this Horus Effect, this energy dynamic of multiplying the energy, all through the higher dimensions. Breathing into your Heart Center, to raise the level of the vibration all over your Beloved Planet, by shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet. 

And going up into the majesty of the mountains, the vastness of your oceans, all of the secrets, that your oceans hold, not just in Atlantis, but all over the Beloved Planet, all of the crystals, that have been coming online in certain areas of where Atlantis sunk many millennia ago, and all of these major gateways coming online. And feeling the Love and the Power held in all of these crystals, and all of these gateways, that are being activated, shining our LoveLights into them with the Intentional Requirement for this Peace to pervade the planet, to raise the level of consciousness, to raise the level of awareness, that each and every Beloved Being on the planet has the Power to change things in a most harmonious, creative, and miraculous way. 

And ah, yes, there is Power in numbers, but there’s also Power in the level of the vibration that you allow yourselves to reach up into and transmit at.  And this has been our plan all along, to get you to feel comfortable in these higher dimensions, and shining forth your Intentional Requirements to align with the 5th Dimension, so that we can bring it in in a very real, and full and complete way, and anchor it in onto your Beloved planet.
Ah, tonight, let us go down into this network, all across your Beloved Planet. Well, we would say in some areas they are quite a bit deeper than the underground bases, that we go to through the elevators in Mexico. We’re going down tonight into the crystal caverns. Because all over your planet, there have been some very dark energies, that have been hiding down there and trying to take over the energy dynamics of those Beloved Crystal Caves. And this is where a lot of the Power on your Beloved Planet is generated. 

So, imagining these huge raptors, which are also called Saurons. And shining our LoveLight, from our circle, encasing these caverns with our LoveLight, with the Intentional Requirement for Peace, Harmony, for Transparency of the heinous, corrupt reality, that has been the Mission of these raptors to give their Power to, in allegiance with the Artificial Intelligence, and the minions of this Artificial Intelligence, perpetrating the myth of Satan and its false Power Dynamics. Because, as we know, their transmission does not have any effect, can’t create the reality in the 5th Dimension. And this is the place, where we require ourselves to be in these high vibrations, where there will be Peace and Harmony, Understanding, Forgiveness, and Gratitude perpetually, and where we will be so connected, and will have the awareness of our Akashic records. And so, it is. 

And also, we send our LoveLight out to all of the Beloved Children, who have been rescued in operations within the last couple of weeks, we see. And we shine the LoveLight on all of the Beloved Beings, who were a part of these missions and the courage that all of them have shown in bringing these Soul Contracts to completion.

Namaste, Beloveds. Any time you would like us to come in and feel our Love and meditate with us, please call us in. We are here 24/7 for you. Namaste and good night.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

10-9-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-9-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Ah yes, we are so very happy also to be with you once again on this conference call.

Ah yes, as Maria and Sekhmet have been saying, the energies are so Divinely Tuned in this Now Moment, for these plans to come online, we would say, to reach a stage of manifestation in your physical-material reality, or the 3rd Dimension. 

Well, you’re not really in the 3rd Dimension solely anymore, only if you want to be. And most of you are, what we would say, walking between the two worlds, or the many different dimensions that you are able to rise on up into with your Intentional Requirements, and your meditations.

And yes, we are here with you once again to do a meditation. But tonight, this is a Gifting Meditation of all of us Beloved Mentors, shining the LoveLight into your hearts. Ah, shining the LoveLight in the Now Moment for you to drop all barriers.
So, joining hands, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you. And you reaching out, as you did with Sekhmet, to somebody else on this call. And shining this LoveLight into all of your hearts, coming from the palm of left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand. With our breathing, expanding our energies from our heart Centers, rising on up into high vibrations of Golden White Light.
And yes, we are sending it down into your combined energy field and spiraling it into your hearts, into your individual energy fields with the Divine Intention for Peace. For knowing any time, that you stray from your paths, Beloveds, any time that thoughts come in, which are less than Love, we make the Intentional Requirement for you to hold on to this vibration of the Golden White Light, lifting up the level of consciousness from your Heart Center, through the higher dimensions, up through the 5th and beyond.
And from the Root Chakra, spinning it through the Sacral, the Solar Plexus, the Heart Center, the Throat, the Third Eye, and the Crown, and all of your minor chakras too, along your arms, your hips, your knees, your ankles, the bottoms of your feet. Just breathing into this Unified Chakra, expanding your LoveLight with each and every one of us over on the other side, all of us on the ships. So, so many ships sending their LoveLight on into your hearts, in this Now Moment.

And yes, with the Intentional Requirements of completion, of completion for all of the conditions, all of the plans, to reach this saturation point, whereby the 5th Dimension, it’ll be the most natural thing to anchor it in,  because the Love between all of you Beloved Beings on your planet will be enabled, by all of these different plans coming to fruition in the Now Moment.
There will not be any room anymore, for any worry and doubt, when all of these different plans are put in place, and the old institutions are replaced by new ways of doing things, harmoniously, with the Truth being the main guiding principle, one of Love and Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and permeating those high vibrations, heart to heart, all over your Beloved Planet, where the Truth will be once again transparent. Because now you will be in the 5th Dimension, and there only the Truth of who you really are can exist.

Yes, continuing to breathe into it. And you can come back to this meditation any time you like. And yes, as Maria and Sekhmet say, you can call us in any time you would like. And you can ask for guidance, for our Love and our Light to shine into your heart, to nurture and guide you with whatever troubles you in the Now Moment, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night.

10-9-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-9-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

A little glitch with the music there, but that’s all right. I so resonant with Sananda’s song also.

Ah yes, it is so very wonderful to be with you once again. And we particularly enjoy coming in right after Mother Sekhmet’s meditation. Because, yes, we can feel your hearts joined together. We can feel that LoveLight penetrating your hearts, and your psyches, and opening yourselves up to this Divine LoveLight, and all of the Gifts, that come in that you are circulating around, and through your Beloved Planet, to all of the beings in their hearts on your planet. 

Ah yes, Unity, and the strength of Unity is so supported by the Truth. And it is one of the main things, that we have altogether, all of us Mentors with you, our Beloveds, have been working for to bring about. And yes, the possibility exists, because of the plans being in place, for this Truth to manifest very, very soon in your Now Moment, and for you to feel the hearts of all of the Beloveds on your planet, who will be so affected by the Truth being told. And yes, we are calling this Full Disclosure. And that is what we have been calling forth with you for such a long time now, Beloveds. 

Because yes, it is totally necessary to have all of these different aspects of the Truth revealed, so that these minions of Satan, of the AI, do not have any more control over your reality. And this will open up so much energy, and strengthen your Unity, heart to heart, in such a very miraculous and Divine Way.

Ah yes, we see it happening in our Now Moment from the other side, where there is no space and time. So, we are very happy that we are with you in this Now Moment, Beloveds. And we love you so very much. 

We say Namaste and good night. And Sananda will come in right now.

10-9-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

10-9-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our privilege to be with you on this call in this Now Moment of your time on your Beloved Mother Gaia.

Ah yes, the energies are palpable from our side of the veil. We see so much transpiring. And we are very happy, that we are in this moment with you, our Beloveds, once again because on and on we go. And yes, there is a finish line. There is a place where we will anchor in the 5th Dimension. And the things, that you have been calling forth in these meditations with us, and on your own, and with other groups; they will take hold of your reality in a very Divine, Optimal Setting, we would say, whereby your Freedom, and your abilities to manifest, what you are calling forth with your Intentional Requirements will, well, it will please you, let’s say, in a very, umm, majestic way.

So, again and again, we feel that part of our Mission with you is to instill this Passion, that leads you to know, to Trust in your Intuition, and your connection with those higher aspects of your being, and with us. Because, yes, this is the Truth of your connection of being an interdimensional vessel of Love and Light, a part of the Godhead.
And no one can take that away from you, no matter what survival games this AI, and all of its minions try to perpetrate on you, and all of its institutions, whether it be the banks, the schools, the churches. Well, they are not coming from this place of Compassion, of Unconditional/Universal Love. Because, Beloveds, we are all One. There is no separation. There is no separation with us who are called Ascended Masters, because there is no time.
And this is your, we would say, path for self-realization and that you are calling forth, and have called forth your Ascension in this Now Moment. So yes, all of these plans are in place, and we see things coming together in a most Divine Way. So, don’t give up the ship! Because we are here with you, supporting you every step of the way. And with that, let us—

Well let me extend my paw out to each and every one of you. And with your other hand reach for somebody else on the call, and let us form our circle. And breathing into your Heart Centers, allowing yourselves to slow down and relax, and truly enjoy each and every breath as being a magical experience, one from the heart of your Soul. And sending this LoveLight, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand, breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to feel Liberation and Deliverance from all manmade obstacles. 

And with the Power, and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up, off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, up through the layers of the ships.  Ah yes, coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. Opening up the landing deck, and all of us, coming through this gigantic belly of the ship, hovering in the airlock, and while the landing deck closes beneath us.

And now touching down, and walking on back to an elevator, that has opened up for us. And all of us getting in, without breaking up the circle, piling into the elevator, closing the door, and pushing the button up to the top floor.  And now we’re here opening up the door.

Ah yes, so many Beloveds are here to greet us. And of course, some of them are your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two. And we keep on bringing your attention to this, because we want you to know the continuity in all of the lifetimes, that you’ve had doing this meditation on Beloved Mother Gaia. And all of the lifetimes that you’ve had way, way back when, even before the duality experiment happened on your Beloved Planet. Because, yes, there is no time, and it’s all happening right here and right now, no time and space.

And let us walk on over into the middle of this room where our Altar is, and where the Master Crystal sets right on top of it. It is a Divine Crystal empowered with our Love and our Light, and all the Beloved Beings all across Creation, who have downloaded transmissions into it over the ages.

And forming our circle, and while the outer circles form around us. Breathing into the heart and sending it around the circle, as we have just done on your planet. Sending it out through the outer circles, and spiraling it in the combined energies of our energy field all throughout the Crystal Healing Room.
And spiraling it up, down, and around and through from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, feeling our LoveLights expand, and reach up through all of the higher dimensions represented here in the consciousness of all of our Beloved Beings assembled here, and all of the Beloved Crystals, that comprise the Crystal Healing Room. Ah yes, it is a Beloved-Divine experience to sample all of these realms of consciousness not available on Mother Gaia. Is it not?

And now we ask you, as part of this meditation, to state your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create, from the energies of this Divine Meditation, we are about to do together, whether it has to do with your finances, your health and wellbeing, or that of your family and maintaining relationships in high vibration.
Just feel into your Heart Center in high vibration and send it into the Master Crystal. Shine your LoveLight right in there to activate those Intentional Requirements. And all of us on this meditation, we require Peace, Harmony, Joy, Understanding. We require all of these plans to announce NESARA. Yes, it is the law, and all of the components of it have been enacted in some way, shape or form on your planet. 

And you know there has to be a progression of going onto a new financial system. And this is the area of Saint Germain, our Beloved. And he has worked so dynamically on this across space and time. And all the pieces are in place.

And ah yes, this mechanism of mind control, it’s time for it to be completely disassembled. And the plans that the Alliance on your Beloved Planet, along with the Ashtar Command, have put in place, will do that in a very Divine Way. So, we are here to shine more LoveLight on those plans. Because, yes, all they need is a little nudge, we would say, to come into being in your perceived 3rd Dimensional reality.

So, shining the LoveLight with these Intentions for the Announcements to happen, and to be activated on your Beloved Planet in a most-Divine, Harmonious way without any bloodshed, but in the flow of Cosmic Consciousness in our Oneness. And that, Beloveds, is where the Real Power is.

Shining it up through the tip of the crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down on Beloved Mother Gaia, going up, down, and around and through, from the atmospheres, onto the surface, beneath the surface, affecting all of the subatomic particles. Transmitting this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, into the Heart Centers of all of the Beloved Beings, planting seeds in all of these Beloveds for their awakening, for their realization of who they truly are as Divine co-creators of their reality. 

And yes, sending them the inspiration, via our LoveLight, for them to realize their own Divine Courage. Because, as you know, Courage is a necessary ingredient, really, to make the Awakening Process come alive, where people are expressing from their hearts and living Heart-Centered lifestyles, and realize the Power of their Love. And if they are willing to express it, and to share it like you are, Beloveds, and that is Magic, we say.

So, once again spiraling this LoveLight all through your Beloved Planet, all through the kingdoms on your planet, and the hearts and the psyches of all the Beloved Beings, whether they be hybrids on the surface, or underneath the surface of your planet, whether they be in underground bases, even. It is all One, Beloveds. 

And shining this Love Light, raising the level of the vibration to enable Joy, to enable that process of people letting go of their egos. Because, as we see it, the ego is a device of the AI. It has been perpetrated upon you as being necessary. Well, you’re grown beings, who have had all of these experiential experiences. And you are on the cusp, on the cusp of realizing the 5th Dimension. And the amount of Trust that you have in this Process has spread into the Collective Consciousness. So, this is a Reservoir of Power, raising the level of consciousness, that enables more and more on your Beloved Planet to know the Truth of who they are and to Trust, as you have learned to do, in this Process of Accelerating your Ascension. 

Ah yes, feel this Golden White Light permeate all of the doubt, fear, insecurity, and anxiety, of panic, on your planet with the Intentional Requirement of leaving only Unconditional/Universal Love and all of the higher vibrations. Because, Beloveds, this is what the 5th Dimension is. None of your lower vibrations will be able to magnetize themselves into that 5th Dimensional reality, when you have firmly anchored it into Beloved Mother Gaia.

And now, letting us go across to Mexico and down into the elevators. And once again, going down into the network of tunnel systems, that connect all of these underground bases. Ah yes, spiraling the LoveLight, all of us joined together heart to heart, soul to soul. Spiraling it in a horizontal fashion, this spiral, up, down, and around and through, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, from Mexico through the United States, up on into Canada, and back around, and up, and down again.
Ah yes, and using a magnifying glass at where all of these beings who are the Power Source of the AI are hiding out, and shining the LoveLight into them so that they will have nothing to feed off of. And they will be soon revealed in the Love and Light, making all of their machinations very transparent on your Beloved Planet, so that this AI will lose its power.

And now shining the LoveLight, on all of these Beloveds, who have been enslaved against their Will into serving these minions of Satan, of the AI. And we say to them,

“You are so dearly loved. You have had the courage to see through your Soul Contacts, to play it through for the benefit of all of Creation, to raise the level of the vibration. Because with what you have allowed to transpire in your lives, the Truth is being known and felt on the surface of the planet in a way that it hasn’t before. 

“And many people are starting to wake up, to see these networks of human trafficking and pedophilia, that have enslaved Beloved Beings such as yourselves. And the time for that has come to end it all, to shine the Light and Love of bringing out the Truth of these very nefarious deeds.
“So, we honor you so very much. And your time of rising up over to the other side will soon be upon you. And for some of you, this will be on this planet, and your Ascensions. But others will go over to the other side and reach your Ascension that way.”

And all of the Beloveds on this call, we love you so very much. We thank you for your Love, your support, your joining together with us in these meditations. And any time that you call us in, we are there with you.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.