Thursday, June 25, 2020

6-24-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-24-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight to talk to you about Truth, about your own Inner Truth, and you allowing yourself to be in balance with the Truth of who you are, and why you are here within the four bodies of your being, physically embodied in this Now Moment. Because, Beloveds, all you ever have is this Now Moment, to create your Intentional Requirements with.
And yes, you have been in Mission with us, not just in this Beloved Lifetime, but in so many incarnations, ever since you have been coming into physical embodiment, and not just on this Beloved Planet, but on many other planets, all throughout the multiverse. Because, Beloveds, how would Creator Source know what it has created, without you from the consciousness of the wave, allowing yourself to come into the particle, being manifested in embodiment, and playing out all of these different cycles of your lifetimes?

So many different lifetimes, and lifetimes on this planet, and having to go through this amnesia, that you have allowed yourselves to be subjected to. Now, Beloveds, what you are working toward, by bringing in these high vibrations into your Heart Center, is the removal of these filters, that prevent you from remembering who you are over on the other side. That prevent you from remembering, where you go in your dream states, to feel that Oneness with your I AM Presence, and of all of the exercises, that you do with us, and how the medical teams work on you, to clear you from all that you are subjected to, by the Artificial Intelligence within this 3rd Dimensional, negative-energy matrix, that has been perpetrated upon you.

Ah, Beloveds, the energies, freeing up the Truth, are available to you, by allowing yourself to rise on up into the 5th Dimension. And Beloveds, as we have been saying to you, the 5th Dimension is now more available to you, than it has ever been in this cycle of duality. And some would say even more so, than in the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis, because you have such a broader perspective with the experiential knowledge, that you have gained by living through this cycle of duality. And how the end game is unfolding.  

And Beloveds, we are with you every step of the way, to carry you forth to completion of your Soul Contracts, to bring in the 5th Dimension, to enable you to be ever so ready for this Solar Flash, for the birth of this new phase of Conscious Embodiment of the 5th Dimension, of your Ascensions in full conscious knowingness, on your Beloved Planet. 

This is such a wondrous time for us to behold. And we ask you now more than ever to take advantage of these high vibrations, in finding whatever works for you the best, to stay in high vibrations, within the parameters of doing no harm and allowing yourself to feel this Peace that Passes all Understanding, Beloveds.

We love you so very much. We are always here for you. Namaste and good night.

6-24-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-24-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come in tonight, and again I am so very thrilled and happy to be here. 

Ah yes, things are moving along quite rapidly on your Beloved Planet. But you, my Beloveds, cannot see this, because so much is being kept from you. And you understand the apparatus, that this Cabal is using against you. This mainstream media limits, and severely misrepresents, what is transpiring on your Beloved Planet, by only focusing on what you would call Flash Points, to trigger you into low vibration, and to separate the consciousness between the Beloved Beings on your planet, by making you decide which side you are on.

But to us, Beloveds, there are no sides. It is all One, and you make the choice of whatever you want to give your energy to in the Now Moment. And this is what you allow yourself to experience and become.

So, Beloveds, we ask you to be always in high vibration, so that these choices, that you make will come from a place of Self-Love, and Compassion, and Knowingness of who you truly are in the bigger picture of all of Creation. And yes, it is so much easier to be able to do this on your Beloved Planet in this Now Moment.

The energies progress, after the portals have been opened this past weekend, on your Beloved Planet, with an eclipse and the solstice. And you are passing through this middle part of, in the Northern Hemisphere, we would call it the Summer-Time Eclipse Season. And with one more eclipse coming up in several days in the beginning of your next month.

And so many energies in high vibration are coming in. And we ask you to be ever diligent of your thoughts, words, and actions, because you are being gifted with energies, that allow you to more easily create your reality. And yes, our Intentional Requirement in coming together, and doing these meditations, and interacting with you, and loving, and supporting you, have to do with enabling and accelerating your Ascension Process.

And as you all know, before you get to that point of Ascension, you need to have a foundation of the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet. And this is what the Announcements of NESARA are enabling and building, on your Beloved Planet. And we see them moving to this point of conjunction, of intersection, of embodiment, and activation. And it is so very wonderful for us to be able to observe all of these different facets of the Plan coming together, and seeing the level of the consciousness, on your Beloved Planet, rise on up as they do.
And yes, it requires you, my Beloveds, to be conscious, and to shine your LoveLights on your Intentional Requirements, to bring this 5th Dimension, and the Announcements of NESARA into being, as it ever has been since we have been working with you.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. Please call us in any time you want to feel our Love and Support.

And now, my Beloved Sananda will come in. Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

6-24-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah yes, it is my profound pleasure to be with you once again tonight. And, ah yes, let me take you back, in the way-back machine, to the way things were some, oh well, 10,000, 12,000 years ago on your Beloved Planet, because there was a lot of confusion happening back then too.

And if you could picture, and imagine, how these off-world star races were trying to really take advantage of how your consciousness has been limited by all of you having to come back into physical embodiment, being reincarnated, after the severe traumas that happened, when the last Fall of Atlantis transpired.

You know they were doing things, that they are doing right now, such as cloning, but only in a more obvious way. Because, of course, you did not have the levels of technology that you do today. And they were able to be under the radar, and to have their secrets be more effective, we would say, because, they could just hide away in underground bases, or even in meeting halls, or the covens, and formulate their plans without having to be out front about them whatsoever.

But the power grab that’s going on right now corresponds to what it was back then, only that they had so much more leverage in the density of the energies, being what they were back then. And now that playing field has dramatically shifted to your advantage, Beloveds. Because these higher frequencies are allowing this matrix of their control, of the remote targeting, to be very limited at these times.

And really what it comes down to is you, the populous, using the Power of your Choice, and having the ability to make many different choices, and have many more options, than you used to have, such as getting your news from the Internet and various websites. And listening and watching videos, that detail why things are unfolding the way that they are, because researchers and journalists who have integrity have put themselves online, to bring the Truth of the stories, that are unfolding, and to go back into history and to truly elucidate and clarify, where a lot of these polarities and these games, that are being perpetrated upon the populous, started from. And how the same dynamics have kept on playing out, over and over again, rooted in fear and separation, and how coverups, and lies, and deceptions, and secrets have been perpetrated upon the majority of the populous. 

And of course, all of this emanates back to the roots of this negative programming to control this Beloved Planet from this Artificial Intelligence.  Because if you remember, in all of the stories, that you’ve been hearing from Ashtar, and all the Beloved Other Channels, that you may have endeavored to read or listen to, that these off-worlders came onto your Beloved Planet with advanced technologies. So, a part of that technological advantage was for them to have these mainframe computer data bases, if you will, that provided them with all of the information, and gave them probabilities of how to perpetrate institutions, and control the consciousness, and the populous of your Beloved Planet.

So, that is all being disassembled and disincorporated, because Beloveds, we are doing the work, and not just in this group but, Beloveds, all over your Planet. And again, we say to you, that there are billions of Starseeds on your Beloved Planet at this time, that are waking up. And the main part of our Mission in being with you, and us coming together and feeling this Communion of our hearts and souls, is to raise the level of the vibration to such a level and degree, that the Collective Consciousness wakes up, and that the brilliance of all of these Plans of the Alliance come to fruition in the Now Moment.

And again, we say to you that the timing of this has to do with the level of the vibration being very, very high to transmit that level of knowingness throughout the Collective Consciousness where people will rise up and have the Courage to Empower Themselves. And that is when the 5th Dimension, and these Plans, can truly come online, Beloveds. 

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw. And we’re asking you to reach out with your other hand to someone else on this call to form our circle with. And breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, and to bring in this LoveLight. Feeling it come in through our crowns, the third eye, the throat, into our hearts, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root, and out through the bottoms of your feet.

And spiraling this energy and sending it from your hearts, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle into the palm of your right hand.  Breathing into your hearts, and spiraling our collective energy field, expanding it, by breathing into these energies, and spiraling them from the center above, to the center below. Having a unified field of energy, a unified chakra, breathing into it, and allowing ourselves now as One to lift up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the ships.

And coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck here, and we are popping up through, hovering in the airlock. And it is closing beneath us. And now, it’s ok for us to touch down. It’s safe. And we are walking on back to an open elevator here. And all getting in at the same time. And I’m closing the door, and pushing the button, and we are rocketing right on up to the top floor, as we always do.
And we are opening up the door, and we are popping on out. And all of the Beloved Beings are here to greet us. Of course, the Mentors are here, Angels and Ascended Masters, very many Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a lifetime or two in the past. And walking on over, feeling these high vibes of energetic merriment unfold, as we walk on into the middle of this room, and form our circle around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.
And as we do so, the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form circles around the Mentors. And breathing into our hearts, and again sending it from the left, to the right, and now to the outer circles. And spiraling this energy from the floors, to the walls, to the ceiling, expanding this field of energy. Incorporating all of the higher dimensions of reality represented within the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, that have come into our field of energy. And some of them are bi-locating from the ships and other planets. They are very aware of our efforts to accelerate your Ascension Process, Beloveds.

So, spiraling up, down, and around and through, allowing yourselves to come to this place of Peace, and bringing in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights.

And this is where we ask you to set your Intentional Requirements,, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight.  Because it is so very important for you to have a great quality of life, and for you to be inspired, and to be in Joy, as much of your waking reality as possible. Because this makes you so much more effective in carrying out your Mission to be a conduit of these high vibrations, and sharing them, and transmitting them into the Collective Consciousness. 

So, Beloveds, whether it has to do with personal relationships, with your health and wellbeing, or those of your family, or friends, or the ability to feel, and to detach, and to let go and allow yourself to be in the Now Moment, as the Compassionate Observer, so that you find your flow of energy, and that you are in great Joy, and this feeling of Unconditional/Universal Love throughout your day. Shine it forth into the Master Crystal with your Intentional Requirements.

And for us, for all of us in this meditation tonight, we call forth the understanding of the Power of the Announcements of NESARA, and how they will level the playing field, and return to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet their sovereignty and understanding, that we are all One, all created from the Godhead, all equal expressions of Creator Source, playing out our parts in the Now Moment. And that NESARA gives us the foundation and the framework, to bring in the 5th Dimension, and create this Heaven on Earth, that we have been yearning for, incarnation after incarnation, in this duality life cycle of these past 13,000 years, Beloveds.

So, breathing into it, and shining it into this Master Crystal. Feeling this Peace that Passes all Understanding, shining our LoveLights. Multiplying these energies, and shining it up, through the tip of the Master Crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru.

And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the layers of the atmospheres, to the surface, and underneath the surface, through the underground cities, the military bases, into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Spiraling this energy in the highest of frequencies and vibrations of our combined LoveLights, up, down, and around and through into the subatomic particles, into the crystals underneath the surface of your planet, into the time loops, into the lei lines, and all of the power and pressure points on your Beloved Planet, into the pyramids to raise the level of the vibration, and transmit it as of in the days of old, in the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis.

We are making a comeback, Beloveds, in a truly expedited, and new and brilliant way. After having all of the experiences of playing out the duality, and what has transpired in this cycle of duality on your Beloved Planet, it has made us all the wiser collectively. And we have the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, waking up in this Now Moment, from now on, remembering who they truly are throughout all of eternity, from now on. 

Ah, and let us go over to see our Beloved Brother in Belmarsh Prison here, this Beloved Julian Assange. Because yes, his story is unfolding still. And he is still hanging in there. And he can use a little Love and Light, to help raise the level of his vibration, because it is so important for him to know that he is loved, and supported, and admired. And he is an inspiration to so many citizen journalists and researchers, who are carrying on in his tradition, with the same Spirit of Courage in telling the Truth, and in hooking up the dots in such a way, that people understand the dynamics of how they have been manipulated, by these various devious, dark forces of the Artificial Intelligence and their minions.

So, seeing Julian’s energy field, all two feet around his body. And spiraling the LoveLight, from his center above, to his center below, all two feet around his energy body. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through in a counterclockwise direction, to remove any and all of the low vibrations, the negative programs, the negative programming, all of the etheric structures on the 3D matrix, to disassemble, and disincorporate them, in the Now Moment, to remove any disqualified and discredited energies, any polarities, and traumas, any frequencies having to do with 5G, that are detrimental to his health and wellbeing, any poisons that he is being made to experience such as contaminated water, and air, and food.

Removing all of these things, and bringing in the Pure LoveLight of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond-Frequency Lights, spiraling them to remove any of these low vibrations. We require that the speed, and efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this spiral be increased one million-fold. And that we all help Beloved Julian to be free of all negative programming, in this Now Moment.  Bringing all of these tasks to completion in the Here and Now, Beloveds.

And we require, that we transmute all of these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And spiraling them in a clockwise direction up, down, and around and through with the Intentional Requirement of Julian reaching his Liberation, and being able to speak from his heart to the masses once again, without any fear of retribution. Knowing that he is honored for the contributions, that he has made to all humanity, and finally being recognized as a hero of Truth, of Compassion, of Courage.

And now, let us shine our LoveLights from the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling in a vertical spiral from the surface, underground into all of the deep underground military bases. Shining it into the hearts of all of the peacekeepers, waging their battles to liberate the Beloved Beings being held captive in these base. Freeing up Reptilian power sources, bringing them to heel, so that they are now powerless to perpetrate evil, and control on our Beloved Planet.
Spiraling these energies into the hearts with the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloved Beings, who have been captured, and enslaved, generation to generation down there for Adrenochrome harvesting and ritual sacrifices. Freeing up their energy, removing any fear, doubt, any of the lower vibrations, and giving them a taste of their Liberation in this Now Moment. And we say to them that,

“Your time is coming, Beloveds, your time of rescue and Liberation. And you are admired and honored for your contributions, because you have helped to unmask the evil, that this Cabal has routinely done, over and over again, for thousands of years, by allowing yourselves to be down there, and be participants in their machinations, by playing through your Soul Contracts.

“We love you all so very much. We honor you for all of the contributions that you and the peacekeepers have made.”
And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we thank you so very much for all of your participation, for your Courage, to keep on growing and nurturing yourselves, and being inspired by the Love and Light emanating from Creator Source, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Maria right now.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

6-17-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-17-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Sananda. I come to you tonight to remind you of the Power, that you have, when you open your hearts, and allow yourself to have the courage to open, to bring in these high vibrations, that are coming into your Beloved Planet.

Yes, you have asked for them. Before you came into this lifetime, you asked to be here, in this Now Moment, when this change of bringing back the 5th Dimension, of this feeling of Unity, and such great emphasis on feeling Love and Light, and sharing it, heart to heart, to create your reality in the Now Moment with each other, so that you would be able to ascend.

And yes, and to be like all of us, who have been on your planet, and have been able to do this. And then to be on the other side, and help you to do it yourself. And really the higher that you get up into these frequencies of the LoveLight, Beloveds, it makes such a difference in your understanding, and allowing you to have clarity. But it takes your Intentional Requirement, and your focus on opening your hearts. Because, Beloveds, Love is inclusive!

And although you may still have feelings of trauma, of separation, feelings of fear, guilt, and shame, that come up from time to time, and healing the timeline of your own self, in this Beloved Lifetime. The higher that you allow yourself, to be in the dimensions, these feelings of Unconditional/Universal Love, these feelings of Oneness, of being connected up in the higher dimensions with us, up into the conduit, that you have with your I AM Presence, into Creator Source.
It will make things, enable your reality, to bring in and allow you to feel so much Love, and Joy, and Bliss, and Harmony. And all you have now is this Now Moment. So, all you have to do, Beloveds, is focus this LoveLight coming into your heart, expanding your field of energy, to bring in more of this Joy, this Magic of Love.
Love is the strongest force, and it carries this magic of transmitting into your environment, and informing your environment, of your Intentions for Peace, for Truth, for Harmony, for including everyone else as equals, and for being in this Now Moment, and sharing from your heart, from the deep memories of your Akashic Records, the realization of the Truth, that we are all One, that we are all part of the Godhead. We are all One, and the same energy that created everything.

Beloveds, you are magicians. You are the tip of the spear, that is accelerating this Ascension Process. So, we ask you to let go, more and more, each and every moment, with each and every breath, to bring about the acceleration, of the completion of these plans, for the Announcements of NESARA. Because, Beloveds, this is your foundation of building Heaven on Earth, of enabling the 5th Dimension to be fully anchored into your Beloved Planet, in the Now Moment.

Beloveds, we love you, oh so very much. We are always here with you, to show you, to shine our Love and our Support, within your hearts.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

6-17-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-17-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come to you with such a happy and fulfilled heart, that you are moving on through all of these energies, that have been perpetrated onto your Beloved Planet. You have been bombarded with confusing reports and distractions, about what is transpiring on your Beloved Planet.

And yes, we know that you, our Beloveds, have become very well acquainted with the dynamics, that this mainstream media has used against your Sovereign Spirits, and continually bombarding you with stories, that espouse their rhetoric for their hidden agendas, and ulterior motives of taking back the Power on your Beloved Planet. This is not to be, Beloveds.

You have earned the leverage, that you have acquired with bringing in this Love and Light, and empowering it with your Intentional Requirements, in your sole meditations, and your group meditations, and with the stories, that you express to one another, and your friends, and your families from your hearts.  You have given a shade, and a texture, and deeper meanings to what is transpiring now on your Beloved Planet.
And you have planted seeds wherever you go, just by shining your LoveLight, and being conscious in the Now Moment whenever you go out in public, whenever you interact with another being on your Beloved Planet. Whenever you go out into nature, and raise the level of your vibration, in union with animals and the trees, and all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet.

You are, our Beloveds, are the co-creators of the shift, in Mission with us. And right now, is such a very special time. And we sincerely hope, that you take advantage of it, by feeling Joy, and such Bliss, and such Dedication to being in service to the whole, and being connected to us, and Creator Source and, of course, to your I AM Presence.

Because, Beloveds, this is where your Empowerment lies. And it becomes, easier and easier, for you to let go of any negative programming, any fear and separation, and step up into the higher frequencies, where you feel this connection, this Love and Support of the Universe, enabling you to create your reality, to create your desires in the Now Moment.
And yes, when you are in 5th Dimension, fully anchored, into those high-interdimensional vibrations and frequencies, you will learn the protocols for instant manifestation. All of the Ascended Masters, that you work with, have learned these protocols, and call them forth to create their reality with.  And this will be no mystery to you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters.
You have so much to look forward to in this Now Moment of the changes, that are happening. So, we ask you not to focus on what your mainstream media purports to be the Truth. They do not mention all of the other things, that they do not want you to know about, that are happening for the benefit of your Beloved Planet, for you to take back your Republic, and all of the Beloved Countries on your planet, of the Liberation of your Beloved Planet, from these dark forces, from these programs, that have perpetrated secrets, lies, and deceptions upon you, to create such fear and separation. You do not have to go for it ever again, Beloveds. 

Call us in, whenever you like, into your hearts, for our Love and Support. We are One with you.

Namaste and good night. And now my Beloved Sananda will come in.

6-17-20 Sekhmet by Eli Galla

6-17-20 Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, it is my profound pleasure to be with you all here tonight. Ah yes, so many things are transpiring on your Beloved Planet. And your mainstream media seems to focus on the negative. And they confuse what’s actually going on. And they distract from the deeper things, that have such an effect on bringing the plans of the Alliance to a very fruitful and endearing completion.

And ah yes, the underground bases, they are the last bastions of control and power, that the Cabal has clung onto. And they have been in league with some very ancient Reptilian energies, that have enabled them to control this planet in such a locked-up, relentless, ruthless way. But all of that is disappearing.

And they, the Cabal, are having to let go of their belief systems about them being the dominant race on this Beloved Planet, and realizing that it is all One Creation. And they too are children of God, of the Beloved Creator Source, that we all emanate from as part of the Godhead. Well, this has been a shock to a lot of them, and they are rebelling against it, and are fighting with every last strength of their hatred, of all of their lower vibrations, and with all of the tricks, that they have used for many thousands of years to keep themselves in control.

But right now, Beloveds, the Power of Love is being palpably felt, heart to heart, on your Beloved Planet. And this is why you see the narrative, between many people who are in the public eye, shifting in such a positive way, as has never happened before. And we say that it is a shift in the Collective Heart of your species, and the raising of the Consciousness of the Collective, that is manifesting these sometimes not-so-subtle changes in the narrative and the actions of Beloveds, that show you that Unity is being felt.

And of course, our meditations have, over the course of many years, been directed at intentionally requiring, that all of the Truth come out. Because this will bridge the gaps in all of these narratives, about what is important, and what needs to be done for us to feel prosperity, and abundance, and health and wellbeing continuously. And take back our Beloved Planet, and thrive, and grow in the high vibration, and realize our creative talents in such a very wonderful and loving way, and have no resistance to sharing, heart to heart, with our brothers and sisters.

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw with each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach out your other hand to someone else on this call. Forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, with our breathing, allowing ourselves to be Here Now, and centered within the four bodies of our being. Spinning our chakras, enabling the Unified Chakra, bringing in this Love and Light, that we are collectively and expanding our energy field, sending this energy out from our hearts, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand.

It is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we allow ourselves to rise up off the surface of your Beloved Planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, up into the layers of ships, coming to my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck here. And we are rising up through into the airlock, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. 

And now it’s safe to touch down. And we are walking on back to an open elevator here. And we are all getting in with our circle intact. And I’m closing the door, and pressing the button, to take us up to the top floor here. Rising on up, and now we come to a stop. We’re opening up the door.

And yes, the party has started and all of these Beloved Beings, the Mentors, the Arcturians, Commanders from the ships, the Praying Mantis, our ancestors, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and Angels, and perhaps you from a lifetime or two from the past. 

And feeling all of these energies, all of these high vibrations greet us, as we walk on to the middle of the room. And we form our circle around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And as we do this, the Beloved Mentors circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles around us. 

And now sending the energy, from the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, and to all of the other outer circles, and expanding our field of energy. Breathing into our hearts. And from the floor, out to the walls, up to the ceiling, spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through. Feeling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, bringing in the Platinum Ray now. 

Breathing into it allowing ourselves to meld with these high vibrations of consciousness. The higher dimensions are all available to us here, in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings projecting themselves into our Crystal Healing Room, and who have assembled here, and of course, to all of the crystals, that comprise this Crystal Healing Room.

And breathing into all of these high vibrational energies, allowing ourselves to let go, and become more firmly centered, and rooted, in this Here-Now Moment. And we ask you, Beloveds, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create, what you desire from the energies of this Beloved Meditation tonight, whether it be financial, having to do with your health and your wellbeing, having to do with bringing more Love into your relationships, and better, clearer communications with your Loved Ones, whether it be your family, your friends, lovers. And emanating this LoveLight, with these Intentional Requirements, out into the Master Crystal.
And all of us on this meditation, we intentionally require, that all of the Beloved Beings on you planet open up their hearts and ready themselves for the changes about to transpire, for the Truth becoming known at the deepest levels, on your Beloved Planet, so that each and every person on your Beloved Planet can have an understanding of all, that has transpired before, that has led all of us together to this Now Moment, where these magnificent changes on your Beloved Planet, that are taking us up into higher vibrations, and allowing us to feel more Love in our hearts, and to express that Love with one another, are happening in this Now Moment.

We require the feeling of Peace, of Unconditional/Universal Love to permeate the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and sending it into all of the Kingdoms. And yes, we call forth the Truth, being made known and people being receptive to it, and letting go of all of the negative programming, that keeps them locked up in low-vibrational probability and behavior patterns. Opening their hearts to being firmly One with one another, in the 5th Dimension, where only these high vibrations of Love and Light can be felt and experienced.

So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, shooting it out through its tip, up through the hole in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia, from the layers of the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.  Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through, allowing ourselves to feel this Joy, this Happiness, this Bliss, this feeling of Unified Consciousness, of knowing we are all One as part of the Godhead, and that Now is the time for these monumental changes to bring us into the 5th Dimension, transmitting it into the hearts and the minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.
Spiraling these high vibrations of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness and the Platinum Ray, into every person’s DNA, into their Akashic Records, giving them the wakeup call, that Now is the time, that they have waited for, that they have come in for, each and every incarnation in these last 13,000 years. Now is the time when they rise on up, and remember who they truly are. And allow themselves to use their Power for the good, of all of the Beloved Beings on this planet, and all of Creation. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.

And shining these rays of Love and Light all over your Beloved Planet, underneath the surface of your planet, into these Deep Underground Military Base’s, where these battles continue, and where children are being rescued, and many generations of beings, who have been enslaved down there, at the whims of this Cabal.

And also penetrating these deep underground layers of Reptilian power sources, and bringing them up, fractalizing their energy, disincorporating the programs, that have sustained them for thousands of years. Removing them from underneath the surface of this planet, bringing them up into the Light, where the sun disincorporates them, and allows them, their energies to be transmuted by the Universe, in whatever way is appropriate in high vibration.

We call for the Liberation of your Beloved Planet of Mother Gaia, from all external forces, that have perpetrated black magic, Artificial Intelligence, transhumanist agendas, adrenochrome harvesting, all of these things, that have kept you, and your Beloved Planet, in low vibration, and have prevented you from bringing back and anchoring in the 5th Dimension on this Here-Now timeline.

We call for bringing all of the timelines into this one central Now Moment, to enable this main timeline, giving our Intentional Requirements more power, more energy, more concentrated focus, with the Love and the Light, from all over Creation being shined onto your Beloved Planet, through the Galactic Center. We are all One, Beloveds. We are all part of the Godhead and we are co-creators of our reality.

And now shining this LoveLight on all of the leaders of your Beloved Planet, to establish the protocols, that will enable the announcements of NESARA. This plan of NESARA is needed. It is the framework. It is the foundation of your new 5th Dimensional reality, Beloveds. It is the underpinning of prosperity, equality, Unity, of Unconditional/Universal Love, on your Beloved Planet. And nothing can hold it back.
There is no going back to what has been in these past 13,000 years. We are in this Now Moment of great shift, of great Love, and Understanding, and prosperity, on your Beloved Planet.

My brothers and sisters, it is such an honor to be with you on this meditation. And again, we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved underneath the surface in these military bases,

“We love you so very much. We shine our LoveLights into your hearts. We admire your courage. And your time of Liberation has come, my Beloveds.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we honor you. We thank you for all you do. And we are with you, in all of your meditations, and all of your Intentional Requirements, helping you, by shining the LoveLight onto you. And we ask you to call us in whenever you like to feel our Love and Support.

Namaste, Beloveds. And good night. And now Maria Magdalena will come in.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

6-10-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And we are so very happy to be once again here with you tonight on this call. 

We ask you to let go of all of the past memories/experiences, and to carry forth that knowledge of all that you have learned, of all the Light and Love, that you have concentrated within your hearts and your souls, to bring them into our circle, to bring them into your Heart Center. And to send them around the circle, expanding our energy fields with this Love Light. Breathing into your hearts, allowing yourselves more and more, to be in this Now Moment. 

And we take ourselves up through the portal of your Solar Sun, through the portal of your Central Sun, up through the conduit of your Galactic Center, over into the angelic crystalline waters healing pools. And allowing ourselves to keep our circle intact, as we get into the water. And it is just high enough for us, to sit down with our legs outstretched in front of us.
And breathing into our hearts, smelling the fragrance of the lotus blossoms, that surround us in the waters. And seeing your Beloved Mother Gaia suspended above the pool, and us spiraling our energies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude onto your Beloved Planet, my brothers and sisters.

Now is the time for your planet to wake up, to feel this Compassion, to know that you are all One so completely, that you in your totality, will be able to let go of the mind-controlling, negative programs that have enslaved you. Because, Beloveds, first the reality has to be made in the higher dimensions. 

And more and more on your Beloved Planet, we have been able to transmit into your Collective Consciousness, with your help, these high vibrations, to wake up this Conscious Awareness, to activate this dynamic of neutrality, by being centered in the Now Moment, by allowing yourselves to make choices that align you with your own Inner Truth.

And once you have this Power in your hearts, connected with your minds, over, up, into the higher aspects of your being, joined with your I Am Presence, your Guidance Teams, Angels, and Ascended Masters, you transmit the Power of being the Compassionate Observer, into the hearts and souls of all of the Beloved Beings, who have not yet awoken.

Just breathing into this wonderful feeling of the 5th Dimension being activated, all over your Beloved Planet. Of each and every being, knowing that consciousness is not limited just to their brains. That their brains are merely a receiver and a transmitter into these connections, into Creator Source, which is the Divine Intelligence of all of Creation, Beloveds.

Breathing into this awareness, that there is no separation. We are all One.  We are all eternal, infinite energy, in league with one another. And consciously, we made Soul Contracts in the Awareness, that this was the end game, the cycle of duality was coming to a close on your Beloved Planet. And it was time to harvest the high vibrations, of all of the energies of Love and Light, that you have brought forth from one lifetime to the next, to bring them into this Now Moment, to activate the 5th Dimension, and accelerate your Ascension Processes on your Beloved Planet.

Breathing into this feeling, Here/Now of all of us, being activated in this LoveLight, in these high, interdimensional frequencies of Love and Light on your Beloved Planet. Activating the crystalline grid, so that your transmissions of Love are felt all over the planet simultaneously, synchronously in the Now Moment. Ah yes, this resonates with the highest frequencies of Love and Light, my Beloveds.

We honor you for all that you do, for all of your Creations. There are no mistakes. This is an ongoing, unfolding Miracle of the Creation of the Perfection of the Love and Light, of the Divinity that you are, in Divine Rhythm, Timing and Synchronization, Beloveds.

Call us in whenever you want to. We are always here for you.

Namaste and good night.

6-10-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-10-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. And yes, I too am so very happy to be with you once again in the Light of Love, that we all are, and to be shining it forth at this time, when your planet is in this process of what has been called the Great Awakening. 

And yes, so many on your Beloved Planet are coming to see that the Truth hasn’t been what they have been told, that it was. That there is much more happening at this time, than they have been led to believe with this automatic rhetoric, that continuously drones forth, and tries to control their emotions in negative low vibration. 

But that there is so much more happening, because in order for them to go about their daily lives, they feel the need to be in high vibration, to feel the Unity with their brothers and sisters, and that they know, that everyone is the same as them, because this crisis, this health crisis, that has been perpetrated upon your planet, has awoken them to this Universal Recognition, that you are all One. Because what was happening with their neighbors affected them in a most dynamic way, and not just in the city or town where they live, but all over the Beloved Planet.

And this was very clearly made known to them and transmitted to them. And now, they are starting to grow in this Awareness. This Awakening Process, Beloveds, as it did with you, did not happen all at once. It happened in a continual pathway from your hearts, into your environment, into the hearts and minds of others.

Utilizing your sound, asking questions, doing research, bringing in more and more Light and Love into your meditations, and singing, and dancing and allowing yourselves to be in Joy, and to be in Harmony and to light those candles. And to bring in more and more LoveLight, and to emanate it and shine it forth over and over again, to practice being heart centered, into living this lifestyle, and to being a transmitter of the Awakening onto your Beloved Planet.

We so honor all of you, my brothers and sisters. Yes, we have been on your planet, embodied physically, in many lifetimes, but then we ascended. And now we have been working with you to help you get through these end times. And once you passed these Markers for Ascension, we were on a continuous roll, to where we are right now, with so much coming forth, to create this monumental change of anchoring in the 5th Dimension onto your Beloved Planet. 

Yes, you have earned this Divine Decree to Ascend, to be fully physically embodied and conscious with your Ascension. We so honor you. We love you. Call us in whenever you want to feel our Love and our Light.

Namaste Beloveds, good night. And now my Beloved Sananda will come in.

6-10-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening to one and all. Ah yes, the Magic of the moment pervades every atom, every photon, that is a part of your being, that is in your atmosphere.  And you have the ability, not just when you are meditating, not just when you are in moments of silence and breathing into your Heart Center in meditation, to feel this LoveLight coming in. All you have to do is just open yourself up intentionally with your breathing, and make choices that are in alignment with being in a heart-centered lifestyle. 

And the more that you do this, the more that you practice these dynamics of being heart centered, that affect and help keep the balance within the four bodies of your being, the easier it will be for you to be in high vibration perpetually. And this, my Beloveds, is where your True Power is, where you can resonate with the high vibrations of creating your reality, and waking up your other Beloved Brothers and Sisters, who are still being mind-controlled, and being a bit asleep. 

Although more and more, we see transparency coming about, because of the actions that are being taken, that are being acknowledged, even in your mainstream media. Because, yes, all of your population for all practical purposes can get their news from the Internet, from alternative sources. It is no longer the purview of these dark forces to be the only purveyors of the news. 

But, Beloveds, yes, it takes making some enlightened decisions, and using your discernment, as to what you give your energy to. And we realize that you know, that whatever you give your energy to is what you will create in your reality. And yes, that is in alignment with Universal Laws, Beloveds. 

And more and more, it will be in the right timing, rhythm and synchronization to delve into explaining these Universal Laws to people that notice you, that come up to you, and are particularly interested, because they realize your vibration, as being rather different, as emanating throughout the environment. And they will be attracted to that, as we have often said. And more and more opportunities are presenting themselves to you, and to be a spokesperson for your family and friends, and even complete strangers.

Ah yes, the Power of being heart centered, of allowing yourself to feel, and to also at the same time, not be in drama, to be neutral with the high-vibrational energies that are coming in, and to know that this is part of the Divine Plan; you waking up in this Now Moment. And all that you have learned in this lifetime has been in support of you being the teacher of the regimen of being heart centered, and being able to explain this, and to disseminate these energies with your sound.
And ah yes, you can invite people that you meet, people in your families, to get together to meditate. Because now more than ever, people are seeing the need to come together to do spiritual practices to raise the level of awareness on this Beloved Planet of yours. 

Ah yes, things are really shaking, we say. We can see this by the Light Show that is emanating from all of your hearts. And then to see the effect that it has in the atmosphere of your planet is truly wonderful.

And yes, you are activating and igniting the power of the crystalline energies, that you have been rewired with, that tap into this crystalline grid, that is in alignment with power grids on your Beloved Planet. And yes, as above, so below. The crystalline grid encircles your Beloved Planet. And this is the energy dynamic, that we have been working with you to activate. 

And right now, with this conduit of the energies coming in from the Galactic Center, and perpetrating themselves through your Central Sun, to your Solar Sun, and onto your planet, it continues to be a powerful catalyst, and allowing your brothers and sisters to wake up, and to feel empowered to make new choices, to change the energy dynamics on your planet into high vibration.

Let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach out for someone else on this call, to form our circle with. Breathing into our hearts, Beloveds, allowing ourselves once more to slow down and relax, and to bring in this Light and Love that we are. And sending it from our hearts out through the palm left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand. And with our breathing expanding our field of energy. 

And with the Power of our Thoughts, lifting ourselves up off of the surface of your planet, rising on up through the layers of the atmospheres, up into the layers of the ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck here, and we’re popping right through the bottom of the ship, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. 

And we’re walking on back to an open elevator here. And we’re all getting in with our circle still connected. And we are all in. I’m closing the door and pushing the button to take us right on up here, to the top floor. And now we’ve come to a stop. I’m opening up the door.
And the Majesty of the moment is shining forth from the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, and the consciousness of Beloved Beings projecting their presence, from wherever they may be, to be a part of this meditation with us tonight. And yes, the Beloved Mentors are here, Angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a lifetime or two from the past.

And walking on over into the middle of the room, where our Altar is, and where our Master Crystal sets upon it, forming our circle, while the Mentors are quick to form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds forming circles around them. And breathing into our hearts, and sending this energy around our circle, to the outer circles. Feeling this Love, this Compassion, this Understanding in the Now Moment, of being the Love and Light that we are. 

And sending it around the circles from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, expanding our fields of energy, to integrate with all of these higher dimensions, represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here and within the crystals of this Crystal Healing Room. Breathing into these high-vibrational energies, allowing ourselves to let go and to be in high vibration in this Now Moment, relaxing into being who we truly are as part of the Godhead. 

And now, Beloveds, we ask you make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with relationships, having to do with accelerating your own Ascension Process, and finding clarity and purpose in your daily routine, and having a stronger connection with those Higher Aspects of your Being throughout the day, not only in your meditations.

And for all of us doing this meditation, we call in the energies of NESARA.  And we call in the Unity of all of the Beloved Beings of the Ground Crew, working with us and the Ashtar Command, and the Federations of Light to propagate and implement these Divine Plans of the Alliance to announce and activate NESARA on your Beloved Planet into the hearts, and the minds, and the spirits of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

Because, Beloveds, NESARA is your springboard into anchoring in the 5th Dimension on Mother Gaia. And that will accelerate your Ascension Processes, as well as the Solar Flash. And all of these Beloved things have taken us so very long to come upon, to raise the level of consciousness to this vibration, where we feel they are imminent in coming into your hearts, your psyches, and into the energy field of Beloved Mother Gaia. 

And breathing into these energies and sending them into our Master Crystal.  Shooting this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Rays, up through the tip of the Master Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And shining it down in a spiral onto your Beloved Planet. Spiraling it from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down, and around and through. Sending it into all of the photons, subatomic particles of energy on your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and the minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your Planet, into all of the Kingdoms with their Awareness of Change happening in this Here Now Moment.

All of us Unified with the Intentional Requirement of Liberation. Rising on up into the 5th Dimension, of all of the energies that comprise your Beloved Planet, whereby the 5th Dimension will be activated, and make it impossible for the lower vibrations to have any effect on your reality whatsoever, from now on in this Now Moment. 

Breathing into this feeling of Freedom, of being able to express your own Inner Truth without any fear, with only the feeling of Love, and Compassion, and Gratitude, and Forgiveness for all you have experienced in this lifetime.  Allowing yourselves to be the Love and Light that you are. And we say this to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet,

“Now is the time to open up completely your DNA, your genetic programming, to deprogram anything that is less than Love, and transmute these energies to remove anything less than Love. And to transmute them into the highest energies of Unconditional/Universal Love. And transmitting these high vibrations to each other and to all of the Beloved Kingdoms.

Allowing the Divine Presence of the Godhead to completely take over your Beloved Planet, with our blessings, with our acceptance, and our allowance, to create the changes that we have been calling for, for Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Prosperity and Unity heart to heart and soul to soul, of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.”

And shining our LoveLights down underneath the surface into these Deep Underground Military Base’s, spiraling these energies up, down, and around and through. Going into all of the secret chambers, into the very far away sequestered lairs of the Reptilians, who have been used as power sources against the human species for millions of years.

And calling their energies forth with the Love and Light that we are shining onto them. And we say to them that their power, and their time of dominance is now over. And we allow them to let go of their programming, disincorporate and be transmuted into the Love and Light that they truly are.

And calling forth the Liberation of all of the Beloved Children, all of the Beloved People, who have been slaves from generation to generation in these underground bases, for such nefarious purposes as Adrenochrome harvesting and ritual sacrifices. Calling forth their Liberation, their rescue in this Now Moment. 

And we say to all of these Beloved Beings, and the peacekeepers, who are in battle with the dark forces who are rescuing these people, who have been enslaved,

“We honor all of you. We shine our LoveLights into your hearts with the utmost admiration, Universal/Unconditional Love and Respect.”
And we also free the spirits of all of those, who are in their transition processes, who have released their bodies, to take them through the Bridge of Flowers, to get them over to the other side in this Now Moment.
And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, and those who will read the transcriptions, and hear the recording, we love you so very much. We honor you for all that you do to raise the level of the vibration, and transmit this Love and Light, that you are as part of the Godhead.
Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.
And now Maria will come in.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

6-3-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-3-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Ah yes, Beloved Beings on this call, it is I, Sananda.
I come in tonight and, wow, there is so much that is happening on your Beloved Planet. We feel that it is a raging river of energy, running into your hearts, into your minds, helping you to open up, helping you to let go of the past. And enabling you to be centered in the Now, into your hearts and allow yourselves to make choices about coming together in the Spirit of Love, Compassion, and Understanding. 

Because, Beloveds, this is the time when Courage becomes such an important factor in your Mission. The Courage to express, to open up your hearts and minds, and truly to have faith, that Love is the most powerful force. And when you allow yourselves to be in the Here Now, empowering yourself with the Love and Light, that you are, magic happens, Beloveds,

Because this energy transmits, and whatever you are calling forth with your preferences, your Intentional Requirements to manifest in the Now Moment, they will come in with Ease and Grace. It is just a matter of allowing yourself to be in the flow of this Divine LoveLight energy with us.

We are shining this LoveLight into your hearts. We have been given the permission to do this by Divine Decree. You are at that stage of awareness in fulfilling your Mission on this Beloved Planet. 

Ah, sending the LoveLight around your circle, into your hearts, we ask you to breathe into this feeling of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, & the Diamond Light. And expand it with your breathing, this collective field of energy.

And shining it out by placing your Beloved Planet in the middle of our circle, and spiraling the energy all up, and down, and around and through your Beloved Planet, into the oceans and mountains, and all of the Kingdoms, into the hearts and the minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. All of the children, to awaken their imagination with being at One with all of their angels and guides in this Now Moment.

And singing the song of Love and Liberation with all of the Beloved Beings on this planet, enacting this majesty and glory of connectedness with Creator Source in this Now Moment. And enlarging this field of energy to be potent with the Truth, of Understanding, of Compassion, of knowing we are all Infinite, Eternal, Universal Energy, that we have no end.

And we are only growing in the Oneness of the Love and Light, that we are to encircle your Beloved Planet, to waking up in this Now Moment. And to feel this LoveLight penetrate your hearts, your thoughts, words and actions in such a deep, rejuvenating way, to engender the highest frequencies of Love and Light, to allow you to be in the higher dimensions, whenever you choose to bring in these high frequencies.

Ah yes, to feel this Oneness and know, that you are loved and supported by all of the Beings of Heaven, and that so many Beloved Beings, from all over Creation, are shining the LoveLight into your hearts in this Now Moment, Beloveds.

We love you so very much. We are One with you always.

Namaste and good night.

6-3-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-3-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come in tonight, and although there is such confusion, and pain, and restlessness on the face of your Beloved Planet with riots, with people feeling like no one cares, and they’ve been abandoned. We say that this is such an important time, because these acts of violence, and the death of these Beloved Beings, who have made Contracts, to have their lives ended at this time, has been in service to the whole.
And they are shining the spotlight on how the injustices of your system work against everyone, and not just people of color, not just people who are considered to be downtrodden and poor. Because, yes, more and more people are becoming aware of this Law of One, and how it works for all of us.
Ah yes, Beloveds, the Power of Love more and more is being felt every time, that people express from their hearts, and say that they are feeling such Compassion and such Love. And they are understanding that their hearts must be open, and hear the words of others about how they feel, even though they are not in the same position as many of those of color, who have been made to feel that they are separate and alone.

Beloveds, we are all One with you as you go through this very important phase, of waking up the Power of Love within your hearts and connecting with those Higher Aspects of your being, to transmit this LoveLight all through your timeline on your Beloved Planet.

Yes, we have been working together with you for such a long time. And now we see the pieces come together in such a way, that you will never go back to being able to turn a blind eye. None of the Beloved Beings on your planet will be able to do this, because collectively on your planet, you are rising up into this higher level of consciousness, where the Truth more and more becomes a factor. Such as drinking water, people become thirsty for the Truth for knowing the whole picture, and for sharing the Love with one another.
Because, Beloveds, this is such a beautiful feeling to feel connected heart to heart with one another, and to know that you are all One. And no lies can be perpetrated upon you. And right now, the secrets are coming out, and the false narratives are becoming so transparent as to what is behind them, and how they do not serve you at this time, and they never have. The Truth is your ally. The Truth is the beauty of the Love and Light of who you really are, Beloveds.
We join together with you in your hearts in each and every Now Moment, shining the LoveLight into your hearts and minds, giving you this Love and Support, helping you to open up, and to understand the deeper meaning of all that is, transpiring in your Now Moment.

We love you so very much, and we are always here for you, Beloveds. Now my Beloved Sananda will come in.

Namaste and good night.