Thursday, February 14, 2019

2-13-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

2-13-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is very joyful for me to be here with you this night before your Beloved St. Valentine’s Day. Ah, yes, he was a Beloved Soul. And it is so much more than just about romantic love.  

And tonight, we have this very wonderful question from Virginia.  And she says: 

By some seeming coincidence, which I don’t believe in, I was given a cup with a Bible verse on it. I wanted to give the cup to a friend who is a Bible student. And I decided to look up the first verse. And it was from John and I found the verse and then, why I don’t know, I kept on reading. And my question is was the wedding between…

(Mary begins speaking in first person) Myself and Sananda, where Sananda manifested the wine from the water, our wedding? (laughter) And yes, it was.  And if you recall, Mother Mary (laughter) talked him into it. Ah, he needed a little bit of nudging, because he wasn’t so sure people were in the right mind frame to be able to give us the energy to do this. But, it happened.  (laughter)

And, ah, Mother Mary and I, had no small part in that. And we just had to nudge Sananda and say, “Hey, it’s alright, you know. These people know who we are. This is what we do with the energies. We make people feel good.”
And that is really what life is supposed to be all about. So you know, it was such a wonderful experience that what you call a wedding, but also the party.  Because the party in so many cultures is really evidence of the Love between the people that are joined in marriage on that Beloved Day. And it is just a precursor of all of the Joy and Love to be shared between them and their families and the communities that they’re living in. And this was certainly the case, because we felt so much closer to so many people from that day forward. They shared an important part in our lives. And I never forgot it.  And we told our children about this and they always loved the story.
So, we thank you very much for that question, Beloved Virginia. That is wonderful that you felt nudged when you read that, and that you had this awareness that it was really about me and Sananda. Because, yes, after that Council of Nicaea, the governments, the people in charge of the structures of that religion took so much liberty with twisting around the Truth for their own means and purposes that it really didn’t really resemble the Truth very much at all.

So, you know, it’s brought us to this place where, yes, we had a wonderful lifetime, and that the message of Sananda was transmitted all over your Beloved Planet. And we planted so many seeds because, yes, when we were ascending, it was this worldwide transmission into the Collective Consciousness. So we were so dedicated to help waking up so many of you that have been doing this work over and over, again in these thousands of years.  Because by that time, so much had been accomplished.

But so much more needed to be done to raise the level of the vibrations, so that this cabal could be completely taken off of your Beloved Planet. And you, my Beloveds, could be free once more to do this very wonderful, high-vibrational LoveLight work that you all came here to do in this, the Ascension Lifetime. 

And so, you know, tomorrow is a most joyous day. And we wish you this experience of feeling Love in very high vibration and sharing that heart to heart all over your Beloved Planet with Beloved Beings who you don’t even know. But just the fact that you are in those high vibrations, you become a transmitter of that LoveLight, and you help to wake people up that way. 

So we wish you the most joyous of days. And we feel so much heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you on this call for being with us tonight in Joy and Celebration of who you really are, which at the core essence of your being is Love and Light.

So Beloveds, we say to you Namaste and good night.   

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