Thursday, May 9, 2019

5-8-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-8-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our pleasure to be with you here tonight to do our meditations, to feel ourselves coming together in the communion of our hearts and raising the level of the vibration. Because in a nutshell, this is really the Mission that we signed up for at this time: To be present on your Beloved Planet, so that you can help raise the level of consciousness on this planet, so all the Beloved other Brothers and Sisters who have been sleeping through their reality, since the Harmonic Convergence came in, in the last century, at the end of it, can start to wake up and feel the Joy that surrounds each and every minute of these high-vibrational energies visiting your planet in waves of unbridled Joy. Because it sure feels that way to us.

We’ve been working on this with you for a very long time, and this we say is Your Destiny. This is something that we have all been earning and creating together. Because yes, it is the Truth of who we really are to feel the Oneness of all of Creation and to feel at the Core Essence of our Being that we are only Unconditional, Universal Love. Ah, yes, and Compassion and Forgiveness and Gratitude are part of this equation to a great degree also. 

And so, we are aware that some of your bodies get worn down. That with all the nanites, with all of the diseases that are being spread in the air, the water and your food supply, that you have to make some really good choices some of the time. And you have to be pretty structured and disciplined. 

But we ask you not to go into the mind and judge your actions. We ask you to open your heart and have the courage to live a Heart-Centered Life, and to allow yourself to feel more, and to Trust in those feelings to guide your discernment. Because Truth is a feeling within the four bodies of your being. And the more that you can tune into this Truth, we feel, the more that you are going to see the beauty of your existence and of all of Creation, Brothers and Sisters.

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw and you reaching out your other hand to somebody on this call to form our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center and sending it down your left arm, out through your palm, around the circle and into the palm of your right hand and back into your heart. 

And breathing into the Heart Center with the Power and Speed of our Thoughts rising up off the surface of your Beloved Planet, and rising on up into the layers of the atmospheres, which bring us in short order to the layers of the ships in the higher dimensions which you can’t see with the naked eye. But when you are in high vibration like we are now, you know that they’re there. You can see them; you can feel them.

And now we’re coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. And we’re opening up the bottom of this ship, which is a landing deck. And with our circle intact, we’re popping right on through, hovering in this airlock while it closes. This landing deck closes beneath us.  And now it’s safe to touch down.
And we’re walking on back to the elevators. We’re choosing one, and we’re getting all in with our circle completely intact. And now we’re in, and we’re pushing the button to go up here, up into the Crystal Room. And we push a button to stop. And here we are. We’re opening up the doors. Everybody is here, and it is a joyous party that is unfolding right before us.

And yes, some of those who are here, some of these Beloved Spirits are your ancestors, and perhaps you in an incarnation, which you had previously. And you may hear a song. You may feel the hair standing up on the back of your neck with a touch from somewhere, and it is your ancestors giving you a sign that they are with you on this meditation to do this very, esteemed work at this very pivotal time on your Beloved Planet. Because yes, they have an active interest in liberating this planet, and having it rise on up into the 5th Dimension, and seeing all of the Beloveds on this planet ascend. And many of them, these ancestors, have ascended already.

And so, breathing into the Heart Center and walking on over to the altar in the middle of this Crystal Healing Room, and seeing all of the Mentors, all of the Commanders on the ships, and Angels, and Ascended Masters from all over Creation. And you see many familiar faces and energies, the higher-vibrational energies of all of the crystals in the consciousness of all of these Beloveds, who have assembled here for this meditation.

And now forming our circle around the altar here, which is where this Master Crystal sets on it. And again forming our circle and sending this LoveLight from the left to the right, and spreading it out into the outer circles of the Mentors, of the Commanders, Angels, and Ascended Masters, and your ancestors. And from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it all up, down, and around and through. And allowing yourself to integrate with all of these high vibrations, from all of the dimensions of reality, that lead us right up to Creator Source and making that connection.

Because, Dear Beloveds, this is where the Power really is, and we are in motion of fulfilling the Divine Decree of Heaven, of Creator Source, in allowing everyone on your Beloved Planet to realize the conditions of Ascension. And yes, this continues to be our Mission. And we are feeling more and more joy in realizing and experiencing all of the waves of this high-vibe photon energy, that have been visiting your planet, creating a light show for us over on our ships. And just breathing into it. 

And now we’re asking you to make your Intentional Requirements, and from your Heart Center to send them, right into the Crystal, our Beloved Master Crystal. And whether it has to be with health concerns, the wellbeing of your family, your grandchildren, your children, or for you to feel prosperity, and to be able to travel, and to be able to express yourself to a greater degree of this Joy, that you are feeling with these high-vibrations coming in, or developing some of your gifts and talents to a greater degree. Whatever it is, just shine it on into this Master Crystal and allow yourselves to feel joy and to know that it has already been given to you in this Now Moment.

And now, all of us, we call forth the completion of our Mission with bringing in NESARA, with having this LoveLight visit your planet to raise it on up into the 5th Dimension in such a Divine Way, where it will be anchored in from now on, throughout all of Eternity, and you will never have to test the density of duality ever again. And this is what the Divine Decree, Beloveds, is really all about. Because it is honoring all of your Intentions and the propensity of you achieving in the Now Moment your reality, your Mission of allowing the consciousness on your Beloved Planet to rise to such a level where your Ascension is imminent. 

And now, shining these vibrations, these Intentional Requirements in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, through the tip of the Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru in my Beloved Crystal Healing Room and spiraling it right down onto your planet. And now, we’re here. We’re going up, down and around and through from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface, affecting all of the subatomic particles, affecting the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet to raise it up in the highest frequencies of Love and Light. 

And what a magical feeling to transcend the boundaries of duality, of the 3rd Dimension and rise all the way up through into the 5th, and far beyond, and of course, using our hearts as the elevator to take us ever higher into these higher dimensions. And shining this LoveLight all over your Beloved Planet into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings. And seeing each and every one of them connected as part of the Godhead. 

We all have the same genetic codes. We all come from the consciousness of this Love and Light, that sprang forth and unites us in these feelings, feelings that feel very, very good, and allow us to have the Power to be who we really are. Although, this hologram that we have been programmed with tells us that we are small and unworthy. Well, it has been our Mission to be our Truth, to be the Love and Light that we are.

And now, we’re shining this conscious awareness all through this Beloved Planet of yours, transmitting it in such high vibration that’s allowing all the Beloved Beings to feel Joy, Harmony and Wisdom of why they are here at this most-auspicious time, and the Power that they have to become a part of this Mission of realizing Ascension. 

And yes, we’re going to go over to England one more time. And we’re going to shine this LoveLight into the heart of Beloved Julian Assange because, yes, he has been given this sentence and all is not as it seems. And we’re still going to shine this LoveLight into his heart and clear his energy field and his energy body to preserve the purity of his Intentions and the Power of the Love and Light that he is to complete his Mission at this most-important time, because of the role that he has to play in disseminating Truth.

So, starting from his center above, two feet above his head, to two feet below his feet, spinning in a counterclockwise direction up, down, and around and through, and increasing the Power and the Brilliance of the Light to remove any and all of the lower vibrations and negative programming, traumas and polarities throughout the four bodies of his being.  And going up, down, and around and through and increasing the accuracy, efficiency, and speed of this spiral one thousand-fold. And just breathing into it and feeling the energy make like a gyroscope and conduct so much Power of the Love and Light in this Now Moment, that it removes anything, which will be, or could be a barrier for him to fulfill his Divine Mission. 

And now transmuting these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light by spinning in a clockwise direction with this spiral from the center above to the center below, up, down and around and through and feeling the Peace and Joy in this Now Moment of seeing his Mission be completed in the highest vibrations of Love and Light. Because we feel, that this will be a spring broad into bringing out the Truth all over your Beloved Planet, and into outing all of the bad actors of this cabal. So this will create the sea change, that we have all been working for. And it will be one of the major pieces of removing these dark players of the cabal from your reality, and any say that they have whatsoever for control, and create the reality from this moment on throughout all of eternity. 

And now, let us go down into Mexico into the elevators there, the secret passageway that we very well know the way into, and down into the tunnel complex. And shining this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy in a horizontal spiral, up, down and around and through, from Mexico into the United States, and into Canada back and forth going down into the honeycomb chambers of these installations. 

And a lot of them are military bases and some of them are more like spas or museums because they house so many different treasures, works of art, and a lot of money, a lot of old gold, and precious artifacts, that have been preserved throughout thousands of years of this cabal’s reign on your Beloved Planet.

And yes, there are very many beings, who have given permission to be taken down into these bases, and to play out their Soul Contracts of playing the part of being slaves, or ritual sacrifices with these players of the cabal, who have Satan as their deity. So, they have been subjected to a lot of very dark energy. But we don’t have to tell you, Beloveds that the Light is stronger, and they have proved this time and time again. So we say to each and every one of them.

“We love you so very much. We honor you with all of our heart and soul for the contributions that you have made with such courage, with allowing yourself to be in your heart and fulfill your Missions. And you may think that you have been alone, but we’ve been watching your every move in total awe and wonder of the Compassion you have shown yourselves and others, and exhibiting the Power of your Love and Light in very dark and trying circumstances. 

“Yes, Beloveds, we love you more than we could verbally ever express.”
And to all of the Beloved Beings on this conference call, we honor you. We love you so very much and we thank you for your contributions. Namaste, Dear Beloveds, and good night.

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