Saturday, September 12, 2020

9-9-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 9-9-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. And with our sight, that we have of looking at you, of observing your Beloved Planet, and all of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia at this time, we see the drama being played out. And we think of that phrase ”Far from the maddening crowd.” And that is where we would love all of you to be, to be in these high vibrations with us so very profoundly and continuously, so that, Beloveds, you tap into your faith and your knowingness of who you really are, as being a conduit of the Godhead. And use your Powers, at this most wonderful time of shift, to help your brothers and sisters, who have not yet awakened into these high vibrations and integrated them with such devout, resolute vigilance, that we see you have created, as the reality for yourselves. 


And yes, it is a challenging time for all of you if only for the fact that these vibrations, that are coming into your Beloved Planet, are much stronger, than anything that you have ever experienced before in your meditations, in altered states of consciousness, that you may have partaken in, from time to time, for whatever reason.


Beloveds, it is all Here Now, what you have been calling forth. And we are working with you every step of the way, because, Beloveds, the dark forces are at the end of their time on your Beloved Planet. The timelines are separating, and you, my Beloveds, are enabling these wonderful feelings of high-vibe energy to be felt by everyone. 


It is a magical time, a mystical time, because you are remembering things from past lives, that you have not been able to become aware of, concerning the gifts and talents that you possess, that you have been very adept with in past lifetimes, in the cultures of Lemuria and Atlantis, and to some extent in my time, the last time I was on my Beloved Planet of Mother Gaia in Egypt, using my Powers to teach people. But also, to stabilize and balance the environment, which was overwrought with many polarities, and many warring factions at that time. 


Beloveds, it is more of the same at this time. There are so many of the dark forces, that have lived their lives to create war. And now they can’t do it. The well has dried up, the well of the depth of their darkness. And the Light is exposing where they have had their power, in these deep underground bases, where the children are being liberated, resources are being liberated. 


And now is a Divine Time of holding them accountable with Compassion, with the Understanding, that we are all One. And everyone has Free Will on your Beloved Planet.  And this is just part of their spiritual evolution by having to go through this time of being held accountable, and being exposed for what they gave their permissions to, and the reasons that they did so.


Let us join together, Beloveds, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you.  And I ask you to reach around to someone else on the call, to form our circle with.  Breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to let go Here Now, and spinning the energy of the Crown, the Third Eye, the Throat, the High Heart Center, also called the Thymus Gland, your Solar Plexus, your Sacral Chakra, and your Root Chakra.


Spinning this all in a clockwise direction, and sending the energy down through the bottoms of your feet, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And resonating with the spinning of her core, feeling all of these very strong high-interdimensional energies. Sending her our Love, and feeling her Love come into our DNA. And feeling the Oneness of this Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization playing out in our Ascension Process.


And coming back up through the bottoms of our feet, into our Heart Center, and sending the energy, from our hearts, around the circle, out through the palm of the left hand, into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our hearts, and allowing ourselves with the Power, and the Strength, and Purity of our minds to rise on up through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the multitude of ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.


I’m opening up the landing deck, and we are rising right up on through into the airlock, hovering in it, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, Beloveds, it is safe to touch down. And we are all walking on back to this open elevator, and getting in all at the same time, still holding hands and paws. And now I’m closing the door, and we are riding right on up, as fast as can be, to the top floor here. 


And we’ve come to a stop, and I’m opening up the door, and each of us with our circle still connected, walking out into the Crystal Healing Room with all of these Beloveds, the Mentors, the Ascended Masters, and Archangels, and Angels, and Beloved Commanders from the ships, and your ancestors, and yes, perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past. 


And walking on over into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, circling around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets, and hooking up these energies, sending them from heart to heart, around our circle, and to the outer circles, that have formed around us, first to the Mentors, to all of the Beloved Beings circling around them. And spiraling this energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through, Beloveds.


Feeling all of these higher dimensions of reality, these higher vibrations of consciousness emanate through our DNA, through the subatomic particles of our being, informing ourselves of automatic crystalline-healing potentials, of allowing ourselves to rise up in these high vibrations, spiraling the energy up, down, and around and through.  Feeling ourselves becoming more centered and grounded in the Here Now. And sending this energy to one another, around the circles once again. 


And now, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, whether it be having to do with your relationships, with your family, with the amount of wealth and prosperity you feel at this time, with allowing yourself to use Gratitude and Forgiveness as Divine Healing Tools, to allow you to stay in high vibration in every waking moment. Whatever you choose, Beloveds, calling it into your hearts and shining it out with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, with Metatron’s Platinum Ray. Shining it into our Beloved Master Crystal.


And for all of us tonight, doing our meditation for you, and your Beloved Planet, we require that there be the feeling of Peace, so that all of the Beloved Beings, who have awoken, are waking up, and on the cusp of waking up, will feel the Love and Support of the 5th Dimension, so that they will not so easily be magnetized with fear, and by their egos, into low vibrations any longer, so that they will begin to adopt a narrative for themselves, about this shift into higher vibration. And see the Light at the end of this tunnel of this Beloved Year of clear vision of 2020. It is leading all of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia to such splendid Rainbow Lights, that you cannot even imagine. But that we on our ships, we see it happening already in this Beloved New Timeline, that you are so instrumental in empowering and giving your energy to.


And now shining our LoveLights with the Intentional Requirement of the Truth being made known, and people understanding what this time is, and how to best to play out their roles at this time, to carry them into this new reality of Mother Gaia. Shooting it into the Master Crystal, and shooting this energy up through its tip, through the opening the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Mother Gaia, from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, into all of the crystal caves, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. 


Feeling these Rainbow Lights permeate this new reality into the heart of Mother Gaia, going up, down, and around and through. And sending our LoveLights into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, into all of the Kingdoms of your planet, with the information that Now is the time to rise on up. Now is the time to let go of the pain, of the suffering, all of the lower vibrations. Now is the time to bring the Light into each and every being’s heart, and to allow themselves to let this inner flow of energy, of the Love and Light that they are, to multiply and rise on up into the higher vibrations. And shining it into the Collective Consciousness, radiating it out all through your Beloved Planet to all of the subatomic particles. 


Beloveds, everything is One derived from the Divine Presence of Creator Source. We are all One, of the Godhead, Beloveds. Shining this LoveLight, this knowingness into the hearts and the psyches of all of the Beloveds on your planet. 


And shining our LoveLights over all of these areas in the United States, where there are fires, clearing the smoke, by starting our own whirlpool, our own vortex of energy, clearing the air, dissipating all of the pollution, dissipating all of the old vibrational energies, that allow this weather warfare of the darkness to infect these Beloved High-Vibrational Areas of your planet, on the surface.


And shining down beneath the surface of all of these fires, into underground tunnels, and military bases, clearing all of the pain and the suffering. Shining the LoveLights down there, and all over your Beloved Planet. Shining our LoveLights into the hearts, the minds, and the souls of all of the Beloved Peacekeepers, going down into these underground bases, and rescuing children, bringing them into the Light, with the Plan of allowing them to heal, in a most splendid and Divine Way, in high vibration now. 


We send them all our Love, to the Peacekeepers, to the children and all of the Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved underneath the surface, on the surface, all of the Beloved Beings, who have been abused in Satanic ritual, in adrenochrome harvesting. We shine this LoveLight into their hearts, freeing up their pain and allowing themselves to be bathed in the Truth of the knowingness, that they are One with us. They are Divine interdimensional Love, and that in this Now Moment, they are Free.


Ah Beloveds, we honor all of you on this call, all of the Beloved Beings of your planet, for all that you do. You, being our Ground Crew, and having the Courage to endure the tests and challenges at this time. We are victorious in the Light, Beloveds. We are One. We are always here with you.


And now, our Beloved Maria is coming in. 


Namaste and good night.

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