Thursday, February 11, 2021

2-10-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 2-10-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I, too, am so very happy to come in with our blessings of Love, Peace, and Joy for each and every one of you on this call, and all of those, who will hear the call later, or read the transcripts.


We feel the energies on your Beloved Planet, that are coming in, accumulating, lifting you up into higher vibration, as these scenarios for the unfolding, and the completion of all of the Plans of NESARA, come into the Light of the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, on your planet, by the dark players being taken off the stage. And the Truth being disseminated in such a Divine, Comprehensive, Total Way, to all of you.


And even though it will be shocking, we know, that it will be ever-so liberating for all of you, because it will allow you to rise up in high vibrations, and feel the Unity of your hearts with one another, and feel the Unity that the Truth brings, whereby you will have activated your psychic gifts, your awareness, your knowingness of the way, that in your genetics and your Akashic Records, you have always known the level, and the depth, of your Truth of who you really are.


And now, this will be realized for each and every one of you. Because all of the pieces of the puzzle will be there for you to look at, and for you to connect up the dots, in each of your own ways, to make it real for yourself, to give yourself the revitalization of truly connecting with Creator Source, and the higher aspects of your being in the Now Moment. And realizing that everything, that you have been through, in all of these lifetimes have led up to this progression, where you find yourself on the threshold of Ascension, Beloveds.


And this is what happened to me, and my two Mary’s, in that lifetime 2000 some-odd years ago, when I went through the Passion Play. And all of those scenarios, where my message was one of equality, was one of the Truth, of enabling the gifts and talents everyone has, to further evolve in the Love and Light, that they are, and manifest their gifts on Beloved Mother Gaia.


I, my two Mary’s, and all of the Beloved Beings, doing the work with me, that you call the Apostles and Disciples, we planted the seeds for what is manifesting right now, Beloveds.


And again, my Mary’s come to walk into your circle, offering you the variety, the assortment of these Kumara roses, in spectrums of light and color, that you do not presently have on your planet. Take them into your hearts, as many as you like, Beloveds, to keep them there, to help you resonate with our energies, and the Truth of your Sovereign Being, Beloveds.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

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