Saturday, April 24, 2021

4-22-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 4-22-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. Yes, a little glitch last night, but here we are again in the mood of Joyousness, for what we feel, and see transpiring on your Beloved Planet. So the question you may ask is, how do you integrate and assimilate these higher Light Encodements? Beloveds, you have very many gifts. And ultimately, it is not I, who can teach you how to remember truly who you are. 


But just imagine that moment, when the Solar Flash impacts the surface of your Beloved Planet. And you assimilate that higher-vibrational Encodement, that will enable you to remember, who you truly are in all of your past lifetimes, and enable you to connect fully with your I AM Presence, so that there will be no gap within your consciousness any longer, of remembering the Soul Contracts that you gave permission to, and to integrate with the 5th Dimension in a seamless, flawless manner. 


Because these Light Encodements will sanctify and empower you. And so in order to be at that moment, in order to bring in the essence of who you truly are, and the gifts of being at Peace in the 5th Dimension, we ask you in your meditations to use your imagination. 


This is a Divine Space that you allow yourself to be, up through the higher dimensions, where you create your environment of who you are calling in. And it could be a white sand beach in the tropics. It could be on the Matterhorn at the top-most peak. Wherever you desire, Beloveds, it could be in the seas of Mars, or on the moon. Wherever you want to be, Beloveds. It could be in your back yard with you accessing the Animal Kingdom, and transmitting with them and the Devas. 


But Beloveds, we ask you to allow for expansion at this time in your meditations, because these higher Light Encodements are allowing you to truly go to places in your consciousness, and bridge gaps within those circuits of the right lobe of your mind, which have long been dormant, because your DNA has been mutated. But now all of that is coming back online.


And we are so very enthusiastic about this, because what is playing out, on the surface of your planet, is aiding in this process. And you Beloveds, every time you are in high vibration, every time you are shining your Lights, you are doing it for the whole of all of Creation, and not even just on this Beloved Planet. Beloveds, you have worked so long, in so many lifetimes, to be at this moment. And now it is coming into full bloom, into fruition. And your imaginations, and utilizing Forgiveness and Gratitude, and developing that Compassionate narrative, as the Compassionate Observer, will greatly aid you into bringing your Mission into completion.


And now, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And you reaching around for someone else on this call. And sending the energy from the left to the right, expanding our field of energy, by spiraling from the center above, to the center below, of our combined field of energy. And raising the level of the vibration, bringing in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights, and sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Beloveds, this is her heart. It is rapidly revolving in the center of our Beloved Planet, holding all of the energies, all over all of the living beings, the Kingdoms, the mountains, the seas. 


Beloveds, we are so blessed to be here, as Mother Gaia is in the 5th Dimension already feeling her sense of purpose, and compassion, and wisdom, and strength. And shining our LoveLights into our hearts, breathing into it. And now, rising on up to the surface of the planet, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our Heart Center. And sending the energy around the circle, from the left, to the right, expanding our field of energy, and rising on up off of the surface of the planet.


And it is with the Power and the Strength of our Intentional Requirements, that we are rapidly rising through the layers of the atmospheres, and coming upon the multitudes of ships. Honing in our my Beloved Nibiru, as I open up the belly of the ship, which is the landing deck. And we hover in the airlock, as this landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. 


And we are floating on over into an open elevator, and all getting in at the same time, as the elevator accommodates our connected circle. And I’m pushing the button to close the door, and take us on up, way up to the top floor here. And now we are coming to a stop. And I open the elevator, and we are walking out into this Beloved Room.


And all of the Mentors are there to greet us, Angels, and Ascended Masters, the Commanders from the ships. We see orbs of Beloved Beings, who have bilocated their consciousness to be in our meditation tonight, from all over the Cosmos, some of them from other ships in our atmospheres. And your Beloved Ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two, they are all here with us right now, as we walk into the middle of the room, circling around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.


And forming our circle, as the Mentors circle around us. And all of the outer circles are formed. Sending the energy, from our hearts, around the circle into the outer circles. And spiraling the energy, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Feeling these higher-dimensional energies from the crystals, and all of the Beloved Beings, feeling their consciousness, as they are integrated into all of the higher dimensions of reality.


Breathing it into our hearts, spiraling it up, down, and around, and through to integrate and assimilate with these higher Light Encodements of all of the higher dimensions. And all of the different spectrums of colors represented in those higher dimensions, bringing them into our hearts.


And we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for how you want to use these high vibrations, of this meditation tonight, to create your reality on Beloved Mother Gaia. Yes, it could be having to do with increasing your Prosperity and Abundance, with having more clarity in your communications, and a higher level of Trust and Compassion in your relationships, and your dealings with your bloodline families, and your soul families. And shining the LoveLight of these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, whatever you like. 


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, it is a matter of raising the level of vibration, to empower all of the Beloved Beings, working hand and hand with the Earth Alliance, to bring about all of the provisions of NESARA. To bring into clarity, that the election was stolen. That it is not a conspiracy theory. That the children have been stolen, and used for nefarious purposes for eons and eons, and that this Cabal is of the darkness, and it is now being rooted out. 


And yes, the people on your Beloved Planet have to see. And we intentionally require, that they see the irrefutable proof, that this darkness has to be irradicated, and all of those bad actors have to be held accountable, as painful as this may be to see it unfold and play out.

It is blessed by the Company of Heaven, for the benefit of all of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, and all over Creation, to be able to rise up into higher levels of Ascension consciousness. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And shining these Intentional Requirements for the Truth being told, and for this process to unfold into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, cascading it down onto the surface of your Beloved Planet, through the many layers of atmospheres, to underneath the surface into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And radiating it thereupon into all of the DNA, into the Akashic Records of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And spiraling counterclockwise to remove anything less than Love, any negative programming, any low-vibrational thought patterns, any devices and delivery systems, that perpetrate ill intent upon Humanity, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia. We require that everything less than Love be removed, neutralized, made inoperable.


And now spiraling all of these strands of the DNA. Activating them with the highest frequencies of Love and Light, the Golden White Light, the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights, spiraling up, down, and around ant through. Re-encoding the DNA of the Akashic Records, for this Beloved Planet, and all of Humanity, and all of its Kingdoms on Mother Gaia, to take on this LoveLight.  Assimilate it, and integrate it with activating all circuits of the Human brain in the right lobe, with fractalizing all of the dendrites, all of the trauma held in the back lattice of Humanity’s energy fields, by spiraling this LoveLight all through your energy field, and energy body, in a clockwise direction. Bringing in these higher levels of Clarity, Knowingness, Joy, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, Understanding, Prosperity, and Abundance, Beloveds. It is here now. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And in this place of high-vibrational frequency, radiating this transmission to all of the leaders on your Beloved Planet. To all of the bad actors, informing them, that we know who they are. They have no more secrets anymore, because of the Quantum computer, tracking all of their movements, all of their so-called secret meetings, and contracts, and strategies and manipulations. They are soon to be revealed.


Shining the LoveLight on all of these dark manipulations and strategies, freeing up the energy, by bringing in the highest frequencies of Love and Light. And removing these bad actors from the stage, forgiving them, allowing them to move on, in whatever way they choose, and suits them on their journeys. We are free, Beloveds, in this Now Moment! 


And remember in your meditations, to create this narrative, that you desire with being in the 5th Dimension, to create your environment. Attracting your Soul Family to you to be in Mission with whatever projects, that you have affinity for. This is the moment, Beloveds, you have been waiting for to help others, to reach these levels of consciousness, whereby they can bring into balance their karma. All of the polarities, that they have carried forth into this lifetime can be brought into balance, allowing them to feel the Joy of being Here/Now, in Unity Consciousness with Mother Gaia and all of Humanity. 


And now shining our LoveLights on all of the Peacekeepers, and all of the children, who have been enslaved, that the Peacekeepers have been rescuing and resuscitating. To enable them to once again live on the surface, to be free to carry out their Missions in life. Now that they have fulfilled this Soul Contract, they can really expand their consciousness. And they will be greatly aided by advanced technologies to do so. 


And they will always have this bond with the Peacekeepers, and one another, in knowing the role that they have played, to bring Conscious Awareness to this situation. And they will be loved by all, as they are by us, so very dearly for their courageousness, their compassion in carrying out their Soul Contracts.


Beloveds, we love you all. We are always here with you. And we are in a great State of Joy, feeling the energies coming into your Beloved Planet. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Namaste and good night.


And now Beloved Maria will come in.

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