Thursday, July 8, 2021

7-7-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 7-7-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am once again here with you, feeling these high-vibrational energies, and happy that we are together, communing with our hearts with one another. There is so much energy coming into your planet. And it is truly a marvelous experience for all of us, Mentors, up on the ships to behold. 


Your shifting process has, and continues to be for you, Beloveds, one of balance, and harmonizing with these high-vibrational energies. And also developing your narrative, based on your Inner Truth of what you resonate with, in every Now Moment, and every breath. Allowing yourself to feel nurtured, and growing in these energies, and assimilating, and integrating with these higher Light Encodements, that are coming from the Galactic Center.


Yes, there is much transpiring on the surface of your planet. And the mainstream media is again the perpetrator of fear and separation. And you, so many more of you, are waking up to the dynamics of these controllers and their patterns, their narratives of manipulating your consciousness, to keep you in low vibration. And you are starting to see the Power that you have. when you come together. And we are talking about rallies, and roadshows, as well as people tuning into webcasts, where the Truth is being disseminated.


And you can tune into that level of consciousness, whereby the Spirit of Love, of Unity, of Communion, heart to heart, is transmitted into your consciousness, into your hearts, into your knowingness, that these high vibrations and frequencies are what you truly resonate with, and want to give your energy to, to enable others to wake up, and to raise the level of the Collective Consciousness, which is enabling this process to keep on transpiring in a very positive way.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, forming our circle. Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. And spiraling it from the center above, to the center below. Feeling the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy come in, and the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights.


And sending these energies down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. This is her heart, Beloveds. This is where she holds the energy of your Beloved Planet.  Breathing into her heart, feeling her Wisdom, her Glory, her Joy, her Compassion, her Understanding, and Clarity of Purpose of her Mission in being with you at this time of Ascension. And sending her our Love in high vibration of the 5th Dimension and beyond.


And now rising up through to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts. And again sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. Spiraling it, and raising ourselves up off the surface of the planet with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts. Rising up through the layers of the atmospheres.


And coming upon multitudes of ships. Honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship, as we pop on through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to tough down. 


And we are walking on back to an open elevator. We all get in with our circle still joined together. And I’m closing the door, and pushing the button to take us on up. Breathing into our hearts, and letting go in this Now Moment.  Rising on up. And now, we come to a stop. And we are opening up the doors here.


And walking on through into this gigantic hall, we see the Mentors, and so many Commanders from the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs who are representing the consciousness of other Beloveds from the ships, and from other planets, also, that want to partake in this meditation, as well as your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


And we are walking on over into the middle of this room. We are circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And as we do so, the Mentors are circling around us. And all of the other Beloveds are forming their circles. Breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves, once again, to slow down and relax.


And sending this energy from the left, to the right, into the outer circles.  And spiraling from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, absorbing these higher levels of consciousness throughout all of the higher dimensions, represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings here tonight, and of all of the crystals, that comprise this Crystalline Healing Room. Breathing into our hearts, feeling this Oneness in high vibration. Allowing ourselves to let go even deeper into the Now Moment, into this feeling of Zero Point. 


And we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, in your own individual journeys in life. Whether it has to do with finances, or having stronger connections with your Beloved Family, or more clarity of communication in relationships, or being able to express yourself, and move the energy through you in various ways, where you feel Joy, Harmony, Grace, and Bliss. Beloveds, whatever it is, shine these International Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call, we require that all of the Beloveds awaken, in this Now Moment, to the Truth and the Power of the Love and Light, that they have in their hearts. And that they consciously enable themselves with their breathing, with being the Compassionate Observer of their thoughts, words, and actions to keep themselves in high vibration, as this shift into higher 5th Dimensional consciousness revs up, and really starts to take off, Beloveds.


We call for the Truth to be disseminated, for the military to protect the rights of all of the Beloved Beings. And for the Truth to come out, about the vaccines, so that people will rise up against big pharma, and the governments, and enable this shiftm, whereby the Constitution will be the ruling force on your Beloved Planet.


This U.S. original Constitution is a Divine, Sacred Document. And it guarantees all of your Birthrights, Beloveds. And it is the grounding, inspirational force that empowers NESARA. We call for the implementation of all of the Plans of the Earth Alliance to implement NESARA, in this Now Moment.


Beloveds, shining our LoveLights, our Intentional Requirements for this meditation, into the Master Crystal. Shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling this energy down onto Beloved Mother Gaia, from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, into her Heart Center, once again. 


And radiating this LoveLight through all of the subatomic particles, into the DNA of all living beings, on your planet. Removing anything less than Love, any negative programming. Removing the devices and delivery systems, that have encumbered your energy fields, and all of the disconnects, that have been happening from your DNA encoding, that has mutated your DNA, and lay it dormant, the right lobe of your brain, your energy centers there. And enabled trauma to build up in the back lattice of your energy fields. 


Dissolving all resistance for all of you Beloved Beings to be Here Now, to be at this place of Unity, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, Unconditional/Universal Love, Beloveds. Radiating this feeling, this clarion call of waking up, of coming online in interdimensional Unity, of Communion with each other’s hearts and souls, with the Intentional Requirement of Freedom, of Justice, of Truth. 


Enabling all of your thoughts, words, and actions to empower this 5th Dimensional timeline, too, that will accelerate your Ascension Processes, on this Beloved Planet, with a ripple effect happening all through Creation, Beloveds. This is your time of empowerment. 


And we are with you, shining our LoveLights, as the higher Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center, inform your DNA, your Akashic Records, enabling higher vibrations of Love and Light to activate all systems of your body, your energy fields, within the four bodies of your being.


We are casting out all darkness, reverse spinning on your Beloved Planet, from the center above, to the center below, and all around your Beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, onto the surface, underneath the surface, in the underground cities, and the deep underground military bases. Going all the way into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Shining these high-vibrational frequencies of Love and Light into all of the subatomic particles, releasing anything less than Love. And transmuting these energies into these high vibrations, which will now inform the consciousness of the collective, that we are all One, that fear is a lie, and Love is the Truth of who we truly, are as conduits into the Godhead, in this Now Moment.


And radiating this Love and Light into the hearts and minds, of all of the Beloved Children to let them feel Loved and Supported, no matter what their situation is. And many of them, yes, are being trafficked, or enslaved, in underground bases. And many more are being rushed through the borders. But this will end, Beloveds. The Truth is being made known.


The military, these Peacekeepers, these Beloveds, who are putting their lives on the line to win back our freedoms, to rescue the children, we are shining the LoveLight into their hearts, and into the hearts of all of the Beloved Children, to let them feel the Love and Light that they are. And that in this Now Moment, we are all One. 


And we experience the Power of Love in an interdimensional, high-vibrational way, that illuminates this illusion of the hologram, that empowers us in the Truth of who we are, connected into Creator Source. Allowing ourselves to be Here Now, at this moment, where this shift is empowering the 5th Dimensional timeline in such a marvelous and miraculous way, Beloveds.


We honor you for all you do. We are with you in all of your meditations, your prayers, exercises, all of your Intentional Requirements, to bring about and implement NESARA.


Beloveds, we love you. Namaste and good night.


And now Maria will come in.

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