Friday, January 28, 2022

1-26-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

1-26-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very thrilled to be with you, in this Now Moment, on this call.


Yes, Beloveds, we are all one. We are seeing all of these Plans come to a head, if you will. Because these Plans of the Earth Alliance have been in place for a very protracted period of time. And we see that now you have passed a marker in the Beloved United States, where the military can really take Power to root out these forces of darkness.


And this is marvelous, Beloveds, because at the same time, the Truth is being made known about this jab, and about the ulterior motives of big pharma, and these members of the Cabal, who have funded this mass attack on Humanity to depopulate. Yes, it is heinous in nature. 


But, Beloveds, many, many eons ago, they have mutated your DNA, so that they could enslave you, and feed off of your low vibrations, of controlling the energy by having you on, what we call a survival treadmill, where they could always be the kings and queens on this Beloved Planet.


And at the same time, they had no regard for the sentient being of Beloved Mother Gaia. And, Beloveds, as you know, she is so beautiful, so compassionate. And she is in the 5th Dimension, and allowing you to rise up in frequency and vibration. As the Truth is made known, your hearts will connect with one another, all over your Beloved Planet. And you will activate the Crystalline Grid, and your Crystalline Nature will be so very powerful, Beloveds.


You will be in Unity Consciousness in the 5th Dimension. And you will shine your LoveLights, and bring in the higher levels of mastery with the Divine Gifts and Talents, that you have come in with, to be teachers to the ones that have just started to awaken, after this Event. Beloveds, we will be with you in even a more tangible role, we would say. You will feel us, as we are feeling into your hearts at this Now Moment.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are with you. We ask you to stay steadfast in your meditations, in being in Mission with us. And really all you have to do is bring in, be in the highest vibrations of Love and Light, that are coming in from the Galactic Center, to integrate with them, and to radiate these high frequencies into the Collective so that your Ascension Process will be expedited, Beloveds.


We honor you. We love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night. 


And now, my Twin Soul, Sananda will come in.

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