Saturday, February 12, 2022

2-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 2-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, I am thrilled to be with you once again. And as Mother Sekhmet has said, there is so much happening on your Beloved Planet.


But Beloveds, do not forget to be at Peace, to allow yourself to let go of all of the challenges. And yes, time continues to speed up on your Beloved Planet. And some of you are finding it very challenging to get all of the tasks done, that you have been doing without much concern in the past. You were feeling that you are having to squeeze everything, and sometimes at the last moment, so that you feel that you have done your Mission within the course of the day.


But Beloveds, it is just you staying in high vibration that truly matters.  Because yes, all of the plans have been laid out, and made in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And yes, it cannot be forced, all of these new dynamics, that are overturning all of the control mechanisms of this 3D Matrix, that has been empowered by these forces of darkness aided by Artificial Intelligence. 


Beloveds, the Light is shining brightly in your heart, as these higher Light Encodements continue to come in in tighter intervals of peaks, that are streaming forth, and allowing you to be more conscious, and aware, with each and every breath, to be the Compassionate Observers of your thoughts, words, and actions, to allow yourself to shift, when you are feeling any negativity whatsoever, into the higher vibrating thought, or feeling, or allowing words to come forth of Gratitude, of Forgiveness, of Peace, and all of the higher attributes like Harmony, and Joy, and Prosperity, and Abundance.


Beloveds, it is within your purview now to be able to create these higher-vibrating conditions for yourself, using the Law of Attraction in a way more unimpeded, than it has ever been in this incarnation for yourselves. Yes, breathe into your hearts this Knowingness, that you are loved and supported by the Company of Heaven, throughout all of the higher dimensions, throughout all of Creation, for what you are enabling in your Ascension Process. Because yes, it affects all of Creation. You are expanding, in this way, moving from the First Phase of Ascension, into the next one, and the others that will follow.


Beloveds, do no harm! These are the words that are being impressed upon all of your leaders at this time, because it has been set up, that there will not be any civil war. There will be no more wars. There will only be the Truth coming out, and the playing out of all of these Plans to implement NESARA, to bring you into a state of Equality, and Peace, and Harmony, and Joy with all of the Beloveds on your planet. 


And yes, advanced technologies will help you create this new 5th Dimensional-based environment, whereby you will be the teachers, the guides for others, who are just waking up. And surely there is a recognition in your hearts, and minds, that Now is the time that you came in for.


And that on the surface, and with the narratives of the mainstream media, as their control dynamics get blown up, and revealed for the empty lies and deceptions, that they have perpetrated upon Humanity; that people are unifying over the Truth of who they really are, and the Power that is within their hearts, when they feel Love and Compassion for one another, when they respect one another, for taking a stand, for disseminating the Truth, even though they are threatened by the bullies, by the intimidators of these forces of darkness. When all lies align up in the Truth of the Oneness, of the Love and Light, that you are, nothing can stop you. Nothing can put you back in the bottle. The genie has come out, Beloveds. And you are it.


And we love you so totally, so very much. We are with you. 


Namaste and good night.


And now, my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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