Thursday, March 3, 2022

3-2-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 3-2-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, the Control Systems on your planet are being revealed, are being outed. And we are shining our LoveLight into your hearts, all of us Mentors on the ships. 


And we are asking you to breathe deeply into your hearts, in this Now Moment, and to feel the Joy of this Unity, that has brought us all together in Mission in this Now Moment, in this, what we call, the Ascension Lifetime for your Beloved Planet, and all living Beings on your planet. Yes, you are emanations of Divinity, of the Perfection, and the Truth of Creator Source’s Creation, that continuously is unfolding in each and every Now Moment, in its Divine Perfection.


You are emissaries of the Light. And your Mission has been to increase that level, that intensity of the LoveLight, and raise the level of the vibration for all of the Beloved Beings on this planet. And this is what is happening, Beloveds, because the darkness is being rooted out. All of the old systems of the control of this Cabal are coming to an end, by imploding in and upon themselves. As Ashtar would say to many Beloveds on his channels, “The Yertles are being yanked out, and their pyramid is falling into the dust.” 


And it is no more, this Cabal, and all of the evil that it has perpetrated, all of the enslavement, the wars, the desecration of the sanctity of your DNA encoding. That is ending, Beloveds, because you, the Starseeds, have volunteered to come back at this nexus point, at the end of this cycle of Creation, on Beloved Mother Gaia, to raise the level of the vibration the way that you have, to pass the Markers for Ascension, and to go through your Ascension Protocols, empowering yourself in a way that Ascension has never been done before. 


We, in that lifetime with my Beloved Yeshua, and my Beloved Mother Mary, we planted the seeds for this moment, when the consciousness of Humanity would rise ever-so high. And the Truth would be made known. And you would take back your Power to be in the 5th Dimension, to create the reality in alignment with who you really are, as conduits into the Godhead, which all of Creation emanates from in timeless cycles.


And as you know, there is no separation with space and time. Everything is happening on different dimensions, and different layers of reality at the same time. And Beloveds, very soon, you will be in such high vibration, in the later stages of your Ascension Protocols, where you will truly be empowering yourself with the Love and Light that you are. And this is why you have come into this Beloved Lifetime, Beloved Children, brothers and sisters, to be the teachers to take these high frequencies, to the next level, and liberate Beloved Mother Gaia, and all living brings on this planet. UASA, UASA, Beloveds; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And all of us Mentors on the ships are shining our LoveLight into your hearts, sending it around your circle, spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Allowing you to be more and more into this Now Moment, and to let go of all fear, all worry and doubt, and all of the lower vibrations, that this 3-D Matrix has conned you into believing that you are, and nothing more. And nothing could have been further from the Truth, Beloveds.


And now, you are waking up to this realization, and empowering yourself with these high frequencies.


We love you ever-so much.




And Beloved Sananda, my Twin Soul, is about to come in.

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