Sunday, December 18, 2022

12-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am with you once again, and very happy to be on this call with you all.


Beloveds, yes, you are in very high vibrational energies, and you are being tasked with keeping your vibrations high and learning these lessons of maintaining your sovereignty, and yes, your sovereignty has been infringed upon in many different ways, with the mutation of your DNA, and the shutdown of the power centers in the right lobe of your brain into dormancy.


But Beloveds, you have this power of choice. You have the ability to say yes or no, and you have the ability to discern over what you resonate with as the truth. This is a very powerful dynamic, and this is what we ask you to focus on at this Beloved time. Because yes, in the northern hemisphere you are going to have this winter solstice, and all over the planet it is a time of celebration coming about in this Christmas season, of what is supposed to be the birth of Christ.


The vibrations right now are very speeded up, because of the stresses that this time of year entails. But Beloveds, this is where you can set the tone for yourself, and the collective consciousness, because much is about to transpire on your Beloved planet of a very positive nature. All during this Earth calendar year there have been minor revelations of the truth coming out about court cases, about investigations that will be done in Congress to reveal more and more of the truth.


And of course, the results of what is happening to many Beloveds who have taken this jab that is becoming ever so transparent of the level of criminality, that has been perpetrated upon humanity by big pharma, and all of the other institutions in collusion with this depopulation event.


But Beloveds, this is where you are standing tall, and demanding the truth come out. You are not going for the bullying tactics, and intimidation, of the mainstream media, but you are sharing from your hearts and continuing to do your meditations, and holding the line, and we honor you. This is why you came in, Beloveds, to be that voice of reason, to be that empowered spirit that is rising up in the face of such tyranny, and this is what you have at this time.


But Beloveds, you are in for a real treat we would say, because you are at a turning point, and of course, there is no turning back, and yes, you will have to change your belief systems too, because so much of what will be revealed is going to be new to you, and require adjustments in your narratives also.


We reiterate to you, Beloveds, that we are always here for you. Our hearts are open. We are here to do meditations with you, for you to feel our love and light at every step of the way, Beloveds. We honor you for all you do, for who you are, for being here, for volunteering to be here at this time. You are the ground crew. You are making all of the difference to bring about ascension en masse on this Beloved planet.


Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda will come in.

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