Saturday, January 28, 2023

1-25-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-25-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am very happy to be here on the conference call with you all once again.


Beloveds, my Twin Soul, Maria, was very eloquent in stating forth the power of Love; and how now, it is being embodied in each and every one of you, as you move forward through this first phase of integrating ascension protocols. Where, yes, more and more of the truth is being made known in an irrefutable way, and this process is eradicating the dynamics of these Third Dimensional Matrix control systems.


The ego mind is and has never been necessary. It has been an aberration, and it has only solidified this control system of the negative programming, using the ego as its as its administrator, as its director; and this is how you were conned into giving your power away, because you do not need a priest or an ego, or anything else to direct your reality.


You are the driver of your Beloved vehicle, Beloveds. And yes, during this 26,000 year timeline, events catastrophic in proportion, launched so much trauma upon humanity, and it was because humanity allowed this foreign adversary of a hybrid reptilian race, in the form of different factions, and different races to come onto your Beloved planet and gain a foothold in your governments, in your institutions; but now all of that is on the precipice of being revealed, and your enslavement is about to end, Beloveds.


Right now love and light is dominating your Beloved planet, and you are seeing these dramas play out of these members of the cabal finally being exposed for their heinous acts, that have betrayed humanity, for the acts of depopulation with this jab, with the wars that it has escalated and perpetrated upon humanity for their benefit, for their financial gain, and to gain more control over the power centers of Beloved Mother Gaia, and to drive humanity with fear and separation further away from empowering themselves in these high frequencies of love and light.


And now, humanity is rising up strong and true, empowering themselves with the truth, with the truth of this power of love, because no matter what country you are in, no matter what continent, no matter what race these pains, that are visiting your brothers and sisters all over the planet, are felt in your hearts, Beloveds, and you want this tyranny to end not only for yourselves and your families, but for all of humanity.


This is where you are realizing the power of the Law of One, and when you take this knowingness, this beingness into your heart centers, and remember that feeling of connection, of unification, of communion with each and every one of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and radiate that love and light forward, you escalate this process of strengthening this bridge onto the Fifth Dimension, of making this transformation from the Third Dimensional timeline into the Fifth Dimensional timeline.


Yes, it is necessary for you to be in the Fifth Dimension. When we say you, we mean humanity, in order to have the fulfillment of the divine decree of ascension en masse transpire, within this window of opportunity. We see it as being done, Beloveds, because you have enabled this dynamic, by clearing the polarities in your lifetimes, and empowering yourself expressing your truth from your hearts with the narratives, that you have developed over what you resonate with as the truth.


Beloveds, we honor you, and Now my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts. They are a symbol of our oneness, of our being in mission together, of you empowering yourself in each and every Now Moment, to bring this process of ascension to completion for the benefit of Mother Gaia, of all of humanity, and all of creation.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight. 

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