Friday, April 28, 2023

4-26-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

4-26-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved conference call.


Brothers & Sisters, this is the time that you have been waiting for, as Maria has been saying. You have the opportunity to radiate this love & light, that you are. And yes, all of the demands of survival are still there, but you know deep within the core of your being, that this is all about the change that NESARA is waiting in the wings to be fully implemented, and for the Truth to come about. And for the removal of this 3-D Matrix, and all of the members of these Satanic Cults of the Cabal.


They have had their day. They have wreaked havoc upon Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of the Universe. And now it is time for accounts to be set straight, Beloveds. They have had a wealth of opportunities to come into the light, to vacate your Planet.


Now they are trapped, and they will be dealt with accordingly, for all their crimes against Humanity. You are about to enter this portal into the 5th Dimension, Beloveds. Because this Event of the Truth will be a unifying process, that will be a transformation of energies into the 5th Dimension, and you will be upgraded accordingly to where you are at, with what you can assimilate & integrate of this next phase of Ascension Protocols.


Beloveds, some of you are mainly in the 5th Dimension, because in your heavy sleeping states you go there, and then there will be many times throughout the course of the day, when you will feel this radiant love & light in your heart, and you will be inspired to do very creative & loving things, & be of service to others, and not just with families, but sometimes total strangers.


But really when you come right down to it, nobody is a stranger. You are all One. You are all One in this energy of volunteering to be here at this time, to lift up humanity and Mother Gaia into the Fifth Dimension, and to enable ascension en masse on your Beloved planet. This is the core of your mission, and you do this, by radiating continuously your love and light. And yes, just by you being here, and going through all of the different stages of growth in this lifetime; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, bringing you to this Now Moment. You have done so much positive high vibrational good, to accelerate this Beloved ascension process, and to root out, to expose all of the evil on your Beloved planet.


And yes, it has taken courage, and at times it has taken the strength of your will to persevere, to develop stamina in meeting the requirements of survival on this Beloved planet. But Beloveds, you have already turned the corner once you entered in this precession of the equinoxes, passing the markers for ascension.


This momentum has only increased exponentially, and now you are coming upon this second phase of integrating ascension protocols, Beloveds. My Beloved Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you, once again, these Kumara roses. They are a symbol of us being in mission together with you. They represent interdimensional frequencies and spectrums of color, light, and sound. Beloveds, take as many as you like into your hearts to feel these exponential energies and to feel this Oneness with us.


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste and Goodnight.

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