Wednesday, May 15, 2024

5-8-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-8-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be once again with you on this conference call.


Beloveds you are loved in ways that we feel you cannot completely understand at this time. You have taken on the responsibility of bringing about Ascension on your Beloved Planet. All of the odds have been stacked against you. And here you are in this 5th-dimensional chess game where all of the moves that are made. A lot of them you don’t know about.


So much has been kept from you, but still, you are remaining true to fulfilling the parameters of your mission of being the ground crew by shining your love & light into the collective consciousness, to wake up all of the Beloved Beings on your Planet to ready Humanity for the Ascension process, to bring it to completion, to play out all of your soul contracts that will enable you to have your Ascensions.


All of the polarities on your Beloved Planet are coming up for clearing and you are seeing very many circumstances whereby you are greatly tested and challenged having to do with your health, finances and even having enough food to eat in some instances.


Because the level of evil on your Planet has multiplied very greatly during these 4 years of stolen elections, the depopulation event, false flag events. More & more of the Truth comes out about these things. Humanity is no longer silent in calling forth the resolution of this evil on your Planet. They are calling forth accountability from all of the members of this Cabal for them to be hauled off to military tribunals because they have betrayed Humanity. They have said they were one thing and they are quite another. They can’t even feel what you feel because Beloveds, you are pure of heart. You have your souls intact.


You interact with each other in good faith. There has never been any good faith between you and these members of the Cabal. They have kept myriad secrets from you in a maze of confusion, dysfunctionality, and chaos. You know you can’t go into being angry because you can’t be in the lower vibrations. You have to bless yourself with perseverance, and stamina, and rise up in frequency & vibration, and doing your meditations to raise the level of your vibration in such a way that it raises the level of the vibration for all of Humanity as you go forth at this very pivotal time of shifting from integrating the first wave of Ascension Protocols into bringing about the transformation of your consciousness into integrating the second wave of Ascension protocols because you are rising up and empowering this 5th Dimensional Timeline. You are building a bridge into it with all of the high frequencies and vibrations of your meditations and your intentional requirement to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we honor you because yes, it is all falling apart. You have had to realize that this density of duality in the 3rd Dimension is not who you truly are. It is just a representation of a hologram that you all agreed to participate in when you designed it in the collective consciousness together. But this takes courage. This takes you breathing into your high heart centers, just as my Beloved Twin Soul Sananda did right before he fulfilled those prophecies of being hung on the cross.


Yes, you may think that it is a bit dramatic for me. But this is what you are all doing together. You are fulfilling the prophecies of turning your reality on a dime 180° Beloveds and irradicating this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming so you can empower Humanity with the Divinity of NESARA throughout your Beloved Planet. It will be the foundation of your new 5th Dimensional Timeline.


You are creating these new societies that are in alignment with no ownership, with Freedom, Truth, & Justice. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We honor you. We shine our love & light into your hearts continuously.


Namaste Beloveds. Now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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