Saturday, July 27, 2024

7-24-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-24-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be once again, on this call with you tonight.


Beloveds, as the saying goes, we have your back. Yes, we see what you are going through, and what needs to be done in your mission of being the ground crew, with us, in this mission to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we know you have been working on yourselves. You have been practicing for this moment, this moment of divine change where you will be called upon to make new choices and completely let go of your negative programming, and be so present, so full of love, so empowered with the Truth that you will know what choices to make, what actions to take, what words to say to further the momentum of bringing about this mass Ascension through all of the different phases of empowerment integrating and assimilating all of these Ascension protocols that will lead to completion of Ascension for all of you beings who are choosing the light.


Beloveds, it takes courage to open up your heart. You have known this since you have awakened, and been working on yourselves, meditating, praying, making your intentional requirements, doing energy work, telling stories to one another, opening up your imagination and your hearts, and expressing the power of love to one another.


This Cabal has tried to do everything to keep you locked down, to keep you saddled with those heavy vibrations of fear and separation, but you have triumphed, you have passed the markers for Ascension. You are now in this first wave of integrating Ascension protocols, which has quickened the pace for you to have this Event of the Truth, which is also known by the moniker of Hard Disclosure because so much has to be revealed to you for you to really understand how this Ascension process truly is momentous, not just for you Beloveds on Mother Gaia, but all throughout the Cosmos.


This is a time of letting go of anything that doesn’t feel good Beloveds, and trusting in yourselves. Yes, each of you has your own process. Each of you has your own narrative, based on what you feel is the Truth. Each of you has your internal guidance system, that alerts you to what feels good and what doesn’t.


You are forging a path through this lifetime, but this is where the going gets a little bit tricky because you, in some instances, will have to rely totally on your discernment because there is so much disinformation out there. And it would just be with you recognizing what is the highest frequency & vibration of the words that come through to you.


Do not be afraid Beloveds because remember all of this is a hologram anyway. We will be shining our love & light into your hearts, and when we say we, we mean a myriad of Beloved Beings from all over the Cosmos, who are shining our love & light with the intentional requirement for you to empower yourself with the Truth of love at this most integral and awe-inspiring time, Beloveds.


My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts. They are of high frequency & vibration of color, sound, and light. They are a symbol of us being in mission together. They are a symbol of us sharing our love & light, with one another, to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Namaste Beloveds, and Goodnite.

7-24-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-24-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena.


Beloveds, in this Now moment we feel so much love unfolding on your Beloved Planet because yes, at this time, it needs to be this way. We see the structure of your governments, all over the world, falling apart with the revelations that they have lied to you, that they have told you that something was needed for one thing and it was really for something quite different.


These dynamics have gone on for these thousands upon thousands of years because their agenda has always been about creating confusion and mass hysteria so that you feel this fear & separation. It takes you out of being in the Now moment. It takes you out of feeling the love, joy, and wonderment of being here incarnated in physicality at this time of great change when you embarking upon a new Ascension cycle.


Beloveds we are here with you shining our love & light into your hearts, and yes, you have volunteered to be here at this time, to open up your hearts and empower yourself and all of Humanity with the Truth for what has been held from you for much of this 26,000-year cycle. The dynamics of enslavement, Beloveds, are being revealed to you each & every day now.


There is so much conjecture about what is true about Biden stepping down from his party's nomination and if he is alive. And of course, with the shooting of #45, all of these things are adding more drama to the mix because things have to change for you to be in the 5th Dimension. This is what the plans of NESARA are about. This is what the BRICS Alliance is about, Beloveds.


It is all coming together to reveal how Humanity has been enslaved, by revealing all of the lies telling you this was the only way money could be maintained, and that the people in power were worthy of this empowerment of having control of the money supply and determining the interest rates. Usury is against the original United States Constitution, which we are now calling The Constitution because it will transmit to all of Humanity. Your new societies will be based on this divine document and the Declarations of Independence because we see that there is more than one Declaration of Independence that needs to be maintained right now.


So Beloveds, this is a miracle for all of us who are observing you going on each & every day because we see the energy streamers on your Beloved Planet, and, yes, we know that you are going to go through many changes in the upcoming days, but what all of these changes lead into will empower Humanity in such a way that it will be beyond your wildest dreams because you do not remember what it was like in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. But you will be shown in these movies, when you are having this Event of the Truth, Beloveds. This will be a revelation.


It won’t just be about the Satanism of the Cabal and all of their horrid practices to keep Humanity entrenched in their control systems. It’ll be about who you truly are, and what you did in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. And how other benevolent star races have been a part of your culture during all of these different cycles, that have led up to this Now moment, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite. Now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

7-24-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-24-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla      

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you all tonight on this conference call.


Beloveds, yes, we are shining our love & light into your hearts. We are the love & light of the universe, and we shall go on through this rough patch that we see coming because your old systems have to fractalize and disincorporate completely in such a way that all of the bad actors who influenced them in a very negative way for their own devious agendas are all gone from your Planet


You are bringing this message of love through the Truth unfolding all over your Beloved Planet. There are these Peace Keepers we are calling them. They are this worldwide military that is enforcing the edicts of the Constitution throughout all of Humanity, for all of those who have committed crimes against Humanity to be held accountable, for all of the Treasons that have been committed against the people because remember the people are the Ones who the governments have to be representing for them to have validity, for them to maintain the integrity & trust from the people to the magistrates, through all forms of the politicians who this Cabal has bought off, the judges, and all of the other people in positions of power, such as all of the neo-cons who run worldwide businesses. All of this is shifting into the light, Beloveds.


We are seeing this transformation & we are feeling it in our hearts. We have the power to slow down our minds with our breathing, to be in a meditative state, and to feel this love for ourselves and all of Creation. Beloveds, there is no separation when you tap into your personal power within, you are tapping into the power of Creator-Source itself. This is a magnificent feeling because you say, “Hey, there is no separation. I can feel it. I can feel this Oneness. I can feel this Joy, this universal love that powers everything. I know it’s true. I know it’s an integral part of my being in all of Creation, and this is the power of love.”


It is the engine of all of Creation and the inspiration of all of Creation. We remind you of this before the going gets a bit tough because the push and pull, between the forces of light against the forces of darkness has only begun, Beloveds.


You will see some things we venture to say that you have never seen before, even in your past incarnations because this is for all of the marbles, Beloveds. Your institutions have been tampered with so very greatly that everything has become a chore, has become drudgery, and has become another form of enslavement. Humanity is casting off those chains right now, Beloveds.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you, and I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. Sending the energy, from the left to the right, from heart to heart, and now combining our energy fields into one and rising up in frequency & vibration, feeling this Oneness, feeling this joy, compassion, understanding, etc.


We are calling in the Rays of energy: the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, & St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now we are spiraling from the Center Above, through our Crown, through our high heart center, down through our central column of energy, through our feet, down through our center below, and down underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.


Here we feel her love, compassion, wisdom, and commitment to all living beings on your Planet for Ascension to complete en masse to bring this total transformation onto your new 5th Dimensional Timeline. We honor her for her integrity, for all she is, for all she does, and for the power of love made manifest within her and throughout the entire Earth.


Right now we are rising to the surface up through the center below, through the soles of your feet into your high heart center, and into your crown, spiraling from your center above to your center below clockwise. We are lifting up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet with the power and the speed of our thoughts, and rapidly rising through the many layers of atmospheres. We are coming upon the periphery of your solar system where multitudes of ships are. I am honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru.


We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We rise through it, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. Now it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in, and I am closing the door, and pushing a button to rapidly take us up through these many floors, to the top floor, to our Crystalline Healing Room.


We are feeling this Oneness. We are feeling the energies of the crew of the Nibiru. They have come to celebrate with us once again because yes, they are feeling these higher energies, these spiritual upgrades that are happening on your Beloved Planet, that are affecting them too. We are sending them our love & light.


Now Beloveds, we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many planets all over the Cosmos, and your Ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We are making our way through the crowd into the middle of this gigantic room. We are forming a circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets, and as we do this the Mentors form a circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We send our energy, from heart to heart, through our circle through the Mentor’s circle, and into all of the outer circles.


Now we are spiraling clockwise from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. We are absorbing the consciousness of all of these Beloved Crystals who represent all of the Dimensions of reality throughout the Cosmos, and we are absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on our meditation tonight, either onsite or bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos. We feel all these energies of high vibration & frequency throughout all of the dimensions. We feel this Oneness of being in this mission together to bring about Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.


And Beloveds, on this call, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight for your own personal journey. It could have to do with feeling this connection with all of Humanity so that when you shine your lovelight to raise the level of the collective consciousness of Humanity, you empower all of Humanity with your intentional requirements for the expediting of Ascension en masse in divine perfection. To incorporate the divine perfection of your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting, each and every one of you, to bring about the completion of Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight we are calling forth justice to be served, for all the Truth to be made known for people all over your Beloved Planet, for people to wake up, and see all the different patterns that are unfolding in the narratives of the mainstream media, and also in the Truther community of the whistleblowers and the inside sources known as the White Hats to see all of these revelations coming out, and for you to realize, that you too have your own narrative based on what you resonate with as the Truth. This is where the power of love comes in to inform you, and to help you steer a steady course of neutrality through all of these changes that are to come about.


We are shining our intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting them up through its tip through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Now descending through the many layers of atmospheres, coming upon the periphery of your Beloved Planet and coming onto the surface of it, and shining our lovelight with the intentional requirement of raising the collective consciousness of Humanity into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the children, all of the women and men. We are shining the lovelight mightily, empowering the Truth. Letting go of all of the attachments for all of the negative programming for anything, that feels like oppression, control, enslavement, and opening up each & every one of their hearts to what resonates with them as the Truth, to what brings joy, ease, & grace.


Letting go of all of the fear & attachment and being in this Now moment where we as One shine our love & light to all of those who still have not awakened, for all of those who are still holding onto being conned by the Satanic Cults and all of the Fallen Angels. We are blessing them with these high frequencies of love & light so that they open up their eyes and see what is transpiring right here now, all around them, and within their own beings of what feels so very different now, because you have many, many Beloved Beings of Humanity, who have awakened, who have committed to clearing their energies, to shining their lovelights on each other to empower one another with the Truth, with the love & light that we all are as One.


We are calling in all the children into the middle of our circle. We are blessing them for all they have come in to do with so many strands of their DNA activated, to make this seamless bridge into the 5th Dimension, to procreate the species of Humanity through the 5th Dimension and beyond, to make Humanity prosperous, bountiful and strong through all of these changes in taking back the 5th Dimensional Timeline into empowering the spiritual evolution of Humanity in each & every one of us. We are sending them love & light exponentially, continuously, no matter what their situation is. We love them ever so much.


All of you Beloveds, on this call, we continuously shine our love & light into your hearts. We are calling this Power of Love to raise exponentially in frequency & vibration into the hearts & minds of all of the collective consciousness of Humanity, to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. There is no turning back, Beloveds. There is only this pathway to the stars and this sublime feeling of unconditional/universal love & equality for all the Beloved Beings, all living beings on your Planet.


Namaste Beloveds, and now Maria Magdalena will come in.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

7-17-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-17-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you all once again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, there is much uncertainty happening on your Beloved Planet. There is much confusion about what happened with Beloved President Trump. Beloveds, we say let go trying to figure it out because in the Now moment, he is alive & well.  


Yes, you could call it a come-to-God moment that preserved his body to house his soul. Many have said he was delivering a com by talking about his shoes. Saying that yes, you have pierced my body, but you could never have my soul. To us, this is so beautiful because it is a reminder to all of Humanity that this Cabal can perpetrate such violence and hatred, separation and fear.


But Beloveds, you don’t have to go for it. The power of love is always stronger. You, in the coming days, will be an emblem of this power of love being propagated throughout the consciousness of all of Humanity. Yes, our mission is to raise the collective consciousness continuously. So that all of you Beloved Beings of Humanity are awakened and commit to expediting your Ascension processes to accelerate it on your Beloved Planet and bring it to completion.


Beloveds, we are shining our love & light continuously into your hearts and psyches for you to rise above these low vibrations of fear, separation, and hatred and all of this ugliness that this Cabal loves to feed off of on you,  your energy and yes, this is the defining moment of Humanity because you have the choice to be in these high vibrations, to know that you are loved & supported by the universe as these changes, as the transformation into the light happens, where you once again rise up into being on the 5th Dimensional Timeline in creating your new societies. This wisdom, this compassion with the overview of the bigger picture into a joyous and harmonious future where these Beloved Children procreate the species of Humanity into the future on your 5th Dimensional Timeline.


Beloveds, we are acutely aware of the days to come when you must make choices you have never made before. But Beloveds, there is no wrong choice. Just remember that all you experience on the material plane is a hologram, and you are infinite, eternal, sovereign beings, Beloveds. This was my transmission to Humanity in that lifetime of being hung on the cross, where now I am called Jesus Christ by many. I was continuously saying in all of my sermons we are One. We are born of the same energy.


We are empowered by love & light, and we can radiate the transmission we were created with. Once you allow yourself to fully step into the light, to rise up in frequency & vibration you know how good it feels, and you know you can create the reality from this place of unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude.


This is manifesting as more & more of Humanity wakes up, Beloveds. My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like of these high-vibrational roses. They resonate in high frequencies of color, sound, and light. They are a symbol of our union together, of you, Beloveds, being the ground crew in mission with us to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. We are One, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.

7-17-24 Maria Magdalena By Eli Galla

7-17-24 Maria Magdalena By Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I’m very happy to be here once again with you.


Beloveds, yes, you have had what they call the shot heard around the world. Because Beloveds, this was a manifestation of the war of light vs evil. This point person, this President of the United States, who still is the President, but not recognized as the President by the evil regime of the United States Corporation came within a millimeter of losing his life. Some people are saying that this was a staged event.


But Beloveds, this is where it is so very important for the Truth to come out, for all of Humanity to know what really happened, and you are working each & every day to bring all of Humanity into this Event of the Truth where all of the secrets will be made known, and for Humanity to rise up into the 5th Dimension and this new 5th Dimensional Timeline where no secrets will be able to be propagated amongst the consciousness of Humanity ever again. You will see through all of the lies, tricks, & deceptions.


You will remain ever vigilant to hold the light and love that you are within your high heart centers, and to radiate that power of love throughout your energy bodies and energy fields magnificently because you know what it took for you to get here, to get to this place of mass awakening on your Beloved Planet. You see it transpiring in how people are reacting to this shooting. Some are making very unconscious statements about wanting Trump to have been killed. Other people are saying that no, no one should have to give up their life to be President of the United States.


This is mind-boggling, for a lot of people, and rightfully it should be so because voting is the one integral right to ensure that you have the kind of government you desire. This is what has been promised to you by the Constitution of the United States, and from the Declaration of Independence. As these things play out you’re going to see the element of compassion come in because one person lost his life and 2 others got badly injured because of these bullets, and yes, we know that even some are saying that even that was staged.


But Beloveds, whatever you believe feel the power of love in your heart and shine it on to all of these Beloved People. Shine it into the collective consciousness of Humanity. This is an integral part of your mission of being here as the ground crew to radiate this love & light to help all of Humanity awaken, so that yes, all of the Truth will be made known in this Event of the Truth and everyone who has betrayed Humanity, and who has committed crimes against Humanity will be held accountable.


We see this transpiring. It has been happening for quite a while now. But you are almost at this place where all of Humanity will be made known of all of these different acts, that had to happen before you could experience this second phase of integrating Ascension protocols. This will be the giant leap for all of mankind, Beloveds, to be in the 5th Dimension once again. You will ignite the passion, within all of Humanity, for freedom, Truth, and justice to come about. It is taking off right now, Beloveds.


So again we ask you to be continuously heart-centered and radiate this love & light of the Truth of who you really are as divine, compassionate, sovereign beings into the hearts & minds of all of Humanity to expedite Ascension on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste, and now my Beloved Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

7-17-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-17-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be on this conference call with you tonight.


Beloveds yes, you are seeing things play out, with Trump, with the financial system, and with so many other things, whereby now the stage is set for these many moves that have been conjectured upon of what the Democrats will do to take Biden out of power because it is obvious that they cannot win with him.


But now we feel after this event of Trump’s shooting, there is very little chance they would win anyway with any candidate that they would put in Biden’s place because now people are questioning the validity of what they are being told, by this mainstream media in a very real & dynamic way.


These events continue to play out because this is not over. There is so much conjecture about what really happened. We are seeing that this may be an illustration of how so many false flag events have been enabled over the years, such as with the shooting of the Kennedys, & Ronald Reagan in particular. There are dynamics that go into these shootings. Remember, all of this is a political device to gain power, but now Humanity is ready for an event of this type to clearly show that, at any time, these heinous events could occur, and that the power of love is the strongest force. You see the reaction, the response that the people have given to Trump because they realize that he could’ve been killed instantaneously.


Then this movement that he has created in these 8 years of being the figurehead, of being the President would have evaporated possibly very suddenly. This was a very sobering wake-up call to many Beloved Beings on your Planet. It is only another instance of where it is so very necessary for us to say, Beloveds, that you are here to raise the level of the frequency of the love & light within all of Humanity in Beloved Mother Gaia because this is the way that these events of change can transpire whereby so many of you who have been sleeping are awakened and ready to rise up in high frequency & vibration to do the clearing work on yourselves.


And you in this grouping, this loyal contingent that comes on this call time & time again. You are the ones who disseminate your narrative to your family, & your friends, and even casual acquaintances who are becoming very interested in this alternative way of looking at things because all of a sudden it makes more sense than anything they’re being told in the mainstream media.


Beloveds, we knew that this day would come. We hoped it wouldn’t take as long as it has, but now we are here. And we are here in a joyous space, whereby you are looking at the incarceration of these very dark beings who have put forth the devices, all of the manipulations of this 3-D Matrix negative programming for eons & eons. The time is upon all of Humanity, whereby you call for accountability for these heinous acts to cease and never happen again.


Beloveds, let us join together. I am bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you, and I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. We are sending the energy from the left to the right, now we are combining our energy fields into One. We are spiraling clockwise from the center above to the center below.


We are calling in the Rays of energy: calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael, and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and her Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch


Now, we are feeling this Oneness being in the Now moment, feeling the power of love in our high heart centers, breathing into it, and spiraling clockwise from our center above to our center below, going into each & every cell into the mitochondria, the DNA, and the sub-atomic particles, coming down into the crown, the high heart center, and our central column of energy, out through the soles of your feet, down through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core


Here, we feel beloved Mother Gaia’s heart center. We feel her compassion, wisdom, Truth, and commitment to all living beings on your planet for Ascension to transpire in this window of opportunity. We are sending her our love & light, feeling this Oneness with her as all of these events transpire, to bring us back into the 5th Dimension, and to complete Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet as One consciousness. We honor her for all she is, and all she does continuously for us to hold these energies of Ascension.


Now, we are rising up to the surface through our center below, through the soles of our feet, up through our high heart center, into our crown, & into our center above. Now we are spiraling clockwise from our center above to our center below.


It is with the power and the speed of our thoughts that we are rapidly lifting up off of the surface of your Planet. We are rising up through the layers of atmospheres. We are coming to the periphery of your solar system where multitudes of ships are.


I am honing in on my Beloved Ship, The Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We rise right on up through, hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. Now it is safe to touchdown.


We are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am closing the door. I am pushing a button to take us rapidly up through the many floors, to the top floor of our Crystalline Healing Room. And we are feeling our hearts be connected, feeling this Oneness, and feeling the hearts of all of the crew of the Nibiru. They have come to welcome us each time we do these meditations, to liberate Mother Gaia because they see these spiritual upgrades happening very much now. We send them our love & light.


Now we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many beings from many ships and many planets all over the Cosmos, and your Ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We make our way through the crowd into the middle of this gigantic room. We form a circle around our Altar where our Master Crystal sets. We are sending the energy from heart to heart around our circle, and as we do this the Mentors form a circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles.


We send the energy into the Mentor’s circle into the outer circles. Now we are spiraling clockwise from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. We are absorbing the consciousness of all of the crystals of the higher vibrations of the crystals representing all of the dimensions from all over the Cosmos. We are absorbing the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings in this meditation tonight, either onsite or bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos. We are feeling this Oneness of us being in mission together to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia to complete her Ascension.


This is where we ask all of you Beloveds on this call to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with your feeling more love & light in every minute of the day to feel clarity about what words to say, what actions to take, to move this energy through you, to radiate the love & light that you are, to raise the level of the collective consciousness of Humanity continuously to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Whatever it is Beloveds shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight. We call for unity. We call for the Truth to be made known. We call for the joining of hearts & minds in compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and gratitude to now make choices of a mature, divine, sovereign nature that carries forth Ascension with ease & grace, even though all of the rough spots may start to appear, for us to know that we are loved & honored within the universe, that the universe supports us, and that fear is a lie and love is the Truth of who we really are.


We are sending these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Now, we are descending through the many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon the energy field of Beloved Mother Gaia. Encircling Mother Gaia with these high frequencies of unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude.


We are shining this love & light into each & every being on Beloved Mother Gaia. We are calling forth the opening of hearts, the awakening of every Beloved Soul on your Planet. We are calling forth accountability from these agents of the Cabal, who have allowed such injustices to prevail on your Beloved Planet.


Yes, we are calling for the Truth to be made known in a very real and encompassing way, where all of Humanity starts to put 2 and 2 together to see how the dynamics of this Cabal are continuously played out in cycle after cycle, to enslave Humanity, to drive Humanity into fear & separation and all low vibrations, so that your consciousness does not allow you to move forward because you will be too preoccupied with taking care of your Ascension needs for yourselves and your families.


But now this dynamic is shifting because Humanity on your Beloved Planet is at this point of Truth where you know that if you do not prevail then you are going to lose any hope for sovereignty, for freedom, for the pursuit of happiness, for all of the things guaranteed to you by the Original United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. And that now is the time to stand up to these forces of evil.


We are not talking about violence. We are talking about unleashing the power of love by speaking from your high heart center, radiating these high frequencies of love & light, and being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, & actions to stay in this state of neutrality, to preserve the higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension of ease, grace, harmony, joy, abundance, wisdom, kindness, mercy, creativity, clarity, etc.


We are calling forth in this Now moment for the Truth to be made known in each & every being to resonate with what they feel is the Truth by allowing themselves to breathe into their high heart centers, and feel this power of love, and feel what words resonate as the Truth, what actions resonate in these high frequencies of love & light.


Truth is a feeling inside the body, Beloveds. It cannot be disguised. It is only a matter of you using your discernment, and trusting in your intuition to feel into your high heart centers to empower the Truth, to let go of the fear & the separation, to let go of all the negative programming, and to allow yourself to be inspired in this Now moment to carry forth with the power of love, of all of the things necessary to free Humanity in each and every Now Moment.


We are calling forth the children into the middle of our circle. We are shining our love & light into each and every one of their heart centers. No matter what their situation is: if it is a happy home, if it is them living on the street, or if they are living with abusive parents, or they are being trapped in cages in tunnels. Whatever it is, we are shining our love & light into their hearts, and telling them their situations are about to get better, even if they are good, they will still get better, because all of these things that need to be resolved for Humanity to ascend are in motion, Beloveds.


You, by being in this meditation are a part of that movement to bring this great shift into the highest frequencies of love & light into the 5th Dimensional Timeline. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds on this call we love you ever so much. We are very happy to be doing these meditations with you. We are shining our love & light into your hearts as you go through these rough patches. Things will get so much better so very quickly, Beloveds. We honor you for all you are and all you do.


Namaste & goodnite. Now Maria Magdalena is coming in.

Monday, July 15, 2024

7-10-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-10-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here with you once again tonight.


Perhaps you are seeing, Beloveds, that with more & more of the Truth being made known it is expelling fear from your reality because now you have a better understanding of what has been happening in such a way, that it makes sense about who has been calling the shots, and how they have had power over you by the strategies that they have been using against Humanity for these thousands upon thousands of years of how they have controlled your money supply, of how their black magicians have inverted your reality, and how they have worshipped these fallen Angels to keep themselves in power and use the Artificial Intelligence to give themselves information about how to manipulate and control Humanity because Beloveds, they are not you.


They are a hybrid of reptilians. Yes, you can call some of them Greys, Archons, Dracos, what have you. Beloveds, they have all been conned into giving their power away to these deities of Satan, these fallen Angels. It takes courage to go up against this very dark energy, But Beloveds, this is what you came in for to liberate this Beloved Planet and this species of Humanity from the control system this Cabal has been using against Humanity for a very, very long time.


Now you are seeing quite remarkably so, that this Cabal isn’t coming up with anything new to stop themselves in free fall from all of their tricks, lies, & deceptions being revealed. Their power is rapidly eroding. They are scurrying around with no leader, with no direction, and they think that they are still entitled because they have given their souls away to these deities of Satan in these Satanic Cults & that they will be saved. That is the lie they want so many Beloveds to believe in Christianity, and whatever religion.


But when I was on the Planet my transmission was very simple. It was about the power of love and each & every person has this power of love in their heart. You can access it just by breathing in and being in the Now moment, shining your love & light on the rest of Humanity into the collective consciousness. Beloveds, nothing can stop you, only yourself, from letting go of the fear, from being in the Now moment and accessing this power. You can have as much of this universal energy. It is the power of love, & of this light that you are at the core of your being.


It just takes your focus on letting go with your breathing and making your intentional requirements and we’ll bring this up once again, Beloveds, you will not be disappointed if you listen to us about this because yes, it will expedite these moves being made on the 5-D chessboard to bring the Cabal out into the light to have this Event of the Truth transpire and to have all of these miscreants of the Cabal removed from their places of power and go to the military tribunals for their crimes against Humanity for their treason if they committed any, then being taken off your Beloved Planet. Beloveds, freedom is such a miraculous thing. Your liberation is at hand.


We are here with you shining our love & light. My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds. These roses are of high frequency & vibration of color, light, and sound, and you may reverberate with their energy with them being in your heart. Beloveds, we are One in mission together. We honor you for all that you do, all that you continue to do, and all you will do in the future. We see the future, the past, and the present as One. And we know this, and even though you cannot completely understand it. That is one of the reasons why we love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste and so long for now.

7-10-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-10-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with you all again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, let us open up our hearts and feel this love & light shining into our hearts in high frequency & vibration. Allowing ourselves to let go and be in the Now moment at zero point to fill ourselves up with this love & light, and to radiate these high frequencies, to raise the level of the collective consciousness and with our intentional requirements to awaken all of Humanity to prepare Humanity for this Event of the Truth because yes, so many of them have no clue of what needs to happen on your Beloved Planet so that Humanity can move forward and assure their survival.


It seems if we were allowed to go on as they projected on to us, by this Cabal, you would have been a transhumanist race, and you would have lost all of your freedom, but that is not going to happen because the Councils of Heaven saw that this was a very real probability. And so they issued this Clarion Call all throughout space & time, for all of you Beloved Starseeds, Wanderers you were called also, to volunteer to be here at this time to set the record straight and to align with the parameters of your mission in bringing about Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.


This is what you have agreed to. You have agreed to do the heavy lifting and now you are seeing the rewards and benefits energy-wise of what you are feeling in your hearts each & every moment now. All you have to do is let go and make your intentional requirements for what you want to see, feel, and be in the Now moment. We are with you in this mission. We are up on the ships. We are providing guidance here, as we see these moves made on the 5-D chessboard being made.


Yes, you have a very desperate group of Cabalistas who are willing to do anything to hold onto their perceived power to enslave Humanity. Their control systems are eroding because they have lost control of the money supply on your Beloved Planet. And more & more of the Truth comes out about how they have cheated, stolen, and lied time after time to all of Humanity through their propaganda machine of the mainstream media. This has been going on for quite some time.


Even before the time when there was the printed word the Town Criers would do the bidding of whoever paid them to tell the story the way the Cabal wanted, Yes, this Cabal has always had these royal banking families as the higher echelon of their control structure. As the eye of the pyramid, if you will. But now that whole control structure is rapidly eroding because so much of the Truth is coming out. So many Beloved Beings are at that point of Truth within their being they are willing to do anything to win back freedom, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, and you are supporting them in these meditations. In your own meditations when you allow yourself to rise up in frequency & vibration and make your own intentional requirements. It could be for the day, for NESARA to unfold, to be fully implemented.


Whatever it is you are empowering Humanity, by being in mission with us as the ground crew. Now we are seeing all that we have been calling forth unfold, and we know that it is imminent that Ascension happens on your Beloved Planet because we know the Event of the Truth is about to transpire. All along we have been saying to you, Beloveds. Yes, we need to be patient. This is taking much longer than any of us had hoped for. But it is being done the right way. It is being done in such a way that all evil is being eradicated from Beloved Mother Gaia, and by doing so you are eradicating all the evil in the universe.


This is so very important. This is the main reason why all of you volunteered to be here in this cycle of this Ascension lifetime to bring about Ascension en masse to Beloved Mother Gaia for the liberation of Humanity on Mother Gaia.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now my twin soul Sananda is going to come in.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

7-10-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-10-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy, to be here, on this conference call with you all tonight.


Yes, the game continues to go on. More & more of the Truth is being made known, and all of the conjecture about when there will be these major changes, such as Joe Biden stepping down. It doesn’t even have to be that way because whatever this Cabal chooses right now. They are in a total state of desperation. Now the balance has shifted to the beings who have awakened on this Beloved Planet because those Beloved Beings of whom you are included are shining the light on the Truth.


The Truth is not stagnant. It is ever-growing and multiplying in high vibration & frequency, and it is helping wake up the Beloved Beings in the collective consciousness who still haven’t realized who they are, why they are here, and what their mission is in being here.


So Beloveds, things are transpiring much more rapidly, than ever before, with bringing about Ascension on your Beloved Planet. The War in the Ukraine Beloveds has ended, and it did so without a major nuclear event, and even with Russia sitting with their submarines on the coast of Cuba & Florida nothing is happening to facilitate World War III right now. All of the pieces are in place. All of the plans are in place.


If in the next few days, some major choices are made by either side about how they are going to carry forth this 5-D chess game, then it will all be in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization.


Beloveds, the more you allow yourself to go into these high frequencies & vibrations. The more that you are creating the reality on this Beloved Planet fulfilling your mission as the ground crew, knowing that there is nothing to be afraid of, and knowing the power of love within your hearts, and the beauty of expressing it and radiating it forth, and sending it out to awaken all of the collective consciousness, at this time when it is all hands on deck.


A large number of these Beloveds will have just been awakened, and they really won’t have a clue about what their next move they need to make. Beloveds, now you can see and feel in your hearts, who you can talk to, where it won’t be this wall of resistance. This is a very splendid thing to feel, isn’t it? Before you would get these looks and comments that you were crazy, and now it is not crazy to point out what is happening and to interpret it in your own way. It is going to help others because now more & more people are becoming ready to open their hearts, empty their minds of their negative programming, and see things in a totally different way. A way that will support sanity and common sense.


This is so necessary in these times of great shift, Beloveds. You want to open up the space in your heart and feel more & more of the love & light that you are. You can only do this by letting go of your negative 3-D Matrix mind-control programming; all of those judgments and the need to blame others for what doesn’t feel good to you.


All of you Beloved Beings are the co-creators of your reality, but your imprints tell you that you don’t have to be responsible. That you can put that responsibility onto somebody else. Whether it be the institution, whether it be a deity you worship. But no one is going to save you. And you know this by now, but many do not, because many have been conned into thinking that they are powerless, that they are helpless because they feel overwhelmed when their tests & challenges come up, when they must express from their hearts what they feel & see, and what they are willing to say yes or no to.


Whatever you give your energy to is what you become, and now at this time, when so much of the Truth is being made known. Each of you has the ability to choose what you discern as the Truth and to make it part of your narrative so that when you talk to these people who are looking for guidance, you can steer them in a direction that will make sense to them.


Beloveds let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each & every one. I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, to form our circle. We are sending our love & light around the circle, combining our fields of energy into one. Spiraling clockwise from the center above to the center below. Allowing ourselves to feel this Oneness, to relax and let go in the Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael, and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Are Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain & his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now we are spiraling clockwise from the center above to your crown, through your high heart center, into your central column of energy out through the soles of your feet, down through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Here we feel her love, compassion, wisdom, and her commitment to all living beings, on your Planet, to bring about Ascension, to bring about the transformation from the 3rd Dimensional reality onto your new 5th Dimensional Timeline.


We honor her. We praise her for all she is and all she does and continues to do in the pursuit of our liberation together as One consciousness to free Mother Gaia and all living beings on her Planet.


Now we are rising to the surface, rising through the center below through the soles of your feet, into your high heart center, and your center above. It is with the power and speed of our thoughts we rise on up through, lifting up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, through the many layers of atmospheres. We are rapidly rising to the periphery of your solar system, where there are multitudes of ships.


I am honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru. We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the spaceship. We rise through, hovering in the airlock as the landing deck closes beneath us. Now it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way to an open elevator.


All of us are getting in. I’m closing the door and pushing the button to rapidly take us right on up through these many floors to the top floor. We feel this Oneness, the high vibrations and frequencies on the Nibiru. We are feeling the hearts of the Beloved crew on the Nibiru. Once again, they know we are here to do our meditation. They feel us uplifting the energy because they too are affected by our pursuit of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia. They feel the energy being freed up right now at a very rapid rate. We are feeling this love & sending it to them into their hearts.


Now we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many planets all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Now we make our way through the crowd into the middle of this room. We form a circle around the Altar where the Master Crystal sets. As we do this the Mentors form a circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We send the energy around our circle from heart to heart, through the Mentor’s circle, through the outer circles.


Now we are spiraling clockwise from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. We are absorbing the consciousness of all of the crystals that comprise this healing room, and feeling all of the higher dimensions of reality are represented here. We are absorbing the consciousness of the Beloved Beings either onsite or bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos, feeling their connection to the higher dimensions. We are feeling this love & light that we are as One consciousness.


Beloveds, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you want to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling more & more of this love & light in every moment of your awakened physical states of being. It could have to do with having clarity to make choices to open up your intuition and have faith in your choices, that they are all in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight we require, that all of these court cases, all these investigations, all of the revelations about the crime families, the cartels, about the fiat money banking systems, that all of the Truth keeps on happening, are leading you into this Event of the Truth, where all will be known irrefutably, and where so many Beloved Beings are now calling for accountability. They are calling for the resolution of rigged elections, rigged court cases, and above all the heinous acts of this Cabal having to do with child & human trafficking.


Beloveds, we are calling for justice to be served. We are calling for all of the Truth to be made known. We are shining our intentional requirements into the Master Crystal shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. We are descending through the many layers of atmospheres. Now we are coming upon the periphery of Beloved Mother Gaia encircling Mother Gia with these high frequencies of unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude.


We are calling forth all of Humanity to awaken, for all of Humanity to allow themselves to be in the Now moment, to let go of all of the fear & separation, to breathe into their high heart centers in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization, allowing themselves to let go of all of the lies of their ego mind 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming, allowing themselves to be courageous and fearless in all that they think, do, and say. And to be compassionate observers of their thoughts, words, & actions.


We are calling forth the resolution of all of these polarities that have enslaved Humanity over these thousands upon thousands of years as more & more of the Truth is made known. We are calling forth this power of love to transmit into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloved Beings, particularly the children so that they do not feel alone, they do not feel abandoned, or misunderstood and they feel loved & supported throughout the universe, and that they feel their heart open up, and feeling more & more of the love & light they are, and feel this connection with Creator-Source into the higher aspects of their being, and to feel all of these higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension: of ease, grace, joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, etc, in each and every Now moment.


So no matter what is happening on television with the mainstream media. What really matters is what is happening in each & everyone’s heart, and that everyone chooses what is true and says no to what is not, what they want to give their energy to, what will grow and become the narrative, of what will empower the Truth. It will enable you to shine forth your love & light at this great time of shift from the 3rd Dimension into this new 5th Dimensional Timeline.


Beloveds yes, this Cabal still has dirty tricks and stolen cards up their sleeves. They are unscrupulous. They live in an inverted reality, which is a con job. But now that inverted reality will come right side up for them, and they will be held accountable. They will be taken off of your Beloved Planet. Liberation is at hand, but as always you are the ground crew, and you determine how much of Humanity is awakened by you continuously shining your love & light into your intentional requirements for Ascension to be expedited, for the Truth to be made known all over your Beloved Planet. And for people to let go of the lies that constitute the control systems of this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming.


Beloveds, we call in the children into the middle of our circle. No matter what their circumstances are, whether they are living in happy homes, living out on the street, or whether they have been captured in cages in the tunnels or underground military bases. We are shining our love & light into their hearts. We are honoring them for coming in at this time with more strands of their DNA activated. They have taken on such a large part of the energies of Ascension, by clearing all of these polarities, by shining the light on all of the inequities, with all of the heinous acts that this Cabal has committed.


Many offer their fresh perspectives while being in such high vibration & frequency. They are the ones to carry forth the momentum of procreation into your 5th Dimensional Timeline. They are the ones who are showing us very clearly the power of love being made known. We say Namaste, and we love you ever so much.


And for all of you on this call tonight, we love you ever so much. We thank you, for being on these meditations, for feeling this power of love in your hearts and propagating it throughout the collective consciousness. Namaste and goodnite Beloveds. And now Maria Magdalena is going to come in.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

7-3-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-3-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this call with you all, once again, tonight.


Beloveds, we ask you not to limit yourself, but to be fully aware when your mind starts to give you these thoughts that try to pick apart information and tell lies to you. This is all ego-based and you know that your imprint is all based in fear & separation, that the ego is the spokesperson for your negative 3-D Matrix mind control programming.


Please understand that you have been programmed to think only of duality. Duality is a limitation. Duality says that you are one-dimensional, that the 3rd Dimension is the only dimension you can understand, and maneuver in. This is not the Truth.


Remember you were in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. Yes, Egypt and Mesopotamia had very advanced civilizations over what you have right now. So Beloveds, know that you have been programmed not to think outside of the box, but to think in these constraints of fear & separation, and this is manifested when you are not heart-centered, when you are allowing the chatter of the ego to take over your mind, and that is not a good proposition, Beloveds, because the ego always wants to limit your consciousness. Now is the time when we are telling you to use your imagination, to think for yourself, and to experiment with these higher-light encodements coming in because now is the time your consciousness can flourish and rise up high in frequency & vibration.


But it is a matter of you having the courage to be heart-centered, to hook up the dots in a way that aligns with your true divine, cosmic, sovereign, nature. Beloveds, the power of love is being made known to you in all these higher-light encodements that are miraculously streaming into your consciousness all over your Planet, from the Galactic Center. They are coming from all over Creation. They are being sent to you to help you accelerate your Ascension process. All you have to do is find that quiet place within your being, where you can put on meditation music, be in nature, etc.


It is best for you to breathe rhythmically, and let go with your breathing. Then feel these places in your high heart center where you allow yourself to rise up in frequency & vibration up into the 5th Dimension and beyond. Yes, you can feel this conduit into the godhead open to feel the energy of being One with Creator-Source. Now, you won’t understand what that shiny golden white light is trying to tell you, but you can connect with it and feel so much love, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness for all you have been through in this lifetime.

Beloveds, when you feel these things you can permit yourself to operate from this knowingness, from this beingness of who you truly are so that you make choices that align with being in these high frequencies of conscious awareness. My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses, once again. Take as many as you like into your high heart centers. They are of high frequency of color, sound, and light. They symbolize us being in mission together to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet, to rid your universe of this evil. It is happening, Beloveds and all of you are playing your parts.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.