Monday, July 15, 2024

7-10-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-10-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here with you once again tonight.


Perhaps you are seeing, Beloveds, that with more & more of the Truth being made known it is expelling fear from your reality because now you have a better understanding of what has been happening in such a way, that it makes sense about who has been calling the shots, and how they have had power over you by the strategies that they have been using against Humanity for these thousands upon thousands of years of how they have controlled your money supply, of how their black magicians have inverted your reality, and how they have worshipped these fallen Angels to keep themselves in power and use the Artificial Intelligence to give themselves information about how to manipulate and control Humanity because Beloveds, they are not you.


They are a hybrid of reptilians. Yes, you can call some of them Greys, Archons, Dracos, what have you. Beloveds, they have all been conned into giving their power away to these deities of Satan, these fallen Angels. It takes courage to go up against this very dark energy, But Beloveds, this is what you came in for to liberate this Beloved Planet and this species of Humanity from the control system this Cabal has been using against Humanity for a very, very long time.


Now you are seeing quite remarkably so, that this Cabal isn’t coming up with anything new to stop themselves in free fall from all of their tricks, lies, & deceptions being revealed. Their power is rapidly eroding. They are scurrying around with no leader, with no direction, and they think that they are still entitled because they have given their souls away to these deities of Satan in these Satanic Cults & that they will be saved. That is the lie they want so many Beloveds to believe in Christianity, and whatever religion.


But when I was on the Planet my transmission was very simple. It was about the power of love and each & every person has this power of love in their heart. You can access it just by breathing in and being in the Now moment, shining your love & light on the rest of Humanity into the collective consciousness. Beloveds, nothing can stop you, only yourself, from letting go of the fear, from being in the Now moment and accessing this power. You can have as much of this universal energy. It is the power of love, & of this light that you are at the core of your being.


It just takes your focus on letting go with your breathing and making your intentional requirements and we’ll bring this up once again, Beloveds, you will not be disappointed if you listen to us about this because yes, it will expedite these moves being made on the 5-D chessboard to bring the Cabal out into the light to have this Event of the Truth transpire and to have all of these miscreants of the Cabal removed from their places of power and go to the military tribunals for their crimes against Humanity for their treason if they committed any, then being taken off your Beloved Planet. Beloveds, freedom is such a miraculous thing. Your liberation is at hand.


We are here with you shining our love & light. My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds. These roses are of high frequency & vibration of color, light, and sound, and you may reverberate with their energy with them being in your heart. Beloveds, we are One in mission together. We honor you for all that you do, all that you continue to do, and all you will do in the future. We see the future, the past, and the present as One. And we know this, and even though you cannot completely understand it. That is one of the reasons why we love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste and so long for now.

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