Sunday, August 25, 2024

8-21-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-21-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I’m very happy to be on this conference call once again tonight.


Beloveds, there is a parallel to you being in a conscious meditative state because you need to be at this place that we call zero point, which is fully in the Now moment. Here, your mind is empty of the negative programming based in fear & separation and what is transpiring at this time to implement NESARA. These plans must happen in the Now moment to catch all of Humanity by surprise.


It has taken many, many years for these plans to come together to reveal that Humanity became enslaved by lies, tricks, & deceptions. We need to acknowledge how these reptilian hybrid species mutated your DNA, & that there is no junk DNA. That is another fallacy of the Mainstream Media to enable their mind control to be optimally functional. Yes, you had all been under mind control, but when you are all in the Now moment, which this Event of the Truth will enable because you will see these members of the Cabal taken out of commission. You will see how they kept on incarnating over & over again in their allegiance to the fallen Angels to carry on their sick agendas of mass death & destruction.


It was all a joke to them of how much pain they incurred, of how much suffering, and they thought that this made them elite & powerful. Because they all manipulated your reality and they had devised ways to trick Humanity into waging wars and to cause sickness, suffering, & famine to all of the Beloved Beings.


None of it had to happen, but you were unaware in this high-level mission that this evil even existed, and now you have come through this cycle over & over again, through these many thousands of years. Now the Truth as if by magic, all of a sudden, is multiplied every day. You are seeing how weak this Cabal really is because all they have is the same playbook that is based on the AI that they carried forth from other civilizations, that they led to death and destruction and they had blown apart many of those planets, Beloveds.


But that is not going to be the fate of Beloved Mother Gaia. You are already in the high frequencies to enable Ascension en masse on this Beloved Planet. We have been working together with you, Beloveds. So as you go through these deeper layers of compassion, of seeing more & more of the Truth unfold, and radiating your love & light as the paramount function of your mission to transmit this love & light, to raise the level of the collective consciousness of Humanity you are going to see magnificent changes unfold on Beloved Mother Gaia that will take you through the remaining stages of integrating Ascension protocols, to enable this Ascension en masse by bringing in more & more of the Truth, being more & more of the love & light as the Truth is being made known. You will feel these deeper levels of compassion in your heart. You will feel & radiate the power of love. This will carry you forth into your new 5th Dimensional Timeline, Beloveds.


My Marys come into the middle of your circle they offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your heart. These roses are a symbol of us being in mission with you, of our Oneness in working together for this mass Ascension on your Beloved Planet of all Beings who choose the light.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are here with you bringing in these massive changes on your Beloved Planet radiating these high frequencies of color, sound, & light through these Kumara roses to help you stay in high frequency & vibration, as all the polarities are cleared from your Planet, & to bring about Ascension en masse as one consciousness with us.


Namaste & Goodnite.

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