Thursday, August 29, 2019

8-28-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-28-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We thank you so much for being again here tonight. And yes, we have our Mission to do. And it is a Divine Time on your planet, as we keep on saying, to remind you, that everything, that you do for bringing in more and more of this LoveLight, and high vibration, to resonate with the high frequencies of the photon energy coming into your planet, at these times, is Divinely appreciated, not just by us, the Mentors, and the Beloved Beings on the ships of the Ashtar Command, but all over Creation. 

Because, yes, that is how much of an effect, that you, and your meditations, and your Intentional Requirements, to accelerate the Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet are affecting the whole of all of Creation, at this time. And this places you right in the driver’s seat, as it were. 

So, we know that you’re feeling quite a few shifts in the energy over the last few months here, since the Eclipse season began in the summertime, and even before that back in January at the end of that month. And it seems like every day the level of the vibration has risen, and the energies have become more intensified.

And well, this is marvelous for us to see, because this is what we have been working on for so, so many years. And now we’re at a Divine Crossroads, we would say, whereby all the plans are out there. And it’s just a matter of timing, rhythm and synchronization with how high the level of the vibration is at any particular point, in the scenarios, of these plans unfolding and completing their Divine Intentions to set you up in high-vibe energies so that you will be able to bring in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.

So, let me bi-locate my paw to you, and with your other hand reach out to a Beloved Being on this call. And forming our circle now, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending the energy from our Heart Center, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and in through the palm of the right hand. And breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to relax, to be at Zero Point, in this Now Moment. 

And now rising up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. At the Power and Speed of our Thoughts, we’re rising up through the atmospheres. And we’re coming upon the layers of the ships, and up to my ship, the Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck, and we are waltzing on up through into the airlock.
And with the landing deck closing beneath us now, as we hover up here. And now it’s closed. We could touch down, and walk on back to the elevator. And yes, there’s one that’s open, that we get into. And we ride right on up, after closing the door, and pushing the button to go up to the top floor. And now we’re here. 

We open the door and the party has started. And so many Beloved Beings, the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, of course, perhaps you in a previous incarnation or two. And, ah yes, you can feel the level of this vibration, as we step into the middle of the room, and form our circle around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And now the outer circles, forming around us, and sending this LoveLight from our hearts, through the circle, and back again, through the outer circles, and into our combined energy field from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling.
Spiraling this energy up, down and around and through, with this gyroscopic effect to intensify it, going all the way down into the subatomic particles and the photons. And with our Intentional Requirement for Unconditional/Universal Love, to raise ourselves higher up, through all of these dimensions, that are represented in this Crystal Healing Room.
And once again we ask you to direct your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this Beloved Meditation tonight; and direct them from your Heart Center into the Master Crystal, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with healing relationships, or any polarities in your life right now, that you want to bring up into higher vibration. Just breathing into it and shining your LoveLight into the Master Crystal here.

And we, the Mentors and the rest of the Beloveds, we require, that Peace be felt all over your Beloved Planet, and that the conscious awareness of the high-vibrational energies, that are coming into your planet, wake up all of the Beloved Beings, nudging their thoughts and their feelings, at this time with new possibilities, new choices for creating their reality, for them to wake up and realize, that the reality of the situation, that everything on their Beloved Planet is changing for the better, that the energies are rising up in high vibration, and this portends much more Love, Abundance, and Bounty for everyone on this Beloved Planet.

Ah yes, so, breathing in and focusing this LoveLight of ours, heart to heart, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the Nibiru’s Crystal Healing Room. And spiraling it down on your Beloved Planet, at the Speed of our Thoughts. And from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling it up, down, and around and through; intensifying the energies, letting go to these feelings of Unconditional/Universal Love, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And allowing ourselves to feel this place of Joy, Harmony, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and to feel the activation of the conscious realization all throughout your planet, of the Law of One, and all of the other Universal Laws. Because, Beloveds, you don’t need religions. And you will see that the protocols, that you are given by us, for maintaining these high vibrations in the 5th Dimension, have everything to do with the Universal Laws. And so, this is a good place for each and every Beloved Being, on your planet, to start from having the recognition, and the respect, and the understanding of how these Universal Laws affect your planet, your reality, in every way, shape, and form.

And now, shining -- Ah yes, we’re seeing that there’s some other tunnel networks, that could use some cleansing tonight. And this, ah well, this is what we call the catacombs. And over the course of history, going quite a ways back in your recorded history, although you haven’t been told the Truth about what was really been going on back then. There were a lot of secrets, and really low-vibrational, heinous acts, that were going on. 

And this had to do a lot with this Reptilian energy, going in these underground bases, if you will, these hiding places, and turning loose, their very dastardly energies of low vibration on the Beloved Beings of your planet, for control, to keep you basically powerless at the time of monarchs, and dictators, who ruled with an iron fist, if you will. And those times have been replaced by corporatocracy, we would say, and that’s really, hasn’t been much better. But now, that’s all set to change.

So, spiraling this LoveLight, going down into these tunnels. We start right at the Vatican. And this network has tentacles all over Europe, stretching all the way to London. And now focusing this Lovelight, and spinning it horizontally in a spiral up, down, and around and through with the Intentional Requirement for transparency for removing the dark energies, that have been hidden down here, the Reptilians, who are still usurping a great deal of energy, to stay in power, and in control with their heinous acts. And yes, the AI, the Artificial Intelligence, uses these reptiles as their power source. So, you cut off the connection from them to the AI, and they are very powerless. 

Up, down and around and through, breathing from your hearts into this spiral, covering all of the catacombs, all of these underground hidey holes, we would say. And some of them are quite elaborate bases too. And much hidden wealth, and secrets, artifacts, that really tell the true story of your history/herstory. But of course, they’ve been kept hidden from you, because these rulers, didn’t want you to know the Truth of who you really are, and the power, that you have exhibited, before they came down and very effectively cast so much fear into the hearts and minds of the Beloved Beings on this planet, that you lost the connection with those parts of the brain, that allow you to access your high-vibrational powers. 

And now, our Intention is to regain those connections from the DNA into the right lobe of the brain, by breathing into the Heart Center, and calling for the Truth, to be disseminated on this Beloved Planet of Mother Gaia. And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved over the ages, who have given up their lives, as part of their Soul Contracts, as the objects of ritual sacrifices and the like.
“We love you. We honor you so very much. What you did in those lifetimes, and still, we see very many beings, that are in that position right now. And we say to all of you in the past and present, we love you so very much. We honor you. We celebrate your achievements, along with all of the other Beloved Beings, working the Light on the planet, to get us to this cusp of the 5th Dimension once again. Namaste, Beloveds.”

And now, let us go on over across the big pond there, and go down into our elevators in Mexico. And walking right into those tunnels, feeling the energy of them, and spinning our spiral, once again, horizontally through this tunnel-system network in North America, starting from Mexico, all through the United States, and into Canada, and up, down, and around and through, spinning our horizontal spiral here, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, into all of these installations, all of the hiding holes, where the Reptilians are hiding, still using their power, to power the Artificial Intelligence. 

But of course, their powers become obsolete, when the planet regains their footing, in anchoring in the 5th Dimension. So, this is what we have all been working for so diligently, well basically, you, for all of your lives.  Because everything you learned in your childhood was a part of your evolutionary process in this lifetime. And, of course, it brought you to where you are in this Now Moment.

So, yes, we celebrate that fact with you, each and every time we do our meditation, because for each and every one you, it has been a rather long, tedious journey. But we are in celebration, seeing that the changes are very forthcoming, because you, my Beloveds, have learned how to breathe into the heart, and let go, and let the level of your vibration rise on up. And yes, it takes courage. And we see that within all of you.

And now, we say to all of the Beloveds over on this part of the tunnel-network system in North America, where all of these advanced technologies and secrets, that the rulers, the cabal, the minions of the AI, don’t want you to have any awareness of at all. Because, you know, this is how they’ve been able to get away with their machinations of control and leverage over you, Beloveds, in inflicting the survival game on you, for all of these years. But of course, our meditation calls for Truth and transparency.
And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have allowed themselves to come down and fulfill their Soul Contracts of being slaves, and being the objects of ritual sacrifices.

“We love you so very much. Our hearts go out to you in appreciation, for your courage, for your bravery. And yes, we say to you, your time has come to raise up higher, and feel the Love and Light that you are. And your Ascensions are all upon you, whether you still have more days left in your physical body, or you have transitioned or are about to. Namaste. Dear Beloveds.”

And to all of you Beloved Beings on the call, we love you so much. And we are always here, for all of you, any time you want our Love and Support. And this means all of the Mentors and not just me.

Namaste and good night.

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