Thursday, August 1, 2019

7-31-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Beings, Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, yes, we are together joined in our communion, heart to heart, once again.  And ah, don’t you just love it? Things are perking up, we would say, on your planet. There, of course, are all of these plans, that have been laid out, fine-tuned in Divine Timing. And so, it’s just a matter of different components coming together to provide the push, we would say, to bring it all in alignment, to bring it all to completion.

And well, yes, this has been our Mission for many, many of your earth years.  And we see such beautiful energies coming into your hearts, into your Beloved Planet, that are urging you on to this finish line, we would say, when so much of our plans for the Announcements will come into being, in your physical reality. 

So, again we say to you, that we are One. We are here with you. We are on the same Mission, and doing it from this Divine Perspective, that everything that needs to be done will be taken care of to allow you to anchor in the 5th Dimension. Because yes, Beloveds, that is what is needed to give you a foundation for your Divine Ascensions. 

And yes, that is not only your planet, that we are talking about. We are talking about all over Creation. This change and the energy dynamics, having to do with the AI, and yourselves, will transmit to the whole of Creation such wonder, such beauty and the Truth of who you really are, that it cannot be hidden from you anymore, nor the rest of Creation. So that is a wonderful gift to be giving yourselves, and the rest of all of the Beloved Beings in the multiverses.

Let us join together, me bi-locating my paw, and you reach out for somebody else on the call to form our circle with. Yes, breathing into your Heart Centers, and sending the energy from your Heart Centers, down your arm, to the palm of your left hand, and around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, and into your Heart, breathing into the Heart Center, feeling the Love and Light that you are.
And with our breathing, we’re multiplying this, raising it up, using our heart as this lever to jettison ourselves off the surface of your planet, at the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts. And now rising up through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the layers of the ships, and upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And yes, I’m opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship here, and its accommodating us by letting us all come through joined in our circle. And hovering in the airlock now. And now it’s safe to touch down.

So, we’re walking on back to the elevators, and we see one that’s open for us. And we get right in, without having to break up the circle, of course. This elevator is very accommodating, and moving on in, and pressing this button to close the door, and to take us up to the top floor here. And rising right on up.

And now we come to a stop, and open the door, and we are met by so many familiar faces and vibrations, from all over the cosmos here. Of course, the Mentors are here, other Angels and Ascended Masters, and your ancestors, perhaps you in a lifetime or two. And yes, you can feel this phenomenon, perhaps of a hair sticking up at the back of your neck, giving you a cold chill, or maybe some familiar music playing, that lets you know, that you are not forgotten, and you are loved and supported by your ancestors.

Ah yes, coming into the middle of the room, where the Altar is, and where our Master Crystal sets and forming our circle around it. And I’m right here with you. And around us the rest of the Mentors, and around them the Beloved Beings from the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, your ancestors circling around them.

And now breathing into the Heart Center, sending it around the circle, to the outer circles, and from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, encompassing the energy of this Beloved Crystal Healing Room, and breathing into its energies. All of the different dimensions of reality are represented here, through the consciousness of all of us participants, and also through all of the crystals, that comprise this Healing Room. And just breathing into their energy, and spiraling it up, down, and around and through, to give us this Blessed Gyroscope Effect of multiplying the energies, into the highest of vibrations, the highest of dimensions now. And yes, this is a vortex effect. 

We are multiplying these energies all over Creation, and focusing them on our Intentional Requirements for your Beloved Planet, at this very pivotal and magical time. And now we ask you to send your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, for what you would like to accomplish with this meditation tonight, for yourself, or for your family, whether it be with something having to do with finances, or health, or your grandchildren going back to school and not being bullied, or Divine Additions into your family. Please send your Intentional Requirements into this Crystal from your Heart Center.

And we intentionally require that all of the Beloved Beings on your planet feel Peace, feel the Peace, that lets them know, that they are loved, they are supported, and that nothing will be held back from them anymore. That this nasty game of lies, and deceptions, and corruption will end lickety-split, because your Beloved Mama Gaia will not support these low-vibrational energies anymore. And now is the time.

So, breathing into your Heart Center, shining, all of us, the LoveLight into the Master Crystal, shooting it out from its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Beloved Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the surface-- Well first from the atmospheres to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down and around and through allowing yourself to feel weightless, to feel the Divine Flux of all of Creation, to feel this spiral of consciousness unfolding. 

And it never gets done. It continues on and on in its Divine Harmonious Rhythms, attuned to your Intentional Requirements. And our Intentional Requirement for your Beloved Planet is for all of these beings, who have been controlling your planet, to resign themselves gracefully, and peacefully ,to leaving the stage. Because each and every moment now, it becomes more apparent, that they will not win, that they have so many things going against them, painting them into the proverbial corner where the paint is drying. And that’s all she wrote basically. 

So yes, now is our time to shine the LoveLight into their hearts too, so they will wake up and make the best choices, in the highest and best interest for themselves, and for their families, so that they will be able to carry on, on this Beloved Planet without having to relive basically the last 26,000 years, on another planet. Because although it could be exciting, they have earned their Ascensions just like everyone else. And really, all they have to do is come into the Light, and let go of all of the contracts, and all of the lies and deceptions, that they have been programmed with. 

And to a certain degree, it’s the same thing for all of you Beloved Beings, only you have done the work to allow yourself to rise up into the 5th Dimension and beyond. And that has made you very powerful, and has enabled you to still survive while your health, your sanity has been attacked in so many ways.

But your courage has spurred you on to higher and higher levels of transparency, and to utilizing your Innate Powers, to create the reality in high vibration to bring in this LoveLight, and multiply it in the Collective Consciousness. And as we have been saying to you, for so many years now, this basically has been your only Mission. Well, it’s coming to fruition, your Mission. And it is a Divine Time for all of us. 

So, let us go, umm, over to Washington, D.C., because this place is jumping right now, and we see that one of the main emotions that is being transmitted is paranoia. So, we’re going to shine the LoveLight, into all of these player’s hearts. And yes, we realize that some of them reject any vibration into their hearts.

But we see, that some of them are having second thoughts about that right now, because they really have to realize what all of their lives have been for, if it was only to come to this point, where they are going to be vilified in internment camps, and in military tribunals. And we’re talking about all of the different layers of this Cabal system, who have been in league with the AI.

So, going into your Capital Building, and the surrounding area, and from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface, reaching some of those underground bases, particularly in the surrounding areas of the alphabet agencies. And spiraling up, down, and around and through, these high vibrations of Unconditional-Universal Love, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, with the Intentional Requirement of all of these Beloved Beings, feeling that part of them that is the Godhead, that part of them that is the Light and Love, that is the sustaining force of all of Creation. 

And now, let us travel on over across the Atlantic Ocean into Mexico. And ah, yes, to go down underneath the surface in our elevators, and to access this system of tunnels, that runs all through North America. And yes, there’s tunnel systems, basically all over the world, but this one-- Well, we would say this has some of the most heinous energies, that are still in operation right now. So, we are concerned about this, because the level of human trafficking into these bases, still remains such a focus of our concerns, about freeing these Beloved Beings at this time. 

And spiraling this energy horizontally all through this tunnel network system, into all of the underground bases – there’s over 250 of them – and spiraling it up, down, and around and through, from Mexico through the United States, and into the reaches of Canada. And focusing it on all of the sequestered wealth, the treasures of art, the advanced technology, some of it, weaponry, and other forms of advanced technology, having to do with computer systems, and health rejuvenation systems, and basically replicating food. And yes, all of this stuff has been kept from us, but that is soon to change. 

So, we are shining this LoveLight, with the Intentional Requirement of all of the secrets, coming into the Light, and coming up onto the surface of your Beloved Planet, and all of the Beloved Beings being freed, who have been kept there against their will. And we say to all of you, “Brothers and Sisters who we honor, and we love you so very much, we see all that you continue to do, throughout this lifetime of honoring your Soul Contracts, and putting in play this Truth of who you really are, by exhibiting your courage day in and day out, to deal with all of these dark forces, and supporting all of the other Beloved Beings down there in the same situation as you are.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, who will hear the recorded link later on and the transcriptions too, we honor you. We love you so very much. We appreciate all that you do to raise the level of vibration on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste and good night.   

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