Thursday, October 24, 2019

10-23-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-23-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come to you tonight once again, so very happy to be here. Ah yes, this feeling of Oneness, of feeling into your hearts and radiating the Love and Light that you are. It is wonderful! It is joyous!

And yes, we come together in these meditations, and we feel this by letting go to all of these energies, that come in with us forming our circles, and feeling the energies all over the multiverses, in all of the higher dimensions, allowing this Golden White Light Christ Consciousness Energy to come in and to guide us, to raise us up, and to feel into our hearts, and to know that everything that we need, we have within. And letting go to it.

And we recommend that you remember these feelings each and every moment of the day, and how magnificent this feels. And that your external realities are slowly fading in to disintegration, we would say. Because the 3rd Dimension, we feel, we see, we experience from our vantage point on the ships, is de-materializing. 

The Power that the Cabal has had over you, with its negative programming, and its illusions of survival, of owing and being in guilt, and being shamed by having a body and having desires and needs, all of that is coming undone, Beloveds, in these high vibrations, that are visiting your plant and interceding into your consciousness, by way of the photons, into the subatomic particles, into the DNA, & Akashic Records. 

And more and more this feeling, this knowingness, is becoming who you are, and you are able to adapt to these realizations, and bring yourself up into these higher levels of vibration. And we say to you, it is very wondrous for us to be a part of this, in our Missions with you.

Yes, we love you so very much. We ask you to call upon us any time, that you want to feel our Love, and our Support, and our Guidance. And you may ask us questions and do your pendulums, or muscle testing, or just feel into your hearts to know the answers that are coming forth into your consciousness.

We love you so very much, Beloveds, and good night.

And now Sananda will come in.

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