Thursday, October 31, 2019

10-30-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-30-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, the energy is marvelous! It is splendid for us to be with you here tonight, to be a part of this celebration of this hallowed day of remembrance, of all of your ancestors, and what it has taken, each and every one of you, in all of your incarnations, to come into this Beloved Now Moment. And raising the level of the Love and Light that you are, not just on your Beloved Planet, but throughout all of Creation. And yes, this Progression of Consciousness, of Creation, has been going on in your earth time for millions upon millions of years. 

And right now, we see you manifesting this major upgrade in the energies, whereby on your planet, you will be taking back the 5th Dimension once again, and enabling mass Ascensions to happen, in a way that have not happened ever before, with you being conscious in your physical bodies, and doing it en masse with one another.

Ah yes, and the preparation of this is in alignment with what we call the Solar Flash. Because yes, you are at the end of this cycle and things are coming to completion.

And we have been working with you to heal all of the polarities, that need to be healed, to come to completion, so that you will ready yourselves for Ascension, and allow all of Creation to rise on up into their Beloved Upgrades, too.

So, permeating all of Creation with this conscious Love and Light, that we all are collectively, and making the lower vibrations obsolete, not needed anymore, because you have risen through the ranks, on your Beloved Planet, of knowingness, of using your discernment to know and be who you really are. 

And so many of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters will come into their own “ah ha” moments, and realizations of who they are, and why this moment on your Beloved Planet is so special, and filled with Rewards and Grace.

We love you so very much.  We ask you to call us in any time you would like to feel our energy, and to feel communion with our hearts.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers, and good night.

And now we’re going to bring in Sananda.

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