Thursday, June 25, 2020

6-24-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-24-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight to talk to you about Truth, about your own Inner Truth, and you allowing yourself to be in balance with the Truth of who you are, and why you are here within the four bodies of your being, physically embodied in this Now Moment. Because, Beloveds, all you ever have is this Now Moment, to create your Intentional Requirements with.
And yes, you have been in Mission with us, not just in this Beloved Lifetime, but in so many incarnations, ever since you have been coming into physical embodiment, and not just on this Beloved Planet, but on many other planets, all throughout the multiverse. Because, Beloveds, how would Creator Source know what it has created, without you from the consciousness of the wave, allowing yourself to come into the particle, being manifested in embodiment, and playing out all of these different cycles of your lifetimes?

So many different lifetimes, and lifetimes on this planet, and having to go through this amnesia, that you have allowed yourselves to be subjected to. Now, Beloveds, what you are working toward, by bringing in these high vibrations into your Heart Center, is the removal of these filters, that prevent you from remembering who you are over on the other side. That prevent you from remembering, where you go in your dream states, to feel that Oneness with your I AM Presence, and of all of the exercises, that you do with us, and how the medical teams work on you, to clear you from all that you are subjected to, by the Artificial Intelligence within this 3rd Dimensional, negative-energy matrix, that has been perpetrated upon you.

Ah, Beloveds, the energies, freeing up the Truth, are available to you, by allowing yourself to rise on up into the 5th Dimension. And Beloveds, as we have been saying to you, the 5th Dimension is now more available to you, than it has ever been in this cycle of duality. And some would say even more so, than in the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis, because you have such a broader perspective with the experiential knowledge, that you have gained by living through this cycle of duality. And how the end game is unfolding.  

And Beloveds, we are with you every step of the way, to carry you forth to completion of your Soul Contracts, to bring in the 5th Dimension, to enable you to be ever so ready for this Solar Flash, for the birth of this new phase of Conscious Embodiment of the 5th Dimension, of your Ascensions in full conscious knowingness, on your Beloved Planet. 

This is such a wondrous time for us to behold. And we ask you now more than ever to take advantage of these high vibrations, in finding whatever works for you the best, to stay in high vibrations, within the parameters of doing no harm and allowing yourself to feel this Peace that Passes all Understanding, Beloveds.

We love you so very much. We are always here for you. Namaste and good night.

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