Thursday, June 18, 2020

6-17-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-17-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Sananda. I come to you tonight to remind you of the Power, that you have, when you open your hearts, and allow yourself to have the courage to open, to bring in these high vibrations, that are coming into your Beloved Planet.

Yes, you have asked for them. Before you came into this lifetime, you asked to be here, in this Now Moment, when this change of bringing back the 5th Dimension, of this feeling of Unity, and such great emphasis on feeling Love and Light, and sharing it, heart to heart, to create your reality in the Now Moment with each other, so that you would be able to ascend.

And yes, and to be like all of us, who have been on your planet, and have been able to do this. And then to be on the other side, and help you to do it yourself. And really the higher that you get up into these frequencies of the LoveLight, Beloveds, it makes such a difference in your understanding, and allowing you to have clarity. But it takes your Intentional Requirement, and your focus on opening your hearts. Because, Beloveds, Love is inclusive!

And although you may still have feelings of trauma, of separation, feelings of fear, guilt, and shame, that come up from time to time, and healing the timeline of your own self, in this Beloved Lifetime. The higher that you allow yourself, to be in the dimensions, these feelings of Unconditional/Universal Love, these feelings of Oneness, of being connected up in the higher dimensions with us, up into the conduit, that you have with your I AM Presence, into Creator Source.
It will make things, enable your reality, to bring in and allow you to feel so much Love, and Joy, and Bliss, and Harmony. And all you have now is this Now Moment. So, all you have to do, Beloveds, is focus this LoveLight coming into your heart, expanding your field of energy, to bring in more of this Joy, this Magic of Love.
Love is the strongest force, and it carries this magic of transmitting into your environment, and informing your environment, of your Intentions for Peace, for Truth, for Harmony, for including everyone else as equals, and for being in this Now Moment, and sharing from your heart, from the deep memories of your Akashic Records, the realization of the Truth, that we are all One, that we are all part of the Godhead. We are all One, and the same energy that created everything.

Beloveds, you are magicians. You are the tip of the spear, that is accelerating this Ascension Process. So, we ask you to let go, more and more, each and every moment, with each and every breath, to bring about the acceleration, of the completion of these plans, for the Announcements of NESARA. Because, Beloveds, this is your foundation of building Heaven on Earth, of enabling the 5th Dimension to be fully anchored into your Beloved Planet, in the Now Moment.

Beloveds, we love you, oh so very much. We are always here with you, to show you, to shine our Love and our Support, within your hearts.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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