Friday, August 20, 2021

8-18-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 8-18-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you on this call tonight.


Beloveds, you are all Sovereign Beings, who are going through your unfolding process, flowering in the beauty of the Truth of the Love and Light, that you are. And yes, you are weathering this storm, where the confrontations, the battles between the darkness and the Light are coming to a head, on the landscape of Beloved Mother Gaia.


And yes, you have many choices to make throughout the course of the day. And many of you refuse to listen to the mainstream media, and to watch their programming. And we applaud you. We give you major kudos for this. Because their intent is of an ill-conceived nature, to control you, and keep you in low vibration, as is all of their institutions, and all of the mechanisms, that they have put forth, with their negative programming, to keep you in low vibration, so that you will not join together with us, at the level of high consciousness, that is necessary to completely eradicate their influence on Beloved Mother Gaia.


Well, Beloveds, you have been in Mission with us, we would say your whole entire lifetimes. Because your Soul Contracts were in place, the moment that you came through the Ring of Fire, and you came into physical embodiment. And you have been journeying forth on that 3rd Dimensional timeline, knowing deep in the root of your consciousness, in your Akashic Records, that you are here, to end the tyranny, the distractions, the lies and the deceptions of the controllers, the minions of this Artificial Intelligence.


This Cabal, who have sworn their allegiance to dark forces and energies and have perpetrated devices and delivery systems in your energy fields, in your consciousness with the help of mainstream media control to stir up your fear and separation. These have been the main tools used against Humanity.


But, Beloveds, you at this time have the energies of the 5th Dimension, and the higher dimensions available to you, in every Now Moment. And these higher Light Encodements that are coming in inform you in a very deep and real way of who you are, the Power that we have together as One, to bring about the end of these control systems; to root out the darkness, disharmony, mistrust, and all of these lower-vibrational energies based in fear and separation for once and for all, Beloveds.


Once we go through that portal into the 5th Dimensional timeline, in a mass, to anchor it in, and to begin your Ascension Protocols, nothing will ever be the same for you, nor will it be for the minions of the Cabal, who will not let go, and come into the Light with us.


We love you so very much. This is a turning point of shifting into higher energy and vibration, on your Beloved Planet, as the forces of evil have to come into the Light, more and more, because their structure of control is being eradicated by the Truth, by the Intentional Requirements of all of you Beloveds, who are waking up in the Now Moment, in these high frequencies of Love and Light.


Namaste, Beloveds. 


And now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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