Friday, August 20, 2021

8-18-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 8-18-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I am with you once again, as the wheel turns on your planet of Mother Gaia. And so many energies are coming in from the Galactic Center in high vibration.  They are in opposition to what is going on in your 3D Matrix timeline. Yes, the dark forces are very desperate now. And they have constructed their plans of, you would say, putting the hammer down. 


But, Beloveds, their manipulations are all based in fear and separation. And we, the Mentors, know that you understand, that fear is an acronym that stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Because, yes, they are the controllers of the mainstream media. And they control the flow of information, with the same rhetoric and dogmas, that have worked for them in the past. But their house cards is imploding.


And the Truth is coming out, by all of these Warriors of the Light, who have put their lives on the line to make videos and movies, that go into such intricate detail. To go step by step, about the way this Cabal, and its minions, have perpetrated their very dark, nefarious plans upon Humanity, and all of the secrets of the rituals of their Satanism, that they have imbued society with through their institutions.


Beloveds, we see what you’re going through, as a great challenge, because, yes, you can access the higher dimensions. And in those higher dimensions, where you call us in, and you feel Oneness with your I AM Presence, your Guidance Teams, Angels, and Ascended Masters, you discern the Truth. You can discern what resonates with you in high vibration and frequency. And then you develop your own narrative.


Beloveds, in the Now Moment, we know you are not afraid because you want to be with us in this communion where you feel Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Beloveds, because you know this is your greatest strength to be at this level of consciousness, and with the dedication that you have of being of service to others, you know this is the path to Victory of the Light, on your Beloved Planet.


Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call. Forming our circle ,and sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, from our hearts, to the palms of our hands. And then spiraling our combined field of energy, from our center above, to our center below. And all of the time breathing into our hearts, calling in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Metatron, and the Diamond Lights.


And spiraling it, multiplying its strength exponentially by expanding our field of energy. And now we send the energy, down through the bottoms of our feet, beneath the surface into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And this is her Heart Center, Beloveds, and where she holds all of the energies of the planet, and all of the Beloved Beings, and Kingdoms on our planet. Feeling this place of Peace, of her Clarity, her Compassion, her Understanding, and sending her our Love and Light.


And now, rising up back to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts. And sending the energy around in a clockwise direction. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. It is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we rise on up off of the surface of your planet, through the many layers of the atmospheres. And coming upon multitudes of ships, honing in on my ship, the Nibiru.


And I am opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we are slipping right on through, hovering in the air lock, our circle still connected together. And the landing deck closes beneath us now. And it’s safe to touch down. We make our way back to an open elevator, all of us getting in, our circle unbroken. And I push the button to close the door. And we are rocketing right on up in the elevator, to the top floor here. And so much Love and Light we are feeling, in our hearts, as now we come to a stop.


Opening the doors and walking out with our circle still unbroken, as we meet and greet the Mentors, other Commanders from the ships, and Ascended Masters, and Angels, and Archangels, and orbs who represent the consciousness of Beloved Beings, from all over Creation. Some of them are from the other ships. But many galaxies and star races are represented. And yes, your ancestors are here, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. Because, Beloveds, of course you know, there is no space/time up in these higher dimensions.


And we are walking on into the middle of the room, forming our circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And as we do this, the Mentors form a circle around us.  And all of the other Beloveds form their circles. Breathing into our hearts. And now, sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, through our circle, to the outer circles. Multiplying this energy with each and every heart, that it goes into.


And spiraling this LoveLight energy, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling.  Expanding our combined field of energy, to include all of the higher dimensions, represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who are joining us, and the consciousness of the Crystals, who are representing all of the Beloved Beings, all over Creation. Feeling this, the transmission of high vibrations and frequencies, through all of the higher dimensions, being absorbed into our hearts. Letting go with our breathing.


We ask you Beloveds on this call, and those who will join us later, listening to the recording, or reading the transcript, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to create, with the energies of this meditation, us being in Union with one another tonight. Yes, it may be that you are asking for clearer communication with your loved ones, and having stronger connections with their hearts. And being able to express your Love and Light with your Loved Ones, without any judgment, or having to hold back in these moments, when great shift is happening, on your Beloved Planet. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine it into the Master Crystal, with the highest frequencies of Love and Light.


And all of us on this call, we call for once again the Truth to be made known. We call forth the Spirit of Love and Compassion to imbue each and every heart on Beloved Mother Gaia with Compassion, with Understanding, that this is the Divine Moment, when we all rise up together. And we cast off the chains of the lies and deceptions, that have been used to keep us in low vibration. And by doing so, we are all victorious in the Light! 


Beloveds, we see it as already having happened. But in your Now Moment, for you to be aware that this is what time it is, and the Power that you have to be in high vibration, in communion with us heart and soul. This is such a beautiful and joyous experience for all of us to have you there as the Ground Crew.


With our Intentional Requirements of Peace, anchoring in the 5th Dimension, and then the acceleration of your Ascension Processes, on Beloved Mother Gaia, we send our intentions into the Master Crystal. Shooting these energies up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, with the Power and the Strength of our Thoughts.  Spiraling it from the layers of atmospheres to the surface of Mother Gaia, underneath the surface, and into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. 


Radiating it out to the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds on your planet.  Radiating it, these high frequencies of Love and Light, into each and every one of their DNA, their Akashic Records, with the highest frequencies of Love and Light.


And now, spinning counterclockwise into their DNA, into their energy fields, into the right lobes of their brain, to remove any etheric structures of the 3D Matrix that are being used to target them, to feed off of their energies, to keep them in low vibration.  We are going into each and every one of your DNA, and casting off all ill intent, all negative programming, all encodements made with ill intent, that limit your consciousness in any way, shape or form.


We are shining the Light of Love and high vibration and frequency, to remove any obstructions, any barriers, any debris, any stray coding, that may regenerate a connection for handlers to come in, and to lay the groundwork for other negative beings, entities, devices, and delivery systems, to feed off of your energy. We require in this Now Moment the liberation of the DNA of all of Humanity. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And now, with one or both of our hands on our Heart Centers, we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude; and other high-vibrating energies, spinning in a clockwise direction, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, Discernment, and Absolution, Beloveds. 


Spinning, from the center above, to the center below of each and every one of your energy fields, all over Beloved Mother Gaia. Spinning your Beloved Planet, and all of its Kingdoms, to bring in these high vibrations, to actively bring online the Crystalline Grid in higher frequency and vibration, to ready the planet for the monoliths coming online, to wake up all of the Crystals on your Beloved Planet,, while the Truth is being known, while NESARA is being implemented. These changes to the Crystalline Grid, and the activation of all of the Crystals on your planet, will happen. And this will be a huge step in the process of anchoring in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, breathing into your hearts these high vibrations of frequencies. And radiating them throughout space/time, into the 5th Dimensional timeline, knowing we are all One. We are all joined together in our hearts, in high vibration, up through the higher dimensions, as conduits of the Godhead.


Feeling and being the Love and Light we are in this Now Moment, we shine our energies onto all of those places, particularly in the Middle East, where these confrontations with the Taliban in Afghanistan are happening. And it has been all perpetrated as part of the Cabal’s plan to exacerbate the international situation, along with the fear and confusion of demanding people have the vaccines.


Beloveds, all you, or any of you Humans, have to do is to stay out of fear, and rise up in the Power of the Truth of the Love and Light, that you are, with your own individual narratives, to carry you forth on the journey of your mastery.  We are all doing this together. No one is alone. No one is being abandoned. It is the Power of being connected in your hearts, with all of Creation, that you, Beloveds, are victorious in the Light.


And see all of the Beloveds being released, who are being held against their will. Feel all of the children who are being trafficked, being let go. And all of the minions of the Cabal, who have been controlling them, and making huge amounts of money off of them, seeing their influence, and their bodies all disappear, as we move forward on this 5th Dimensional timeline where you, all of Humanity, shall be liberated.


And Mother Gaia with these high frequencies and vibrations removing all of the deep underground military bases, all of the places, where Ritual Satanic Abuse has happened.  And all of the high-tech vibrational, advanced technologies will be released, to allow you to have a lifestyle, where you will be out of the survival mode. All of your survival requirements will be taken care of. And there will be Peace, Prosperity, and Abundance, as NESARA is implemented.


Beloveds, we are always with you in Divine Timing, Rhythm, and Synchronization. The perfection of the Plans of the Company of Heaven, and the Alliance, are unfolding. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


Namaste and good night, Beloveds. And now Maria will come in. 

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