Friday, May 13, 2022

 5-11-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. We are once again so happy to be with you here tonight on this call.


Beloveds, Gratitude is the activation of the Power of Love in your hearts.  Yes, Gratitude at being in this Now Moment, of being incarnated on your Beloved Planet, in this flow of the Divine Energies, that are carrying this equation of Ascension, and the integration of all of its higher-Light Encodements, forward on this timeline. 


Beloveds, we on the ships, we are observing the changes in the energy, as these multitudes of Cosmic energy streams flow in ever-so rapidly, onto your Beloved Planet, and into your energy fields. We ask you to feel the Love and Support of the Universe. And even though your road may seem very bumpy with tests and challenges, having to do with money, with inflation, and with the demands of a government, that is very corrupt and evil in nature.


Beloveds, we are here with you. And you have made so much progress. There is so much to be grateful for. And we ask you to continuously breathe into your hearts, and to feel this rhythm of your heartbeat, allowing you to grow, and flow with these higher-Light Encodements, that allow you to direct the energy onto the Beloved Planet, and all of these places of polarity, all through all of the institutions of Humanity, which have tried to enslave you into a Control Process, whereby it was always the Cabal who was on the winning end of things.


But now, the Truth is coming forward in myriad ways. All of the pieces of the puzzle are there to be assembled in the Now Moment, in the perfect Rhythm, and Timing, and Synchronization. And yes, the Truth is being made known. But the Truth needs to come out in the official channels, through the Book of Law, so that there cannot be any question about its legitimacy, and the power behind it. 


Because up in Heaven, there is a court. And this Divine Court has issued its Divine Decree onto your Beloved Planet, that Now is the time for you Beloveds to ascend, in a way that has never been done before, whereby you will reach full consciousness, while still being fully, physically embodied.


Beloveds, the Power of Love is so very strong. And with each and every breath, you have the opportunity to let go to it, to bring it in into the deepest levels of yourselves, to empower yourself with Intentional Requirements, for all of the Beloveds on your planet, within the Collective Consciousness, to wake up and to feel this LoveLight, and to make choices that resonate with this Divine Flow of Energy of these higher-Light Encodements.


Yes, this Cabal is fighting, kicking, and screaming as they are being made to leave the stage, because this Process of all of the Plans, to implement the provisions of NESARA, are taking hold, Beloveds, on a deeper and deeper level, each and every day. You are not the only ones to empower the Plans of NESARA. So many Starseeds are in alignment with this flow, to complete this Process on the Beloved Planet, so that all who want to ascend may do so, per the Divine Decree of the Company of Heaven, Beloveds. It is happening! UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Namaste, Beloveds.


And now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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