Saturday, May 21, 2022

5-18-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 5-18-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloveds, I am Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be on this call tonight. Beloveds, each of you have the Power of Love in your heart, to radiate it forth. You are all in Mission as the Ground Crew, with us on the ships, so many of us Ascended Masters, Archangels, and are Angels who have as their Mission to help guide you through the Process of Ascension.


You have endured the densest of vibrations and frequencies. And now, all of these issues that you have brought forth, from past lifetimes, that have not been cleared are coming up once again. But Beloveds, now you have at your disposal these multiple Cosmic energy streams of Love and Light, that have never been on your planet to this level and degree before. And we are with you, Beloveds. 


We are with you every step of the way to guide you, as you make these choices to clear all of these polarities. All it takes is to be in this State of Neutrality, of non-Judgment, of letting go of the dynamics of guilt, fear, and separation, and all of the lower vibrations, that you have been imprinted with, by the perpetration of this 3D-Matrix programming, that has been fear-and-separation based, to keep you apart from one another’s hearts, and to keep you judging each other, and blaming one another, when all of you have given permission to be here, at this time of great change, of great shift on your planet. 


We ask you to be in Gratitude for being incarnated, for feeling the energy streams, that are coming in from the Galactic Center, and to be fearless in making choices, that align you with these energies, to integrate them within their fullness, so that you can accelerate this Process of Clearing all of these polarities, so that Humanity can once again be in the high vibrations of the 5th Dimension and beyond.


Beloveds, this is what you came in for, to feel the brilliance of the Love and Light that you are, all through the higher dimensions, and to integrate with the higher-Light Encodements, that represent Ascension Protocols. Yes, you are in this First Phase of Ascension Protocols, and you are rapidly moving into the next phase.


There is this Event of the Truth, that will awaken and upgrade many. We ask you not to be afraid. We ask you to concentrate and to give energy to the Love and Light that you are, and the brilliance of these higher-Light Encodements, they continue to stream in, and even, exponentially multiply with every Solstice, every Eclipse, every Equinox, every numbered gateway, such as the Lion’s Gate. They grow in intensity, Beloveds. 


But now, the peak intervals are getting shorter and shorter. And the rhythms are in such high vibration, that it is time for you to truly feel the Love and Support of the Universe, and of all of us in Mission with you, to bring about the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of Humanity, and all living Beings on your planet.


We are already victorious in the Light! All of the Plans to implement all of the provisions of NESARA have been made over many, many years. And the Truth is finally coming out in such a way, that the provisions of NESARA will be implemented in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And all of those who have given their allegiance to Satan, and all of its archetypes, will be held to task, and made accountable for the crimes that they have committed against Humanity. Justice will be served on your Beloved Planet. And that Justice is already in process, Beloveds. 


We ask you at this time to have faith and trust in this process, that it is in Divine Rhythm, and Timing, and Synchronization to its completion, for you are already victorious in the Light, Beloveds!


Namaste and good night, Beloveds. And now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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