Friday, July 15, 2022

7-13-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-13-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloveds, this is Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved Conference Call. Beloveds, this 3D negative programming has been with you, since you came into physical embodiment, in this lifetime.  It had your mother and your father weighed down with the survival instincts, and the dogmas, the lies, and deceptions, that they thought they needed to pass on to you for your survival.


But Beloveds, now with you waking up, and all of Humanity rising up in frequency and vibration, you know that the Real Power is within your hearts.  And yes, you have many acts of malice, many acts designed to once again lead you into war. And some are calling for nuclear warheads to be shot through the air.


But Beloveds, we will not allow this to happen. And we will not allow the wars to go on. There have been surgical strikes, with the underlying purpose of rooting out the Control Systems of this Satanic Cabal. 


But now, Humanity is at that point, where the Truth can be made known, where truly this Satanic Cabal, with all of its factions, with all of its ulterior motives, has lost the war, because the same behavior patterns, the same dynamics of control and of enslavement, have been revealed through the bravery and the courage of Beloveds, who have put their lives on the line, to disseminate the Truth, through so many videos, and articles, and live streams, and webcasts. And many channelers have done this. Many people throwing the Tarot cards, and astrologers, and people working the lei lines, and all of the different techniques of energy medicine being disseminated on your Beloved Planet.


All of you have had the same Mission, to raise the level of the vibration into the highest frequencies, so the Truth could be made known, so that we could all come together once again in Unity Consciousness. Because this is where True Power lies, in having no separation from each other’s hearts, and being in Mission with one another, consciously and creatively, with having all of our survival needs taken care of.


And each and every day, this becomes more of a reality with higher forms of technology being released, and the awareness that the machinations of this Cabal, with its viruses, its jabs, that it has been revealed, what their true motives and intentions are.


And that it has awakened so, so many Beloveds to be heart centered, to allow themselves to have the courage to feel into their hearts, and not to go into fight or flight, but to hold the line with each and every breath, and speak the Truth, from their hearts, and disseminate this Truth, and to help others to wake up, to put together the dots in a way that makes sense, that expands common sense, that expands the empowerment of Humanity, the respect for the imperatives of your DNA, that no one can mutate the DNA any longer. But that is all the design of these bioweapons, that have been unleashed upon Humanity.


And so many Beloveds, so many mothers and fathers have come together in these rallies, in these Truther Events. And they have felt this Oneness. And they realize what must be done, for them to spread this message, to raise the level of the frequency and vibration, to protect their genetic imperatives, so that their children may live normal, healthy lives, and not ones of being sterilized, and sick, and eventually have to give up their bodies, because of the effects of these jabs. 


Beloveds, there are two narratives that are diametrically opposed.  And so many are waking up to the Truth, because the Truth has an unassailable feeling, felt in the heart, all through your energy field, and your energy bodies, that cannot be denied. And the more that Humanity allows themselves to be heart centered, and to feel in the totality of their being, waking up, and spinning all of their chakras, the stronger that this transmission gets. The more and more Beloveds, who integrate these higher-Light Encodements, and transmit them into collective consciousness, it becomes stronger. And this is empowering Humanity to have this Event of the Truth. And you are right on this precipice Beloveds.


So we ask you to continue to do all that you do, to do all of your meditations, and not to be thwarted, not to be in fear. We are with you. We love you ever-so much.


Namaste Beloveds and good night. 


And now, my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.


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