Saturday, July 30, 2022

7-27-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 7-27-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I Sananda. I am coming to you once again on your Beloved Conference Call.


We ask you to take this feeling of Peace into your heart, The Peace That Passes All Understanding. Because this seeming swirl of confusion, of false identities & narratives, are a whirlwind, at this time, that have been designed to keep you locked down in fear and separation.


The Peace is in your hearts. You can empower this feeling of Peace, with remembering, with truly knowing who you are, why you are here, and the Power of Love. Because as these higher light encodements come into your Beloved planet, they help to open up your heart, even deeper & wider. As you do, you rise up in frequency & vibration, and this allows you to have these connections with us in a very deep way, and also with your I AM Presence & Guidance Team.


This is the equation that is necessary for you to make choices that truly speed up this process of empowerment. The empowerment of the love & light that you are, the truth of who you are, and why you are here, at this time, when the divine decree from the Councils of Heaven has been issued, in this Now moment, to take shape, as you are getting closer & closer to this Event of the Truth.


All of the components for the implementation of NESARA are in place, and this movement is happening toward the light, into the highest frequencies, that will enable humanity to overcome the enslavement; all of the lies, deceptions, curses & spells of this Cabal and Black Magicians, and all of the heinous crimes that have been committed against humanity by them, in league with Artificial Intelligence, control systems of the Reptilians.


Beloveds, their Matrix is imploding. Because the truth is being made known, you are shining along with so many other Beloveds. The light is shining on their illegal acts, their corruption, their lies, & their heinous crimes against humanity, against the DNA, and the genetic imperatives of humanity.


They cannot keep their secret agenda secret any longer, beloveds. Their ulterior motives are coming to light, and it is helping all of humanity, all of those who have been sitting on the fence, those that have been so afraid to consider that they have been brainwashed, and the question of why one narrative is diametrically opposed to another. And which one is truly of the truth, of good intentions, & for the empowerment of humanity.


These things are becoming increasingly clearer, as all of us in mission with you, as One connection into the highest frequencies of love & light, are shining these energies into the collective consciousness, for these Beloveds to awaken, that this Event of the Truth can happen. So that the later stages of court cases, of the implementation of the provisions of NESARA, can happen.


And we as One, in mission with you, you can take back the power on your Beloved planet, that will enable you to complete your Ascensions, by moving into this next phase of implementing Ascension protocols.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you want. These are symbols of our unity, of our working together to bring about the flowering of humanity into the 5th Dimension & beyond Beloveds.


We love you so much, Beloveds. Namaste & Goodnite.

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