Sunday, August 14, 2022

8-10-22 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla

 8-10-22 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla



It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come into your beloved circle, into your conference call tonight, to remind you that you are not your emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are, rather, the flow coordinator of choosing what you want to give your energy to. Because, Beloveds, you are the co-creator of your reality.



You set the tone and pitch of the frequency and vibration, that you want to embody within the four bodies of your being. It is up to you to choose what you resonate with as the truth.



Now, on your planet, at this time, there are many narratives, that are being put forth. But this is where your practice with being heart centered, with using your discernment, as you become more and more entrained in being heart-centered comes into play, and really serves you, Beloveds, because the truth has a frequency and vibration all of its own.



And, yes, there are many different perspectives of the truth. But, Beloveds, it is up to you to empower the ones, that you resonate with the most, to create a narrative, that you can allow yourself to move forward, on this path of ascension.



Beloveds, it is about liberating yourself from the control systems of the third dimensional matrix. For thousands and thousands of years, in each and every one of your incarnations, on this third dimensional timeline, while you have been dealing with this density of duality, you have been learning to raise the level of the consciousness.



And in this lifetime, it has all come to a head, Beloveds, because you are at the end of this twenty six thousand year cycle. And you are in this first phase of integrating ascension protocols. You are in this window of opportunity for Ascension.



And, yes, the more centered, that you can be in each and every now-moment, opening up your heart to these higher light encodements, integrating them, the easier that it is for more and more beloveds to awaken, to the truth of who they are, why they are here, why they came here. What is their purpose at this time, just as you have come up with your own narrative to answer these questions, to empower yourself, and all of humanity, by being the embodiment of the Love and Light that you are.



And it is with your choices that you enable yourself to rise up in frequency and vibration, to push forward into this event of the truth for the implementation of NESARA.



Because NESARA embodies the spirit of your original United States Constitution. And it allows all of the provisions, that are necessary to return you to that level of consciousness, to create your reality in the pursuit of truth, freedom, and justice, and happiness of having a high quality of life, and into preserving the integrity of your DNA, which has been mutated to such a degree, that this cabal wanted to turn you into transhumanist robots.



But, Beloveds, that is not happening. You have raised the level of frequency and vibration, and we are in mission with you, on the ships, all of us Mentors working with the galactic federations, to help you to accelerate your ascension process. Because as you do it for yourselves, and for your Beloved Planet, you do it for the whole universe, to raise the level of Love and Light, so that other planets, and there are countless many, who are also dealing with densities of third dimensional consciousness on timelines. They will be able to feel this upgrade, and move forward onto the high vibrational states, to achieve ascensions on their beloved planets also.



But you, Beloveds, are the linchpin. You are the tip of the spear, on this Beloved Planet, to make this transformation into the power of Love, to permeate it all throughout your universe. And it will be felt by all of creation.



We love you ever so much. We are with you in all of your moments of coming up with choices, when you are tested and challenged, when you may feel alone.  Beloveds, you are not. Call us into your heart. Feel this Love and Light, that we are as One in mission with you. Namaste, Beloveds and good night.



And my beloved Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

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