Thursday, August 25, 2022

8-24-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-24-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.




Beloveds, in this now moment we feel the power of Love unfolding on your Beloved Planet. And, yes, you have been through portals, and gateways, eclipses, and solstices in your calendar year. And this process is intensifying at a rate that is truly off of the charts, as you would say, because these multiple, cosmic energy streams that you are experiencing have not been felt on your planet like this ever before.



As we have been saying, not even in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis.  And the Company of Heaven, of course, realizes that it is very necessary to bring in these high frequencies, to help wake up as much of humanity as possible. 



And it is with us to also inspire us empowering the working with you as One.  You, Beloved starseeds, who have volunteered to be here for this mission as the ground crew, to radiate this Love and Light, these high frequencies and high vibrations into the collective consciousness, to help many, many more awaken.



And some of them, yes, are starseeds, who have not awakened yet. But many of them are not starseeds, and this is a huge jump for them, to go through these many, different gyrations that it is necessary for them, when they encounter the truth in their hearts, and they answer these questions of ‘Why am I here? Really, where did I come from?’



And then they get these flashes of having been here before, and realizing that they have had a say in this. And that even though they have been taught that reincarnation was a lie, that they are starting to feel all too familiar feelings with these higher vibrational energies coming in. And they start to do a little research, and maybe watching videos that they haven’t been exposed to before. And all of a sudden, they are waking up, and making a commitment to ascend. 



And, yes, there is more than enough information out there for somebody who awakens, to start doing the work on themselves.



We, on this side of the veil, have made sure of that. It has been some thirty years now when, in force, we came in to channel, because we realized there was a certain receptivity with starseeds waking up, and wanting to do the work on themselves. And this has catapulted your human race into passing the markers for ascension, and to intensifying this process whereby all of the plans that have been put in place for the implementation of NESARA have been instituted, in a way that they are pushing forth this narrative of the truth being revealed.



And this Event of the Truth, we would say, we have been working toward achieving on your planet for a very, very long time, some fifty, sixty, even seventy years it has been in the offing.



And now it is coming into focus, Beloveds. And we ask you to concentrate in your meditations, and sending the Love and Light into the collective consciousness, so that many, many more will awaken, and be ready for the truth, for this event that will enable you to be in this next phase of integrating Ascension protocols.



This is will be a joyous period for humanity, because so much will be revealed. And the energies will be extremely potent, and you, as starseeds, will know what to do to help others in their clearing process, and to be mentors and teachers, that truly help so very many broaden their horizons, and have a deep understanding about how to push forward this positive, ascension-laden narrative to go through the later stages of ascension, and to reach completion of Ascension.



Beloveds, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, forming our circle and sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, from heart to heart, and spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. Calling in the golden-white light of the Christ Consciousness energy, the diamond lights, the platinum ray of Lord Metatron, Archangel Michael and his legions of Angels with the blazing blue swords, using them as lasers, Archangel Amethyst and the Angels of the violet flame, and Saint Germaine and his Angels of the violet torch. With our breathing, allowing ourselves to relax, to let go, and to bring in these high frequencies.



And now sending them down through our torso, our hips, our legs, our knees, through the lower part of our legs, into our ankles, our feet, and out the soles of our feet, into our center below, underneath the surface of the planet, and into Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.



And here we feel her heart, her commitment to all of the living beings on her planet, to Ascend, how she holds all of these energies. It is a dynamic force, a sentient being of this Beloved Planet, this jewel of the universe.  We send her our Love and our Light, and feel her compassion, her wisdom, and her warmth.



And now we rise up to the surface of the planet, up through the soles of our feet, and into our heart center, and spiraling, from the left, to the right, our combined field of energy, rising up off of the surface of the planet with the power and the speed of our thoughts, rapidly moving through these layers of atmospheres, up, and up, and away.



And coming upon multitudes of ships. And we are headed for my ship, the beloved Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship.  And now we are rising up, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe to touch down.



And we are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in at the same time. And I’m pushing the button, closing the door, to take us on up to the top floor of The Nibiru, rapidly rising, feeling weightless with our hearts full of joy, in these high frequencies, of being on this ship.



And now we come to a stop. And we open the doors. The Beloved Mentors are here to greet us. And Angels and other Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, and Orbs who represent the bi-located consciousness of many Beloved Beings from other stars and other ships. And your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. We move toward the center of this gigantic room, and circle around the altar, where our master crystal sets.



And as we form our circle, the Mentors circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. And once again breathing into our hearts. And now sending these energies, from the left, to the right, to the Mentors and all of the outer circles, and spiraling, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, in a clockwise direction, absorbing these high frequencies and vibrations of the crystals, of the consciousness that represent all of the dimensions of reality, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings that are part of this meditation, whether they be on or off the ship. 



And letting go to these high frequencies, feeling this joy in our hearts and this Oneness, this power of Love unfolding with each and every breath. And Beloveds on this call, we ask you to make your intentional requirements, for what you would like to create in your own personal journeys, with the energies of this meditation tonight. It could have to do with having a stronger connection with your I AM presence and guidance team, with having clearer communications with your family, with your loved ones and friends. Or having clarity in being in the high vibration to make choices.



Whatever it is, Beloveds, send your intentional requirements into this master crystal. And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we require that the truth be made known, that all of the Beloved Beings on this planet rise up in frequency and vibration, preparing themselves for this shift, dynamically in their reality, to let in more Love and Light, to accept the warts of humanity, of how we have been manipulated, and lied to, and cheated, by this cabal, by this third dimensional matrix control system, and that we, all of us as One, are calling forth the power of Love to enfold in each and every Now moment, to disassemble this control system, to remove all of the evil on Mother Gaia, to enable the Light to shine brightly, and be the dominant force, to empower all of us with the Love and Light that we are at the core essence of our being.



And shining these intentional requirements into the master crystal, shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of The Nibiru, and spiraling this energy down, through the layers of the atmospheres. And on to the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, and underneath the surface. And once again into Gaia’s crystalline core, her heart center.



And radiating this Love and Light into the DNA of all living beings on her planet, transmitting these high frequencies of Love and Light, as we call forth the Truth to be made known, as we call forth to remove all mutations, by spiraling the DNA counterclockwise, to remove anything less than Love.



All of the negative programs and negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and trauma, all memories of war, disassociation and disconnection with their true, sovereign nature, all memories of catastrophes, of the last fall of Atlantis, of the fall of Lemuria, and blessing all of the polarities, along the third dimensional timeline.



And allowing the coalescence of the past, present, and future to come in this Now moment, and to concentrate these high frequencies of Love and Light, on blessing this timeline, calling in forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for all that we have experienced on this third dimensional timeline, testing the density of duality, spiritually evolving through tests, and challenges, and hardships.



We call for the disincorporation of this third dimensional control system, this third dimensional matrix, of removing all of the curses and spells, devices, and delivery systems, that have been administered by black magicians, throughout all of the institutions of humanity, that have controlled the money supply, and resources, of the planet, that have been designed by the ego mind programming to keep us in low vibration and frequency.



We are calling forth the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia in each and every now moment, with each and every breath, feeling deep into her heart, inhaling the Light and Love that we are, coming in from the galactic center, from the photon belt, in these high frequencies, these higher light encodements, integrating with them in this Now moment, and radiating this LoveLight into the collective consciousness.



UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. We are calling forth humanity to wake up en masse, to ready themselves for this event, this moment of truth, this near-death experience, which will disassemble and disincorporate this third dimensional matrix, to allow us to feel this Oneness, heart to heart, and soul to soul, in all of its magnanimity, to shine brightly into the hearts and minds of all of the beloved children, to give them hope, to let them understand, that they are loved and supported in each and every Now moment.



UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And for all of you on this call, and who will hear the recording, or read the transcription, we love you ever so much. Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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