Saturday, October 15, 2022

10-12-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am once again with you, so very happy to be here, as you are in this divine inner flow of intensified energy, flowing into your energy fields, into your hearts, spinning your chakras at an accelerated rate; and yes, you can feel the tension of all of these narratives building into a moment, where there is confrontation.


Beloveds, this diametrically opposed dynamic of two narratives coming to loggerheads is now being felt, and it is only a moment or two away, but we give no dates, because all of these energies are on the precipice of this divine change, that is oh so necessary for you to be on this new system, that will allow you to be in the fifth dimension.


It is oh so necessary for you to be in a fifth dimensional society to empower yourselves, to integrate these higher light encodements, whereby you are in a culture, of peace, of allowance, of unity consciousness, of empowering your crystalline grid so that you can overcome barriers of language, of time and space. And you can feel connected to each and every being on your planet, and this will enable you, Beloveds, in this group, as the teachers that you came in to be, that you volunteered for to be here at this time, because of the unique gifts and talents that you present, from all of your experiential knowledge on other planets, and particularly through this timeline on the third dimensional experience of these last 26,000 years.


You are bringing this love and light that you are into the now moment. You have been radiating the love and light into the collective consciousness, as the main integral part of your mission, to empower humanity, to let go of fear, and to rise up into higher levels of cosmic intelligence, so that you will ready yourself for this event of the truth, for the full truth of our disclosure, to reach your awareness in the Now Moment, whereby empowerment of this plan, for full consciousness, and physical embodiment, will take hold, and allow you to move through to the later stages of integrating ascension protocols.

Beloveds, yes, we talk in codes, because it is so very necessary for you to feel the energy of this encoding, to remember who you truly are, and why you are here, and it is to ascend. It is to root out through your empowerment all forces of evil and darkness, that have enslaved humanity, and beloved mother Gaia, for these many thousands of years. You, by being here, by volunteering for this mission, have made the commitment for ascension to take place, for the evil to be expelled from your universe, and for the power of love to once again reign on your beloved planet, and upgrading the level of cosmic intelligence for all of creation, Beloveds. We honor you. We love you so very much.

My Mary’s come into the middle of the circle. They are handing you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your heart center. This expanded range of spectrum of color and sound vibration, that is represented in their touch, in their frequency of vibration. Take it into your heart, as an emblem of our union of oneness together and mission, to create ascension on your beloved beautiful Mother Gaia. Namaste, Beloveds and goodnight.

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