Saturday, October 8, 2022

10-5-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-5-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My dear beloved brothers and sisters; it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, breathe into your hearts, and feel this love that all of us, that all of the mentors are sending you from the ships, not just the Nibiru, but there are so, so very many ships that are observing you each and every moment, as you climb higher in frequency and vibration, and you empower the truth to come out over the manipulations of the mainstream media all throughout your planet.


In every country there is a stream of propaganda, that the institutions of that country utilize to keep the people in tow, to keep them in fear and , telling them, what the easy and safe way is, but that safe way, that safe space is fraught with heinous acts of corruption, of self-destruction, of narcissism, and disillusion of elitism.


Beloveds, it is not the truth. Fear has never been the truth. This has been a schoolhouse for you of these dense vibrations of duality, for each and every one of you to awaken in every incarnation, to bring about the completion of your soul contracts, and in this lifetime you are clearing all of the polarities in your sub and unconsciousness, and all the pain of the memories of past events of trauma from past lifetimes held and stored within your back lattice, and into this present lifetime; whereby, you have been triggered in your sub, and unconscious, and conscious minds to go automatically in fight and flight responses, that disempower you, beloveds, because the way that we are doing this right now is calling forth all of the polarities, all of the pain and the trauma, that has been inflicted upon you, by neutralizing the effects of the negative programs, of the manipulations, of all of the spells, of all of the  darkness perpetrated upon you, and all of humanity, by these control systems of black magic utilized by this programming of this third dimensional matrix. 

We are calling it forth into the middle of your circle, and we are blessing it with unconditional universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude; and we are seeing all of the fear, all of the lies, all of the deceptions, fractalize, and disincorporate; and what remains, beloveds, is the experiential knowledge that you have gained from all of your incarnations in this 26,000 year cycle, of learning your life lessons, of playing through your soul contracts, so that now you are empowering yourself, and integrating these higher light encodements, that are coming in, enabling you to rise up in frequency and vibration, creating the bridge of the fifth dimension, preparing for this event of the truth.


This has been your mission to be radiating this love and light in a high vibration and frequency, and shining it into the collective consciousness, to wake up all the beloveds on your planet, to help them let go of the fear that was holding them down, and now showing them by the truth coming out, that they are free, and helping them to remember why they are here, and who they truly are. UASA, UASA, Already Happened, beloveds. 

You are victorious in the light. We are one, we are in mission with you for the empowerment of humanity, for the acceleration, and completion of your ascension process, beloveds. Namaste and goodnight. And now my beloved twin soul, Sananda will come in.

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