Thursday, March 16, 2023

3-15-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

3-15-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am, once again, thrilled to be on this  call with you all.


Beloveds, whereby you feel that time has sped up, and that there are so many things seen and unseen, that are happening on your Beloved planet. You, at this time, have the ability, because the density of energy has decreased. You, in other words, you are lighter. You are enabled to feel these high frequencies of love and light streaming into your Beloved Planet, from these higher light encodements.


We ask you to take advantage of this Beloved dynamic, to slow things down for yourself, and yes, you can do this by breathing into your high heart center. You can do this by being in nature, by being around rivers and oceans and lakes, and feeling the sunshine on your skin. Allowing yourself to be in high vibration, and to let go in the Now Moment, while all of the old dynamics of this Cabal control system of the Third Dimensional matrix spins out of alignment with humanity, and the new systems are announced and implemented


Yes, there will be much fear and guilt mongering like there always has been, but Beloveds, breathing into your heart allow yourself to relax and slow down, and be in the Now Moment is the pathway to freedom, Beloveds. You want to be able to make choices that are in your highest and best interests, particularly at this time, when many people around you will be absorbed by fear of these events, of the banking system, the old fiat currencies being disabled, and the bankruptcies happening which are all designed to, once again, for humanity to give their power away to this Cabal.


But Beloveds, you who have awakened are the mouthpieces for freedom, truth, and justice, and you see behind the mask, and the devices, of this Cabal to enslave humanity, whereby you know that this Cabal is in desperation mode. They have lost their power. They have been continuously exposed by this community of truther citizen journalists.


This dynamic has sewn a seed in the hearts and minds of all of humanity, all of those who have allowed themselves to be heart-centered and balanced, while this insanity plays out. The truth must be known, and humanity, yes, must be shown. This is what is happening right now, Beloveds.


It is by you continuing to be the shining beacons of love and light, that you have been for many, many years, finding the continuity of your own personal transmissions, enabling yourself to develop a narrative of what you resonate with as the truth, and to put sound to the feelings and thoughts of being in alignment with being heart-centered, Beloveds.


These dynamics empower you, raise the level of consciousness and give you and all of humanity this transmission of the power of love. Beloveds, we are with you every step of the way. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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