Friday, March 31, 2023

3-29-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

3-29-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena.


As you go deeper and deeper into your hearts, and feel the truth of who you are, and why you came into this lifetime. And this power of love that allows you to see clearly in the Now Moment, that this is all an illusion; that the collective consciousness of humanity designed as a schoolhouse for you to learn life lessons, for you to incorporate the different algorithms that allow for this transformation from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension, Beloveds.


You came into this lifetime knowing there was much to do, much to clear; and that what you would be imprinted with would be an inverted reality of lies, and deceptions, and tricks, whereby your reality was so very manipulated by black magicians with their curses and, and all of the devices and delivery systems to control your physicality, and within the four bodies of your being with fear and separation. And that you would have to overcome this disunity, that was perpetrated by these devices of the cabal, to keep you locked down in low vibration and frequency, to keep you in a state of trauma, whereby they utilized the separation of your consciousness in the unconscious and subconscious and conscious chambers of your mind, to keep you on this loop of having to deal with pain and suffering, and lack, and all of these lower vibrations, and it would only be through the power of love, through opening up your high heart center and breathing into it, and allowing yourself to be in the Now Moment, and to feel the love and light that you are, at the core essence of your being, to radiate it out into the collective, to raise the level of the collective consciousness.


You realized that you would be a way shower, but you realized that this was for all of the marbles, Beloveds. Because this had been done once before, and in the future timeline the same pattern started to emerge of enslavement, of lies, and tricks, and black magic. 

You came in ordained by the Councils of Heaven, chosen for your gifts and talents, to set this timeline on its course, to empower Beloved Mother Gaia with ascension into the Fifth Dimension and beyond, of all living beings on her planet. Everyone had the capacity, to be waking up, to knowing that they are able to ascend, and yes, you have many events on the horizon, that will help you complete your missions as a ground crew in being here, Beloveds.


But what you have started with passing the markers for ascension, with being in this First Wave of integrating ascension protocols, cannot be stopped, cannot be undone. This is the divine movie of empowerment of humanity and Mother Gaia, and you are all playing leading roles, Beloveds. We honor you. We love you ever so much. And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

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