Sunday, June 4, 2023

5-31-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

 5-31-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am very happy to be here once again.


Beloveds, you are going through this very pivotal time on your planet when all of the institutions of humanity are falling apart, because the truth is coming out in such an abundance, revealing the corruption in all of those institutions, that humanity can no longer trust in.


The contamination of your food supply is one prime example, and yes, it has been designed by this cabal to cut off your food supply, and alter it in such a way that it becomes so poisoned, that people will die from it. But that is not going to be allowed to happen, Beloveds.


You are supported by us in this mission of ascension, on your Beloved planet. The power of love is so much stronger than all of the black magic, lies, and deceptions that have been thrust, and perpetrated upon you, by these satanic factions of the Cabal.


And in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization, Beloveds. This is playing out, and again and again, we say to you do not allow yourself to go into any fear, any separation in your minds, over the upcoming events, that will transpire, that will enable you to experience the cleansing process of this Event of the Truth.


The truth coming out in this way, with hard disclosure, will enable you to see all of the dynamics that have been used against humanity, to control you, to enslave you in survival patterns, that did not have to be. And with the truth coming out, it enables all of humanity to feel this compassion for the human condition, and to know the power that each of you have, when you come together, in one consciousness with each other, and commit to preserving the integrity of the original United States Constitution, and bringing about the implementation of NESARA, which will be the foundation of your new Fifth Dimensional reality.


But first this Event of the Truth is so very necessary, and Beloveds, it does not have to be overwhelming, as long as you stay centered and grounded, and focused with your breathing, with being heart-centered, with expanding your energy, and knowing that love is inclusive.


It is accepting instead of judging, which is what your 3D matrix negative programming always tells you, to compare, and judge, and separate. It is all based in fear and separation, and for you to see the level of the depth of this negative programming, and all of its tactics and strategies, and dynamics that have enslaved you, is so very liberating for us. And will be a turning point for humanity, that will be talked about for eons, Beloveds.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses. Beloveds, take as many as you like. They represent the oneness we feel with you in the being in mission together, of the victory of the light over this evil on your Beloved planet.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We thank you for all that you do. Namaste and Goodnight. 

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