Saturday, June 10, 2023

6-7-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-7-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again.


Beloveds, breathe into your high heart center, and along with all of us mentors on the ships, feel and be this love and light that you are. Feel your I am presence. Feel the power of love pulse through you centered, in your high heart, and radiate it and shine it forth, Beloveds.


This is what you came in for, to be in this wave of mass ascension. And yes, you volunteered to be here. Some of you came in from the future, and you did not have to be here, but you wanted to be here. You wanted very much to contribute to this process of Mother Gaia reawakening herself to the integrity of being an ascended, Fifth Dimensional planet.


So you knew that it would be a war with the forces of evil on your planet, but you accepted this. Each of you took on a huge amount of polarities and carried it forth from this 26,000 year timeline, that had not been cleared yet. And these were not just your polarities, but all of the polarities accumulated on the timelines that you have incarnated with; Beloveds, whom you have had soul contracts with.


Beloveds, it is in each and every Now Moment, that you have opportunities, to make the choice to raise the level and the frequency of your vibration, and to know deep within your heart centers, that there is no point of failure in your mission, Beloveds.


You have passed the markers for ascension. You are in this first wave of integrating ascension protocols, and this is moving forward with marvelous momentum. It cannot be stopped. The power of love is the strongest force in all of creation, and once the truth comes out, in this event of huge proportions, Beloveds.


Humanity will come together in a way, whereby they will lift themselves up out of this negative programming, and being administered to by the ego mind. You will feel this power of love, this compassion for all that you have been through, and for the enslavement of all of humanity for all of the lies that you have been subjected to, through all of the wars, through the slaughter of so many innocents, through the deceptions of this cabal, of creating a problem, and saying that they were the only ones that could help you to solve it. And all of the time that they have made all of the institutions so very difficult to deal with.


Beloveds, you have been mired down in the low-density vibrations of the Third Dimensional timeline, and this did not have to be. Now, you are winning your freedom back by enabling all of the increments of the truth to come out, to empower this Event of the Truth. Whereby those who will awakened will choose the light, and you will achieve ascension en masse.


This is wonderful for all of us, who have been a part of this mission, who on the other side on the ships have been your mentors, have imparted this information to help you remember who you truly are. You have accepted this truth and taken it and made it your own with your own personal narratives.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and they offer you once again the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your high heart centers. They are a symbol of our oneness in being in mission together, to bring about this monumental shift into the light. We honor you. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.

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