Monday, December 18, 2023

12-13-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-13-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here

tonight with you all.


Beloveds, can you feel it in your hearts, that space & place of understanding, of knowing that this was all meant to be, of you coming together with us in this Now moment, to feel these frequencies & vibrations, as we have been doing for these many years now in empowering this meditation to bring about NESARA. Empowering channelings to instruct you, about expanding your energy field, about being more & more of the love & light that you already are.


But Beloveds, yes, you have been dealing with these very strict, restrictions, and obstructions of this 3-D Matrix negative programming, and by rejecting their control systems, and the lies, tricks, & deceptions that they have perpetrated upon Humanity. You have awakened & empowered yourself with the Truth and now that Truth is spreading all throughout your Beloved Planet. An it is waking up so many Beloveds on your Planet. We would say in an exponential way right now.


Yes, this Event of the Truth will transpire. We can’t tell you exactly when, but each day Beloveds, believe us when we are say you are getting closer & closer. The vibrations & frequencies are so very high they are brilliant, to watch these energy streamers, as this dance goes on in full force to reveal more & more of the Truth. And the dynamic of the Cabal revealing more & more of themselves, by using the same playbook, the same rhetoric that they have always used, because their artificial intelligence tells them that it is the best way to subvert our energy and to enslave us. But Beloveds, they have never dealt with a whole planet awakening, basically at the same time. This is what the Councils of Heaven knew had to happen for us to take down the Cabal, and once again be in the 5th Dimension.


We cannot ascend unless you are formulating the new systems of institutions, government, finance, education, religion etc. And you will see in the coming years that these different institutions basically meld into One. And your Unity Consciousness will give you the power to shine your lovelight into the hearts & minds of anyone all over the Planet. To initiate conversations, there will be none of this false narrative about having to protect yourself, because you will be in the 5th Dimension, where there is little or no polarity, Beloveds.


This is happening right now. Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They once again are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like Beloveds. They are this symbol of us being in mission together, and bringing in more & more of the love & light, to achieve our mission of accelerating Ascension en masse to completion on your Beloved Planet, so that Earth can once again be in the Galactic & Inter-Galactic Federations and expand its horizons all throughout the universe, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste & so long for now.

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