Sunday, December 10, 2023

12-6-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-6-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, yes, we are shining our love & light into your hearts. We feel this love making bridges into the 5th Dimension in the hearts & minds of so many Beloveds, who have awakened at this time. Even though many of them have just recently awakened, that power of love courses through their veins at optimal levels, Beloveds. Because now they understand that all of the tests & challenges, that they have been going through in this incarnation have led them up to this moment of understanding why they are here, and who they really are, and what they are willing to do to bring about the Truth to be made know, and to realizing this Spiritual evolution in the Oneness of all of Humanity evolving at this time.


Beloveds, you have gone through this 26,000 year timeline. Yes, a few of the Starseeds have one or maybe or none lifetimes on Planet Earth, but that is not the majority of you. All of you Beloved Beings on this call have had may lifetimes in this 26,000 year timeline. You have experienced the ups & downs of duality. Yes, you have tasted the diabolical nature of being on the dark side, so that you would know what it is. What the rhetoric is. What the con job is, that these Beloveds have gone for in worshipping these deities of Satan.


You did not go back to that mode of thinking at all. You found your own liberation in understanding the souls that you really are, and the power of this love, that is the very essence of your being. And that enabled you to volunteer at this time in order to push this equation, to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet, by winning back your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting, to enable you to create a new 5th Dimensional Timeline.


And that is what you feel cresting, riding high of these energies that are coming in from the Galactic Center that are enabling you to do. They are making it known that the Truth must be told. From this Truth you feel the power of love resound so rapidly in such high vibration & frequency that you know why you are here. You know what you need to do in this Now moment. You open your heart tup to your I AM Presence & Guidance teams. You are willing to let go of all of the lies & tricks that this Cabal has perpetrated upon you with its 3-D Matrix negative programming.


This is the true liberation into being in your soul energy. Nothing can stop this power, this power of love, that is accessible in your high heart center in every moment to enable you to be in the 5th Dimension. So that you feel all these higher attributes of ease, grace, & harmony, joy etc. And that you have this willingness to go with where you are being guided, in each & every Now moment. And knowing you are One with all of Humanity.


This is about the survival, the spiritual evolution of all of Humanity, and not just yourself, or any group of people, but everyone. Beloveds we love & honor you oh so much. We continuously see the energy streamers on your Planet. It has never been this strong before, the energies on your Beloved Planet rising up in frequency & vibration.


Namaste Beloveds, and now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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