Sunday, January 14, 2024

1-10-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-10-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again.


Beloveds yes, the times that you are in are very exciting. But we are seeing, from our perspective here on the viewing decks of the ships, that they can be very daunting for you, because so much is being asked of you. And you are being tested with all sorts of domestic types of issues at this time, because yes, this Cabal has made money very tight on your beloved Planet. And if you do not have very abundant savings, then you are going further into debt, and you are feeling the pressure of bringing more money in, and all of these things.


But we say to you that this is one of their games to get you into these low vibrations of fear & separation. And you know what is about to transpire, is this QFS, that will be unleashed upon Humanity. In the intentions of what you have created to level the playing field for all of the Beloved Beings on Beloved Mother Gaia, to give all of you an ample income. And to support all of you as you are going through these later stages of integrating the Ascension Protocols. And you have been in this first wave. In this first wave, for sure, it has been very demanding, because you have been pushing for the Truth to come out for about 4 years Now.


Yes, the elections were rigged, the 2020 & 2022 elections. That con game can no longer be allowed to exist. So you are going to see a resolution of this in some way, shape, or form, before you have the next election, and do not be too attached to thinking that the election on November 4th is going to happen. It may come quite a bit later. But it will be an honest election. And that is what really matters, isn’t it, Beloveds?


Yes, the Truth is coming out, and when you have the son of a sitting President, thumbing his nose at Republicans in the impeachment proceedings. This creates quite a stir, in not only the representatives of the House, but in people all over the United States. Because yes, they start to think, that yes, nobody is above the law. And really this is what our legal system is based upon, isn’t it? If it isn’t, than we are just another Communist Country with dictators & all of that, and that is the least desirable experience for any of us.


So, you have this state of reckoning, & it is playing out right now. Because there is such a marked difference, when you have people in the House of Representatives calling forth the Truth to be made known, and calling forth accountability. Because yes, they have done the extensive research. They have  obtained all of the bank records, all of the information on the LLC’s, that played the money laundering plan to the clan of Biden. They are continuing to play out that charade. And when we say “they” we mean all of the people, who are getting paid off by the Cabal. Whether it be the Main Stream Media, whether it be Democrats or RINOS’s, there is just a small percentage that are going to stick up for We The People. And for us to be behind them, and send them love & light is truly optimal at this time, Beloveds.


Because yes, some of them will be having second thoughts, that they jumped off of the deep end of the ocean, and that there is no coming back up for air. But that is not True. Beloveds, don’t go for the fear. Go for the power of love. Go for initiating the power of love within the context of your thoughts, words, & actions. Going for what you resonate with as the Truth, and developing your own personal narrative based on the Truth.


This narrative of yours becomes the illustration of your Ascension Process. Of your transmission into the realm of completing the Ascension Process, by activating all of your chakras, your high heart center, to allow you to rise up in frequency & vibration into the 5th Dimension & beyond. And yes, at this time you can be in the 5th Dimension anytime you like. And when you are there we ask you to make your intentional requirements for bringing about the awakening of all of Humanity. And for all of the Truth to be revealed, during this hard disclosure Event of the Truth. That calls forth in each & every Now moment, so that you can transpire magic on your Beloved Planet. Because the Truth, Beloveds, has a way of calling people together in their hearts, and enabling this higher attribute of compassion, to enable Humanity to be in the 5th Dimension. And that is where all of your fortunes lie, Beloveds.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call. And sending the energy around from the left to the right. Allowing ourselves to feel this Oneness in the Now moment. Letting go with our breathing, and now combining our fields of energy into One.


Spiraling, from the center above, to the center below clockwise. And we are calling in the Rays of energy. The Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and all of his legions of Angels, using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and her Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


And now we are spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below, down through your high heart center, down through the soles of your feet, down through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And here we are calling her in. Feeling her love & light, shining our love & light into her heart, feeling her wisdom, her compassion, and her commitment to all of the living beings on her Planet to Ascend. This has taken remarkable courage on her part, and patience, and understanding, and we love her so much, for all she is, all she does to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


We are feeling her love, and we are rising right on up to the surface, through our center below, through the soles of our feet, into our high heart center. And spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. We are rising on up off of the surface of the Planet.


It is with the power and the speed of our thoughts, that we are rapidly rising through these many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon the periphery of your Solar System, where there are multitudes of ships. I’m honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru.


I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. Now it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way to an open elevator.


All of us are getting in. I am closing the door, & pushing a button to take us straight on up to the top floor. We are breathing into our hearts, and feeling these energies of the Nibiru, transmit into our high heart center, feeling this Oneness with all of the Beloved Beings on this ship. We are in a celebratory mode, feeling ourselves rising ever so rapidly through the many floors. Now coming to a gentle stop.


I am pushing a button to open the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings, from other ships, and other Planets, all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors & perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Now all of us are making our way through the crowd into the middle of this room. Now circling around the Master Crystal that sets on the Altar. We are forming our circle, as we do this, the Mentors form a circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We our sending our energy through our circle, into the Mentor’s circle, into the outer circles.


Now we are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. We are absorbing the consciousness of all of the crystals in this room, of all of the dimensions of reality being represented all over the Cosmos, and also the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings either onsite, or bilocating to us, from all over. We are feeling all of these higher dimensional, higher aspects of their being. We are feeling this Oneness of our hearts being joined together. All of us in mission to accelerate Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia, and upgrade planets all over the universe, as these spiritual upgrades take root. And transmit all throughout the universe.


And now Beloveds, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create on your own personal journeys, with the energies of this meditation tonight. It could be that you want more prosperity & abundance in your life. It could be that you want to feel in the 5th Dimension all of the time. And that you are connected with your I AM Presence & Guidance Team. And know exactly what to do, & when to do it. And to have this feeling of joy resound in your heart every second of the day. Beloveds, this is doable. Now shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight. We require that all of these scenarios play out about the Truth being made known, about the lists of the flight logs being revealed. And those Beloved Beings to be investigated for their actions. Maybe it will come out that this was a plan of the White Hats all along, to criminalize all of these high profile figures as pedophiles.


Beloveds, the Truth needs to be made known, so that never again will any race of Humanity allow these heinous practices to be the cornerstone of the race that has inhabited their Planet, and taken it over, and enslaving them with these ritualistic practices, born out of ignorance, lies, & deceptions, and fear & separation.


Now is the time of reckoning, Beloveds. And we are shining our love & light into the collective consciousness of Humanity, by shining our love & light to propel our intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip. Up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and descending down through the many layers of atmospheres.


Clockwise, we are spiraling, coming upon your Beloved Planet. Encircling your Planet with these high frequencies of love & light. With these intentional requirements for all of Humanity to awaken, to feel this Oneness, this joy, all of these higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension, of completely jettisoning all of the negative programming, that is fear & separation based programming.


And allowing ourselves to feel this Oneness in each & every one of our hearts. We require that all of Humanity come together in this Now moment of reckoning. And know deep within their being, that what their guidance teams, and I AM Presence, are telling them is true. That this is a point of separation, that will determine the legacy of Humanity. That will bring about this Great Shift into the Light in a way that it will universally prosper, & grow, & create these new societies born out of unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude. Because Beloveds, these energies really reflect the essence of your Human condition of being incarnated in Humanity on this Beloved Planet


Beloveds, you have taken on this great mission of bringing about this Universal Ascension on your Beloved Planet. But as you are doing this, you are feeling more & more of the joy of the high frequencies of love & light. You are feeling this power of love being unleashed. And when it is, is feels as a magnet, for all of Humanity to come together, to open their hearts, to speak their Truth, to express the depth of their love. And to balance all of the 4 bodies of their being with their own personal narrative, based on the Truth.


You see, Beloveds, you have the range of emotional ability to empower yourself, and all of Humanity at this time, by speaking the Truth, by being the Truth, and by initiating from this place of unconditional/universal love. Love is inclusive, Beloveds. And now is the time for all of Humanity to come together, to just fractalize & disincorporate all of the 3-D Matrix negative programming, to let it vanish, as spiraling it out, from underneath the surface, onto the surface, through all of the institutions of Humanity, creating this vortex, counter clockwise. Spiraling it off into the many layers of atmospheres, off into the ethers, so that none of these lies & tricks can diffuse Humanity any longer.


Now we are seeing all of these miscreants, all of the Royal Banking Families, the Satanic overlords, the black magicians, the CEO’s, the heads of state, the icons of industry. All of them being indicted, all over the Beloved Planet, for their crimes against Humanity and/or for Treason. And being taken off to military tribunals all over your Planet, where they are sentenced, and these sentences are carried out, and then they are taken off of your Beloved Planet, and because of this. Because of the victory of the light over evil. Humanity will become extra vigilant in preserving & maintaining the integrity of this 5th Dimensional Timeline. So that you will utilize the advanced technology of the quantum computer, to create a quantum voting system, whereby everybody on your Planet will have a vote, to create laws, to enact them, to enforce them. And to recognize when anything, whenever & wherever it is. That is born out of tricks, lies, & deceptions, low vibration & frequency pops up whenever & wherever it does, it will be cast out of your reality, off into the ethers to be transmuted.


Beloveds, we are at these crossroads, and we feel the love in your hearts, blossoming forth at this time. Because now you are seeing that this power of love is so transformative, so powerful, so accessible to each & every one of you. And that all of your conditioning was basically was based in lies to keep you small, to keep you easy to control. And to keep you in low frequency & vibration. Because you were placed in conditions with this negative programming to think that everything was so overwhelming, that you were hopeless & helpless, and nothing could have been further from the Truth.


It is just a matter of thinking in terms of universal Laws, And activating your original Adam Kadmon blueprint. And this is what is also on the docket for transpiring, during these phases of integrating Ascension Protocols, Beloveds. We are continuously One with you.


Now we are calling in the children into the middle of our circle. We are shining our love & light into each & every one of their hearts. We are honoring them for all that they have taken on in being here, at this time of great transformation on your Beloved Planet. We are raising them up in frequency & vibration, and telling them, that yes, your time is upon you to shine. We love you every so much. We honor you for all you are doing, to propagate & procreate Humanity into the 5th Dimension and beyond. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.  


Beloveds on this call we love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite. And Now Maria Magdalena will come in.

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