Monday, January 22, 2024

1-17-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

1-17-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call once again.


Beloveds yes, the light of love is shining brightly, all throughout the hearts & minds of all of Humanity at this time, because all of you can feel, that changes need to be made, & they are being made.


And that what you are going to receive in the offing is this new system of government, of finance, with all of the institutions of Humanity being revamped, and in the bargain these wars will be exposed for the treachery of this Cabal in lying to Humanity, for the reasons that war needs to be, and all of the false flag events that have engendered these wars, over & over again, through many thousands of years, on your Beloved Planet, on your past timeline of this past 26,000 years. Where duality crept in, and your DNA was mutated in such catastrophic proportions, that you only had 2 strands of your DNA available, for information about who you are, and empowering yourself with the Truth of the love & light that you are at the core essence of your being. Now you are winning back these layers of understanding. Raising the level of the consciousness of Humanity exponentially at this time, so that you may empower yourself with the Truth of the light of love. So that you may shine relentlessly into the hearts & minds of the collective consciousness of all of Humanity.


Calling forth the Truth to be made known. Calling forth the transmission of your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting, because this is what these new children have started; this awe inspiring miracle of the activation of your DNA. This is oh so necessary, Beloveds, for you to Ascend. Because you need to be able to use the Truth of who you really are, and this is what this Event of the Truth is all about. Empowering Humanity to see & know in no uncertain terms how you gave your power away to these shysters, who created catastrophes, & said that they were the only ones to have the answer for you to survive these catastrophes. Well Beloveds that form of evil, is unspeakable, as we see it.


And after you have this Event of the Truth you will know all of the different reasons of why you have been enslaved, for these thousands upon thousands of years. But you will awaken in the light of love at ever greater proportions than you have before. This element of compassion will unify the hearts & minds of all of Humanity in such a dynamic way. That there is no turning back to the same old, same old, routines that you had in your lifetime.


This is the time that you have been waiting for. Whether you are in your 30’s, or 50’s, 70’s, or 80’s, or what have you, Beloveds. This is why you are here. This moment in time etched upon Humanity in such a way where you will fight through those barriers & obstructions to bring about this total transformation into the light. We are with you every step of the way, Beloveds. Namaste, and so long for now. And now my twin soul Sananda is going to come in.

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