Sunday, February 18, 2024

2-14-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-14-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I’m so happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, we are shining our love & light into your heart, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, to lift you up in frequency & vibration. You are dealing with so much at this time, & it appears to be that time is speeding up exponentially right now. Still, it is just part of the process, Beloveds, to take you to this jumping-off point, where this event of the Truth will enable you to see what has been going on throughout the history of Humanity. And to see how you have been manipulated by these energies of the Cabal, even before this 26,000-year timeline came in, and in the mid-point of playing out this timeline you were dealing with the Great Fall Of Atlantis and the re-structuring of the land masses on your Planet, and the separation of some of the other beings who ascended and went underneath the surface to form new societies there. And you will be rejoined with them one day, just as you will be rejoined with us in a great reunion.


Beloveds, at this time the fear-mongering, the tumult, the energies of this Cabal in their desperation are intensifying. Still, also you feel the level of the frequency & the vibration in the collective consciousness of Humanity is rising up in recognition of what time it is. Because this is the time that you have come in for, Beloveds. Where the records can be set straight for the beginning of your new 5th Dimensional timeline to carry you forth into this oncoming Golden Age, whereby you will maintain your sovereignty, that is yours, and the integrity of your 5th Dimensional Timeline.


This is why you are here. This is why you volunteered to be here and go through these many heavy lessons of rising up in frequency & vibration, and dealing with this Cabal, who are all devotees in Satanic Cults that propagate death, fear, destruction, and all forms of evil & separation. But Beloveds, they have been conned into thinking that their way is more powerful than the Truth of who you really are. And you are showing them right now that there is no way that Humanity, when they are united when you are empowering the Truth, when you are shining your love & light continuously in each & every Now moment to rise up in frequency & vibration, that you are unleashing the power of love, which is the strongest force in all of Creation. And there is no way that you can be defeated.


Well as you know Beloveds, this has taken all of your courage to be here now, to make the choices that have enabled you to make the choices that have enabled you to be healthy despite the attacks on your body, on your immune system, on your sovereignty with this 3-D Matrix mind control programming. But Beloveds, you have been doing the work. You have acquired all these tools that make you strong, enabling you to step into your knowingness & beingness of who you really are. And we are with you, supporting you, shining our love & light into your high heart center continuously.


We love you ever so much. Beloveds, all you have to do is call us in, and we will be in meditation with you. Namaste Beloveds and Goodnite. And Now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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