Sunday, February 11, 2024

2-7-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-7-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be here with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, we are seeing this shift in consciousness on your Beloved Planet to such a great degree that when one person who is running for the Senate in the United States is bribed. She was told that she could name her number and that this Cabal would give it to her. And she said no. She said I know they want me not to run, but I am not giving up. I am for the people, and I am for our country. We are not going to lose our country to this Cabal.


Well Beloveds, how many times do you think someone has stood up to this Cabal and said these very words? And we think not too many times, but Now it is happening. Because people have this awareness of where you are on the timeline, and that Humanity could lose all of its freedom in a heartbeat, and lose all of these inalienable rights that you thought you always had and were protected under the Constitution.


But now you are seeing on your Beloved Planet that the Constitution is only as powerful as the will of the people to support & defend it. You have had so many people who have reneged on the oath that they took to support & defend the Constitution. But that is Now shifting to where the people of integrity are running for office, and they are espousing the Truth unabashedly.


And yes, they are being threatened. Their families are being threatened with their lives, but this is not going to stop them because this shift in the majority of Humanity demanding the Truth will not stop. People are awakening each & every day. These people are putting together, connecting up the dots, and seeing all of the heinous corruption all around them. Now is the time to take this stand. Now is the time to spread the Truth, to express it from their high heart centers to the whole, to raise the level of the frequency & vibration of the collective consciousness, continuously, and to empower the momentum for this shift into the light. And to take back your Beloved Planet. And ridding this Planet of this 3-D Matrix mind control system.


Beloveds we are with you. All of the plans for NESARA are in place. Yes, it just takes these one or two earth-shattering events, where the Truth is revealed in such a harmonious way throughout your Beloved Planet, where the people instinctively and intuitively know it is the Truth. And that this is what you have all been waiting for, for this shift into the light, for these Events to transpire, whereby the evil of this Cabal is spotlighted, is made to be so transparent of what they have done. And how they have done it, and how they have enslaved Humanity. This Event of the Truth is so very necessary to show all of Humanity what transpired during this past timeline, even before the 26,000 year timeline. There were many different twists & turns that set up this 26,000 year timeline, whereby your DNA was mutated, and you lost your ability to be who you really are and to remember who you really are.


But Beloveds, this is what you have been working so diligently for. This Event of the Truth will be a major spiritual upgrade that will empower Humanity in the Truth of the love & light that your species is, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. We are with you every step of the way. And now my Beloved Sananda is going to come in. Namaste Beloveds and Goodnite.

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