Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2-28-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here on this call with you tonight.


Beloveds, let us breathe into our high heart centers in this Now moment, raising the level and the frequency of your vibration. Feeling this Oneness within ourselves, and radiating this love & light out to all of Humanity on your Beloved Planet. Feeling this joy, this understanding, this clarity, this focus on bringing in more & more of this love & light. And with your intentional requirements calling forth the Truth to be made known so that all of the Beloveds of Humanity feel this freedom, to stand up and to demand that those who have perpetrated these crimes against Humanity be held accountable.


This is the turning point. This is the saturation point, Beloveds, that you have been working for so many years now. It is here. So we ask for your focus each & every day for you to be the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, whereby you focus in each & every Now moment in being in the highest frequencies of love & light and truly enjoying each & every now moment for what it tends to bring about, with the revelations of this Event of the Truth and to bring about the implementation of NESARA, which will enable you to be in a 5th Dimensional Reality like never before on your Planet. Now with all of the experiential knowledge that you have gained and the advanced technologies that you know are here. Now is the time for all of Humanity to spread their wings to take flight, beloveds. Yes, it won’t happen all at once, but this is going to enable you to rise up into those high frequencies to make Ascension your reality, Beloveds.


Then you are filled with these creative-intuitive impulses to design the societies on your Planet in such a way they reflect your true divine sovereign nature, and they expand your energy fields so that all of your latent gifts & talents awaken, and that you will never want for anything again, Beloveds. Because you are creating your reality in each & every Now moment.


You are eternal, divine beings of the Godhead. You are infinite energy, Beloveds. My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara Roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts. They are a symbol of our being in mission together with you being the ground crew to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet, to bring about this total transformation of unleashing the power of love, to bring about this New Reality where all of Humanity is cherished & and loved. And there is respect for all living beings on your Planet and you exponentially rise in frequency & vibration as all of these revelations are made known, and all these different systems of empowering yourself of unlocking & unleashing the gifts & talents that you have worked on in the Golden Ages of Lemuria & Atlantis, that they become your Now reality, Beloveds.


This is happening. We are with you every step of the way. Namaste Beloveds & Goodnite.

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